mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:32:30 +02:00
303 lines
8.8 KiB
303 lines
8.8 KiB
const { reg } = require('lib/registry.js');
const Folder = require('lib/models/Folder.js');
const BaseModel = require('lib/BaseModel.js');
const Note = require('lib/models/Note.js');
const Resource = require('lib/models/Resource.js');
const ResourceFetcher = require('lib/services/ResourceFetcher.js');
const DecryptionWorker = require('lib/services/DecryptionWorker.js');
const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting.js');
const Mutex = require('async-mutex').Mutex;
const shared = {};
// If saveNoteButton_press is called multiple times in short intervals, it might result in
// the same new note being created twice, so we need to a mutex to access this function.
const saveNoteMutex_ = new Mutex();
shared.noteExists = async function(noteId) {
const existingNote = await Note.load(noteId);
return !!existingNote;
shared.saveNoteButton_press = async function(comp, folderId = null, options = null) {
options = Object.assign({}, {
autoTitle: true,
}, options);
const releaseMutex = await saveNoteMutex_.acquire();
let note = Object.assign({}, comp.state.note);
// Note has been deleted while user was modifying it. In that case, we
// just save a new note by clearing the note ID.
if (note.id && !(await shared.noteExists(note.id))) delete note.id;
if (folderId) {
note.parent_id = folderId;
} else if (!note.parent_id) {
const activeFolderId = Setting.value('activeFolderId');
let folder = await Folder.load(activeFolderId);
if (!folder) folder = await Folder.defaultFolder();
if (!folder) return releaseMutex();
note.parent_id = folder.id;
let isNew = !note.id;
let saveOptions = { userSideValidation: true };
if (!isNew) {
saveOptions.fields = BaseModel.diffObjectsFields(comp.state.lastSavedNote, note);
const hasAutoTitle = comp.state.newAndNoTitleChangeNoteId || (isNew && !note.title);
if (hasAutoTitle && options.autoTitle) {
note.title = Note.defaultTitle(note);
if (saveOptions.fields && saveOptions.fields.indexOf('title') < 0) saveOptions.fields.push('title');
const savedNote = ('fields' in saveOptions) && !saveOptions.fields.length ? Object.assign({}, note) : await Note.save(note, saveOptions);
const stateNote = comp.state.note;
// Note was reloaded while being saved.
if (!isNew && (!stateNote || stateNote.id !== savedNote.id)) return releaseMutex();
// Re-assign any property that might have changed during saving (updated_time, etc.)
note = Object.assign(note, savedNote);
if (stateNote.id === note.id) {
// But we preserve the current title and body because
// the user might have changed them between the time
// saveNoteButton_press was called and the note was
// saved (it's done asynchronously).
// If the title was auto-assigned above, we don't restore
// it from the state because it will be empty there.
if (!hasAutoTitle) note.title = stateNote.title;
note.body = stateNote.body;
let newState = {
lastSavedNote: Object.assign({}, note),
note: note,
if (isNew && hasAutoTitle) newState.newAndNoTitleChangeNoteId = note.id;
if (!options.autoTitle) newState.newAndNoTitleChangeNoteId = null;
// await shared.refreshAttachedResources(comp, newState.note.body);
if (isNew) {
Note.updateGeolocation(note.id).then((geoNote) => {
const stateNote = comp.state.note;
if (!stateNote || !geoNote) return;
if (stateNote.id !== geoNote.id) return; // Another note has been loaded while geoloc was being retrieved
// Geo-location for this note has been saved to the database however the properties
// are is not in the state so set them now.
const geoInfo = {
longitude: geoNote.longitude,
latitude: geoNote.latitude,
altitude: geoNote.altitude,
const modNote = Object.assign({}, stateNote, geoInfo);
const modLastSavedNote = Object.assign({}, comp.state.lastSavedNote, geoInfo);
comp.setState({ note: modNote, lastSavedNote: modLastSavedNote });
if (isNew) {
// Clear the newNote item now that the note has been saved, and
// make sure that the note we're editing is selected.
type: 'NOTE_SELECT',
id: savedNote.id,
shared.saveOneProperty = async function(comp, name, value) {
let note = Object.assign({}, comp.state.note);
// Note has been deleted while user was modifying it. In that, we
// just save a new note by clearing the note ID.
if (note.id && !(await shared.noteExists(note.id))) delete note.id;
// reg.logger().info('Saving note property: ', note.id, name, value);
if (note.id) {
let toSave = { id: note.id };
toSave[name] = value;
toSave = await Note.save(toSave);
note[name] = toSave[name];
lastSavedNote: Object.assign({}, note),
note: note,
} else {
note[name] = value;
comp.setState({ note: note });
shared.noteComponent_change = function(comp, propName, propValue) {
let newState = {}
let note = Object.assign({}, comp.state.note);
note[propName] = propValue;
newState.note = note;
let resourceCache_ = {};
shared.clearResourceCache = function() {
resourceCache_ = {};
shared.attachedResources = async function(noteBody) {
if (!noteBody) return {};
const resourceIds = await Note.linkedItemIdsByType(BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE, noteBody);
const output = {};
for (let i = 0; i < resourceIds.length; i++) {
const id = resourceIds[i];
if (resourceCache_[id]) {
output[id] = resourceCache_[id];
} else {
const resource = await Resource.load(id);
const localState = await Resource.localState(resource);
const o = {
item: resource,
localState: localState,
resourceCache_[id] = o;
output[id] = o;
return output;
shared.refreshNoteMetadata = async function(comp, force = null) {
if (force !== true && !comp.state.showNoteMetadata) return;
let noteMetadata = await Note.serializeAllProps(comp.state.note);
comp.setState({ noteMetadata: noteMetadata });
shared.isModified = function(comp) {
if (!comp.state.note || !comp.state.lastSavedNote) return false;
let diff = BaseModel.diffObjects(comp.state.lastSavedNote, comp.state.note);
delete diff.type_;
return !!Object.getOwnPropertyNames(diff).length;
shared.initState = async function(comp) {
let note = null;
let mode = 'view';
if (!comp.props.noteId) {
note = comp.props.itemType == 'todo' ? Note.newTodo(comp.props.folderId) : Note.new(comp.props.folderId);
mode = 'edit';
} else {
note = await Note.load(comp.props.noteId);
const folder = Folder.byId(comp.props.folders, note.parent_id);
lastSavedNote: Object.assign({}, note),
note: note,
mode: mode,
folder: folder,
isLoading: false,
fromShare: comp.props.sharedData ? true : false,
noteResources: await shared.attachedResources(note ? note.body : ''),
if (comp.props.sharedData) {
this.noteComponent_change(comp, 'body', comp.props.sharedData.value);
comp.lastLoadedNoteId_ = note ? note.id : null;
shared.showMetadata_onPress = function(comp) {
comp.setState({ showNoteMetadata: !comp.state.showNoteMetadata });
shared.toggleIsTodo_onPress = function(comp) {
let newNote = Note.toggleIsTodo(comp.state.note);
let newState = { note: newNote };
shared.toggleCheckbox = function(ipcMessage, noteBody) {
let newBody = noteBody.split('\n');
const p = ipcMessage.split(':');
const lineIndex = Number(p[p.length - 1]);
if (lineIndex >= newBody.length) {
reg.logger().warn('Checkbox line out of bounds: ', ipcMessage);
return newBody.join('\n');
let line = newBody[lineIndex];
const noCrossIndex = line.trim().indexOf('- [ ] ');
let crossIndex = line.trim().indexOf('- [x] ');
if (crossIndex < 0) crossIndex = line.trim().indexOf('- [X] ');
if (noCrossIndex < 0 && crossIndex < 0) {
reg.logger().warn('Could not find matching checkbox for message: ', ipcMessage);
return newBody.join('\n');
let isCrossLine = false;
if (noCrossIndex >= 0 && crossIndex >= 0) {
isCrossLine = crossIndex < noCrossIndex;
} else {
isCrossLine = crossIndex >= 0;
if (!isCrossLine) {
line = line.replace(/- \[ \] /, '- [x] ');
} else {
line = line.replace(/- \[x\] /i, '- [ ] ');
newBody[lineIndex] = line;
return newBody.join('\n')
shared.installResourceHandling = function(refreshResourceHandler) {
ResourceFetcher.instance().on('downloadComplete', refreshResourceHandler);
ResourceFetcher.instance().on('downloadStarted', refreshResourceHandler);
DecryptionWorker.instance().on('resourceDecrypted', refreshResourceHandler);
shared.uninstallResourceHandling = function(refreshResourceHandler) {
ResourceFetcher.instance().off('downloadComplete', refreshResourceHandler);
ResourceFetcher.instance().off('downloadStarted', refreshResourceHandler);
DecryptionWorker.instance().off('resourceDecrypted', refreshResourceHandler);
module.exports = shared;