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synced 2025-03-03 15:32:30 +02:00
432 lines
10 KiB
432 lines
10 KiB
const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting.js');
// globalStyle should be used for properties that do not change across themes
// i.e. should not be used for colors
const globalStyle = {
fontSize: 12,
fontFamily: 'sans-serif',
margin: 15, // No text and no interactive component should be within this margin
itemMarginTop: 10,
itemMarginBottom: 10,
fontSizeSmaller: 14,
disabledOpacity: 0.3,
buttonMinWidth: 50,
buttonMinHeight: 30,
editorFontSize: 12,
textAreaLineHeight: 17,
headerHeight: 35,
headerButtonHPadding: 6,
toolbarHeight: 35,
tagItemPadding: 3,
globalStyle.marginRight = globalStyle.margin;
globalStyle.marginLeft = globalStyle.margin;
globalStyle.marginTop = globalStyle.margin;
globalStyle.marginBottom = globalStyle.margin;
globalStyle.htmlMarginLeft = ((globalStyle.marginLeft / 10) * 0.6).toFixed(2) + 'em';
globalStyle.icon = {
fontSize: 30,
globalStyle.lineInput = {
fontFamily: globalStyle.fontFamily,
maxHeight: 22,
height: 22,
paddingLeft: 5,
globalStyle.headerStyle = {
fontFamily: globalStyle.fontFamily,
globalStyle.inputStyle = {
border: '1px solid',
height: 24,
maxHeight: 24,
paddingLeft: 5,
paddingRight: 5,
boxSizing: 'border-box',
globalStyle.containerStyle = {
overflow: 'auto',
overflowY: 'auto',
globalStyle.buttonStyle = {
// marginRight: 10,
border: '1px solid',
minHeight: 26,
minWidth: 80,
maxWidth: 160,
paddingLeft: 12,
paddingRight: 12,
paddingTop: 6,
paddingBottom: 6,
boxShadow: '0px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.3)',
fontSize: globalStyle.fontSize,
borderRadius: 4,
const lightStyle = {
backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
backgroundColorTransparent: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.9)',
oddBackgroundColor: '#dddddd',
color: '#222222', // For regular text
colorError: 'red',
colorWarn: '#9A5B00',
colorFaded: '#777777', // For less important text
colorBright: '#000000', // For important text
dividerColor: '#dddddd',
selectedColor: '#e5e5e5',
urlColor: '#155BDA',
backgroundColor2: '#162B3D',
depthColor: 'rgb(100, 182, 253, OPACITY)',
color2: '#f5f5f5',
selectedColor2: '#0269C2',
colorError2: '#ff6c6c',
raisedBackgroundColor: '#e5e5e5',
raisedColor: '#222222',
warningBackgroundColor: '#FFD08D',
htmlBackgroundColor: 'white',
htmlDividerColor: 'rgb(230,230,230)',
htmlLinkColor: 'rgb(80,130,190)',
htmlTableBackgroundColor: 'rgb(247, 247, 247)',
htmlCodeBackgroundColor: 'rgb(243, 243, 243)',
htmlCodeBorderColor: 'rgb(220, 220, 220)',
htmlCodeColor: 'rgb(0,0,0)',
editorTheme: 'chrome',
codeThemeCss: 'atom-one-light.css',
const darkStyle = {
backgroundColor: '#1D2024',
backgroundColorTransparent: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.9)',
oddBackgroundColor: '#dddddd',
color: '#dddddd',
colorError: 'red',
colorWarn: '#9A5B00',
colorFaded: '#777777', // For less important text
colorBright: '#ffffff', // For important text
dividerColor: '#555555',
selectedColor: '#333333',
urlColor: '#4E87EE',
backgroundColor2: '#181A1D',
depthColor: 'rgb(200, 200, 200, OPACITY)',
color2: '#ffffff',
selectedColor2: '#013F74',
colorError2: '#ff6c6c',
raisedBackgroundColor: '#474747',
raisedColor: '#ffffff',
warningBackgroundColor: '#CC6600',
htmlColor: 'rgb(220,220,220)',
htmlBackgroundColor: 'rgb(29,32,36)',
htmlDividerColor: '#3D444E',
htmlCodeColor: '#ffffff',
htmlLinkColor: 'rgb(166,166,255)',
htmlTableBackgroundColor: 'rgb(40, 41, 42)',
htmlCodeBackgroundColor: 'rgb(47, 48, 49)',
htmlCodeBorderColor: 'rgb(70, 70, 70)',
editorTheme: 'twilight',
codeThemeCss: 'atom-one-dark-reasonable.css',
highlightedColor: '#0066C7',
// Solarized Styles
const solarizedLightStyle = {
backgroundColor: '#fdf6e3',
backgroundColorTransparent: 'rgba(253, 246, 227, 0.9)',
oddBackgroundColor: '#eee8d5',
color: '#657b83', // For regular text
colorError: '#dc322f',
colorWarn: '#cb4b16',
colorFaded: '#839496', // For less important text;
colorBright: '#073642', // For important text;
dividerColor: '#eee8d5',
selectedColor: '#eee8d5',
urlColor: '#268bd2',
backgroundColor2: '#002b36',
depthColor: 'rgb(100, 182, 253, OPACITY)',
color2: '#eee8d5',
selectedColor2: '#6c71c4',
colorError2: '#cb4b16',
raisedBackgroundColor: '#eee8d5',
raisedColor: '#073642',
warningBackgroundColor: '#b58900',
htmlColor: '#657b83',
htmlBackgroundColor: '#fdf6e3',
htmlDividerColor: '#eee8d5',
htmlLinkColor: '#268bd2',
htmlTableBackgroundColor: '#fdf6e3',
htmlCodeBackgroundColor: '#fdf6e3',
htmlCodeBorderColor: '#eee8d5',
htmlCodeColor: '#002b36',
editorTheme: 'solarized_light',
codeThemeCss: 'atom-one-light.css',
const solarizedDarkStyle = {
backgroundColor: '#002b36',
backgroundColorTransparent: 'rgba(0, 43, 54, 0.9)',
oddBackgroundColor: '#073642',
color: '#93a1a1', // For regular text
colorError: '#dc322f',
colorWarn: '#cb4b16',
colorFaded: '#657b83', // For less important text;
colorBright: '#eee8d5', // For important text;
dividerColor: '#586e75',
selectedColor: '#073642',
urlColor: '#268bd2',
backgroundColor2: '#073642',
depthColor: 'rgb(200, 200, 200, OPACITY)',
color2: '#eee8d5',
selectedColor2: '#6c71c4',
colorError2: '#cb4b16',
raisedBackgroundColor: '#073642',
raisedColor: '#839496',
warningBackgroundColor: '#b58900',
htmlColor: '#93a1a1',
htmlBackgroundColor: '#002b36',
htmlDividerColor: '#073642',
htmlLinkColor: '#268bd2',
htmlTableBackgroundColor: '#002b36',
htmlCodeBackgroundColor: '#002b36',
htmlCodeBorderColor: '#073642',
htmlCodeColor: '#fdf6e3',
editorTheme: 'solarized_dark',
codeThemeCss: 'atom-one-dark-reasonable.css',
function addExtraStyles(style) {
style.tagStyle = {
fontSize: style.fontSize,
fontFamily: style.fontFamily,
marginTop: style.itemMarginTop * 0.4,
marginBottom: style.itemMarginBottom * 0.4,
marginRight: style.margin * 0.3,
paddingTop: style.tagItemPadding,
paddingBottom: style.tagItemPadding,
paddingRight: style.tagItemPadding * 2,
paddingLeft: style.tagItemPadding * 2,
backgroundColor: style.raisedBackgroundColor,
color: style.raisedColor,
style.toolbarStyle = {
height: style.toolbarHeight,
// minWidth: style.toolbarHeight,
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center',
paddingLeft: style.headerButtonHPadding,
paddingRight: style.headerButtonHPadding,
textDecoration: 'none',
fontFamily: style.fontFamily,
fontSize: style.fontSize,
boxSizing: 'border-box',
cursor: 'default',
justifyContent: 'center',
color: style.color,
whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
style.textStyle = {
fontFamily: globalStyle.fontFamily,
fontSize: style.fontSize,
lineHeight: '1.6em',
color: style.color,
style.textStyle2 = Object.assign({}, style.textStyle,
{ color: style.color2 }
style.urlStyle = Object.assign({}, style.textStyle,
textDecoration: 'underline',
color: style.urlColor,
style.h1Style = Object.assign({},
color: style.color,
fontSize: style.textStyle.fontSize * 1.5,
fontWeight: 'bold',
style.h2Style = Object.assign({},
color: style.color,
fontSize: style.textStyle.fontSize * 1.3,
fontWeight: 'bold',
style.dialogModalLayer = {
zIndex: 9999,
display: 'flex',
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
left: 0,
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.6)',
alignItems: 'flex-start',
justifyContent: 'center',
style.dialogBox = {
backgroundColor: style.backgroundColor,
padding: 16,
boxShadow: '6px 6px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.5)',
marginTop: 20,
style.buttonIconStyle = {
color: style.color,
marginRight: 6,
style.dialogTitle = Object.assign({}, style.h1Style, { marginBottom: '1.2em' });
style.dropdownList = Object.assign({}, style.inputStyle);
// In general the highlighted color, used to highlight text or icons, should be the same as selectedColor2
// but some times, depending on the theme, it might be too dark or too light, so it can be
// specified directly by the theme too.
if (!style.highlightedColor) style.highlightedColor = style.selectedColor2;
return style;
let themeCache_ = {};
function themeStyle(theme) {
if (!theme) throw new Error('Theme must be specified');
var zoomRatio = Setting.value('style.zoom') / 100;
var editorFontSize = Setting.value('style.editor.fontSize');
const cacheKey = [theme, zoomRatio, editorFontSize].join('-');
if (themeCache_[cacheKey]) return themeCache_[cacheKey];
// Font size are not theme specific, but they must be referenced
// and computed here to allow them to respond to settings changes
// without the need to restart
let fontSizes = {
fontSize: Math.round(globalStyle.fontSize * zoomRatio),
editorFontSize: editorFontSize,
textAreaLineHeight: Math.round(globalStyle.textAreaLineHeight * editorFontSize / 12),
// For WebView - must correspond to the properties above
htmlFontSize: Math.round(15 * zoomRatio) + 'px',
htmlLineHeight: '1.6em', //Math.round(20 * zoomRatio) + 'px'
htmlCodeFontSize: '.9em',
let output = {};
output.zoomRatio = zoomRatio;
output.editorFontSize = editorFontSize;
// All theme are based on the light style, and just override the
// relevant properties
output = Object.assign({}, globalStyle, fontSizes, lightStyle);
if (theme == Setting.THEME_DARK) {
output = Object.assign({}, output, darkStyle);
} else if (theme == Setting.THEME_SOLARIZED_LIGHT) {
output = Object.assign({}, output, solarizedLightStyle);
} else if (theme == Setting.THEME_SOLARIZED_DARK) {
output = Object.assign({}, output, solarizedDarkStyle);
// Note: All the theme specific things should go in addExtraStyles
// so that their definition is not split between here and the
// beginning of the file. At least new styles should go in
// addExtraStyles.
output.icon = Object.assign({},
{ color: output.color }
output.lineInput = Object.assign({},
color: output.color,
backgroundColor: output.backgroundColor,
output.headerStyle = Object.assign({},
color: output.color,
backgroundColor: output.backgroundColor,
output.inputStyle = Object.assign({},
color: output.color,
backgroundColor: output.backgroundColor,
borderColor: output.dividerColor,
output.containerStyle = Object.assign({},
color: output.color,
backgroundColor: output.backgroundColor,
output.buttonStyle = Object.assign({},
color: output.color,
backgroundColor: output.backgroundColor,
borderColor: output.dividerColor,
output = addExtraStyles(output);
themeCache_[cacheKey] = output;
return themeCache_[cacheKey];
module.exports = { themeStyle };