import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import KeymapService, { KeymapItem } from '@joplin/lib/services/KeymapService'; import getLabel from './getLabel'; const keymapService = KeymapService.instance(); // This custom hook provides a synchronized snapshot of the keymap residing at KeymapService // All the logic regarding altering and interacting with the keymap is isolated from the components function allKeymapItems() { const output = keymapService.getKeymapItems().slice(); output.sort((a: KeymapItem, b: KeymapItem) => { return getLabel(a.command).toLocaleLowerCase() < getLabel(b.command).toLocaleLowerCase() ? -1 : +1; }); return output; } const useKeymap = (): [ KeymapItem[], Error, (keymapItems: KeymapItem[])=> void, (commandName: string, accelerator: string)=> void, (commandName: string)=> void, ] => { const [keymapItems, setKeymapItems] = useState(() => allKeymapItems()); const [keymapError, setKeymapError] = useState(null); const [mustSave, setMustSave] = useState(false); const setAccelerator = (commandName: string, accelerator: string) => { setKeymapItems(prevKeymap => { const newKeymap = [...prevKeymap]; newKeymap.find(item => item.command === commandName).accelerator = accelerator || null /* Disabled */; return newKeymap; }); setMustSave(true); }; const resetAccelerator = (commandName: string) => { const defaultAccelerator = keymapService.getDefaultAccelerator(commandName); setKeymapItems(prevKeymap => { const newKeymap = [...prevKeymap]; newKeymap.find(item => item.command === commandName).accelerator = defaultAccelerator; return newKeymap; }); setMustSave(true); }; const overrideKeymapItems = (customKeymapItems: KeymapItem[]) => { const oldKeymapItems = [...customKeymapItems]; keymapService.resetKeymap(); // Start with a fresh keymap try { // First, try to update the in-memory keymap of KeymapService // This function will throw if there are any issues with the new custom keymap keymapService.overrideKeymap(customKeymapItems); // Then, update the state with the data from KeymapService // Side-effect: Changes will also be saved to the disk setKeymapItems(keymapService.getKeymapItems()); } catch (error) { // oldKeymapItems includes even the unchanged keymap items // However, it is not an issue because the logic accounts for such scenarios keymapService.overrideKeymap(oldKeymapItems); throw error; } }; useEffect(() => { if (!mustSave) return; setMustSave(false); async function saveKeymap() { try { keymapService.overrideKeymap(keymapItems); await keymapService.saveCustomKeymap(); setKeymapError(null); } catch (error) { error.message = `Could not save file: ${error.message}`; setKeymapError(error); } } void saveKeymap(); }, [keymapItems, mustSave]); return [keymapItems, keymapError, overrideKeymapItems, setAccelerator, resetAccelerator]; }; export default useKeymap;