const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting').default; const { Platform } = require('react-native'); const { themeById } = require('lib/theme'); const baseStyle = { appearance: 'light', fontSize: 16, noteViewerFontSize: 16, margin: 15, // No text and no interactive component should be within this margin itemMarginTop: 10, itemMarginBottom: 10, fontSizeSmaller: 14, disabledOpacity: 0.2, lineHeight: '1.6em', }; const themeCache_ = {}; function addExtraStyles(style) { style.marginRight = style.margin; style.marginLeft = style.margin; style.marginTop = style.margin; style.marginBottom = style.margin; style.icon = { color: style.color, fontSize: 30, }; style.lineInput = { color: style.color, backgroundColor: style.backgroundColor, borderBottomWidth: 1, borderColor: style.dividerColor, paddingBottom: 0, }; if (Platform.OS === 'ios') { delete style.lineInput.borderBottomWidth; delete style.lineInput.borderColor; } style.buttonRow = { flexDirection: 'row', borderTopWidth: 1, borderTopColor: style.dividerColor, paddingTop: 10, }; style.normalText = { color: style.color, fontSize: style.fontSize, }; style.urlText = { color: style.urlColor, fontSize: style.fontSize, }; style.headerStyle = { color: style.color, fontSize: style.fontSize * 1.2, fontWeight: 'bold', }; style.headerWrapperStyle = { backgroundColor: style.headerBackgroundColor, }; style.keyboardAppearance = style.appearance; return style; } function editorFont(fontId) { // IMPORTANT: The font mapping must match the one in Setting.js const fonts = { [Setting.FONT_DEFAULT]: null, [Setting.FONT_MENLO]: 'Menlo', [Setting.FONT_COURIER_NEW]: 'Courier New', [Setting.FONT_AVENIR]: 'Avenir', [Setting.FONT_MONOSPACE]: 'monospace', }; if (!fontId) { console.warn('Editor font not set! Falling back to default font."'); fontId = Setting.FONT_DEFAULT; } return fonts[fontId]; } function themeStyle(theme) { if (!theme) { console.warn('Theme not set! Defaulting to Light theme.'); theme = Setting.THEME_LIGHT; } const cacheKey = [theme].join('-'); if (themeCache_[cacheKey]) return themeCache_[cacheKey]; const output = Object.assign({}, baseStyle, themeById(theme)); themeCache_[cacheKey] = addExtraStyles(output); return themeCache_[cacheKey]; } module.exports = { themeStyle, editorFont };