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synced 2025-03-23 21:09:30 +02:00
373 lines
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373 lines
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import time from '../../time';
import shim from '../../shim';
import Setting from '../../models/Setting';
import { NoteEntity } from '../../services/database/types';
import { remoteNotesFoldersResources, remoteResources } from '../../testing/test-utils-synchronizer';
import { synchronizerStart, tempFilePath, resourceFetcher, supportDir, setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer, synchronizer, fileApi, switchClient, syncTargetId, encryptionService, loadEncryptionMasterKey, fileContentEqual, checkThrowAsync } from '../../testing/test-utils';
import Folder from '../../models/Folder';
import Note from '../../models/Note';
import Resource from '../../models/Resource';
import ResourceFetcher from '../../services/ResourceFetcher';
import BaseItem from '../../models/BaseItem';
import { ModelType } from '../../BaseModel';
import { setEncryptionEnabled } from '../synchronizer/syncInfoUtils';
import { loadMasterKeysFromSettings } from '../e2ee/utils';
let insideBeforeEach = false;
describe('Synchronizer.resources', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
insideBeforeEach = true;
await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(1);
await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(2);
await switchClient(1);
insideBeforeEach = false;
it('should sync resources', (async () => {
while (insideBeforeEach) await time.msleep(500);
const folder1 = await Folder.save({ title: 'folder1' });
const note1 = await Note.save({ title: 'ma note', parent_id: folder1.id });
await shim.attachFileToNote(note1, `${supportDir}/photo.jpg`);
const resource1 = (await Resource.all())[0];
const resourcePath1 = Resource.fullPath(resource1);
await synchronizerStart();
expect((await remoteNotesFoldersResources()).length).toBe(3);
await switchClient(2);
await synchronizerStart();
const allResources = await Resource.all();
let resource1_2 = allResources[0];
let ls = await Resource.localState(resource1_2);
const fetcher = new ResourceFetcher(() => { return synchronizer().api(); });
await fetcher.waitForAllFinished();
resource1_2 = await Resource.load(resource1.id);
ls = await Resource.localState(resource1_2);
const resourcePath1_2 = Resource.fullPath(resource1_2);
expect(fileContentEqual(resourcePath1, resourcePath1_2)).toBe(true);
it('should handle resource download errors', (async () => {
while (insideBeforeEach) await time.msleep(500);
const folder1 = await Folder.save({ title: 'folder1' });
const note1 = await Note.save({ title: 'ma note', parent_id: folder1.id });
await shim.attachFileToNote(note1, `${supportDir}/photo.jpg`);
let resource1 = (await Resource.all())[0];
await synchronizerStart();
await switchClient(2);
await synchronizerStart();
const fetcher = new ResourceFetcher(() => {
return {
// Simulate a failed download
get: () => { return new Promise((_resolve: Function, reject: Function) => { reject(new Error('did not work')); }); },
await fetcher.waitForAllFinished();
resource1 = await Resource.load(resource1.id);
const ls = await Resource.localState(resource1);
expect(ls.fetch_error).toBe('did not work');
it('should set the resource file size if it is missing', (async () => {
while (insideBeforeEach) await time.msleep(500);
const folder1 = await Folder.save({ title: 'folder1' });
const note1 = await Note.save({ title: 'ma note', parent_id: folder1.id });
await shim.attachFileToNote(note1, `${supportDir}/photo.jpg`);
await synchronizerStart();
await switchClient(2);
await synchronizerStart();
let r1 = (await Resource.all())[0];
await Resource.setFileSizeOnly(r1.id, -1);
r1 = await Resource.load(r1.id);
const fetcher = new ResourceFetcher(() => { return synchronizer().api(); });
await fetcher.waitForAllFinished();
r1 = await Resource.load(r1.id);
it('should delete resources', (async () => {
while (insideBeforeEach) await time.msleep(500);
const folder1 = await Folder.save({ title: 'folder1' });
const note1 = await Note.save({ title: 'ma note', parent_id: folder1.id });
await shim.attachFileToNote(note1, `${supportDir}/photo.jpg`);
const resource1 = (await Resource.all())[0];
const resourcePath1 = Resource.fullPath(resource1);
await synchronizerStart();
await switchClient(2);
await synchronizerStart();
let allResources = await Resource.all();
expect((await remoteNotesFoldersResources()).length).toBe(3);
await Resource.delete(resource1.id);
await synchronizerStart();
expect((await remoteNotesFoldersResources()).length).toBe(2);
const remoteBlob = await fileApi().stat(`.resource/${resource1.id}`);
await switchClient(1);
expect(await shim.fsDriver().exists(resourcePath1)).toBe(true);
await synchronizerStart();
allResources = await Resource.all();
expect(await shim.fsDriver().exists(resourcePath1)).toBe(false);
it('should encrypt resources', (async () => {
const masterKey = await loadEncryptionMasterKey();
const folder1 = await Folder.save({ title: 'folder1' });
const note1 = await Note.save({ title: 'ma note', parent_id: folder1.id });
await shim.attachFileToNote(note1, `${supportDir}/photo.jpg`);
const resource1 = (await Resource.all())[0];
const resourcePath1 = Resource.fullPath(resource1);
await synchronizerStart();
await switchClient(2);
await synchronizerStart();
Setting.setObjectValue('encryption.passwordCache', masterKey.id, '123456');
await loadMasterKeysFromSettings(encryptionService());
const fetcher = new ResourceFetcher(() => { return synchronizer().api(); });
await fetcher.waitForAllFinished();
let resource1_2 = (await Resource.all())[0];
resource1_2 = await Resource.decrypt(resource1_2);
const resourcePath1_2 = Resource.fullPath(resource1_2);
expect(fileContentEqual(resourcePath1, resourcePath1_2)).toBe(true);
it('should sync resource blob changes', (async () => {
const tempFile = tempFilePath('txt');
await shim.fsDriver().writeFile(tempFile, '1234', 'utf8');
const folder1 = await Folder.save({ title: 'folder1' });
const note1 = await Note.save({ title: 'ma note', parent_id: folder1.id });
await shim.attachFileToNote(note1, tempFile);
await synchronizerStart();
await switchClient(2);
await synchronizerStart();
await resourceFetcher().start();
await resourceFetcher().waitForAllFinished();
let resource1_2 = (await Resource.all())[0];
const modFile = tempFilePath('txt');
await shim.fsDriver().writeFile(modFile, '1234 MOD', 'utf8');
await Resource.updateResourceBlobContent(resource1_2.id, modFile);
const originalSize = resource1_2.size;
resource1_2 = (await Resource.all())[0];
const newSize = resource1_2.size;
await synchronizerStart();
await switchClient(1);
await synchronizerStart();
await resourceFetcher().start();
await resourceFetcher().waitForAllFinished();
const resource1_1 = (await Resource.all())[0];
expect(await Resource.resourceBlobContent(resource1_1.id, 'utf8')).toBe('1234 MOD');
it('should handle resource conflicts', (async () => {
const tempFile = tempFilePath('txt');
await shim.fsDriver().writeFile(tempFile, '1234', 'utf8');
const folder1 = await Folder.save({ title: 'folder1' });
const note1 = await Note.save({ title: 'ma note', parent_id: folder1.id });
await shim.attachFileToNote(note1, tempFile);
await synchronizerStart();
await switchClient(2);
await synchronizerStart();
await resourceFetcher().start();
await resourceFetcher().waitForAllFinished();
const resource = (await Resource.all())[0];
const modFile2 = tempFilePath('txt');
await shim.fsDriver().writeFile(modFile2, '1234 MOD 2', 'utf8');
await Resource.updateResourceBlobContent(resource.id, modFile2);
await synchronizerStart();
await switchClient(1);
// Going to modify a resource without syncing first, which will cause a conflict
const resource = (await Resource.all())[0];
const modFile1 = tempFilePath('txt');
await shim.fsDriver().writeFile(modFile1, '1234 MOD 1', 'utf8');
await Resource.updateResourceBlobContent(resource.id, modFile1);
await synchronizerStart(); // CONFLICT
// If we try to read the resource content now, it should throw because the local
// content has been moved to the conflict notebook, and the new local content
// has not been downloaded yet.
await checkThrowAsync(async () => await Resource.resourceBlobContent(resource.id));
// Now download resources, and our local content would have been overwritten by
// the content from client 2
await resourceFetcher().start();
await resourceFetcher().waitForAllFinished();
const localContent = await Resource.resourceBlobContent(resource.id, 'utf8');
expect(localContent).toBe('1234 MOD 2');
// Check that the Conflict note has been generated, with the conflict resource
// attached to it, and check that it has the original content.
const allNotes = await Note.all();
const resourceConflictFolderId = await Resource.resourceConflictFolderId();
const conflictNote = allNotes.find((v: NoteEntity) => {
return v.parent_id === resourceConflictFolderId;
const resourceIds = await Note.linkedResourceIds(conflictNote.body);
const conflictContent = await Resource.resourceBlobContent(resourceIds[0], 'utf8');
expect(conflictContent).toBe('1234 MOD 1');
// Also check that the conflict folder has been created and that it
// is a top folder.
const resourceConflictFolder = await Folder.load(resourceConflictFolderId);
it('should handle resource conflicts if a resource is changed locally but deleted remotely', (async () => {
const tempFile = tempFilePath('txt');
await shim.fsDriver().writeFile(tempFile, '1234', 'utf8');
const folder1 = await Folder.save({ title: 'folder1' });
const note1 = await Note.save({ title: 'ma note', parent_id: folder1.id });
await shim.attachFileToNote(note1, tempFile);
await synchronizerStart();
await switchClient(2);
await synchronizerStart();
await resourceFetcher().start();
await resourceFetcher().waitForAllFinished();
await switchClient(1);
const resource = (await Resource.all())[0];
await Resource.delete(resource.id);
await synchronizerStart();
await switchClient(2);
const originalResource = (await Resource.all())[0];
await Resource.save({ id: originalResource.id, title: 'modified resource' });
await synchronizerStart(); // CONFLICT
const deletedResource = await Resource.load(originalResource.id);
const allResources = await Resource.all();
const conflictResource = allResources[0];
expect(conflictResource.title).toBe('modified resource');
it('should not upload a resource if it has not been fetched yet', (async () => {
// In some rare cases, the synchronizer might try to upload a resource even though it
// doesn't have the resource file. It can happen in this situation:
// - C1 create resource
// - C1 sync
// - C2 sync
// - C2 resource metadata is received but ResourceFetcher hasn't downloaded the file yet
// - C2 enables E2EE - all the items are marked for forced sync
// - C2 sync
// The synchronizer will try to upload the resource, even though it doesn't have the file,
// so we need to make sure it doesn't. But also that once it gets the file, the resource
// does get uploaded.
const note1 = await Note.save({ title: 'note' });
await shim.attachFileToNote(note1, `${supportDir}/photo.jpg`);
const resource = (await Resource.all())[0];
await Resource.setLocalState(resource.id, { fetch_status: Resource.FETCH_STATUS_IDLE });
await synchronizerStart();
expect((await remoteResources()).length).toBe(0);
await Resource.setLocalState(resource.id, { fetch_status: Resource.FETCH_STATUS_DONE });
await synchronizerStart();
// At first, the resource is marked as cannot sync, so even after
// synchronisation, nothing should happen.
expect((await remoteResources()).length).toBe(0);
// The user can retry the item, in which case sync should happen.
await BaseItem.saveSyncEnabled(ModelType.Resource, resource.id);
await synchronizerStart();
expect((await remoteResources()).length).toBe(1);
it('should not download resources over the limit', (async () => {
const note1 = await Note.save({ title: 'note' });
await shim.attachFileToNote(note1, `${supportDir}/photo.jpg`);
await synchronizer().start();
await switchClient(2);
const previousMax = synchronizer().maxResourceSize_;
synchronizer().maxResourceSize_ = 1;
await synchronizerStart();
synchronizer().maxResourceSize_ = previousMax;
const syncItems = await BaseItem.allSyncItems(syncTargetId());