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Shawn Axsom 5eb0417b1a
All: Sort search results by average of multiple criteria, including 'Sort notes by' field setting (#3777)
* Weight search results by most recently updated

As discussed here: https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/pull/3777#issuecomment-696491859
Before this commit, results were rarely sorted by date. Content weights and fuzziness were
determined, and then the first criteria to differ would win in sort order (and user_updated_time
was the last criteria checked).

Now the weight score itself will also include age of user_updated_time, surfacing fresh content.
At the current alpha level, results are weighted logarithmically, prioritizing mostly within the
last 30 days, and especially heavily within the past week.

* Updated unit tests to weight search results by last updated date

* Updated unit test title

* Fixed issue with weighted search engine test, and made it more deterministic using mock date

Date was being calculated only at the start of the test suite. It also wasn't using a set mock date, so the milliseconds between the real search engine calculations and the test calculation caused differences in results

* Added initial Search Engine spec

* Added Search Engine spec to README.md

* Renamed Search Sorting spec per laurent22's mentioned naming

* Revised copy in search sorting spec

Co-authored-by: Laurent <laurent22@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-10-09 21:51:11 +01:00

517 lines
17 KiB

/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
/* eslint prefer-const: 0*/
const { time } = require('lib/time-utils.js');
const { fileContentEqual, setupDatabase, setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer, asyncTest, db, synchronizer, fileApi, sleep, clearDatabase, switchClient, syncTargetId, objectsEqual, checkThrowAsync, mockDate, restoreDate } = require('test-utils.js');
const SearchEngine = require('lib/services/searchengine/SearchEngine');
const Note = require('lib/models/Note');
const ItemChange = require('lib/models/ItemChange');
const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting').default;
process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, p) => {
console.log('Unhandled Rejection at: Promise', p, 'reason:', reason);
let engine = null;
const IDF = (N, n) => Math.max(Math.log((N - n + 0.5) / (n + 0.5)), 0);
const frequency = (word, string) => {
const re = new RegExp(`\\b(${word})\\b`, 'g');
return (string.match(re) || []).length;
const calculateScore = (searchString, notes) => {
const K1 = 1.2;
const B = 0.75;
const freqTitle = notes.map(note => frequency(searchString, note.title));
const notesWithWord = freqTitle.filter(count => count !== 0).length;
const numTokens = notes.map(note => note.title.split(' ').length);
const avgTokens = Math.round(numTokens.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / notes.length);
const msSinceEpoch = Math.round(new Date().getTime());
const msPerDay = 86400000;
const weightForDaysSinceLastUpdate = (row) => {
// BM25 weights typically range 0-10, and last updated date should weight similarly, though prioritizing recency logarithmically.
// An alpha of 200 ensures matches in the last week will show up front (11.59) and often so for matches within 2 weeks (5.99),
// but is much less of a factor at 30 days (2.84) or very little after 90 days (0.95), focusing mostly on content at that point.
if (!row.user_updated_time) {
return 0;
const alpha = 200;
const daysSinceLastUpdate = (msSinceEpoch - row.user_updated_time) / msPerDay;
return alpha * Math.log(1 + 1 / Math.max(daysSinceLastUpdate, 0.5));
let titleBM25WeightedByLastUpdate = new Array(notes.length).fill(-1);
if (avgTokens != 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) {
titleBM25WeightedByLastUpdate[i] = IDF(notes.length, notesWithWord) * ((freqTitle[i] * (K1 + 1)) / (freqTitle[i] + K1 * (1 - B + B * (numTokens[i] / avgTokens))));
titleBM25WeightedByLastUpdate[i] += weightForDaysSinceLastUpdate(notes[i]);
const scores = [];
for (let i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) {
if (freqTitle[i]) scores.push(titleBM25WeightedByLastUpdate[i]);
return scores;
describe('services_SearchEngine', function() {
beforeEach(async (done) => {
await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(1);
await switchClient(1);
engine = new SearchEngine();
it('should keep the content and FTS table in sync', asyncTest(async () => {
let rows, n1, n2, n3;
n1 = await Note.save({ title: 'a' });
n2 = await Note.save({ title: 'b' });
await engine.syncTables();
rows = await engine.search('a');
await Note.delete(n1.id);
await engine.syncTables();
rows = await engine.search('a');
rows = await engine.search('b');
await Note.save({ id: n2.id, title: 'c' });
await engine.syncTables();
rows = await engine.search('b');
rows = await engine.search('c');
await Note.save({ id: n2.id, encryption_applied: 1 });
await engine.syncTables();
rows = await engine.search('c');
await Note.save({ id: n2.id, encryption_applied: 0 });
await engine.syncTables();
rows = await engine.search('c');
it('should, after initial indexing, save the last change ID', asyncTest(async () => {
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd efgh' }); // 3
const n2 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd aaaaa abcd abcd' }); // 1
await ItemChange.waitForAllSaved();
const lastChangeId = await ItemChange.lastChangeId();
await engine.syncTables();
it('should order search results by relevance BM25', asyncTest(async () => {
// BM25 is based on term frequency - inverse document frequency
// The tf–idf value increases proportionally to the number of times a word appears in the document
// and is offset by the number of documents in the corpus that contain the word, which helps to adjust
// for the fact that some words appear more frequently in general.
// BM25 returns weight zero for search term which occurs in more than half the notes.
// So terms that are abundant in all notes to have zero relevance w.r.t BM25.
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd efgh' }); // 3
const n2 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd efgh abcd abcd' }); // 1
const n3 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd aaaaa bbbb eeee abcd' }); // 2
const n4 = await Note.save({ title: 'xyz xyz' });
const n5 = await Note.save({ title: 'xyz xyz xyz xyz' });
const n6 = await Note.save({ title: 'xyz xyz xyz xyz xyz xyz' });
const n7 = await Note.save({ title: 'xyz xyz xyz xyz xyz xyz' });
const n8 = await Note.save({ title: 'xyz xyz xyz xyz xyz xyz xyz xyz' });
await engine.syncTables();
let rows = await engine.search('abcd');
rows = await engine.search('abcd efgh');
expect(rows[0].id).toBe(n1.id); // shorter note; also 'efgh' is more rare than 'abcd'.
it('should correctly weigh notes using BM25 and user_updated_time', asyncTest(async () => {
await mockDate(2020, 9, 30, 50);
const noteData = [
title: 'abc test2 test2',
updated_time: 1601425064756,
user_updated_time: 1601425064756,
created_time: 1601425064756,
user_created_time: 1601425064756,
title: 'foo foo',
updated_time: 1601425064758,
user_updated_time: 1601425064758,
created_time: 1601425064758,
user_created_time: 1601425064758,
title: 'dead beef',
updated_time: 1601425064760,
user_updated_time: 1601425064760,
created_time: 1601425064760,
user_created_time: 1601425064760,
title: 'test2 bar',
updated_time: 1601425064761,
user_updated_time: 1601425064761,
created_time: 1601425064761,
user_created_time: 1601425064761,
title: 'blah blah abc',
updated_time: 1601425064763,
user_updated_time: 1601425064763,
created_time: 1601425064763,
user_created_time: 1601425064763,
const n0 = await Note.save(noteData[0], { autoTimestamp: false });
const n1 = await Note.save(noteData[1], { autoTimestamp: false });
const n2 = await Note.save(noteData[2], { autoTimestamp: false });
const n3 = await Note.save(noteData[3], { autoTimestamp: false });
const n4 = await Note.save(noteData[4], { autoTimestamp: false });
await engine.syncTables();
await mockDate(2020, 9, 30, 50);
let searchString = 'abc';
let scores = calculateScore(searchString, noteData);
let rows = await engine.search(searchString);
// console.log(rows);
// console.log(scores);
searchString = 'test2';
scores = calculateScore(searchString, noteData);
rows = await engine.search(searchString);
// console.log(rows);
// console.log(scores);
searchString = 'foo';
scores = calculateScore(searchString, noteData);
rows = await engine.search(searchString);
// console.log(rows);
// console.log(scores);
await restoreDate();
it('should tell where the results are found', asyncTest(async () => {
const notes = [
await Note.save({ title: 'abcd efgh', body: 'abcd' }),
await Note.save({ title: 'abcd' }),
await Note.save({ title: 'efgh', body: 'abcd' }),
await engine.syncTables();
const testCases = [
['abcd', ['title', 'body'], ['title'], ['body']],
['efgh', ['title'], [], ['title']],
for (const testCase of testCases) {
const rows = await engine.search(testCase[0]);
for (let i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) {
const row = rows.find(row => row.id === notes[i].id);
const actual = row ? row.fields.sort().join(',') : '';
const expected = testCase[i + 1].sort().join(',');
it('should order search results by relevance (last updated first)', asyncTest(async () => {
let rows;
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd' });
await sleep(0.1);
const n2 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd' });
await sleep(0.1);
const n3 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd' });
await sleep(0.1);
await engine.syncTables();
rows = await engine.search('abcd');
await Note.save({ id: n1.id, title: 'abcd' });
await engine.syncTables();
rows = await engine.search('abcd');
it('should order search results by relevance (completed to-dos last)', asyncTest(async () => {
let rows;
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd', is_todo: 1 });
await sleep(0.1);
const n2 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd', is_todo: 1 });
await sleep(0.1);
const n3 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd', is_todo: 1 });
await sleep(0.1);
await engine.syncTables();
rows = await engine.search('abcd');
await Note.save({ id: n3.id, todo_completed: Date.now() });
await engine.syncTables();
rows = await engine.search('abcd');
it('should supports various query types', asyncTest(async () => {
let rows;
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: 'abcd efgh ijkl', body: 'aaaa bbbb' });
const n2 = await Note.save({ title: 'iiii efgh bbbb', body: 'aaaa bbbb' });
const n3 = await Note.save({ title: 'Агентство Рейтер' });
const n4 = await Note.save({ title: 'Dog' });
const n5 = await Note.save({ title: 'СООБЩИЛО' });
await engine.syncTables();
rows = await engine.search('abcd ijkl');
rows = await engine.search('"abcd ijkl"');
rows = await engine.search('"abcd efgh"');
rows = await engine.search('title:abcd');
rows = await engine.search('title:efgh');
rows = await engine.search('body:abcd');
rows = await engine.search('body:bbbb');
rows = await engine.search('body:bbbb iiii');
rows = await engine.search('Рейтер');
rows = await engine.search('рейтер');
rows = await engine.search('Dog');
rows = await engine.search('dog');
rows = await engine.search('сообщило');
it('should support queries with or without accents', asyncTest(async () => {
let rows;
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: 'père noël' });
await engine.syncTables();
expect((await engine.search('père')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('pere')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('noe*')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('noë*')).length).toBe(1);
it('should support queries with Chinese characters', asyncTest(async () => {
let rows;
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: '我是法国人', body: '中文测试' });
await engine.syncTables();
expect((await engine.search('我')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('法国人')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('法国人*'))[0].fields.sort()).toEqual(['body', 'title']); // usually assume that keyword was matched in body
expect((await engine.search('测试')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('测试'))[0].fields).toEqual(['body']);
expect((await engine.search('测试*'))[0].fields).toEqual(['body']);
it('should support queries with Japanese characters', asyncTest(async () => {
let rows;
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: '私は日本語を話すことができません', body: 'テスト' });
await engine.syncTables();
expect((await engine.search('日本')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('できません')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('できません*'))[0].fields.sort()).toEqual(['body', 'title']); // usually assume that keyword was matched in body
expect((await engine.search('テスト'))[0].fields.sort()).toEqual(['body']);
it('should support queries with Korean characters', asyncTest(async () => {
let rows;
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: '이것은 한국말이다' });
await engine.syncTables();
expect((await engine.search('이것은')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('말')).length).toBe(1);
it('should support queries with Thai characters', asyncTest(async () => {
let rows;
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: 'นี่คือคนไทย' });
await engine.syncTables();
expect((await engine.search('นี่คือค')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('ไทย')).length).toBe(1);
it('should support field restricted queries with Chinese characters', asyncTest(async () => {
let rows;
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: '你好', body: '我是法国人' });
await engine.syncTables();
expect((await engine.search('title:你好*')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('title:你好*'))[0].fields).toEqual(['title']);
expect((await engine.search('body:法国人')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('body:法国人'))[0].fields).toEqual(['body']);
expect((await engine.search('body:你好')).length).toBe(0);
expect((await engine.search('title:你好 body:法国人')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('title:你好 body:法国人'))[0].fields.sort()).toEqual(['body', 'title']);
expect((await engine.search('title:你好 body:bla')).length).toBe(0);
expect((await engine.search('title:你好 我是')).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('title:你好 我是'))[0].fields.sort()).toEqual(['body', 'title']);
expect((await engine.search('title:bla 我是')).length).toBe(0);
// For non-alpha char, only the first field is looked at, the following ones are ignored
expect((await engine.search('title:你好 title:hello')).length).toBe(1);
it('should parse normal query strings', asyncTest(async () => {
let rows;
const testCases = [
['abcd efgh', { _: ['abcd', 'efgh'] }],
['abcd efgh', { _: ['abcd', 'efgh'] }],
['title:abcd efgh', { _: ['efgh'], title: ['abcd'] }],
['title:abcd', { title: ['abcd'] }],
['"abcd efgh"', { _: ['abcd efgh'] }],
['title:abcd title:efgh', { title: ['abcd', 'efgh'] }],
for (let i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) {
const t = testCases[i];
const input = t[0];
const expected = t[1];
const actual = await engine.parseQuery(input);
const _Values = actual.terms._ ? actual.terms._.map(v => v.value) : undefined;
const titleValues = actual.terms.title ? actual.terms.title.map(v => v.value) : undefined;
const bodyValues = actual.terms.body ? actual.terms.body.map(v => v.value) : undefined;
expect(JSON.stringify(_Values)).toBe(JSON.stringify(expected._), `Test case (_) ${i}`);
expect(JSON.stringify(titleValues)).toBe(JSON.stringify(expected.title), `Test case (title) ${i}`);
expect(JSON.stringify(bodyValues)).toBe(JSON.stringify(expected.body), `Test case (body) ${i}`);
it('should handle queries with special characters', asyncTest(async () => {
let rows;
const testCases = [
// "-" is considered a word delimiter so it is stripped off
// when indexing the notes. "did-not-match" is translated to
// three word "did", "not", "match"
['did-not-match', 'did not match'],
['did-not-match', '"did-not-match"'],
['does match', 'does match'],
for (let i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) {
const t = testCases[i];
const content = t[0];
const query = t[1];
const n = await Note.save({ title: content });
await engine.syncTables();
rows = await engine.search(query);
await Note.delete(n.id);
it('should allow using basic search', asyncTest(async () => {
const n1 = await Note.save({ title: '- [ ] abcd' });
const n2 = await Note.save({ title: '[ ] abcd' });
await engine.syncTables();
expect((await engine.search('"- [ ]"', { searchType: SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_FTS })).length).toBe(0);
expect((await engine.search('"- [ ]"', { searchType: SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_BASIC })).length).toBe(1);
expect((await engine.search('"[ ]"', { searchType: SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_BASIC })).length).toBe(2);