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<h1>GSoC: Nextcloud notes integration (Web client)<a name="gsoc-nextcloud-notes-integration-web-client" href="#gsoc-nextcloud-notes-integration-web-client" class="heading-anchor">🔗</a></h1>
<h2>What is the goal of the project<a name="what-is-the-goal-of-the-project" href="#what-is-the-goal-of-the-project" class="heading-anchor">🔗</a></h2>
<p>There is the community's wish to have the notes integrated Nextcloud, so that Notes can be sought by Nextcloud itsself. Although this idea focuses on Nextcloud it shall allow to extend it to other collaboration applications going beyond the current scope of <a href="https://joplinapp.org/#synchronisation">Synchronisation</a>.</p>
<p>There is already the <a href="https://github.com/foxmask/joplin-web">web application</a> what may can be integrated in collaboration application</p>
<h3>what shall be answered in the application<a name="what-shall-be-answered-in-the-application" href="#what-shall-be-answered-in-the-application" class="heading-anchor">🔗</a></h3>
<h2>Why shall this idea be realized<a name="why-shall-this-idea-be-realized" href="#why-shall-this-idea-be-realized" class="heading-anchor">🔗</a></h2>
<p>Allowing broader use of the application and better integration of the existing open source world, we don't want to invent the wheel twice</p>
<h2>Who is talking about it<a name="who-is-talking-about-it" href="#who-is-talking-about-it" class="heading-anchor">🔗</a></h2>
<p>The idea is outcome of (but not limited to) of some discussion taking place in the Forum and on GitHub:</p>
<li><a href="https://github.com/nextcloud/notes/issues/248">Support Joplin structure and notebooks #248</a></li>
<li><a href="https://discourse.joplinapp.org/t/joplin-web-web-application-companion-for-joplin/555">Joplin Web</a></li>
<li><a href="https://discourse.joplinapp.org/t/new-search-engine-in-joplin/1479">New search engine in Joplin</a></li>
<li><a href="https://discourse.joplinapp.org/t/how-is-webdav-sync-implemented/3102">How is WebDAV sync implemented?</a></li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/228">Nextcloud notes integration (Web client)</a></li>
<p>“Nextcloud notes integration (Web client)” is not well defined. What would be nice is a built-in Nextcloud web client for Joplin. But the top post in there is about something else that won’t be changed (explained in the FAQ: <a href="https://joplinapp.org/faq/#is-it-possible-to-use-real-file-and-folder-names-in-the-sync-target">https://joplinapp.org/faq/#is-it-possible-to-use-real-file-and-folder-names-in-the-sync-target</a>)</p>
<p>That would be interesting to know what they think about such an integration and how they see it because it’s an old subject, we (the staff) are periodically debating:</p>
<li><a href="https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/228">https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/228</a></li>
<li><a href="https://discourse.joplinapp.org/t/nextcloud-fanboy-quest-ce-quils-veulent/844/3">https://discourse.joplinapp.org/t/nextcloud-fanboy-quest-ce-quils-veulent/844/3</a></li>
<p>I imagined they just need a joplin-api in PHP and “plug” it on the right datasource to switch between “Nextcloud native note/Qownote” to Nextcloud/Qownnote “Joplin note”.</p>
<p>“How is WebDAV sync implemented?” appears twice. It should only be in Summer of Doc.</p>
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