mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2024-12-18 09:35:20 +02:00
Laurent Cozic 3d8577a689 Plugins: Added support for content scripts
- For now, supports Markdown-it plugins
- Also fixed slow rendering of notes in some cases
- Simplified how Markdown-It plugins are created and cleaned MdToHtml code

commit 89576de289
Merge: c75aa21f 5292fc14
Author: Laurent Cozic <laurent@cozic.net>
Date:   Wed Oct 21 00:23:00 2020 +0100

    Merge branch 'release-1.3' into plugin_content_scripts

commit c75aa21ffd
Author: Laurent Cozic <laurent@cozic.net>
Date:   Wed Oct 21 00:19:52 2020 +0100

    Fixed tests

commit 075187729d
Author: Laurent Cozic <laurent@cozic.net>
Date:   Wed Oct 21 00:11:53 2020 +0100

    Fixed tests

commit 14696b8c65
Author: Laurent Cozic <laurent@cozic.net>
Date:   Tue Oct 20 23:27:58 2020 +0100

    Fixed slow rendering of note

commit 61c09f5bf8
Author: Laurent Cozic <laurent@cozic.net>
Date:   Tue Oct 20 22:35:21 2020 +0100

    Clean up

commit 9f7ea7d865
Author: Laurent Cozic <laurent@cozic.net>
Date:   Tue Oct 20 20:05:31 2020 +0100

    Updated doc

commit 98bf3bde8d
Author: Laurent Cozic <laurent@cozic.net>
Date:   Tue Oct 20 19:56:34 2020 +0100

    Finished converting plugins

commit fe90d92e01
Author: Laurent Cozic <laurent@cozic.net>
Date:   Tue Oct 20 17:52:02 2020 +0100

    Simplified how Markdown-It plugins are created

commit 47c7b864cb
Author: Laurent Cozic <laurent@cozic.net>
Date:   Mon Oct 19 16:40:11 2020 +0100

    Clean up rules

commit d927a238bb
Author: Laurent Cozic <laurent@cozic.net>
Date:   Mon Oct 19 14:29:40 2020 +0100

    Fixed tests

commit 388a56c5dd
Author: Laurent Cozic <laurent@cozic.net>
Date:   Mon Oct 19 14:00:47 2020 +0100

    Add support for content scripts
2020-10-21 00:23:55 +01:00

367 lines
17 KiB

const { formatCssSize } = require('lib/string-utils');
export default function(theme:any) {
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padding-bottom: .1em; */
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/* These icons are obtained from the wonderful ForkAwesome project by copying the src svgs
* into the css classes below.
* svgs are obtained from https://github.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome/tree/master/src/icons/svg
* instead of the svg width, height property you must use a viewbox here, 0 0 1536 1792 is typically the actual size of the icon
* each line begins with the pre-amble -webkit-mask: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,
* and of course finishes with ");
* to precvent artifacts it is also necessary to include -webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat;
* on the following line
* */
.fa-joplin {
/* Awesome Font file */
-webkit-mask: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg viewBox='0 0 1536 1792' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='M373.834 128C168.227 128 0 296.223 0 501.834v788.336C0 1495.778 168.227 1664 373.834 1664h788.336c205.608 0 373.83-168.222 373.83-373.83V501.834C1536 296.224 1367.778 128 1162.17 128zm397.222 205.431h417.424a7.132 7.132 0 0 1 7.132 7.133v132.552c0 4.461-3.619 8.073-8.077 8.073h-57.23c-24.168 0-43.768 19.338-44.284 43.374v2.377h-.017v136.191h-.053l-.466 509.375c-5.02 77.667-39.222 149.056-96.324 201.046-60.28 54.834-141.948 85.017-229.962 85.017-12.45 0-25.208-.61-37.907-1.785-92.157-8.682-181.494-48.601-251.662-112.438-71.99-65.517-117.147-150.03-127.164-238-11.226-98.763 23.42-192.783 95.045-257.937 81.99-74.637 198.185-101.768 316.613-75.704 5.574 1.227 9.55 6.282 9.55 11.997v199.52c-.199 2.625-1.481 6.599-8.183 2.896-.663-.365-1.194-.511-1.653-.531-21.987-10.587-45.159-17.57-68.559-19.916-.38-.04-.757-.124-1.138-.163-.537-.048-1.034-.033-1.556-.075-4.13-.354-8.183-.517-12.203-.58-.87-.011-1.771-.127-2.641-.127-.486 0-.951.05-1.437.057-1.464.011-2.886.115-4.33.163-2.76.102-5.497.211-8.182.448-.273.024-.547.07-.835.097-25.509 2.4-47.864 11.104-65.012 25.47-.954.802-1.974 1.53-2.9 2.36a1.34 1.34 0 0 1-.168.146c-23.96 21.8-34.881 53.872-30.726 90.316 4.62 40.737 26.94 81.156 62.841 113.823 35.908 32.67 80.335 52.977 125.113 57.186 35.118 3.36 66.547-3.919 89.899-20.461a97.255 97.255 0 0 0 9.365-7.501c2.925-2.661 5.569-5.5 8.086-8.416.3-.348.672-.673.975-1.024 8.253-9.864 14.222-21.067 17.996-33.148.639-2.034 1.051-4.148 1.564-6.227.381-1.563.81-3.106 1.112-4.693.555-2.784.923-5.632 1.253-8.49.086-.709.183-1.414.237-2.128.492-4.893.693-9.858.55-14.91h.013V521.623c-2.01-22.626-20.78-40.434-43.928-40.434h-57.23a8.071 8.071 0 0 1-8.077-8.073V340.564a7.132 7.132 0 0 1 7.136-7.133z'/></svg>");
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/* fork-awesome doesn't have csv so we use the text icon */
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display: none;
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/* For TinyMCE */
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/* The height of the content is set dynamically by JavaScript (in updateBodyHeight) to go
around various issues related to scrolling. However when printing we don't want this
fixed size as that would crop the content. So we set it to auto here. "important" is
needed to override the style set by JavaScript at the element-level. */
height: auto !important;
return [css];