import { rtrimSlashes } from '../../path-utils'; import shim from '../../shim'; import { CurrentProfileVersion, defaultProfile, defaultProfileConfig, DefaultProfileId, Profile, ProfileConfig } from './types'; import { customAlphabet } from 'nanoid/non-secure'; import { _ } from '../../locale'; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied export const migrateProfileConfig = (profileConfig: any, toVersion: number): ProfileConfig => { let version = 2; while (profileConfig.version < toVersion) { if (profileConfig.version === 1) { for (const profile of profileConfig.profiles) { if (profile.path === '.') { = DefaultProfileId; } else { = profile.path.split('-').pop(); } delete profile.path; } const currentProfile = profileConfig.profiles[profileConfig.currentProfile]; profileConfig.currentProfileId =; delete profileConfig.currentProfile; } profileConfig.version = version; version++; } return profileConfig; }; export const loadProfileConfig = async (profileConfigPath: string): Promise<ProfileConfig> => { if (!(await shim.fsDriver().exists(profileConfigPath))) { return defaultProfileConfig(); } try { const configContent = await shim.fsDriver().readFile(profileConfigPath, 'utf8'); let parsed = JSON.parse(configContent) as ProfileConfig; if (!parsed.profiles || !parsed.profiles.length) throw new Error(`Profile config should contain at least one profile: ${profileConfigPath}`); parsed = migrateProfileConfig(parsed, CurrentProfileVersion); const output: ProfileConfig = { ...defaultProfileConfig(), ...parsed, }; for (let i = 0; i < output.profiles.length; i++) { output.profiles[i] = { ...defaultProfile(), ...output.profiles[i], }; } if (!output.profiles.find(p => === output.currentProfileId)) throw new Error(`Current profile ID is invalid: ${output.currentProfileId}`); return output; } catch (error) { error.message = `Could not parse profile configuration: ${profileConfigPath}: ${error.message}`; throw error; } }; export const saveProfileConfig = async (profileConfigPath: string, config: ProfileConfig) => { await shim.fsDriver().writeFile(profileConfigPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, '\t'), 'utf8'); }; export const getCurrentProfile = (config: ProfileConfig): Profile => { return config.profiles.find(p => === config.currentProfileId); }; export const getProfileFullPath = (profile: Profile, rootProfilePath: string): string => { const folderName = === DefaultProfileId ? '' : `/profile-${}`; return `${rtrimSlashes(rootProfilePath)}${folderName}`; }; export const isSubProfile = (profile: Profile): boolean => { return !== DefaultProfileId; }; const profileIdGenerator = customAlphabet('0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 8); export const createNewProfile = (config: ProfileConfig, profileName: string) => { const newConfig: ProfileConfig = { ...config, profiles: config.profiles.slice(), }; const newProfile: Profile = { name: profileName, id: profileIdGenerator(), }; newConfig.profiles.push(newProfile); return { newConfig: newConfig, newProfile: newProfile, }; }; export const deleteProfileById = (config: ProfileConfig, profileId: string): ProfileConfig => { if (profileId === DefaultProfileId) throw new Error(_('The default profile cannot be deleted')); if (profileId === config.currentProfileId) throw new Error(_('The active profile cannot be deleted. Switch to a different profile and try again.')); const newProfiles = config.profiles.filter(p => !== profileId); return { ...config, profiles: newProfiles, }; }; export const profileIdByIndex = (config: ProfileConfig, index: number): string => { return config.profiles[index].id; };