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synced 2025-03-03 15:32:30 +02:00
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213 lines
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// Search for $s and $$s in markdown and mark the regions between them as math.
// Text between single $s is marked as InlineMath and text between $$s is marked
// as BlockMath.
import { tags, Tag } from '@lezer/highlight';
import { parseMixed, SyntaxNodeRef, Input, NestedParse, ParseWrapper } from '@lezer/common';
// Extend the existing markdown parser
import {
MarkdownConfig, InlineContext,
BlockContext, Line, LeafBlock,
} from '@lezer/markdown';
// The existing stexMath parser is used to parse the text between the $s
import { stexMath } from '@codemirror/legacy-modes/mode/stex';
import { StreamLanguage } from '@codemirror/language';
const dollarSignCharcode = 36;
const backslashCharcode = 92;
// (?:[>]\s*)?: Optionally allow block math lines to start with '> '
const mathBlockStartRegex = /^(?:\s*[>]\s*)?\$\$/;
const mathBlockEndRegex = /\$\$\s*$/;
const texLanguage = StreamLanguage.define(stexMath);
export const blockMathTagName = 'BlockMath';
export const blockMathContentTagName = 'BlockMathContent';
export const inlineMathTagName = 'InlineMath';
export const inlineMathContentTagName = 'InlineMathContent';
export const mathTag = Tag.define(tags.monospace);
export const inlineMathTag = Tag.define(mathTag);
// Wraps a TeX math-mode parser. This removes [nodeTag] from the syntax tree
// and replaces it with a region handled by the sTeXMath parser.
// @param nodeTag Name of the nodes to replace with regions parsed by the sTeX parser.
// @returns a wrapped sTeX parser.
const wrappedTeXParser = (nodeTag: string): ParseWrapper => {
return parseMixed((node: SyntaxNodeRef, _input: Input): NestedParse => {
if (node.name !== nodeTag) {
return null;
return {
parser: texLanguage.parser,
// Markdown extension for recognizing inline code
const InlineMathConfig: MarkdownConfig = {
defineNodes: [
name: inlineMathTagName,
style: inlineMathTag,
name: inlineMathContentTagName,
parseInline: [{
name: inlineMathTagName,
after: 'InlineCode',
parse(cx: InlineContext, current: number, pos: number): number {
const prevCharCode = pos - 1 >= 0 ? cx.char(pos - 1) : -1;
const nextCharCode = cx.char(pos + 1);
if (current !== dollarSignCharcode
|| prevCharCode === dollarSignCharcode
|| nextCharCode === dollarSignCharcode) {
return -1;
// Don't match if there's a space directly after the '$'
if (/\s/.exec(String.fromCharCode(nextCharCode))) {
return -1;
const start = pos;
const end = cx.end;
let escaped = false;
pos ++;
// Scan ahead for the next '$' symbol
for (; pos < end && (escaped || cx.char(pos) !== dollarSignCharcode); pos++) {
if (!escaped && cx.char(pos) === backslashCharcode) {
escaped = true;
} else {
escaped = false;
// Don't match if the ending '$' is preceded by a space.
const prevChar = String.fromCharCode(cx.char(pos - 1));
if (/\s/.exec(prevChar)) {
return -1;
// It isn't a math region if there is no ending '$'
if (pos === end) {
return -1;
// Advance to just after the ending '$'
pos ++;
// Add a wraping inlineMathTagName node that contains an inlineMathContentTagName.
// The inlineMathContentTagName node can thus be safely removed and the region
// will still be marked as a math region.
const contentElem = cx.elt(inlineMathContentTagName, start + 1, pos - 1);
cx.addElement(cx.elt(inlineMathTagName, start, pos, [contentElem]));
return pos + 1;
wrap: wrappedTeXParser(inlineMathContentTagName),
// Extension for recognising block code
const BlockMathConfig: MarkdownConfig = {
defineNodes: [
name: blockMathTagName,
style: mathTag,
name: blockMathContentTagName,
parseBlock: [{
name: blockMathTagName,
before: 'Blockquote',
parse(cx: BlockContext, line: Line): boolean {
const delimLen = 2;
// $$ delimiter? Start math!
const mathStartMatch = mathBlockStartRegex.exec(line.text);
if (mathStartMatch) {
const start = cx.lineStart + mathStartMatch[0].length;
let stop;
let endMatch = mathBlockEndRegex.exec(
// If the math region ends immediately (on the same line),
if (endMatch) {
const lineLength = line.text.length;
stop = cx.lineStart + lineLength - endMatch[0].length;
} else {
let hadNextLine = false;
// Otherwise, it's a multi-line block display.
// Consume lines until we reach the end.
do {
hadNextLine = cx.nextLine();
endMatch = hadNextLine ? mathBlockEndRegex.exec(line.text) : null;
while (hadNextLine && endMatch === null);
if (hadNextLine && endMatch) {
const lineLength = line.text.length;
// Remove the ending delimiter
stop = cx.lineStart + lineLength - endMatch[0].length;
} else {
stop = cx.lineStart;
const lineEnd = cx.lineStart + line.text.length;
// Label the region. Add two labels so that one can be removed.
const contentElem = cx.elt(blockMathContentTagName, start, stop);
const containerElement = cx.elt(
start - delimLen,
// Math blocks don't need ending delimiters, so ensure we don't
// include text that doesn't exist.
Math.min(lineEnd, stop + delimLen),
// The child of the container element should be the content element
// Don't re-process the ending delimiter (it may look the same
// as the starting delimiter).
return true;
return false;
// End paragraph-like blocks
endLeaf(_cx: BlockContext, line: Line, _leaf: LeafBlock): boolean {
// Leaf blocks (e.g. block quotes) end early if math starts.
return mathBlockStartRegex.exec(line.text) !== null;
wrap: wrappedTeXParser(blockMathContentTagName),
/** Markdown configuration for block and inline math support. */
export const MarkdownMathExtension: MarkdownConfig[] = [