mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2025-03-20 20:55:18 +02:00

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import FsDriverBase from '@joplin/lib/fs-driver-base';
const RNFetchBlob = require('rn-fetch-blob').default;
const RNFS = require('react-native-fs');
export default class FsDriverRN extends FsDriverBase {
public appendFileSync() {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
// Encoding can be either "utf8" or "base64"
public appendFile(path: string, content: any, encoding = 'base64') {
return RNFS.appendFile(path, content, encoding);
// Encoding can be either "utf8" or "base64"
public writeFile(path: string, content: any, encoding = 'base64') {
// We need to use rn-fetch-blob here due to this bug:
// https://github.com/itinance/react-native-fs/issues/700
return RNFetchBlob.fs.writeFile(path, content, encoding);
// same as rm -rf
public async remove(path: string) {
return await this.unlink(path);
// Returns a format compatible with Node.js format
private rnfsStatToStd_(stat: any, path: string) {
return {
birthtime: stat.ctime ? stat.ctime : stat.mtime, // Confusingly, "ctime" normally means "change time" but here it's used as "creation time". Also sometimes it is null
mtime: stat.mtime,
isDirectory: () => stat.isDirectory(),
path: path,
size: stat.size,
public async readDirStats(path: string, options: any = null) {
if (!options) options = {};
if (!('recursive' in options)) options.recursive = false;
let items = [];
try {
items = await RNFS.readDir(path);
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`Could not read directory: ${path}: ${error.message}`);
let output: any[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
const item = items[i];
const relativePath = item.path.substr(path.length + 1);
output.push(this.rnfsStatToStd_(item, relativePath));
output = await this.readDirStatsHandleRecursion_(path, item, output, options);
return output;
public async move(source: string, dest: string) {
return RNFS.moveFile(source, dest);
public async exists(path: string) {
return RNFS.exists(path);
public async mkdir(path: string) {
return RNFS.mkdir(path);
public async stat(path: string) {
try {
const r = await RNFS.stat(path);
return this.rnfsStatToStd_(r, path);
} catch (error) {
if (error && ((error.message && error.message.indexOf('exist') >= 0) || error.code === 'ENOENT')) {
// Probably { [Error: File does not exist] framesToPop: 1, code: 'EUNSPECIFIED' }
// which unfortunately does not have a proper error code. Can be ignored.
return null;
} else {
throw error;
// NOTE: DOES NOT WORK - no error is thrown and the function is called with the right
// arguments but the function returns `false` and the timestamp is not set.
// Current setTimestamp is not really used so keep it that way, but careful if it
// becomes needed.
public async setTimestamp() {
// return RNFS.touch(path, timestampDate, timestampDate);
public async open(path: string, mode: number) {
// Note: RNFS.read() doesn't provide any way to know if the end of file has been reached.
// So instead we stat the file here and use stat.size to manually check for end of file.
// Bug: https://github.com/itinance/react-native-fs/issues/342
const stat = await this.stat(path);
return {
path: path,
offset: 0,
mode: mode,
stat: stat,
public close(): Promise<void> {
// Nothing
return null;
public readFile(path: string, encoding = 'utf8') {
if (encoding === 'Buffer') throw new Error('Raw buffer output not supported for FsDriverRN.readFile');
return RNFS.readFile(path, encoding);
// Always overwrite destination
public async copy(source: string, dest: string) {
let retry = false;
try {
await RNFS.copyFile(source, dest);
} catch (error) {
// On iOS it will throw an error if the file already exist
retry = true;
await this.unlink(dest);
if (retry) await RNFS.copyFile(source, dest);
public async unlink(path: string) {
try {
await RNFS.unlink(path);
} catch (error) {
if (error && ((error.message && error.message.indexOf('exist') >= 0) || error.code === 'ENOENT')) {
// Probably { [Error: File does not exist] framesToPop: 1, code: 'EUNSPECIFIED' }
// which unfortunately does not have a proper error code. Can be ignored.
} else {
throw error;
public async readFileChunk(handle: any, length: number, encoding = 'base64') {
if (handle.offset + length > handle.stat.size) {
length = handle.stat.size - handle.offset;
if (!length) return null;
const output = await RNFS.read(handle.path, length, handle.offset, encoding);
// eslint-disable-next-line require-atomic-updates
handle.offset += length;
return output ? output : null;
public resolve(path: string) {
throw new Error(`Not implemented: resolve(): ${path}`);
public resolveRelativePathWithinDir(_baseDir: string, relativePath: string) {
throw new Error(`Not implemented: resolveRelativePathWithinDir(): ${relativePath}`);
public async md5File(path: string): Promise<string> {
throw new Error(`Not implemented: md5File(): ${path}`);