mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 19:30:04 +02:00
801 lines
23 KiB
801 lines
23 KiB
const React = require('react');
const { connect } = require('react-redux');
const shared = require('lib/components/shared/side-menu-shared.js');
const { Synchronizer } = require('lib/synchronizer.js');
const CommandService = require('lib/services/CommandService.js').default;
const BaseModel = require('lib/BaseModel.js');
const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting.js');
const Folder = require('lib/models/Folder.js');
const Note = require('lib/models/Note.js');
const Tag = require('lib/models/Tag.js');
const { _ } = require('lib/locale.js');
const { themeStyle } = require('lib/theme');
const { bridge } = require('electron').remote.require('./bridge');
const Menu = bridge().Menu;
const MenuItem = bridge().MenuItem;
const InteropServiceHelper = require('../../InteropServiceHelper.js');
const { substrWithEllipsis, substrStartWithEllipsis } = require('lib/string-utils');
const { ALL_NOTES_FILTER_ID } = require('lib/reserved-ids');
const commands = [
class SideBarComponent extends React.Component {
constructor() {
CommandService.instance().componentRegisterCommands(this, commands);
this.onFolderDragStart_ = event => {
const folderId = event.currentTarget.getAttribute('folderid');
if (!folderId) return;
event.dataTransfer.setDragImage(new Image(), 1, 1);
event.dataTransfer.setData('text/x-jop-folder-ids', JSON.stringify([folderId]));
this.onFolderDragOver_ = event => {
if (event.dataTransfer.types.indexOf('text/x-jop-note-ids') >= 0) event.preventDefault();
if (event.dataTransfer.types.indexOf('text/x-jop-folder-ids') >= 0) event.preventDefault();
this.onFolderDrop_ = async event => {
const folderId = event.currentTarget.getAttribute('folderid');
const dt = event.dataTransfer;
if (!dt) return;
// folderId can be NULL when dropping on the sidebar Notebook header. In that case, it's used
// to put the dropped folder at the root. But for notes, folderId needs to always be defined
// since there's no such thing as a root note.
if (dt.types.indexOf('text/x-jop-note-ids') >= 0) {
if (!folderId) return;
const noteIds = JSON.parse(dt.getData('text/x-jop-note-ids'));
for (let i = 0; i < noteIds.length; i++) {
await Note.moveToFolder(noteIds[i], folderId);
} else if (dt.types.indexOf('text/x-jop-folder-ids') >= 0) {
const folderIds = JSON.parse(dt.getData('text/x-jop-folder-ids'));
for (let i = 0; i < folderIds.length; i++) {
if (folderId === folderIds[i]) continue;
await Folder.moveToFolder(folderIds[i], folderId);
this.onTagDragStart_ = event => {
const tagId = event.currentTarget.getAttribute('tagid');
if (!tagId) return;
event.dataTransfer.setDragImage(new Image(), 1, 1);
event.dataTransfer.setData('text/x-jop-tag-ids', JSON.stringify([tagId]));
this.onTagDragOver_ = event => {
if (event.dataTransfer.types.indexOf('text/x-jop-note-ids') >= 0) event.preventDefault();
if (event.dataTransfer.types.indexOf('text/x-jop-tag-ids') >= 0) event.preventDefault();
this.onTagDrop_ = async event => {
const tagId = event.currentTarget.getAttribute('tagid');
const dt = event.dataTransfer;
if (!dt) return;
if (dt.types.indexOf('text/x-jop-note-ids') >= 0) {
const noteIds = JSON.parse(dt.getData('text/x-jop-note-ids'));
for (let i = 0; i < noteIds.length; i++) {
await Tag.addNote(tagId, noteIds[i]);
} else if (dt.types.indexOf('text/x-jop-tag-ids') >= 0) {
const tagIds = JSON.parse(dt.getData('text/x-jop-tag-ids'));
try {
for (let i = 0; i < tagIds.length; i++) {
if (tagId === tagIds[i]) continue;
await Tag.moveTag(tagIds[i], tagId);
} catch (error) {
this.onFolderToggleClick_ = async event => {
const folderId = event.currentTarget.getAttribute('folderid');
id: folderId,
this.onTagToggleClick_ = async event => {
const tagId = event.currentTarget.getAttribute('tagid');
type: 'TAG_TOGGLE',
id: tagId,
this.folderItemsOrder_ = [];
this.tagItemsOrder_ = [];
this.onKeyDown = this.onKeyDown.bind(this);
this.onAllNotesClick_ = this.onAllNotesClick_.bind(this);
this.rootRef = React.createRef();
this.anchorItemRefs = {};
this.state = {
tagHeaderIsExpanded: Setting.value('tagHeaderIsExpanded'),
folderHeaderIsExpanded: Setting.value('folderHeaderIsExpanded'),
style() {
const theme = themeStyle(this.props.theme);
const itemHeight = 25;
const style = {
root: {
backgroundColor: theme.backgroundColor2,
listItemContainer: {
boxSizing: 'border-box',
height: itemHeight,
display: 'flex',
flexDirection: 'row',
listItem: {
fontFamily: theme.fontFamily,
fontSize: theme.fontSize,
textDecoration: 'none',
color: theme.color2,
cursor: 'default',
opacity: 0.8,
whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
display: 'flex',
flex: 1,
alignItems: 'center',
userSelect: 'none',
listItemSelected: {
backgroundColor: theme.selectedColor2,
listItemExpandIcon: {
color: theme.color2,
cursor: 'default',
opacity: 0.8,
fontSize: theme.fontSize,
textDecoration: 'none',
paddingRight: 5,
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center',
width: 12,
conflictFolder: {
color: theme.colorError2,
fontWeight: 'bold',
header: {
height: itemHeight * 1.8,
fontFamily: theme.fontFamily,
fontSize: theme.fontSize * 1.16,
textDecoration: 'none',
boxSizing: 'border-box',
color: theme.color2,
paddingLeft: 8,
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center',
userSelect: 'none',
button: {
padding: 6,
fontFamily: theme.fontFamily,
fontSize: theme.fontSize,
textDecoration: 'none',
boxSizing: 'border-box',
color: theme.color2,
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
border: '1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.2)',
marginTop: 10,
marginLeft: 5,
marginRight: 5,
cursor: 'default',
userSelect: 'none',
syncReport: {
fontFamily: theme.fontFamily,
fontSize: Math.round(theme.fontSize * 0.9),
color: theme.color2,
opacity: 0.5,
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'left',
justifyContent: 'top',
flexDirection: 'column',
marginTop: 10,
marginLeft: 5,
marginRight: 5,
marginBottom: 10,
wordWrap: 'break-word',
noteCount: {
paddingLeft: 5,
opacity: 0.5,
userSelect: 'none',
return style;
clearForceUpdateDuringSync() {
if (this.forceUpdateDuringSyncIID_) {
this.forceUpdateDuringSyncIID_ = null;
componentWillUnmount() {
async itemContextMenu(event) {
const itemId = event.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-id');
if (itemId === Folder.conflictFolderId()) return;
const itemType = Number(event.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-type'));
if (!itemId || !itemType) throw new Error('No data on element');
let deleteMessage = '';
let buttonLabel = _('Remove');
if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER) {
const folder = await Folder.load(itemId);
deleteMessage = _('Delete notebook "%s"?\n\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.', substrWithEllipsis(folder.title, 0, 32));
buttonLabel = _('Delete');
} else if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_TAG) {
const tag = await Tag.load(itemId);
deleteMessage = _('Remove tag "%s" and its descendant tags from all notes?', substrStartWithEllipsis(Tag.getCachedFullTitle(tag.id), -32, 32));
} else if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_SEARCH) {
deleteMessage = _('Remove this search from the sidebar?');
const menu = new Menu();
let item = null;
if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER) {
item = BaseModel.byId(this.props.folders, itemId);
if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER && !item.encryption_applied) {
new MenuItem(CommandService.instance().commandToMenuItem('newNotebook', null, { parentId: itemId })),
new MenuItem({
label: buttonLabel,
click: async () => {
const ok = bridge().showConfirmMessageBox(deleteMessage, {
buttons: [buttonLabel, _('Cancel')],
defaultId: 1,
if (!ok) return;
if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER) {
await Folder.delete(itemId);
} else if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_TAG) {
await Tag.untagAll(itemId);
} else if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_SEARCH) {
id: itemId,
if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER && !item.encryption_applied) {
menu.append(new MenuItem(CommandService.instance().commandToMenuItem('renameFolder', null, { folderId: itemId })));
menu.append(new MenuItem({ type: 'separator' }));
const InteropService = require('lib/services/InteropService.js');
const exportMenu = new Menu();
const ioService = new InteropService();
const ioModules = ioService.modules();
for (let i = 0; i < ioModules.length; i++) {
const module = ioModules[i];
if (module.type !== 'exporter') continue;
new MenuItem({
label: module.fullLabel(),
click: async () => {
await InteropServiceHelper.export(this.props.dispatch.bind(this), module, { sourceFolderIds: [itemId] });
new MenuItem({
label: _('Export'),
submenu: exportMenu,
if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_TAG) {
menu.append(new MenuItem(
CommandService.instance().commandToMenuItem('renameTag', null, { tagId: itemId })
folderItem_click(folder) {
id: folder ? folder.id : null,
tagItem_click(tag) {
type: 'TAG_SELECT',
id: tag ? tag.id : null,
// async sync_click() {
// await shared.synchronize_press(this);
// }
anchorItemRef(type, id) {
if (!this.anchorItemRefs[type]) this.anchorItemRefs[type] = {};
if (this.anchorItemRefs[type][id]) return this.anchorItemRefs[type][id];
this.anchorItemRefs[type][id] = React.createRef();
return this.anchorItemRefs[type][id];
firstAnchorItemRef(type) {
const refs = this.anchorItemRefs[type];
if (!refs) return null;
const n = `${type}s`;
const item = this.props[n] && this.props[n].length ? this.props[n][0] : null;
console.info('props', this.props[n], item);
if (!item) return null;
return refs[item.id];
noteCountElement(count) {
return <div style={this.style().noteCount}>({count})</div>;
renderItem(itemType, item, selected, hasChildren, depth) {
let itemTitle = '';
let collapsedIds = null;
const jsxItemIdAttribute = {};
let anchorRef = null;
let noteCount = '';
let onDragStart = null;
let onDragOver = null;
let onDrop = null;
let onItemClick = null;
let onItemToggleClick = null;
if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER) {
itemTitle = Folder.displayTitle(item);
collapsedIds = this.props.collapsedFolderIds;
jsxItemIdAttribute.folderid = item.id;
anchorRef = this.anchorItemRef('folder', item.id);
noteCount = item.note_count ? this.noteCountElement(item.note_count) : '';
onDragStart = this.onFolderDragStart_;
onDragOver = this.onFolderDragOver_;
onDrop = this.onFolderDrop_;
onItemClick = this.folderItem_click.bind(this);
onItemToggleClick = this.onFolderToggleClick_;
} else {
itemTitle = Tag.displayTitle(item);
collapsedIds = this.props.collapsedTagIds;
jsxItemIdAttribute.tagid = item.id;
anchorRef = this.anchorItemRef('tag', item.id);
noteCount = Setting.value('showNoteCounts') ? this.noteCountElement(Tag.getCachedNoteCount(item.id)) : '';
onDragStart = this.onTagDragStart_;
onDragOver = this.onTagDragOver_;
onDrop = this.onTagDrop_;
onItemClick = this.tagItem_click.bind(this);
onItemToggleClick = this.onTagToggleClick_;
let style = Object.assign({}, this.style().listItem);
if (item.id === Folder.conflictFolderId()) style = Object.assign(style, this.style().conflictFolder);
let containerStyle = Object.assign({}, this.style().listItemContainer);
if (selected) containerStyle = Object.assign(containerStyle, this.style().listItemSelected);
containerStyle.paddingLeft = 8 + depth * 15;
const expandLinkStyle = Object.assign({}, this.style().listItemExpandIcon);
const expandIconStyle = {
visibility: hasChildren ? 'visible' : 'hidden',
const iconName = collapsedIds.indexOf(item.id) >= 0 ? 'fa-chevron-right' : 'fa-chevron-down';
const expandIcon = <i style={expandIconStyle} className={`fas ${iconName}`}></i>;
const expandLink = hasChildren ? (
<a style={expandLinkStyle} href="#" {...jsxItemIdAttribute} onClick={onItemToggleClick}>
) : (
<span style={expandLinkStyle}>{expandIcon}</span>
return (
<div className={`list-item-container list-item-depth-${depth}`} style={containerStyle} key={item.id} onDragStart={onDragStart} onDragOver={onDragOver} onDrop={onDrop} draggable={true} {...jsxItemIdAttribute}>
onContextMenu={event => this.itemContextMenu(event)}
onClick={() => {
{itemTitle} {noteCount}
// searchItem(search, selected) {
// let style = Object.assign({}, this.style().listItem);
// if (selected) style = Object.assign(style, this.style().listItemSelected);
// return (
// <a
// className="list-item"
// href="#"
// data-id={search.id}
// data-type={BaseModel.TYPE_SEARCH}
// onContextMenu={event => this.itemContextMenu(event)}
// key={search.id}
// style={style}
// onClick={() => {
// this.searchItem_click(search);
// }}
// >
// {search.title}
// </a>
// );
// }
makeDivider(key) {
return <div style={{ height: 2, backgroundColor: 'blue' }} key={key} />;
makeHeader(key, label, iconName, extraProps = {}) {
const style = this.style().header;
const icon = <i style={{ fontSize: style.fontSize, marginRight: 5 }} className={`fas ${iconName}`} />;
if (extraProps.toggleblock || extraProps.onClick) {
style.cursor = 'pointer';
const headerClick = extraProps.onClick || null;
delete extraProps.onClick;
// check if toggling option is set.
let toggleIcon = null;
const toggleKey = `${key}IsExpanded`;
if (extraProps.toggleblock) {
const isExpanded = this.state[toggleKey];
toggleIcon = <i className={`fas ${isExpanded ? 'fa-chevron-down' : 'fa-chevron-right'}`} style={{ fontSize: style.fontSize * 0.75, marginRight: 12, marginLeft: 5, marginTop: style.fontSize * 0.125 }}></i>;
if (extraProps.selected) {
style.backgroundColor = this.style().listItemSelected.backgroundColor;
const ref = this.anchorItemRef('headers', key);
return (
onClick={event => {
// if a custom click event is attached, trigger that.
if (headerClick) {
headerClick(key, event);
this.onHeaderClick_(key, event);
<span style={{ flex: 1 }}>{label}</span>
selectedItem() {
if (this.props.notesParentType === 'Folder' && this.props.selectedFolderId) {
return { type: 'folder', id: this.props.selectedFolderId };
} else if (this.props.notesParentType === 'Tag' && this.props.selectedTagId) {
return { type: 'tag', id: this.props.selectedTagId };
return null;
onKeyDown(event) {
const keyCode = event.keyCode;
const selectedItem = this.selectedItem();
if (keyCode === 40 || keyCode === 38) {
// DOWN / UP
const focusItems = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.folderItemsOrder_.length; i++) {
const id = this.folderItemsOrder_[i];
focusItems.push({ id: id, ref: this.anchorItemRefs['folder'][id], type: 'folder' });
for (let i = 0; i < this.tagItemsOrder_.length; i++) {
const id = this.tagItemsOrder_[i];
focusItems.push({ id: id, ref: this.anchorItemRefs['tag'][id], type: 'tag' });
let currentIndex = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < focusItems.length; i++) {
if (!selectedItem || focusItems[i].id === selectedItem.id) {
currentIndex = i;
const inc = keyCode === 38 ? -1 : +1;
let newIndex = currentIndex + inc;
if (newIndex < 0) newIndex = 0;
if (newIndex > focusItems.length - 1) newIndex = focusItems.length - 1;
const focusItem = focusItems[newIndex];
const actionName = `${focusItem.type.toUpperCase()}_SELECT`;
type: actionName,
id: focusItem.id,
if (keyCode === 9) {
// TAB
if (event.shiftKey) {
CommandService.instance().execute('focusElement', { target: 'noteBody' });
} else {
CommandService.instance().execute('focusElement', { target: 'noteList' });
if (selectedItem && selectedItem.type === 'folder' && keyCode === 32) {
id: selectedItem.id,
if (keyCode === 65 && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)) {
// Ctrl+A key
onHeaderClick_(key, event) {
const currentHeader = event.currentTarget;
const toggleBlock = +currentHeader.getAttribute('toggleblock');
if (toggleBlock) {
const toggleKey = `${key}IsExpanded`;
const isExpanded = this.state[toggleKey];
this.setState({ [toggleKey]: !isExpanded });
Setting.setValue(toggleKey, !isExpanded);
onAllNotesClick_() {
synchronizeButton(type) {
const style = Object.assign({}, this.style().button, { marginBottom: 5 });
const iconName = 'fa-sync-alt';
const label = type === 'sync' ? _('Synchronise') : _('Cancel');
const iconStyle = { fontSize: style.fontSize, marginRight: 5 };
if (type !== 'sync') {
iconStyle.animation = 'icon-infinite-rotation 1s linear infinite';
const icon = <i style={iconStyle} className={`fas ${iconName}`} />;
return (
onClick={() => {
// this.sync_click();
render() {
const style = Object.assign({}, this.style().root, this.props.style, {
overflowX: 'hidden',
overflowY: 'hidden',
display: 'inline-flex',
flexDirection: 'column',
const items = [];
this.makeHeader('allNotesHeader', _('All notes'), 'fa-clone', {
onClick: this.onAllNotesClick_,
selected: this.props.notesParentType === 'SmartFilter' && this.props.selectedSmartFilterId === ALL_NOTES_FILTER_ID,
this.makeHeader('folderHeader', _('Notebooks'), 'fa-book', {
onDrop: this.onFolderDrop_,
folderid: '',
toggleblock: 1,
if (this.props.folders.length) {
const result = shared.renderFolders(this.props, this.renderItem.bind(this, BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER));
const folderItems = result.items;
this.folderItemsOrder_ = result.order;
<div className="folders" key="folder_items" style={{ display: this.state.folderHeaderIsExpanded ? 'block' : 'none' }}>
this.makeHeader('tagHeader', _('Tags'), 'fa-tags', {
toggleblock: 1,
onDrop: this.onTagDrop_,
if (this.props.tags.length) {
const result = shared.renderTags(this.props, this.renderItem.bind(this, BaseModel.TYPE_TAG));
const tagItems = result.items;
this.tagItemsOrder_ = result.order;
<div className="tags" key="tag_items" style={{ display: this.state.tagHeaderIsExpanded ? 'block' : 'none' }}>
let decryptionReportText = '';
if (this.props.decryptionWorker && this.props.decryptionWorker.state !== 'idle' && this.props.decryptionWorker.itemCount) {
decryptionReportText = _('Decrypting items: %d/%d', this.props.decryptionWorker.itemIndex + 1, this.props.decryptionWorker.itemCount);
let resourceFetcherText = '';
if (this.props.resourceFetcher && this.props.resourceFetcher.toFetchCount) {
resourceFetcherText = _('Fetching resources: %d/%d', this.props.resourceFetcher.fetchingCount, this.props.resourceFetcher.toFetchCount);
const lines = Synchronizer.reportToLines(this.props.syncReport);
if (resourceFetcherText) lines.push(resourceFetcherText);
if (decryptionReportText) lines.push(decryptionReportText);
const syncReportText = [];
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
<div key={i} style={{ wordWrap: 'break-word', width: '100%' }}>
const syncButton = this.synchronizeButton(this.props.syncStarted ? 'cancel' : 'sync');
const syncReportComp = !syncReportText.length ? null : (
<div style={this.style().syncReport} key="sync_report">
return (
<div ref={this.rootRef} onKeyDown={this.onKeyDown} className="side-bar" style={style}>
<div style={{ flex: 1, overflowX: 'hidden', overflowY: 'auto' }}>{items}</div>
<div style={{ flex: 0 }}>
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {
folders: state.folders,
tags: state.tags,
searches: state.searches,
syncStarted: state.syncStarted,
syncReport: state.syncReport,
selectedFolderId: state.selectedFolderId,
selectedTagId: state.selectedTagId,
selectedSearchId: state.selectedSearchId,
selectedSmartFilterId: state.selectedSmartFilterId,
notesParentType: state.notesParentType,
locale: state.settings.locale,
theme: state.settings.theme,
collapsedFolderIds: state.collapsedFolderIds,
collapsedTagIds: state.collapsedTagIds,
decryptionWorker: state.decryptionWorker,
resourceFetcher: state.resourceFetcher,
sidebarVisibility: state.sidebarVisibility,
noteListVisibility: state.noteListVisibility,
const SideBar = connect(mapStateToProps)(SideBarComponent);
module.exports = { SideBar };