mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2025-03-03 15:32:30 +02:00
2023-07-27 16:08:11 +01:00

337 lines
12 KiB

import AsyncActionQueue from '../../AsyncActionQueue';
import shim from '../../shim';
import { _ } from '../../locale';
import { toSystemSlashes } from '../../path-utils';
import Logger from '@joplin/utils/Logger';
import Setting from '../../models/Setting';
import Resource from '../../models/Resource';
import { ResourceEntity } from '../database/types';
const EventEmitter = require('events');
const chokidar = require('chokidar');
interface WatchedItem {
resourceId: string;
lastFileUpdatedTime: number;
lastResourceUpdatedTime: number;
path: string;
asyncSaveQueue: AsyncActionQueue;
size: number;
interface WatchedItems {
[key: string]: WatchedItem;
type OpenItemFn = (path: string)=> void;
export default class ResourceEditWatcher {
private static instance_: ResourceEditWatcher;
private logger_: any;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types -- Old code before rule was applied
private dispatch: Function;
private watcher_: any;
private chokidar_: any;
private watchedItems_: WatchedItems = {};
private eventEmitter_: any;
private tempDir_ = '';
private openItem_: OpenItemFn;
public constructor() {
this.logger_ = new Logger();
this.dispatch = () => {};
this.watcher_ = null;
this.chokidar_ = chokidar;
this.eventEmitter_ = new EventEmitter();
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types -- Old code before rule was applied
public initialize(logger: any, dispatch: Function, openItem: OpenItemFn) {
this.logger_ = logger;
this.dispatch = dispatch;
this.openItem_ = openItem;
public static instance() {
if (this.instance_) return this.instance_;
this.instance_ = new ResourceEditWatcher();
return this.instance_;
private async tempDir() {
if (!this.tempDir_) {
this.tempDir_ = `${Setting.value('tempDir')}/edited_resources`;
await shim.fsDriver().mkdir(this.tempDir_);
return this.tempDir_;
public logger() {
return this.logger_;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types -- Old code before rule was applied
public on(eventName: string, callback: Function) {
return this.eventEmitter_.on(eventName, callback);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types -- Old code before rule was applied
public off(eventName: string, callback: Function) {
return this.eventEmitter_.removeListener(eventName, callback);
public externalApi() {
return {
openAndWatch: async ({ resourceId }: any) => {
return this.openAndWatch(resourceId);
watch: async ({ resourceId }: any) => {
await this.watch(resourceId);
stopWatching: async ({ resourceId }: any) => {
return this.stopWatching(resourceId);
isWatched: async ({ resourceId }: any) => {
return !!this.watchedItemByResourceId(resourceId);
private watchFile(fileToWatch: string) {
if (!this.chokidar_) return;
const makeSaveAction = (resourceId: string, path: string) => {
return async () => {
this.logger().info(`ResourceEditWatcher: Saving resource ${resourceId}`);
const resource = await Resource.load(resourceId);
const watchedItem = this.watchedItemByResourceId(resourceId);
if (resource.updated_time !== watchedItem.lastResourceUpdatedTime) {
this.logger().info(`ResourceEditWatcher: Conflict was detected (resource was modified from somewhere else, possibly via sync). Conflict note will be created: ${resourceId}`);
// The resource has been modified from elsewhere, for example via sync
// so copy the current version to the Conflict notebook, and overwrite
// the resource content.
await Resource.createConflictResourceNote(resource);
const savedResource = await Resource.updateResourceBlobContent(resourceId, path);
watchedItem.lastResourceUpdatedTime = savedResource.updated_time;
this.eventEmitter_.emit('resourceChange', { id: resourceId });
const handleChangeEvent = async (path: string) => {
this.logger().debug(`ResourceEditWatcher: handleChangeEvent: ${path}`);
const watchedItem = this.watchedItemByPath(path);
if (!watchedItem) {
// The parent directory of the edited resource often gets a change event too
// and ends up here. Print a warning, but most likely it's nothing important.
this.logger().debug(`ResourceEditWatcher: could not find resource ID from path: ${path}`);
const resourceId = watchedItem.resourceId;
const stat = await shim.fsDriver().stat(path);
const editedFileUpdatedTime = stat.mtime.getTime();
// To check if the item has really changed we look at the updated time and size, which
// in most cases is sufficient. It could be a problem if the editing tool is making a change
// that neither changes the timestamp nor the file size. The alternative would be to compare
// the files byte for byte but that could be slow and the file might have changed again by
// the time we finished comparing.
if (watchedItem.lastFileUpdatedTime === editedFileUpdatedTime && watchedItem.size === stat.size) {
// chokidar is buggy and emits "change" events even when nothing has changed
// so double-check the modified time and skip processing if there's no change.
// In particular it emits two such events just after the file has been copied
// in openAndWatch().
// We also need this because some events are handled twice - once in the "all" event
// handle and once in the "raw" event handler, due to a bug in chokidar. So having
// this check means we don't unecessarily save the resource twice when the file is
// modified by the user.
this.logger().debug(`ResourceEditWatcher: No timestamp and file size change - skip: ${resourceId}`);
this.logger().debug(`ResourceEditWatcher: Queuing save action: ${resourceId}`);
watchedItem.asyncSaveQueue.push(makeSaveAction(resourceId, path));
watchedItem.lastFileUpdatedTime = editedFileUpdatedTime;
watchedItem.size = stat.size;
if (!this.watcher_) {
this.watcher_ = this.chokidar_.watch(fileToWatch, {
// Need to turn off fs-events because when it's on Chokidar
// keeps emitting "modified" events (on "raw" handler), several
// times per seconds, even when nothing is changed.
useFsEvents: false,
this.watcher_.on('all', (event: any, path: string) => {
path = path ? toSystemSlashes(path, 'linux') : '';
this.logger().info(`ResourceEditWatcher: Event: ${event}: ${path}`);
if (event === 'unlink') {
// File are unwatched in the stopWatching functions below. When we receive an unlink event
// here it might be that the file is quickly moved to a different location and replaced by
// another file with the same name, as it happens with emacs. So because of this
// we keep watching anyway.
// See: https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/710#issuecomment-420997167
// this.watcher_.unwatch(path);
} else if (event === 'change') {
void handleChangeEvent(path);
} else if (event === 'error') {
this.logger().error('ResourceEditWatcher: error');
// Hack to support external watcher on some linux applications (gedit, gvim, etc)
// taken from https://github.com/paulmillr/chokidar/issues/591
// 2020-07-22: It also applies when editing Excel files, which copy the new file
// then rename, so handling the "change" event alone is not enough as sometimes
// that event is not event triggered.
// https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/3407
this.watcher_.on('raw', (event: string, _path: string, options: any) => {
const watchedPath = options.watchedPath ? toSystemSlashes(options.watchedPath, 'linux') : '';
this.logger().debug(`ResourceEditWatcher: Raw event: ${event}: ${watchedPath}`);
if (event === 'rename') {
void handleChangeEvent(watchedPath);
} else {
return this.watcher_;
private async makeEditPath(resource: ResourceEntity) {
const tempDir = await this.tempDir();
return toSystemSlashes(await shim.fsDriver().findUniqueFilename(`${tempDir}/${Resource.friendlySafeFilename(resource)}`), 'linux');
private async copyResourceToEditablePath(resourceId: string) {
const resource = await Resource.load(resourceId);
if (!(await Resource.isReady(resource))) throw new Error(_('This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet'));
const sourceFilePath = Resource.fullPath(resource);
const editFilePath = await this.makeEditPath(resource);
await shim.fsDriver().copy(sourceFilePath, editFilePath);
return { resource, editFilePath };
private async watch(resourceId: string): Promise<WatchedItem> {
let watchedItem = this.watchedItemByResourceId(resourceId);
if (!watchedItem) {
// Immediately create and push the item to prevent race conditions
watchedItem = {
resourceId: resourceId,
lastFileUpdatedTime: 0,
lastResourceUpdatedTime: 0,
asyncSaveQueue: new AsyncActionQueue(1000),
path: '',
size: -1,
this.watchedItems_[resourceId] = watchedItem;
const { resource, editFilePath } = await this.copyResourceToEditablePath(resourceId);
const stat = await shim.fsDriver().stat(editFilePath);
watchedItem.path = editFilePath;
watchedItem.lastFileUpdatedTime = stat.mtime.getTime();
watchedItem.lastResourceUpdatedTime = resource.updated_time;
watchedItem.size = stat.size;
id: resource.id,
title: resource.title,
this.logger().info(`ResourceEditWatcher: Started watching ${watchedItem.path}`);
return watchedItem;
public async openAndWatch(resourceId: string) {
const watchedItem = await this.watch(resourceId);
// This call simply copies the resource file to a separate path and opens it.
// That way, even if it is changed, the real resource file on drive won't be
// affected.
public async openAsReadOnly(resourceId: string) {
const { editFilePath } = await this.copyResourceToEditablePath(resourceId);
await shim.fsDriver().chmod(editFilePath, 0o0666);
public async stopWatching(resourceId: string) {
if (!resourceId) return;
const item = this.watchedItemByResourceId(resourceId);
if (!item) {
this.logger().error(`ResourceEditWatcher: Trying to stop watching non-watched resource ${resourceId}`);
await item.asyncSaveQueue.waitForAllDone();
try {
if (this.watcher_) this.watcher_.unwatch(item.path);
await shim.fsDriver().remove(item.path);
} catch (error) {
this.logger().warn(`ResourceEditWatcher: There was an error unwatching resource ${resourceId}. Joplin will ignore the file regardless.`, error);
delete this.watchedItems_[resourceId];
id: resourceId,
this.logger().info(`ResourceEditWatcher: Stopped watching ${item.path}`);
public async stopWatchingAll() {
const promises = [];
for (const resourceId in this.watchedItems_) {
const item = this.watchedItems_[resourceId];
await Promise.all(promises);
private watchedItemByResourceId(resourceId: string): WatchedItem {
return this.watchedItems_[resourceId];
private watchedItemByPath(path: string): WatchedItem {
for (const resourceId in this.watchedItems_) {
const item = this.watchedItems_[resourceId];
if (item.path === path) return item;
return null;