mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2025-03-03 15:32:30 +02:00

234 lines
6.9 KiB

"$schema": "https://docs.renovatebot.com/renovate-schema.json",
"extends": [
"major": {
"stabilityDays": 80,
"minor": {
"stabilityDays": 40,
"patch": {
"stabilityDays": 20,
"prConcurrentLimit": 5,
"prHourlyLimit": 0,
// It seems we need to delete the branches after merge or else it causes this problem:
// https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/discussions/21256#discussioncomment-5898418
"pruneBranchAfterAutomerge": true,
"ignorePaths": [
"ignoreDeps": [
// Electron and dependencies should be updated manually.
// pdfjs-dist requires the canvas package, which cannot be built in
// Windows.
// An unhandled error occurred inside electron-rebuild node-gyp failed
// to rebuild
// 'D:\a\joplin\joplin\packages\pdf-viewer\node_modules\canvas'.
// https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/issues/15112
// Maybe need to install Canvas separately and follow the instruction
// here to setup the build properly on Windows:
// https://github.com/Automattic/node-canvas#compiling
// Too complex to upgrade past TinyMCE 5
// https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/tinymce/6/migration-from-5x/
// React Native stuff should be updated only when
// upgrading React Native.
// We currently don't have automated tests that verify that the
// sidemenus work correctly in the mobile app.
// Because an update to react-native-reanimated has previously broken
// the sidemenu (https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/8456), we
// disable auto updates for it:
// Need special processing when upgrading
// Cannot upgrade further due to ESM support
// @koa/cors has undocumented breaking changes, and the package is not
// well supported so we're stuck with latest v3 for now
// Can't upgrade beyond 2.x because it doesn't work with Electron. If trying to
// upgrade again, check that adding a link from the CodeMirror editor works.
// See /packages/app-desktop/gui/dialogs.ts
// Don't think we can trust this lib because they don't release a
// changelog and the latest version appears to have breaking changes
// (v0.5.0). Doesn't seem serious unfortunately.
// https://github.com/Leonidas-from-XIV/node-xml2js/issues/677
// Looks like upgrading AWS causes the mobile build to fail with the following error:
// error: Error: Unable to resolve module @aws-sdk/chunked-blob-reader from /Users/laurent/src/joplin/packages/lib/node_modules/@aws-sdk/hash-blob-browser/dist-cjs/index.js: @aws-sdk/chunked-blob-reader could not be found within the project or in these directories:
// ../lib/node_modules
// ../../node_modules
// ../../../node_modules
// /Users/laurent/src/joplin/packages/app-mobile/node_modules/@aws-sdk/chunked-blob-reader
// 2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
// 3 | exports.blobHasher = void 0;
// > 4 | const chunked_blob_reader_1 = require("@aws-sdk/chunked-blob-reader");
// | ^
// 5 | const blobHasher = async function blobHasher(hashCtor, blob) {
// 6 | const hash = new hashCtor();
// 7 | await (0, chunked_blob_reader_1.blobReader)(blob, (chunk) => {
// at ModuleResolver.resolveDependency (/Users/laurent/src/joplin/packages/app-mobile/node_modules/metro/src/node-haste/DependencyGraph/ModuleResolution.js:178:15)
// Started failing with:
// "aws-sdk": "2.1340.0"
// "@aws-sdk/client-s3": "3.296.0"
// "@aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner": "3.296.0"
// 2.x appears to have breaking changes since the generated HTML is
// different. Not important enough to fix since the package is only used
// for tests.
// We are too many versions behind so it needs to be manually upgraded.
// We don't really use styled-components anymore and v6 introduces
// breaking changes. Ideally we should just update existing components
// to rscss.
"packageRules": [
"matchUpdateTypes": ["patch"],
"automerge": true,
"labels": ["automerge"],
// {
// "matchUpdateTypes": ["major", "minor", "patch"],
// "automerge": true,
// "groupName": "buildTools",
// "labels": ["automerge"],
// "extends": ["schedule:monthly"],
// "matchPackagePatterns": [
// // If the apps build and all tests pass, we can assume that Yarn
// // and TypeScript are safe to upgrade. They are frequently
// // updated so having them here reduces noise.
// "eslint",
// "eslint-*",
// "jest",
// "jest-*",
// "@typescript-eslint/*",
// "yarn",
// "typescript",
// "prettier",
// // If it builds, it should be safe to merge @types/* packages
// "@types/*",
// ],
// },
// {
// "matchUpdateTypes": ["minor", "patch"],
// "automerge": true,
// "groupName": "aws",
// "labels": ["automerge"],
// "extends": ["schedule:monthly"],
// "matchPackagePatterns": [
// // AWS packages are updated too frequently and we can assume minor
// // updates are stable.
// "@aws-sdk/*",
// "aws-sdk",
// ],
// },