mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2025-03-03 15:32:30 +02:00
Helmut K. C. Tessarek 097d4d5735
Update translations
2020-05-27 21:06:33 -04:00

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{"To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"Etiketa ezabatzeko, kendu etiketa duten oharrei","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"Aurretik aukeratu ezabatzeko oharra edo koadernoa, mesedez.","Press Ctrl+D or type \"exit\" to exit the application":"Sakatu Ktrl+D edo idatzi \"exit\" aplikaziotik irteteko","More than one item match \"%s\". Please narrow down your query.":"Elementu bat baino gehiago bat dator \"%s\" bilaketarekin. Mugatu zure bilaketa, mesedez.","No notebook selected.":"Ez dago koadernorik aukeratuta","No notebook has been specified.":"Ez dago koadernorik aukeratuta.","Y":"B","n":"e","N":"E","y":"b","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"Atzeko sinkronizazioa uzten... Mesedez itxaron.","No such command: %s":"Ez dago komandorik: %s","The command \"%s\" is only available in GUI mode":"\"%s\" komandoa soilik eskuragarri GUI moduan","Cannot change encrypted item":"Ezinezkoa zifratutako itema aldatzea","Missing required argument: %s":"Beharrezko argumentua faltan: %s","%s: %s":"%s: %s","Your choice: ":"Zure aukera:","Invalid answer: %s":"Erantzun baliogabea: %s","Attaches the given file to the note.":"Erantsi fitxategia notan","Cannot find \"%s\".":"Ezin aurkitu \"%s\"","Displays the given note.":"Oharra erakutsi","Displays the complete information about note.":"Erakutsi oharrari buruzko informazio guztia.","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"Konfigurazio balioa hartu edo ezartzen du. Baldin eta [balioa] ez bada ematen, [izena]ren balioa erakutsiko du. Ez bada ematen [izena] ez [balioa], oraingo konfigurazioaren zerrenda erakutsiko da.","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"Ezkutuko edo zehaztu gabeko konfigurazio aldagaiak ere erakusten ditu.","%s = %s (%s)":"%s = %s (%s)","%s = %s":"%s = %s","Duplicates the notes matching <note> to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"<oharra>rekin bat datozen oharrak [koaderno]ra kopiatzen ditu. Koadernorik ez bada zehazten, oharra oraingo koadernoan bikoiztuko da","Marks a to-do as done.":"Markatu zeregina egindakotzat.","Note is not a to-do: \"%s\"":"Oharra ez da zeregina: \"%s\"","Enter master password:":"Sartu pasahitz nagusia:","Operation cancelled":" Eragiketa utzita","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"Deszifratzearen hasiera... Mesedez itxaron, prozesua luzea izan daiteke, zenbat dagoen prozesatzeko.","Completed decryption.":"Deszifratuta.","Enabled":"Gaituta","Disabled":"Desgaituta","Encryption is: %s":"Zifratzea da: %s","Edit note.":"Oharra editatu.","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor <editor-path>`":"Testu editorerik ez dago definituta. Egin hau erabilita, mesedez: `config editor <editorearen-helbidea>`","No active notebook.":"Ez dago koadernorik aukeratuta.","Note does not exist: \"%s\". Create it?":"Ez dago oharrik: \"%s\". Sortu?","Exits the application.":"Irten aplikaziotik.","Exports only the given note.":"Esportatu emandako oharra soilik.","Exports only the given notebook.":"Esportatu emandako koadernoa soilik.","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"Erakutsi URL geolokalizazioa oharrean.","Displays usage information.":"Erakutsi erabilera datuak.","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"CLI moduan ez dago lasterbiderik erabilgarri.","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"Idatzi `help [command]` komandoari buruzko informazio gehiagorako; edo idatzi `help all` erabilerari buruzko informazio osoa lortzeko.","The possible commands are:":"Litezkeen komandoak hauek dira:","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"Edozein komandotan, oharra edo koadernoari erreferentzia egin ahal zaio izenburuz edo ID erabilita, edo `$n` edo `$b` lasterbideak erabilita, aukeratuta dagoen oharra edo koadernoa erabiltzeko. `$c` ere erabil daiteke aukeratutako elementua erabiltzeko.","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"Panel batetik bestera mugitzeko, sakatu Tab edo Shifft + Tab.","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"Erabili geziak edo page up/down list eta testu guneen artean aldatzeko (kontsola hau ere kontuan izanda).","To enter command line mode, press \":\"":"Komando lerroa sartzeko, idatzi \":\"","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"Komando lerrotik irteteko, sakatu ESC, mesedez","Do not ask for confirmation.":"Ez galdetu berresteko.","Found: %d.":"Aurkitua: %d","Created: %d.":"Sortuta: %d.","Updated: %d.":"Eguneratuta: %d.","Skipped: %d.":"Saltatuta: %d.","Resources: %d.":"Baliabideak: %d.","Tagged: %d.":"Etiketatuta: %d.","Importing notes...":"Oharrak inportatzen...","The notes have been imported: %s":"Oharrak inportatu dira: %s","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"Oraingo koadernoko oharrak erakusten ditu. Erabili `ls /` koadernoen zerrenda erakusteko.","Displays only the first top <num> notes.":"Erakusten ditu soilik gorengo <num> oharrak.","Sorts the item by <field> (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"Itemak antolatzen ditu <field> arabera (esate baterako, izenburua, eguneratze_unea, sortze_unea).","Reverses the sorting order.":"Alderantziz antolatzen du.","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-ttd` would display notes and to-dos.":"Zehaztutako item motak baino ez du erakusten. Izan daiteke `n` oharretarako, `t` zereginetarako, edo `nt` ohar eta zereginetarako (esate batrako, `-tt` zereginak erakutsiko ditu soilik, `-ttd` berriz zereginak eta oharrak.","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"Zerrenda luzearen formatua erabili. Formatua hau da, ID, NOTE_COUNT (libururako), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (zereginetarako), TITLE","Please select a notebook first.":"Aurretik aukeratu formatua, mesedez.","Creates a new notebook.":"Koaderno berria sortzen du.","Creates a new note.":"Ohar berria sortzen du.","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"Oharrak soilik sor daitezke koaderno baten barruan.","Creates a new to-do.":"Zeregin berria sortu.","Moves the notes matching <note> to [notebook].":"Oharrak eramaten ditu <note> bilatuta [notebook]era.","Renames the given <item> (note or notebook) to <name>.":"Ber izendatu emandako <item> (oharra edo koadernoa) <name> izen berriaz.","Deletes the given notebook.":"Ezabatu emandako koadernoak.","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"Ezabatu koadernoak berrespenik gabe.","Deletes the notes matching <note-pattern>.":"Ezabatu bat datozen oharrak: <note-patern> .","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"Ezabatu oharrak berrespenik eskatu gabe.","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d oharrak bat datoz ereduarekin. Ezabatu nahi dituzu?","Delete note?":"Oharra ezabatu?","Searches for the given <pattern> in all the notes.":"Emandako <pattern> bilatzen du ohar guztietan.","Sets the property <name> of the given <note> to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\n\n%s":"Emandako <note>ren <name> ezaugarrian emandako [value] balioa ezartzen du. Litezkeen ezaugarriak dira:\n\n%s","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"Oharren eta koadernoen laburpena erakusten du.","Synchronises with remote storage.":"Urruneko biltegiarekin sinkronizatzen du.","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"Autentifikazioa ez da egin osorik (ez du token-ik hartu).","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"Ez da autentifikatu %s -rekin. Eman galdutako kredentzialak.","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"Sinkronizazio prozesua dagoeneko abian da.","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \"%s\" and resume the operation.":"Giltzatzeko fitxategia dagoeneko eutsita dagoeneko. Baldin eta badakizu ez dena sinkronizaziorik egiten ari, ken dezakezu giltzatzeko fitxategia \"%s\"-n eta berrekin eragiketari.","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"Sinkronizazio helburua: %s (%s)","Cannot initialize synchroniser.":"Ezin has daiteke sinkronizazio prozesua.","Starting synchronisation...":"Sinkronizazioa hasten...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"Bertan behera uzten... itxaron, mesedez.","Invalid command: \"%s\"":"Komando baliogabea: \"%s\"","<todo-command> can either be \"toggle\" or \"clear\". Use \"toggle\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \"clear\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":"<todo-command> erabil daiteke \"txandakatzeko\" edo \"garbitzeko\". Erabili \"txandakatu\", emandako zeregina txandakatzeko bete ala ez-betea txandaketzeko (helburua ohar arrunta bada, zeregin bihurtuko da. Erabili \"garbitu\" zeregina ohar arrunt bilakatzeko.","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"Markatu zeregina betegabe moduan.","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"Aldatu [koaderno]ra - hurrengo eragiketak koaderno horretan jazoko dira.","Displays version information":"Erakutsi bertsioko informazioa","%s %s (%s)":"%s %s (%s)","Enum":"Zenbakitu","Type: %s.":"Idatz: %s.","Possible values: %s.":"Litezkeen balioak: %s.","Default: %s":"Lehenetsia: %s","Possible keys/values:":"Litezkeen balioak:","Fatal error:":"Aio! Agur! :_( ","Search:":"Bilatu:","Welcome to Joplin!\n\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\n\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Ongi etorri Joplin-era!\n\nIdatz `:help shortcuts` lasterbideak ikusteko, edo soilik `:help`erabilerako informaziorako.\n\nEsate baterako, koadernoa sortzeko sakatu `mb`: oharra sortzeko sakatu `mn`","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"Item bat edo gehiago orain zifratuta daude eta baliteke zuk pasahitz nagusia ordezkatu behar izatea. Horixe egiteko, mesedez, idatz `e2ee decrypt`. Dagoeneko pasahitza ordezkatua baduzu, itemak deszifratzen ari izango dira atzeko planoan eta laster izango dira eskuragarri.","Synchronisation Status":"Sinkronizazioaren egoera","New note":"Ohar berria","New to-do":"Zeregin berria","New notebook":"Koaderno berria","Options":"Aukerak","%s %s (%s, %s)":"%s %s (%s, %s)","Copy":"Kopiatu","OK":"OK","About Joplin":"Joplin-i buruz","Import":"Inportatu","Synchronise":"Sinkronizatu","Quit":"Irten","Cut":"Moztu","Paste":"Itsatsi","Search in all the notes":"Bilatu ohar guztietan","Tags":"Etiketak","Website and documentation":"Web orria eta dokumentazioa (en)","Cancel":"Utzi","Edit":"Editatu","Back":"Atzera","Save":"Gorde","ID":"ID","Status":"Egoera","Encryption is:":"Zifratua da:","New notebook \"%s\" will be created and file \"%s\" will be imported into it":"\"%s\" koaderno berria sortuko da eta \"%s\" Fitxategia inportatuko da bertara","Please create a notebook first.":"Aurretik sortu koadernoa, mesedez.","Please create a notebook first":"Aurretik sortu koadernoa, mesedez","Notebook title:":"Koadernoaren izenburua: ","Add or remove tags:":"Gehitu edo ezabatu etiketak:","Rename notebook:":"Berrizendatu koadernoa:","Set alarm:":"Ezarri alarma:","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \"New note\".":"Hemen ez dago oharrik. Sortu bat \"Ohar berria\" sakatuta.","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \"New notebook\".":"Momentuz ez dago koadernorik. Sortu bat \"Koaderno berria\" sakatuta.","Created":"Sortua","Updated":"Eguneratua","Unsupported link or message: %s":"Esteka edo mezu ez dago onartua: %s","Layout":"Diseinua","Attach file":"Erantsi fitxategia","Set alarm":"Ezarri alarma","Clear":"Garbitu","Untitled":"Titulu gabekoa","Delete":"Ezabatu","OneDrive Login":"Logeatu OneDriven","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"Kendu bilaketa hori ohar guztietatik?","Rename":"Berrizendatu","Notebooks":"Koadernoak","Add or remove tags":"Gehitu edo ezabatu etiketak","Switch between note and to-do type":"Aldatu oharra eta zeregin eren artean.","Error opening note in editor: %s":"Errorea editorean oharra zabaltzean: %s","Usage: %s":"Erabili: %s","Unknown flag: %s":"Marka ezezaguna: %s","File system":"Fitxategi sistema","OneDrive":"OneDrive","OneDrive Dev (For testing only)":"OneDrive Dev (aprobetarako soilik)","Unknown log level: %s":"Egunkari maila ezezaguna: %s","Unknown level ID: %s":"IDa maila ezezaguna: %s","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"Aplikazioak baimena hartu du - Orain fitxa hau zarratu dezakezu.","The application has been successfully authorised.":"Aplikazioak baimena hartu du.","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"Tokena ezin eguneratu daiteke: egiaztatze-datuak desagertuta daude. Agian, berriro sinkronizatzeak arazoa konpon lezake.","Cannot access %s":"Ezin atzituta %s","Created local items: %d.":"Item lokalak sortuta: %d.","Updated local items: %d.":"Item lokalak eguneratuta: %d.","Created remote items: %d.":"Urruneko itemak sortuta: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"Urruneko itemak eguneratuta: %d.","Deleted local items: %d.":"Item lokala ezabatuta: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"Urruneko itemak ezabatuta: %d.","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Itemak eskuratuta: %d%d.","Cancelling...":"Bertan behera uzten...","Completed: %s":"Osatuta: %s","Encrypted":"Zifratuta","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Zifratutako itemak ezin aldatu daitezke","Conflicts":"Gatazkak","Notebooks cannot be named \"%s\", which is a reserved title.":"Koadernoak ezin izendatu daitezke \"%s\", izen hori Joplinek gordeta dauka","This note does not have geolocation information.":"Ohar honek ez du geokokapen informaziorik.","Cannot copy note to \"%s\" notebook":"Ezin kopia daiteke oharra \"%s\" koadernora","Cannot move note to \"%s\" notebook":"Ezin eraman daiteke oharra \"%s\" koadernora","Light":"Argia","Dark":"Iluna","Synchronisation target":"Sinkronizazio helbudua","The target to synchonise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"Sinkronizazio helburua. Sinkronizazio aukera bakoitzak izan ditzake parametro gehigarriak, horrela izendatuta `sync.NUM.NAME` (dena beherago dokumentatuta).","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"Sinkronizatzeko direktorioa (bide-izena osorik)","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"Nextcloud WebDAV URL","Nextcloud username":"Nextcloud erabiltzaile-izena","Nextcloud password":"Nextcloud pasahitza","Language":"Hizkuntza","Date format":"Data-formatua","Time format":"Ordu formatua","Theme":"Gaia","Save geo-location with notes":"Gore geokokapena oharrekin","Automatically update the application":"Automatikoki eguneratu aplikazioa","Synchronisation interval":"Sinkronizazio tartea","%d minutes":"%d minutuak","%d hour":"% ordua","%d hours":"% orduak","Invalid option value: \"%s\". Possible values are: %s.":"Balio aukera baliogabea: \"%s\". Litezkeen balioak: %s.","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"Oharrak eta ezarpenak hemen daude gordeta: %s","File":"Fitxategia","Items that cannot be synchronised":"Itemok ezin sinkronizatu","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"Itemok gailuan geratuko dira baina ez dira sinkronizatuko. Horiek aurkitzeko bilaketak egin titulu edo goiko parentesien arteko IDaren arabera.","%s (%s): %s":"%s (%s): %s","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"Sinkronizazio egoera (sinkronizatutako itemak/itemak guztira)","%s: %d/%d":"%s: %d/%d","Total: %d/%d":"Denera: %d/%d","Conflicted: %d":"Gatazkatsua: %d","To delete: %d":"Ezabatzeko: %d","Folders":"Karpetak","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d oharrak","Coming alarms":"Hurrengo alarmak","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"Ez dago oharrik. Sortu bat (+) botoian klik eginaz.","Delete these notes?":"Oharrok ezabatu?","Move to notebook...":"Mugitu ... koadernora","Move %d notes to notebook \"%s\"?":"Mugitu %d oharrak \"%s\" koadernora?","Press to set the decryption password.":"Sakatu deszifratze pasahitza ezartzeko.","Select date":"Data aukeratu","Confirm":"Baieztatu","Configuration":"Konfigurazioa","Encryption Config":"Zifratze Ezarpenak","Log":"Egunkaria","Export Debug Report":"Esportatu arazketa txostena","Master Key %s":"Pasahitz Nagusia %s","Created: %s":"Sortuta: %s","Password:":"Pasahitza:","Password cannot be empty":"Pasahitza ezin utz daiteke hutsik","Enabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent encrypted to the sync target. Do not lose the password as, for security purposes, this will be the *only* way to decrypt the data! To enable encryption, please enter your password below.":"Zifratua gaitzeak esan nahi du zure ohar eta eranskin *guztiak* zifratuta sinkronizatuko eta bidaliko direla sinkronizazio helburura. Ez galdu pasahitza, bera izango baita datuak deszifratzeko bide *bakarra*! Zifratua baimentzeko, mesedez, aurretik sartu zure pasahitza.","Enable":"Gaituta","Disable encryption":"Zifratzea desgaitu","Enable encryption":"Zifratua gaitu","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"Koadernoa ezin gorde daiteke: %s","Edit notebook":"Editatu koadernoa","This note has been modified:":"Ohar hau mugitua izan da:","Save changes":"Gorde aldaketak","Discard changes":"Bertan behera utzi aldaketak","Unsupported image type: %s":"Irudi formatua ez onartua: %s","View on map":"Ikusi mapan","Attach photo":"Argazkia erantsi","Attach any file":"Erantsi fitxategiren bat","Convert to note":"Oharra bihurtu","Convert to todo":"Zeregina bihurtu","Login with OneDrive":"Login with OneDrive","Search":"Bilatu"}