mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2025-03-03 15:32:30 +02:00

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// CodeMirror 6 commands that modify markdown formatting (e.g. toggleBold).
import { EditorView, Command } from '@codemirror/view';
import { ListType } from '../types';
import {
SelectionRange, EditorSelection, ChangeSpec, Line, TransactionSpec,
} from '@codemirror/state';
import { getIndentUnit, indentString, syntaxTree } from '@codemirror/language';
import {
RegionSpec, growSelectionToNode, renumberList,
toggleInlineFormatGlobally, toggleRegionFormatGlobally, toggleSelectedLinesStartWith,
isIndentationEquivalent, stripBlockquote, tabsToSpaces,
} from './markdownReformatter';
const startingSpaceRegex = /^(\s*)/;
export const toggleBolded: Command = (view: EditorView): boolean => {
const spec = RegionSpec.of({ template: '**', nodeName: 'StrongEmphasis' });
const changes = toggleInlineFormatGlobally(view.state, spec);
return true;
export const toggleItalicized: Command = (view: EditorView): boolean => {
let handledBoldItalicRegion = false;
// Bold-italic regions' starting and ending patterns are similar to italicized regions.
// Thus, we need additional logic to convert bold regions to bold-italic regions.
view.dispatch(view.state.changeByRange((sel: SelectionRange) => {
const changes: ChangeSpec[] = [];
// Only handle cursors (empty selections)
if (sel.empty) {
const doc = view.state.doc;
const selLine = doc.lineAt(sel.from);
const selStartLineIdx = sel.from - selLine.from;
const selEndLineIdx = sel.to - selLine.from;
const beforeSel = selLine.text.substring(0, selStartLineIdx);
const afterSel = selLine.text.substring(selEndLineIdx);
const isBolded = beforeSel.endsWith('**') && afterSel.startsWith('**');
// If at the end of a bold-italic region, exit the region.
if (afterSel.startsWith('***')) {
sel = EditorSelection.cursor(sel.to + 3);
handledBoldItalicRegion = true;
} else if (isBolded) {
// Create a bold-italic region.
from: sel.from,
to: sel.to,
insert: '**',
// Move to the center of the bold-italic region (**|**** -> ***|***)
sel = EditorSelection.cursor(sel.to + 1);
handledBoldItalicRegion = true;
return {
range: sel,
if (!handledBoldItalicRegion) {
const changes = toggleInlineFormatGlobally(view.state, {
nodeName: 'Emphasis',
template: { start: '*', end: '*' },
matcher: { start: /[_*]/g, end: /[_*]/g },
return true;
// If the selected region is an empty inline code block, it will be converted to
// a block (fenced) code block.
export const toggleCode: Command = (view: EditorView): boolean => {
const codeFenceRegex = /^```\w*\s*$/;
const inlineRegionSpec = RegionSpec.of({ template: '`', nodeName: 'InlineCode' });
const blockRegionSpec: RegionSpec = {
nodeName: 'FencedCode',
template: { start: '```', end: '```' },
matcher: { start: codeFenceRegex, end: codeFenceRegex },
const changes = toggleRegionFormatGlobally(view.state, inlineRegionSpec, blockRegionSpec);
return true;
export const toggleMath: Command = (view: EditorView): boolean => {
const blockStartRegex = /^\$\$/;
const blockEndRegex = /\$\$\s*$/;
const inlineRegionSpec = RegionSpec.of({ nodeName: 'InlineMath', template: '$' });
const blockRegionSpec = RegionSpec.of({
nodeName: 'BlockMath',
template: '$$',
matcher: {
start: blockStartRegex,
end: blockEndRegex,
const changes = toggleRegionFormatGlobally(view.state, inlineRegionSpec, blockRegionSpec);
return true;
export const toggleList = (listType: ListType): Command => {
return (view: EditorView): boolean => {
let state = view.state;
let doc = state.doc;
const orderedListTag = 'OrderedList';
const unorderedListTag = 'BulletList';
// RegExps for different list types. The regular expressions MUST
// be mutually exclusive.
// `(?!\[[ xX]+\]\s?)` means "not followed by [x] or [ ]".
const bulletedRegex = /^\s*([-*])(?!\s\[[ xX]+\])\s?/;
const checklistRegex = /^\s*[-*]\s\[[ xX]+\]\s?/;
const numberedRegex = /^\s*\d+\.\s?/;
const listRegexes: Record<ListType, RegExp> = {
[ListType.OrderedList]: numberedRegex,
[ListType.CheckList]: checklistRegex,
[ListType.UnorderedList]: bulletedRegex,
const getContainerType = (line: Line): ListType|null => {
const lineContent = stripBlockquote(line);
// Determine the container's type.
const checklistMatch = lineContent.match(checklistRegex);
const bulletListMatch = lineContent.match(bulletedRegex);
const orderedListMatch = lineContent.match(numberedRegex);
if (checklistMatch) {
return ListType.CheckList;
} else if (bulletListMatch) {
return ListType.UnorderedList;
} else if (orderedListMatch) {
return ListType.OrderedList;
return null;
const changes: TransactionSpec = state.changeByRange((sel: SelectionRange) => {
const changes: ChangeSpec[] = [];
let containerType: ListType|null = null;
// Total number of characters added (deleted if negative)
let charsAdded = 0;
const originalSel = sel;
let fromLine: Line;
let toLine: Line;
let firstLineIndentation: string;
let firstLineInBlockQuote: boolean;
let fromLineContent: string;
const computeSelectionProps = () => {
fromLine = doc.lineAt(sel.from);
toLine = doc.lineAt(sel.to);
fromLineContent = stripBlockquote(fromLine);
firstLineIndentation = fromLineContent.match(startingSpaceRegex)[0];
firstLineInBlockQuote = (fromLineContent !== fromLine.text);
containerType = getContainerType(fromLine);
const origFirstLineIndentation = firstLineIndentation;
const origContainerType = containerType;
// Grow [sel] to the smallest containing list
if (sel.empty) {
sel = growSelectionToNode(state, sel, [orderedListTag, unorderedListTag]);
// Reset the selection if it seems likely the user didn't want the selection
// to be expanded
const isIndentationDiff =
!isIndentationEquivalent(state, firstLineIndentation, origFirstLineIndentation);
if (isIndentationDiff) {
const expandedRegionIndentation = firstLineIndentation;
sel = originalSel;
// Use the indentation level of the expanded region if it's greater.
// This makes sense in the case where unindented text is being converted to
// the same type of list as its container. For example,
// 1. Foobar
// unindented text
// that should be made a part of the above list.
// becoming
// 1. Foobar
// 2. unindented text
// 3. that should be made a part of the above list.
const wasGreaterIndentation = (
tabsToSpaces(state, expandedRegionIndentation).length
> tabsToSpaces(state, firstLineIndentation).length
if (wasGreaterIndentation) {
firstLineIndentation = expandedRegionIndentation;
} else if (
(origContainerType !== containerType && (origContainerType ?? null) !== null)
|| containerType !== getContainerType(toLine)
) {
// If the container type changed, this could be an artifact of checklists/bulleted
// lists sharing the same node type.
// Find the closest range of the same type of list to the original selection
let newFromLineNo = doc.lineAt(originalSel.from).number;
let newToLineNo = doc.lineAt(originalSel.to).number;
let lastFromLineNo;
let lastToLineNo;
while (newFromLineNo !== lastFromLineNo || newToLineNo !== lastToLineNo) {
lastFromLineNo = newFromLineNo;
lastToLineNo = newToLineNo;
if (lastFromLineNo - 1 >= 1) {
const testFromLine = doc.line(lastFromLineNo - 1);
if (getContainerType(testFromLine) === origContainerType) {
newFromLineNo --;
if (lastToLineNo + 1 <= doc.lines) {
const testToLine = doc.line(lastToLineNo + 1);
if (getContainerType(testToLine) === origContainerType) {
newToLineNo ++;
sel = EditorSelection.range(
// Determine whether the expanded selection should be empty
if (originalSel.empty && fromLine.number === toLine.number) {
sel = EditorSelection.cursor(toLine.to);
// Select entire lines (if not just a cursor)
if (!sel.empty) {
sel = EditorSelection.range(fromLine.from, toLine.to);
// Number of the item in the list (e.g. 2 for the 2nd item in the list)
let listItemCounter = 1;
for (let lineNum = fromLine.number; lineNum <= toLine.number; lineNum ++) {
const line = doc.line(lineNum);
const lineContent = stripBlockquote(line);
const lineContentFrom = line.to - lineContent.length;
const inBlockQuote = (lineContent !== line.text);
const indentation = lineContent.match(startingSpaceRegex)[0];
const wrongIndentaton = !isIndentationEquivalent(state, indentation, firstLineIndentation);
// If not the right list level,
if (inBlockQuote !== firstLineInBlockQuote || wrongIndentaton) {
// We'll be starting a new list
listItemCounter = 1;
// Don't add list numbers to otherwise empty lines (unless it's the first line)
if (lineNum !== fromLine.number && line.text.trim().length === 0) {
// Do not reset the counter -- the markdown renderer doesn't!
const deleteFrom = lineContentFrom;
let deleteTo = deleteFrom + indentation.length;
// If we need to remove an existing list,
const currentContainer = getContainerType(line);
if (currentContainer !== null) {
const containerRegex = listRegexes[currentContainer];
const containerMatch = lineContent.match(containerRegex);
if (!containerMatch) {
throw new Error(
'Assertion failed: container regex does not match line content.'
deleteTo = lineContentFrom + containerMatch[0].length;
let replacementString;
if (listType === containerType) {
// Delete the existing list if it's the same type as the current
replacementString = '';
} else if (listType === ListType.OrderedList) {
replacementString = `${firstLineIndentation}${listItemCounter}. `;
} else if (listType === ListType.CheckList) {
replacementString = `${firstLineIndentation}- [ ] `;
} else {
replacementString = `${firstLineIndentation}- `;
from: deleteFrom,
to: deleteTo,
insert: replacementString,
charsAdded -= deleteTo - deleteFrom;
charsAdded += replacementString.length;
// Don't change cursors to selections
if (sel.empty) {
// Position the cursor at the end of the last line modified
sel = EditorSelection.cursor(toLine.to + charsAdded);
} else {
sel = EditorSelection.range(
sel.to + charsAdded
return {
range: sel,
state = view.state;
doc = state.doc;
// Renumber the list
view.dispatch(state.changeByRange((sel: SelectionRange) => {
return renumberList(state, sel);
return true;
export const toggleHeaderLevel = (level: number): Command => {
return (view: EditorView): boolean => {
let headerStr = '';
for (let i = 0; i < level; i++) {
headerStr += '#';
const matchEmpty = true;
// Remove header formatting for any other level
let changes = toggleSelectedLinesStartWith(
new RegExp(
// Check all numbers of #s lower than [level]
`${level - 1 >= 1 ? `(?:^[#]{1,${level - 1}}\\s)|` : ''
// Check all number of #s higher than [level]
}(?:^[#]{${level + 1},}\\s)`
// Set to the proper header level
changes = toggleSelectedLinesStartWith(
// We want exactly [level] '#' characters.
new RegExp(`^[#]{${level}} `),
`${headerStr} `,
return true;
// Prepends the given editor's indentUnit to all lines of the current selection
// and re-numbers modified ordered lists (if any).
export const increaseIndent: Command = (view: EditorView): boolean => {
const matchEmpty = true;
const matchNothing = /$ ^/;
const indentUnit = indentString(view.state, getIndentUnit(view.state));
const changes = toggleSelectedLinesStartWith(
// Delete nothing
// ...and thus always add indentUnit.
// Fix any lists
view.dispatch(view.state.changeByRange((sel: SelectionRange) => {
return renumberList(view.state, sel);
return true;
export const decreaseIndent: Command = (view: EditorView): boolean => {
const matchEmpty = true;
const changes = toggleSelectedLinesStartWith(
// Assume indentation is either a tab or in units
// of n spaces.
new RegExp(`^(?:[\\t]|[ ]{1,${getIndentUnit(view.state)}})`),
// Don't add new text
// Fix any lists
view.dispatch(view.state.changeByRange((sel: SelectionRange) => {
return renumberList(view.state, sel);
return true;
export const updateLink = (label: string, url: string): Command => {
// Empty label? Just include the URL.
const linkText = label === '' ? url : `[${label}](${url})`;
return (editor: EditorView): boolean => {
const transaction = editor.state.changeByRange((sel: SelectionRange) => {
const changes = [];
// Search for a link that overlaps [sel]
let linkFrom: number | null = null;
let linkTo: number | null = null;
from: sel.from, to: sel.to,
enter: node => {
const haveFoundLink = (linkFrom !== null && linkTo !== null);
if (node.name === 'Link' || (node.name === 'URL' && !haveFoundLink)) {
linkFrom = node.from;
linkTo = node.to;
linkFrom ??= sel.from;
linkTo ??= sel.to;
from: linkFrom, to: linkTo,
insert: linkText,
return {
range: EditorSelection.range(linkFrom, linkFrom + linkText.length),
return true;