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import { Link } from '../MdToHtml';
import { toForwardSlashes } from '../pathUtils';
import { LinkIndexes } from './rules/link_close';
const Entities = require('html-entities').AllHtmlEntities;
const htmlentities = new Entities().encode;
export interface Options {
audioPlayerEnabled: boolean;
videoPlayerEnabled: boolean;
pdfViewerEnabled: boolean;
useCustomPdfViewer: boolean;
noteId: string;
vendorDir: string;
theme: any;
function resourceUrl(resourceFullPath: string): string {
if (resourceFullPath.indexOf('http://') === 0 || resourceFullPath.indexOf('https://')) return resourceFullPath;
return `file://${toForwardSlashes(resourceFullPath)}`;
export default function(link: Link, options: Options, linkIndexes: LinkIndexes) {
const resource = link.resource;
if (!link.resourceReady || !resource || !resource.mime) return '';
const escapedResourcePath = htmlentities(resourceUrl(link.resourceFullPath));
const escapedMime = htmlentities(resource.mime);
if (options.videoPlayerEnabled && resource.mime.indexOf('video/') === 0) {
return `
<video class="media-player media-video" controls>
<source src="${escapedResourcePath}" type="${escapedMime}">
if (options.audioPlayerEnabled && resource.mime.indexOf('audio/') === 0) {
// We want to support both audio/x-flac and audio/flac MIME types, but chromium only supports audio/flac
// https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/6434
const escapedAudioMime = escapedMime === 'audio/x-flac' ? 'audio/flac' : escapedMime;
return `
<audio class="media-player media-audio" controls>
<source src="${escapedResourcePath}" type="${escapedAudioMime}">
if (options.pdfViewerEnabled && resource.mime === 'application/pdf') {
if (options.useCustomPdfViewer) {
const resourceId = resource.id;
let anchorPageNo = null;
let id = `${options.noteId}.${resourceId}`;
if (linkIndexes && linkIndexes[resourceId]) {
} else {
linkIndexes[resourceId] = 1;
id += `.${linkIndexes[resourceId]}`;
if (link.href.indexOf('#') > 0) {
anchorPageNo = Number(link.href.split('#').pop());
if (anchorPageNo < 1) anchorPageNo = null;
const src = `${options.vendorDir}/lib/@joplin/pdf-viewer/index.html`;
return `<iframe src="${src}" x-url="${escapedResourcePath}"
x-appearance="${options.theme.appearance}" ${anchorPageNo ? `x-anchorPage="${anchorPageNo}"` : ''} id="${id}"
x-type="mini" x-resourceid="${resourceId}"
class="media-player media-pdf"></iframe>`;
return `<object data="${escapedResourcePath}" class="media-player media-pdf" type="${escapedMime}"></object>`;
return '';