mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2025-03-06 15:36:49 +02:00
2024-08-02 14:51:49 +01:00

579 lines
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import { CallbackIds as CallbackIds, SerializableData, SerializableDataAndCallbacks, TransferableCallback } from './types';
import isTransferableObject from './utils/isTransferableObject';
import mergeCallbacksAndSerializable from './utils/mergeCallbacksAndSerializable';
import separateCallbacksFromSerializable from './utils/separateCallbacksFromSerializable';
import separateCallbacksFromSerializableArray from './utils/separateCallbacksFromSerializableArray';
enum MessageType {
RemoteReady = 'RemoteReady',
InvokeMethod = 'InvokeMethod',
ErrorResponse = 'ErrorResponse',
ReturnValueResponse = 'ReturnValueResponse',
CloseChannel = 'CloseChannel',
OnCallbackDropped = 'OnCallbackDropped',
type RemoteReadyMessage = Readonly<{
kind: MessageType.RemoteReady;
requiresResponse: boolean;
type InvokeMethodMessage = Readonly<{
kind: MessageType.InvokeMethod;
respondWithId: string;
methodPath: string[];
arguments: {
serializable: SerializableData[];
// Stores identifiers for callbacks within the normal `arguments`.
// For example,
// [{ foo: 'some-id-here' }, null, 'some-id-here-2']
// means that the first argument has a property named "foo" that is a function
// and the third argument is also a function.
callbacks: CallbackIds[];
type ReturnValueResponse = Readonly<{
kind: MessageType.ReturnValueResponse;
responseId: string;
returnValue: {
serializable: SerializableData;
callbacks: CallbackIds;
type ErrorResponse = Readonly<{
kind: MessageType.ErrorResponse;
responseId: string;
errorMessage: string;
// Disconnect
type CloseChannelMessage = Readonly<{
kind: MessageType.CloseChannel;
type CallbackDroppedMessage = Readonly<{
kind: MessageType.OnCallbackDropped;
callbackIds: string[];
type BaseMessage = Readonly<{
channelId: string;
type InternalMessage = (RemoteReadyMessage|CloseChannelMessage|InvokeMethodMessage|ErrorResponse|ReturnValueResponse|CallbackDroppedMessage) & BaseMessage;
// Listeners for a remote method to resolve or reject.
type OnMethodResolveListener = (returnValue: SerializableDataAndCallbacks)=> void;
type OnMethodRejectListener = (errorMessage: string)=> void;
type OnRemoteReadyListener = ()=> void;
type OnAllMethodsRespondedToListener = ()=> void;
// TODO: Remove after upgrading nodejs/browser types sufficiently
// (FinalizationRegistry is supported in modern browsers).
declare class FinalizationRegistry {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied
public constructor(onDrop: any);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied
public register(v: any, id: string): void;
// A thin wrapper around postMessage. A script within `targetWindow` should
// also construct a RemoteMessenger (with IncomingMessageType and
// OutgoingMessageType reversed).
export default abstract class RemoteMessenger<LocalInterface, RemoteInterface> {
private resolveMethodCallbacks: Record<string, OnMethodResolveListener> = Object.create(null);
private rejectMethodCallbacks: Record<string, OnMethodRejectListener> = Object.create(null);
private argumentCallbacks: Map<string, TransferableCallback> = new Map();
private callbackTracker: FinalizationRegistry|undefined = undefined;
private numberUnrespondedToMethods = 0;
private noWaitingMethodsListeners: OnAllMethodsRespondedToListener[] = [];
private remoteReadyListeners: OnRemoteReadyListener[] = [];
private isRemoteReady = false;
private isLocalReady = false;
private nextResponseId = 0;
private closed = false;
// If true, we'll be ready to receive data after .setLocalInterface is next called.
private waitingForLocalInterface = false;
public readonly remoteApi: RemoteInterface;
// True if remoteApi methods should be called with `.apply(thisVariable, ...)` to preserve
// the value of `this`.
// Having `preserveThis` set to `true` may be problematic if chaining messengers. If chaining,
// set `preserveThis` to false.
private preserveThis = true;
// channelId should be the same as the id of the messenger this will communicate with.
// If localInterface is null, .setLocalInterface must be called.
// This allows chaining multiple messengers together.
public constructor(private channelId: string, private localInterface: LocalInterface|null) {
const makeApiFor = (methodPath: string[]) => {
// Use a function as the base object so that .apply works.
const baseObject = () => {};
return new Proxy(baseObject, {
// Map all properties to functions that invoke remote
// methods.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied
get: (_target, property: string): any => {
if (property === '___is_joplin_wrapper___') {
return true;
} else {
return makeApiFor([...methodPath, property]);
apply: (_target, _thisArg, argumentsList: SerializableDataAndCallbacks[]) => {
return this.invokeRemoteMethod(methodPath, argumentsList);
this.remoteApi = makeApiFor([]) as RemoteInterface;
if (typeof FinalizationRegistry !== 'undefined') {
// Creating a FinalizationRegistry allows us to track **local** deletions of callbacks.
// We can then inform the remote so that it can free the corresponding remote callback.
this.callbackTracker = new FinalizationRegistry((callbackId: string) => {
private createResponseId(methodPath: string[]) {
return `${methodPath.join(',')}-${this.nextResponseId++}`;
private registerCallbacks(idToCallbacks: Record<string, TransferableCallback>) {
for (const id in idToCallbacks) {
this.argumentCallbacks.set(id, idToCallbacks[id]);
private lastCallbackDropTime_ = 0;
private bufferedDroppedCallbackIds_: string[] = [];
// protected: For testing
protected dropRemoteCallback_(callbackId: string) {
if (!this.isRemoteReady) return;
// Don't send too many messages. On mobile platforms, each
// message has overhead and .dropRemoteCallback is called
// frequently.
if (Date.now() - this.lastCallbackDropTime_ < 10000) return;
kind: MessageType.OnCallbackDropped,
callbackIds: this.bufferedDroppedCallbackIds_,
channelId: this.channelId,
this.bufferedDroppedCallbackIds_ = [];
this.lastCallbackDropTime_ = Date.now();
private async invokeRemoteMethod(methodPath: string[], args: SerializableDataAndCallbacks[]) {
// Function arguments can't be transferred using standard .postMessage calls.
// As such, we assign them IDs and transfer the IDs instead:
const separatedArgs = separateCallbacksFromSerializableArray(args);
// Wait for the remote to be ready to receive before
// actually sending a message.
this.numberUnrespondedToMethods ++;
await this.awaitRemoteReady();
return new Promise<SerializableDataAndCallbacks>((resolve, reject) => {
const responseId = this.createResponseId(methodPath);
this.resolveMethodCallbacks[responseId] = returnValue => {
this.rejectMethodCallbacks[responseId] = (errorMessage: string) => {
kind: MessageType.InvokeMethod,
arguments: {
serializable: separatedArgs.serializableData,
callbacks: separatedArgs.callbacks,
respondWithId: responseId,
channelId: this.channelId,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied
private canRemoteAccessProperty(parentObject: any, methodName: string) {
// TODO: There may be a better way to do this -- this currently assumes that
// **only** the following property names should be avoided.
// The goal here is primarily to prevent remote from accessing the Function
// constructor (which can lead to XSS).
const isSafeMethodName = !['constructor', 'prototype', '__proto__'].includes(methodName);
if (!isSafeMethodName) {
return false;
// Function.constructor can be used to eval code. Avoid it.
if (parentObject[methodName] === Function.constructor) {
return false;
return true;
private onInvokeCallback = (callbackId: string, callbackArgs: SerializableDataAndCallbacks[]) => {
return this.invokeRemoteMethod(['__callbacks', callbackId], callbackArgs);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied
private trackCallbackFinalization = (callbackId: string, callback: any) => {
this.callbackTracker?.register(callback, callbackId);
// Calls a local method and sends the result to the remote connection.
private async invokeLocalMethod(message: InvokeMethodMessage) {
try {
const methodFromPath = (path: string[]) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied
const parentObjectStack: any[] = [];
// We also use invokeLocalMethod to call callbacks that were previously
// passed as arguments. In this case, path should be [ '__callbacks', callbackIdHere ].
if (path.length === 2 && path[0] === '__callbacks' && this.argumentCallbacks.has(path[1])) {
return {
parentObject: undefined,
method: this.argumentCallbacks.get(path[1]),
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied
let parentObject: any;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied
let currentObject: any = this.localInterface;
for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
const propertyName = path[i];
if (!this.canRemoteAccessProperty(currentObject, propertyName)) {
throw new Error(`Cannot access property ${propertyName}`);
if (!currentObject[propertyName]) {
const accessPath = path.map(part => `[${JSON.stringify(part)}]`).join('');
throw new Error(`No such property ${JSON.stringify(propertyName)} on ${this.localInterface}. Accessing properties remoteApi${accessPath}.`);
parentObject = currentObject;
currentObject = currentObject[propertyName];
return { parentObject, parentObjectStack, method: currentObject };
const { method, parentObject, parentObjectStack } = methodFromPath(message.methodPath);
if (typeof method !== 'function') {
throw new Error(`Property ${message.methodPath.join('.')} is not a function.`);
const args = mergeCallbacksAndSerializable(
let result;
if (this.preserveThis) {
const lastMethodCallName = message.methodPath[message.methodPath.length - 1];
const parentHasParent = parentObjectStack.length >= 2;
// We need extra logic if the user is trying to .apply or .call a function.
// Specifically, if the user calls
// foo.apply(newThis, [some, args, here])
// we want to remove the `.apply` to ensure that `foo` has the correct `this`
// variable (and not some proxy object).
// We support this partially because TypeScript can generate .call or .apply
// when converting to ES5.
if (
&& ['call', 'apply'].includes(lastMethodCallName)
&& typeof parentObject === 'function'
) {
let adjustedArgs = args;
// Select [argsHere] from `.apply(newThis, [argsHere])`
if (lastMethodCallName === 'apply' && Array.isArray(args[1])) {
adjustedArgs = args[1];
} else if (lastMethodCallName === 'call') {
// Otherwise, we remove the `this` variable from `.call(newThis, args, go, here, ...)`.
adjustedArgs = args.slice(1);
const newMethod = parentObject;
const newParent = parentObjectStack[parentObjectStack.length - 2];
if (typeof newMethod !== 'function') {
throw new Error(`RemoteMessenger(${this.channelId}, ${message.methodPath}): Attempting to call a non-function`);
result = await newMethod.apply(newParent, adjustedArgs);
} else {
result = await method.apply(parentObject, args);
} else {
result = await method(...args);
const separatedResult = separateCallbacksFromSerializable(result);
kind: MessageType.ReturnValueResponse,
responseId: message.respondWithId,
returnValue: {
serializable: separatedResult.serializableData,
callbacks: separatedResult.callbacks,
channelId: this.channelId,
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error (in RemoteMessenger, calling ${message?.methodPath}): `, error, error.stack, JSON.stringify(message));
kind: MessageType.ErrorResponse,
responseId: message.respondWithId,
errorMessage: `${error} (Calling ${message?.methodPath?.join?.('.')})`,
channelId: this.channelId,
private onMethodRespondedTo(responseId: string) {
delete this.resolveMethodCallbacks[responseId];
delete this.rejectMethodCallbacks[responseId];
this.numberUnrespondedToMethods --;
if (this.numberUnrespondedToMethods === 0) {
for (const listener of this.noWaitingMethodsListeners) {
this.noWaitingMethodsListeners = [];
} else if (this.numberUnrespondedToMethods < 0) {
this.numberUnrespondedToMethods = 0;
throw new Error('Some method has been responded to multiple times');
private async onRemoteResolve(message: ReturnValueResponse) {
if (!this.resolveMethodCallbacks[message.responseId]) {
// Debugging:
// throw new Error(`RemoteMessenger(${this.channelId}): Missing method callback with ID ${message.responseId}`);
// This can happen if a promise is resolved multiple times.
const returnValue = mergeCallbacksAndSerializable(
private async onRemoteReject(message: ErrorResponse) {
private async onRemoteCallbackDropped(message: CallbackDroppedMessage) {
for (const id of message.callbackIds) {
private async onRemoteReadyToReceive(message: RemoteReadyMessage) {
if (this.isRemoteReady && !message.requiresResponse) {
this.isRemoteReady = true;
for (const listener of this.remoteReadyListeners) {
// If ready, re-send the RemoteReady message, it may have been sent before
// the remote first loaded.
if (this.isLocalReady) {
kind: MessageType.RemoteReady,
channelId: this.channelId,
// We already know that the remote is ready, so
// another response isn't necessary.
requiresResponse: false,
public awaitRemoteReady() {
return new Promise<void>(resolve => {
if (this.isRemoteReady) {
} else {
this.remoteReadyListeners.push(() => resolve());
// Wait for all methods to have received a response.
// This can be used to check whether it's safe to destroy a remote, or
// whether doing so will cause a method to never resolve.
public awaitAllMethodsRespondedTo() {
return new Promise<void>(resolve => {
if (this.numberUnrespondedToMethods === 0) {
} else {
// Should be called by subclasses when a message is received.
protected async onMessage(message: SerializableData): Promise<void> {
if (this.closed) {
if (!(typeof message === 'object')) {
throw new Error(`Invalid message. Messages passed to onMessage must have type "object". Was type ${typeof message}.`);
if (Array.isArray(message)) {
throw new Error('Message must be an object (is an array).');
// Web transferable objects (note: will not be properly transferred with all messengers).
if (isTransferableObject(message)) {
throw new Error('Message must be a key-value pair object.');
if (typeof message.kind !== 'string') {
throw new Error(`message.kind must be a string, was ${typeof message.kind}`);
// We just verified that message.kind is a MessageType,
// assume that all other properties are valid.
const asInternalMessage = message as InternalMessage;
// If intended for a different set of messengers...
if (asInternalMessage.channelId !== this.channelId) {
if (asInternalMessage.kind === MessageType.InvokeMethod) {
await this.invokeLocalMethod(asInternalMessage);
} else if (asInternalMessage.kind === MessageType.CloseChannel) {
void this.onClose();
} else if (asInternalMessage.kind === MessageType.ReturnValueResponse) {
await this.onRemoteResolve(asInternalMessage);
} else if (asInternalMessage.kind === MessageType.ErrorResponse) {
await this.onRemoteReject(asInternalMessage);
} else if (asInternalMessage.kind === MessageType.RemoteReady) {
await this.onRemoteReadyToReceive(asInternalMessage);
} else if (asInternalMessage.kind === MessageType.OnCallbackDropped) {
await this.onRemoteCallbackDropped(asInternalMessage);
} else {
// Have TypeScript verify that the above cases are exhaustive
const exhaustivenessCheck: never = asInternalMessage;
throw new Error(`Invalid message type, ${message.kind}. Message: ${exhaustivenessCheck}`);
// Subclasses should call this method when ready to receive data
protected onReadyToReceive() {
if (this.isLocalReady) {
if (!this.isRemoteReady) {
kind: MessageType.RemoteReady,
channelId: this.channelId,
requiresResponse: true,
if (this.localInterface === null) {
this.waitingForLocalInterface = true;
this.isLocalReady = true;
kind: MessageType.RemoteReady,
channelId: this.channelId,
requiresResponse: !this.isRemoteReady,
public setLocalInterface(localInterface: LocalInterface) {
this.localInterface = localInterface;
if (this.waitingForLocalInterface) {
this.waitingForLocalInterface = false;
// Should be called if this messenger is in the middle (not on the edge) of a chain
// For example, if we have the following setup,
// React Native <-Messenger(1) | Messenger(2)-> WebView <-Messenger(3) | Messenger(4)-> Worker
// Messenger(2) and Messenger(3) should call `setIsChainedMessenger(false)`.
public setIsChainedMessenger(isChained: boolean) {
this.preserveThis = !isChained;
// Disconnects both this and the remote.
public closeConnection() {
this.closed = true;
this.postMessage({ channelId: this.channelId, kind: MessageType.CloseChannel });
public hasBeenClosed() {
return this.closed;
protected abstract postMessage(message: InternalMessage): void;
protected abstract onClose(): void;
// For testing
public getIdForCallback_(callback: TransferableCallback) {
for (const [id, otherCallback] of this.argumentCallbacks) {
if (otherCallback === callback) {
return id;
return undefined;