import KeychainServiceDriverBase from './KeychainServiceDriverBase'; const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting'); const BaseService = require('lib/services/BaseService'); export default class KeychainService extends BaseService { private driver:KeychainServiceDriverBase; private static instance_:KeychainService; static instance():KeychainService { if (!this.instance_) this.instance_ = new KeychainService(); return this.instance_; } initialize(driver:KeychainServiceDriverBase) { if (!driver.appId || !driver.clientId) throw new Error('appId and clientId must be set on the KeychainServiceDriver'); this.driver = driver; } async setPassword(name:string, password:string):Promise { // Due to a bug in macOS, this may throw an exception "The user name or passphrase you entered is not correct." // The fix is to open Keychain Right-click on the login keychain and try locking it and then unlocking it again. // return this.driver.setPassword(name, password); } async password(name:string):Promise { return this.driver.password(name); } async deletePassword(name:string):Promise { await this.driver.deletePassword(name); } async detectIfKeychainSupported() { this.logger().info('KeychainService: checking if keychain supported'); if (Setting.value('keychain.supported') >= 0) { this.logger().info('KeychainService: check was already done - skipping. Supported:', Setting.value('keychain.supported')); return; } const passwordIsSet = await this.setPassword('zz_testingkeychain', 'mytest'); if (!passwordIsSet) { this.logger().info('KeychainService: could not set test password - keychain support will be disabled'); Setting.setValue('keychain.supported', 0); } else { const result = await this.password('zz_testingkeychain'); await this.deletePassword('zz_testingkeychain'); this.logger().info('KeychainService: tried to set and get password. Result was:', result); Setting.setValue('keychain.supported', result === 'mytest' ? 1 : 0); } } }