mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2025-03-17 20:48:11 +02:00
2020-11-05 16:58:23 +00:00

474 lines
13 KiB

import Tokenizer from "./Tokenizer";
import { EventEmitter } from "events";
const formTags = new Set([
const pTag = new Set(["p"]);
const openImpliesClose = {
tr: new Set(["tr", "th", "td"]),
th: new Set(["th"]),
td: new Set(["thead", "th", "td"]),
body: new Set(["head", "link", "script"]),
li: new Set(["li"]),
p: pTag,
h1: pTag,
h2: pTag,
h3: pTag,
h4: pTag,
h5: pTag,
h6: pTag,
select: formTags,
input: formTags,
output: formTags,
button: formTags,
datalist: formTags,
textarea: formTags,
option: new Set(["option"]),
optgroup: new Set(["optgroup", "option"]),
dd: new Set(["dt", "dd"]),
dt: new Set(["dt", "dd"]),
address: pTag,
article: pTag,
aside: pTag,
blockquote: pTag,
details: pTag,
div: pTag,
dl: pTag,
fieldset: pTag,
figcaption: pTag,
figure: pTag,
footer: pTag,
form: pTag,
header: pTag,
hr: pTag,
main: pTag,
nav: pTag,
ol: pTag,
pre: pTag,
section: pTag,
table: pTag,
ul: pTag,
rt: new Set(["rt", "rp"]),
rp: new Set(["rt", "rp"]),
tbody: new Set(["thead", "tbody"]),
tfoot: new Set(["thead", "tbody"])
const voidElements = new Set([
const foreignContextElements = new Set(["math", "svg"]);
const htmlIntegrationElements = new Set([
export interface ParserOptions {
* Indicates whether special tags (<script> and <style>) should get special treatment
* and if "empty" tags (eg. <br>) can have children. If `false`, the content of special tags
* will be text only. For feeds and other XML content (documents that don't consist of HTML),
* set this to `true`. Default: `false`.
xmlMode?: boolean;
* If set to true, entities within the document will be decoded. Defaults to `false`.
decodeEntities?: boolean;
* If set to true, all tags will be lowercased. If xmlMode is disabled, this defaults to `true`.
lowerCaseTags?: boolean;
* If set to `true`, all attribute names will be lowercased. This has noticeable impact on speed, so it defaults to `false`.
lowerCaseAttributeNames?: boolean;
* If set to true, CDATA sections will be recognized as text even if the xmlMode option is not enabled.
* NOTE: If xmlMode is set to `true` then CDATA sections will always be recognized as text.
recognizeCDATA?: boolean;
* If set to `true`, self-closing tags will trigger the onclosetag event even if xmlMode is not set to `true`.
* NOTE: If xmlMode is set to `true` then self-closing tags will always be recognized.
recognizeSelfClosing?: boolean;
* Allows the default tokenizer to be overwritten.
Tokenizer?: typeof Tokenizer;
export interface Handler {
onparserinit(parser: Parser): void;
* Resets the handler back to starting state
onreset(): void;
* Signals the handler that parsing is done
onend(): void;
onerror(error: Error): void;
onclosetag(name: string): void;
onopentagname(name: string): void;
onattribute(name: string, value: string): void;
onopentag(name: string, attribs: { [s: string]: string }): void;
ontext(data: string): void;
oncomment(data: string): void;
oncdatastart(): void;
oncdataend(): void;
oncommentend(): void;
onprocessinginstruction(name: string, data: string): void;
const reNameEnd = /\s|\//;
export class Parser extends EventEmitter {
_tagname = "";
_attribname = "";
_attribvalue = "";
_attribs: null | { [key: string]: string } = null;
_stack: string[] = [];
_foreignContext: boolean[] = [];
startIndex = 0;
endIndex: number | null = null;
_cbs: Partial<Handler>;
_options: ParserOptions;
_lowerCaseTagNames: boolean;
_lowerCaseAttributeNames: boolean;
_tokenizer: Tokenizer;
constructor(cbs: Partial<Handler> | null, options?: ParserOptions) {
this._options = options || {};
this._cbs = cbs || {};
this._tagname = "";
this._attribname = "";
this._attribvalue = "";
this._attribs = null;
this._stack = [];
this._foreignContext = [];
this.startIndex = 0;
this.endIndex = null;
this._lowerCaseTagNames =
"lowerCaseTags" in this._options
? !!this._options.lowerCaseTags
: !this._options.xmlMode;
this._lowerCaseAttributeNames =
"lowerCaseAttributeNames" in this._options
? !!this._options.lowerCaseAttributeNames
: !this._options.xmlMode;
this._tokenizer = new (this._options.Tokenizer || Tokenizer)(
if (this._cbs.onparserinit) this._cbs.onparserinit(this);
_updatePosition(initialOffset: number) {
if (this.endIndex === null) {
if (this._tokenizer._sectionStart <= initialOffset) {
this.startIndex = 0;
} else {
this.startIndex = this._tokenizer._sectionStart - initialOffset;
} else this.startIndex = this.endIndex + 1;
this.endIndex = this._tokenizer.getAbsoluteIndex();
//Tokenizer event handlers
ontext(data: string) {
// @ts-ignore
if (this._cbs.ontext) this._cbs.ontext(data);
onopentagname(name: string) {
if (this._lowerCaseTagNames) {
name = name.toLowerCase();
this._tagname = name;
if (
!this._options.xmlMode &&
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(openImpliesClose, name)
) {
for (
let el;
// @ts-ignore
(el = this._stack[this._stack.length - 1])
if (this._options.xmlMode || !voidElements.has(name)) {
if (foreignContextElements.has(name)) {
} else if (htmlIntegrationElements.has(name)) {
if (this._cbs.onopentagname) this._cbs.onopentagname(name);
if (this._cbs.onopentag) this._attribs = {};
onopentagend() {
if (this._attribs) {
if (this._cbs.onopentag) {
this._cbs.onopentag(this._tagname, this._attribs);
this._attribs = null;
if (
!this._options.xmlMode &&
this._cbs.onclosetag &&
) {
this._tagname = "";
onclosetag(name: string) {
// When this is true, the onclosetag event will always be emitted
// for closing tags (eg </div>) even if that tag was not previously
// open. This is needed because we reconstruct the HTML based on
// fragments that don't necessarily contain the opening tag.
// Without this patch, onopentagname would not be emitted, and
// so the closing tag would disappear from the output.
let alwaysClose = true;
if (this._lowerCaseTagNames) {
name = name.toLowerCase();
if (
foreignContextElements.has(name) ||
) {
if (
this._stack.length &&
(this._options.xmlMode || !voidElements.has(name))
) {
let pos = this._stack.lastIndexOf(name);
if (pos !== -1) {
if (this._cbs.onclosetag) {
pos = this._stack.length - pos;
// @ts-ignore
while (pos--) this._cbs.onclosetag(this._stack.pop());
} else this._stack.length = pos;
} else if (name === "p" && !this._options.xmlMode) {
} else if (!this._stack.length && alwaysClose) {
if (this._cbs.onclosetag) this._cbs.onclosetag(name);
} else if (!this._options.xmlMode && (name === "br" || name === "p")) {
} else if (!this._stack.length && alwaysClose && this._cbs.onclosetag) {
onselfclosingtag() {
if (
this._options.xmlMode ||
this._options.recognizeSelfClosing ||
this._foreignContext[this._foreignContext.length - 1]
) {
} else {
_closeCurrentTag() {
const name = this._tagname;
//self-closing tags will be on the top of the stack
//(cheaper check than in onclosetag)
if (this._stack[this._stack.length - 1] === name) {
if (this._cbs.onclosetag) {
onattribname(name: string) {
if (this._lowerCaseAttributeNames) {
name = name.toLowerCase();
this._attribname = name;
onattribdata(value: string) {
this._attribvalue += value;
onattribend() {
if (this._cbs.onattribute)
this._cbs.onattribute(this._attribname, this._attribvalue);
if (
this._attribs &&
) {
this._attribs[this._attribname] = this._attribvalue;
this._attribname = "";
this._attribvalue = "";
_getInstructionName(value: string) {
const idx = value.search(reNameEnd);
let name = idx < 0 ? value : value.substr(0, idx);
if (this._lowerCaseTagNames) {
name = name.toLowerCase();
return name;
ondeclaration(value: string) {
if (this._cbs.onprocessinginstruction) {
const name = this._getInstructionName(value);
this._cbs.onprocessinginstruction(`!${name}`, `!${value}`);
onprocessinginstruction(value: string) {
if (this._cbs.onprocessinginstruction) {
const name = this._getInstructionName(value);
this._cbs.onprocessinginstruction(`?${name}`, `?${value}`);
oncomment(value: string) {
if (this._cbs.oncomment) this._cbs.oncomment(value);
if (this._cbs.oncommentend) this._cbs.oncommentend();
oncdata(value: string) {
if (this._options.xmlMode || this._options.recognizeCDATA) {
if (this._cbs.oncdatastart) this._cbs.oncdatastart();
if (this._cbs.ontext) this._cbs.ontext(value);
if (this._cbs.oncdataend) this._cbs.oncdataend();
} else {
onerror(err: Error) {
if (this._cbs.onerror) this._cbs.onerror(err);
onend() {
if (this._cbs.onclosetag) {
// Prevent the parser from auto-closing tags. Since we deal with fragments that
// maybe contain the opening tag but not the closing one, we don't want that
// closing tag to be auto-added.
// for (
// let i = this._stack.length;
// i > 0;
// this._cbs.onclosetag(this._stack[--i])
// );
if (this._cbs.onend) this._cbs.onend();
//Resets the parser to a blank state, ready to parse a new HTML document
reset() {
if (this._cbs.onreset) this._cbs.onreset();
this._tagname = "";
this._attribname = "";
this._attribs = null;
this._stack = [];
if (this._cbs.onparserinit) this._cbs.onparserinit(this);
//Parses a complete HTML document and pushes it to the handler
parseComplete(data: string) {
write(chunk: string) {
end(chunk?: string) {
pause() {
resume() {
// Aliases for backwards compatibility
parseChunk = Parser.prototype.write;
done = Parser.prototype.end;