mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2025-03-11 14:09:55 +02:00
Stefan Weil feb0c02c9a ReactNativeClient: Fix some typos (found by codespell)
Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <sw@weilnetz.de>
2018-05-05 16:25:37 +02:00

644 lines
25 KiB

const BaseItem = require('lib/models/BaseItem.js');
const Folder = require('lib/models/Folder.js');
const Note = require('lib/models/Note.js');
const Resource = require('lib/models/Resource.js');
const MasterKey = require('lib/models/MasterKey.js');
const BaseModel = require('lib/BaseModel.js');
const DecryptionWorker = require('lib/services/DecryptionWorker');
const { sprintf } = require('sprintf-js');
const { time } = require('lib/time-utils.js');
const { Logger } = require('lib/logger.js');
const { _ } = require('lib/locale.js');
const { shim } = require('lib/shim.js');
const JoplinError = require('lib/JoplinError');
class Synchronizer {
constructor(db, api, appType) {
this.state_ = 'idle';
this.db_ = db;
this.api_ = api;
this.syncDirName_ = '.sync';
this.resourceDirName_ = '.resource';
this.logger_ = new Logger();
this.appType_ = appType;
this.cancelling_ = false;
this.autoStartDecryptionWorker_ = true;
// Debug flags are used to test certain hard-to-test conditions
// such as cancelling in the middle of a loop.
this.testingHooks_ = [];
this.onProgress_ = function(s) {};
this.progressReport_ = {};
this.dispatch = function(action) {};
state() {
return this.state_;
db() {
return this.db_;
api() {
return this.api_;
setLogger(l) {
this.logger_ = l;
logger() {
return this.logger_;
setEncryptionService(v) {
this.encryptionService_ = v;
encryptionService(v) {
return this.encryptionService_;
static reportToLines(report) {
let lines = [];
if (report.createLocal) lines.push(_("Created local items: %d.", report.createLocal));
if (report.updateLocal) lines.push(_("Updated local items: %d.", report.updateLocal));
if (report.createRemote) lines.push(_("Created remote items: %d.", report.createRemote));
if (report.updateRemote) lines.push(_("Updated remote items: %d.", report.updateRemote));
if (report.deleteLocal) lines.push(_("Deleted local items: %d.", report.deleteLocal));
if (report.deleteRemote) lines.push(_("Deleted remote items: %d.", report.deleteRemote));
if (report.fetchingTotal && report.fetchingProcessed) lines.push(_("Fetched items: %d/%d.", report.fetchingProcessed, report.fetchingTotal));
if (!report.completedTime && report.state) lines.push(_('State: %s.', Synchronizer.stateToLabel(report.state)));
if (report.cancelling && !report.completedTime) lines.push(_("Cancelling..."));
if (report.completedTime) lines.push(_("Completed: %s", time.unixMsToLocalDateTime(report.completedTime)));
if (report.errors && report.errors.length) lines.push(_("Last error: %s", report.errors[report.errors.length - 1].toString().substr(0, 500)));
return lines;
logSyncOperation(action, local = null, remote = null, message = null, actionCount = 1) {
let line = ['Sync'];
if (message) line.push(message);
let type = local && local.type_ ? local.type_ : null;
if (!type) type = remote && remote.type_ ? remote.type_ : null;
if (type) line.push(BaseItem.modelTypeToClassName(type));
if (local) {
let s = [];
line.push('(Local ' + s.join(', ') + ')');
if (remote) {
let s = [];
s.push(remote.id ? remote.id : remote.path);
line.push('(Remote ' + s.join(', ') + ')');
this.logger().debug(line.join(': '));
if (!this.progressReport_[action]) this.progressReport_[action] = 0;
this.progressReport_[action] += actionCount;
this.progressReport_.state = this.state();
this.dispatch({ type: 'SYNC_REPORT_UPDATE', report: Object.assign({}, this.progressReport_) });
async logSyncSummary(report) {
this.logger().info('Operations completed: ');
for (let n in report) {
if (!report.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue;
if (n == 'errors') continue;
if (n == 'starting') continue;
if (n == 'finished') continue;
if (n == 'state') continue;
if (n == 'completedTime') continue;
this.logger().info(n + ': ' + (report[n] ? report[n] : '-'));
let folderCount = await Folder.count();
let noteCount = await Note.count();
let resourceCount = await Resource.count();
this.logger().info('Total folders: ' + folderCount);
this.logger().info('Total notes: ' + noteCount);
this.logger().info('Total resources: ' + resourceCount);
if (report.errors && report.errors.length) {
this.logger().warn('There was some errors:');
for (let i = 0; i < report.errors.length; i++) {
let e = report.errors[i];
async cancel() {
if (this.cancelling_ || this.state() == 'idle') return;
this.logSyncOperation('cancelling', null, null, '');
this.cancelling_ = true;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const iid = setInterval(() => {
if (this.state() == 'idle') {
}, 100);
cancelling() {
return this.cancelling_;
static stateToLabel(state) {
if (state === "idle") return _("Idle");
if (state === "in_progress") return _("In progress");
return state;
// Synchronisation is done in three major steps:
// 1. UPLOAD: Send to the sync target the items that have changed since the last sync.
// 2. DELETE_REMOTE: Delete on the sync target, the items that have been deleted locally.
// 3. DELTA: Find on the sync target the items that have been modified or deleted and apply the changes locally.
async start(options = null) {
if (!options) options = {};
if (this.state() != 'idle') {
let error = new Error(_('Synchronisation is already in progress. State: %s', this.state()));
error.code = 'alreadyStarted';
throw error;
this.state_ = 'in_progress';
this.onProgress_ = options.onProgress ? options.onProgress : function(o) {};
this.progressReport_ = { errors: [] };
const lastContext = options.context ? options.context : {};
const syncSteps = options.syncSteps ? options.syncSteps : ["update_remote", "delete_remote", "delta"];
const syncTargetId = this.api().syncTargetId();
this.cancelling_ = false;
const masterKeysBefore = await MasterKey.count();
let hasAutoEnabledEncryption = false;
let synchronizationId = time.unixMs().toString();
let outputContext = Object.assign({}, lastContext);
this.dispatch({ type: 'SYNC_STARTED' });
this.logSyncOperation('starting', null, null, 'Starting synchronisation to target ' + syncTargetId + '... [' + synchronizationId + ']');
try {
await this.api().mkdir(this.syncDirName_);
await this.api().mkdir(this.resourceDirName_);
// ========================================================================
// 1. UPLOAD
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// First, find all the items that have been changed since the
// last sync and apply the changes to remote.
// ========================================================================
if (syncSteps.indexOf("update_remote") >= 0) {
let donePaths = [];
while (true) {
if (this.cancelling()) break;
let result = await BaseItem.itemsThatNeedSync(syncTargetId);
let locals = result.items;
for (let i = 0; i < locals.length; i++) {
if (this.cancelling()) break;
let local = locals[i];
let ItemClass = BaseItem.itemClass(local);
let path = BaseItem.systemPath(local);
// Safety check to avoid infinite loops.
// In fact this error is possible if the item is marked for sync (via sync_time or force_sync) while synchronisation is in
// progress. In that case exit anyway to be sure we aren't in a loop and the item will be re-synced next time.
if (donePaths.indexOf(path) > 0) throw new Error(sprintf("Processing a path that has already been done: %s. sync_time was not updated?", path));
let remote = await this.api().stat(path);
let action = null;
let updateSyncTimeOnly = true;
let reason = "";
let remoteContent = null;
if (!remote) {
if (!local.sync_time) {
action = "createRemote";
reason = "remote does not exist, and local is new and has never been synced";
} else {
// Note or item was modified after having been deleted remotely
// "itemConflict" if for all the items except the notes, which are dealt with in a special way
action = local.type_ == BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE ? "noteConflict" : "itemConflict";
reason = "remote has been deleted, but local has changes";
} else {
// Note: in order to know the real updated_time value, we need to load the content. In theory we could
// rely on the file timestamp (in remote.updated_time) but in practice it's not accurate enough and
// can lead to conflicts (for example when the file timestamp is slightly ahead of it's real
// updated_time). updated_time is set and managed by clients so it's always accurate.
// Same situation below for updateLocal.
// This is a bit inefficient because if the resulting action is "updateRemote" we don't need the whole
// content, but for now that will do since being reliable is the priority.
// TODO: assuming a particular sync target is guaranteed to have accurate timestamps, the driver maybe
// could expose this with a accurateTimestamps() method that returns "true". In that case, the test
// could be done using the file timestamp and the potentially unnecessary content loading could be skipped.
// OneDrive does not appear to have accurate timestamps as lastModifiedDateTime would occasionally be
// a few seconds ahead of what it was set with setTimestamp()
remoteContent = await this.api().get(path);
if (!remoteContent) throw new Error("Got metadata for path but could not fetch content: " + path);
remoteContent = await BaseItem.unserialize(remoteContent);
if (remoteContent.updated_time > local.sync_time) {
// Since, in this loop, we are only dealing with items that require sync, if the
// remote has been modified after the sync time, it means both items have been
// modified and so there's a conflict.
action = local.type_ == BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE ? "noteConflict" : "itemConflict";
reason = "both remote and local have changes";
} else {
action = "updateRemote";
reason = "local has changes";
this.logSyncOperation(action, local, remote, reason);
const handleCannotSyncItem = async (syncTargetId, item, cannotSyncReason) => {
await ItemClass.saveSyncDisabled(syncTargetId, item, cannotSyncReason);
this.dispatch({ type: "SYNC_HAS_DISABLED_SYNC_ITEMS" });
if (local.type_ == BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE && (action == "createRemote" || action === "updateRemote" || (action == "itemConflict" && remote))) {
try {
const remoteContentPath = this.resourceDirName_ + "/" + local.id;
const result = await Resource.fullPathForSyncUpload(local);
local = result.resource;
const localResourceContentPath = result.path;
await this.api().put(remoteContentPath, null, { path: localResourceContentPath, source: "file" });
} catch (error) {
if (error && ["rejectedByTarget", "fileNotFound"].indexOf(error.code) >= 0) {
await handleCannotSyncItem(syncTargetId, local, error.message);
action = null;
} else {
throw error;
if (action == "createRemote" || action == "updateRemote") {
let canSync = true;
try {
if (this.testingHooks_.indexOf("rejectedByTarget") >= 0) throw new JoplinError("Testing rejectedByTarget", "rejectedByTarget");
const content = await ItemClass.serializeForSync(local);
await this.api().put(path, content);
} catch (error) {
if (error && error.code === "rejectedByTarget") {
await handleCannotSyncItem(syncTargetId, local, error.message);
canSync = false;
} else {
throw error;
// Note: Currently, we set sync_time to update_time, which should work fine given that the resolution is the millisecond.
// In theory though, this could happen:
// 1. t0: Editor: Note is modified
// 2. t0: Sync: Found that note was modified so start uploading it
// 3. t0: Editor: Note is modified again
// 4. t1: Sync: Note has finished uploading, set sync_time to t0
// Later any attempt to sync will not detect that note was modified in (3) (within the same millisecond as it was being uploaded)
// because sync_time will be t0 too.
// The solution would be to use something like an etag (a simple counter incremented on every change) to make sure each
// change is uniquely identified. Leaving it like this for now.
if (canSync) {
// 2018-01-21: Setting timestamp is not needed because the delta() logic doesn't rely
// on it (instead it uses a more reliable `context` object) and the itemsThatNeedSync loop
// above also doesn't use it because it fetches the whole remote object and read the
// more reliable 'updated_time' property. Basically remote.updated_time is deprecated.
// await this.api().setTimestamp(path, local.updated_time);
await ItemClass.saveSyncTime(syncTargetId, local, local.updated_time);
} else if (action == "itemConflict") {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// For non-note conflicts, we take the remote version (i.e. the version that was
// synced first) and overwrite the local content.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (remote) {
local = remoteContent;
const syncTimeQueries = BaseItem.updateSyncTimeQueries(syncTargetId, local, time.unixMs());
await ItemClass.save(local, { autoTimestamp: false, nextQueries: syncTimeQueries });
} else {
await ItemClass.delete(local.id);
} else if (action == "noteConflict") {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// First find out if the conflict matters. For example, if the conflict is on the title or body
// we want to preserve all the changes. If it's on todo_completed it doesn't really matter
// so in this case we just take the remote content.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let mustHandleConflict = true;
if (remoteContent) {
mustHandleConflict = Note.mustHandleConflict(local, remoteContent);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create a duplicate of local note into Conflicts folder
// (to preserve the user's changes)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (mustHandleConflict) {
let conflictedNote = Object.assign({}, local);
delete conflictedNote.id;
conflictedNote.is_conflict = 1;
await Note.save(conflictedNote, { autoTimestamp: false });
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Either copy the remote content to local or, if the remote content has
// been deleted, delete the local content.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (remote) {
local = remoteContent;
const syncTimeQueries = BaseItem.updateSyncTimeQueries(syncTargetId, local, time.unixMs());
await ItemClass.save(local, { autoTimestamp: false, nextQueries: syncTimeQueries });
if (!!local.encryption_applied) this.dispatch({ type: "SYNC_GOT_ENCRYPTED_ITEM" });
} else {
// Remote no longer exists (note deleted) so delete local one too
await ItemClass.delete(local.id);
if (!result.hasMore) break;
// ========================================================================
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Delete the remote items that have been deleted locally.
// ========================================================================
if (syncSteps.indexOf("delete_remote") >= 0) {
let deletedItems = await BaseItem.deletedItems(syncTargetId);
for (let i = 0; i < deletedItems.length; i++) {
if (this.cancelling()) break;
let item = deletedItems[i];
let path = BaseItem.systemPath(item.item_id);
this.logSyncOperation("deleteRemote", null, { id: item.item_id }, "local has been deleted");
await this.api().delete(path);
await BaseItem.remoteDeletedItem(syncTargetId, item.item_id);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 3. DELTA
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Loop through all the remote items, find those that
// have been updated, and apply the changes to local.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (syncSteps.indexOf("delta") >= 0) {
// At this point all the local items that have changed have been pushed to remote
// or handled as conflicts, so no conflict is possible after this.
let context = null;
let newDeltaContext = null;
let localFoldersToDelete = [];
let hasCancelled = false;
if (lastContext.delta) context = lastContext.delta;
while (true) {
if (this.cancelling() || hasCancelled) break;
let listResult = await this.api().delta("", {
context: context,
// allItemIdsHandler() provides a way for drivers that don't have a delta API to
// still provide delta functionality by comparing the items they have to the items
// the client has. Very inefficient but that's the only possible workaround.
// It's a function so that it is only called if the driver needs these IDs. For
// drivers with a delta functionality it's a noop.
allItemIdsHandler: async () => {
return BaseItem.syncedItemIds(syncTargetId);
let remotes = listResult.items;
this.logSyncOperation("fetchingTotal", null, null, "Fetching delta items from sync target", remotes.length);
for (let i = 0; i < remotes.length; i++) {
if (this.cancelling() || this.testingHooks_.indexOf("cancelDeltaLoop2") >= 0) {
hasCancelled = true;
this.logSyncOperation("fetchingProcessed", null, null, "Processing fetched item");
let remote = remotes[i];
if (!BaseItem.isSystemPath(remote.path)) continue; // The delta API might return things like the .sync, .resource or the root folder
const loadContent = async () => {
let content = await this.api().get(path);
if (!content) return null;
return await BaseItem.unserialize(content);
let path = remote.path;
let action = null;
let reason = "";
let local = await BaseItem.loadItemByPath(path);
let ItemClass = null;
let content = null;
if (!local) {
if (remote.isDeleted !== true) {
action = "createLocal";
reason = "remote exists but local does not";
content = await loadContent();
ItemClass = content ? BaseItem.itemClass(content) : null;
} else {
ItemClass = BaseItem.itemClass(local);
local = ItemClass.filter(local);
if (remote.isDeleted) {
action = "deleteLocal";
reason = "remote has been deleted";
} else {
content = await loadContent();
if (content && content.updated_time > local.updated_time) {
action = "updateLocal";
reason = "remote is more recent than local";
if (!action) continue;
this.logSyncOperation(action, local, remote, reason);
if (action == "createLocal" || action == "updateLocal") {
if (content === null) {
this.logger().warn("Remote has been deleted between now and the delta() call? In that case it will be handled during the next sync: " + path);
content = ItemClass.filter(content);
// 2017-12-03: This was added because the new user_updated_time and user_created_time properties were added
// to the items. However changing the database is not enough since remote items that haven't been synced yet
// will not have these properties and, since they are required, it would cause a problem. So this check
// if they are present and, if not, set them to a reasonable default.
// Let's leave these two lines for 6 months, by which time all the clients should have been synced.
if (!content.user_updated_time) content.user_updated_time = content.updated_time;
if (!content.user_created_time) content.user_created_time = content.created_time;
let options = {
autoTimestamp: false,
nextQueries: BaseItem.updateSyncTimeQueries(syncTargetId, content, time.unixMs()),
if (action == "createLocal") options.isNew = true;
if (action == "updateLocal") options.oldItem = local;
if (content.type_ == BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE && action == "createLocal") {
let localResourceContentPath = Resource.fullPath(content);
let remoteResourceContentPath = this.resourceDirName_ + "/" + content.id;
await this.api().get(remoteResourceContentPath, { path: localResourceContentPath, target: "file" });
await ItemClass.save(content, options);
if (!hasAutoEnabledEncryption && content.type_ === BaseModel.TYPE_MASTER_KEY && !masterKeysBefore) {
hasAutoEnabledEncryption = true;
this.logger().info("One master key was downloaded and none was previously available: automatically enabling encryption");
this.logger().info("Using master key: ", content);
await this.encryptionService().enableEncryption(content);
await this.encryptionService().loadMasterKeysFromSettings();
"Encryption has been enabled with downloaded master key as active key. However, note that no password was initially supplied. It will need to be provided by user."
if (!!content.encryption_applied) this.dispatch({ type: "SYNC_GOT_ENCRYPTED_ITEM" });
} else if (action == "deleteLocal") {
if (local.type_ == BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER) {
let ItemClass = BaseItem.itemClass(local.type_);
await ItemClass.delete(local.id, { trackDeleted: false });
// If user has cancelled, don't record the new context (2) so that synchronisation
// can start again from the previous context (1) next time. It is ok if some items
// have been synced between (1) and (2) because the loop above will handle the same
// items being synced twice as an update. If the local and remote items are identical
// the update will simply be skipped.
if (!hasCancelled) {
if (!listResult.hasMore) {
newDeltaContext = listResult.context;
context = listResult.context;
outputContext.delta = newDeltaContext ? newDeltaContext : lastContext.delta;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Delete the folders that have been collected in the loop above.
// Folders are always deleted last, and only if they are empty.
// If they are not empty it's considered a conflict since whatever deleted
// them should have deleted their content too. In that case, all its notes
// are marked as "is_conflict".
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!this.cancelling()) {
for (let i = 0; i < localFoldersToDelete.length; i++) {
const item = localFoldersToDelete[i];
const noteIds = await Folder.noteIds(item.id);
if (noteIds.length) {
await Folder.markNotesAsConflict(item.id);
await Folder.delete(item.id, { deleteChildren: false, trackDeleted: false });
if (!this.cancelling()) {
await BaseItem.deleteOrphanSyncItems();
} catch (error) {
if (error && ["cannotEncryptEncrypted", "noActiveMasterKey"].indexOf(error.code) >= 0) {
// Only log an info statement for this since this is a common condition that is reported
// in the application, and needs to be resolved by the user
} else {
// Don't save to the report errors that are due to things like temporary network errors or timeout.
if (!shim.fetchRequestCanBeRetried(error)) this.progressReport_.errors.push(error);
if (this.cancelling()) {
this.logger().info('Synchronisation was cancelled.');
this.cancelling_ = false;
this.progressReport_.completedTime = time.unixMs();
this.logSyncOperation('finished', null, null, 'Synchronisation finished [' + synchronizationId + ']');
await this.logSyncSummary(this.progressReport_);
this.onProgress_ = function(s) {};
this.progressReport_ = {};
this.dispatch({ type: 'SYNC_COMPLETED' });
this.state_ = 'idle';
return outputContext;
module.exports = { Synchronizer };