mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 15:36:49 +02:00
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import PostMessageService, { MessageResponse, ResponderComponentType } from '@joplin/lib/services/PostMessageService';
import * as React from 'react';
import { reg } from '@joplin/lib/registry';
import bridge from '../services/bridge';
import { focus } from '@joplin/lib/utils/focusHandler';
import { ForwardedRef, forwardRef, RefObject, useContext, useEffect, useImperativeHandle, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react';
import { WindowIdContext } from './NewWindowOrIFrame';
import useDocument from './hooks/useDocument';
import { _ } from '@joplin/lib/locale';
interface Props {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types -- Old code before rule was applied
onDomReady: Function;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types -- Old code before rule was applied
onIpcMessage: Function;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied
viewerStyle: any;
contentMaxWidth?: number;
themeId: number;
interface SetHtmlOptions {
pluginAssets: { path: string }[];
export interface NoteViewerControl {
domReady(): boolean;
setHtml(html: string, options: SetHtmlOptions): void;
send(channel: string, arg0?: unknown, arg1?: unknown): void;
focus(): void;
hasFocus(): boolean;
const usePluginMessageResponder = (webviewRef: RefObject<HTMLIFrameElement>) => {
const windowId = useContext(WindowIdContext);
useEffect(() => {
PostMessageService.instance().registerResponder(ResponderComponentType.NoteTextViewer, '', windowId, (message: MessageResponse) => {
if (!webviewRef?.current?.contentWindow) {
reg.logger().warn('Cannot respond to message because target is gone', message);
target: 'webview',
name: 'postMessageService.response',
data: message,
}, '*');
return () => {
PostMessageService.instance().unregisterResponder(ResponderComponentType.NoteTextViewer, '', windowId);
}, [webviewRef, windowId]);
const NoteTextViewer = forwardRef((props: Props, ref: ForwardedRef<NoteViewerControl>) => {
const [webview, setWebview] = useState<HTMLIFrameElement|null>(null);
const webviewRef = useRef<HTMLIFrameElement|null>(null);
webviewRef.current = webview;
const domReadyRef = useRef(false);
type RemovePluginAssetsCallback = ()=> void;
const removePluginAssetsCallbackRef = useRef<RemovePluginAssetsCallback|null>(null);
const parentDoc = useDocument(webview);
const containerWindow = parentDoc?.defaultView;
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => {
const result: NoteViewerControl = {
domReady: () => domReadyRef.current,
setHtml: (html: string, options: SetHtmlOptions) => {
const protocolHandler = bridge().electronApp().getCustomProtocolHandler();
// Grant & remove asset access.
if (options.pluginAssets) {
const pluginAssetPaths: string[] = options.pluginAssets.map((asset) => asset.path);
const assetAccesses = pluginAssetPaths.map(
path => protocolHandler.allowReadAccessToFile(path),
removePluginAssetsCallbackRef.current = () => {
for (const accessControl of assetAccesses) {
removePluginAssetsCallbackRef.current = null;
result.send('setHtml', html, {
mediaAccessKey: protocolHandler.getMediaAccessKey(),
send: (channel: string, arg0: unknown = null, arg1: unknown = null) => {
const win = webviewRef.current?.contentWindow;
// Window may already be closed
if (!win) return;
if (channel === 'focus') {
win.postMessage({ target: 'webview', name: 'focus', data: {} }, '*');
// External code should use .setHtml (rather than send('setHtml', ...))
if (channel === 'setHtml') {
win.postMessage({ target: 'webview', name: 'setHtml', data: { html: arg0, options: arg1 } }, '*');
if (channel === 'scrollToHash') {
win.postMessage({ target: 'webview', name: 'scrollToHash', data: { hash: arg0 } }, '*');
if (channel === 'setPercentScroll') {
win.postMessage({ target: 'webview', name: 'setPercentScroll', data: { percent: arg0 } }, '*');
if (channel === 'setMarkers') {
win.postMessage({ target: 'webview', name: 'setMarkers', data: { keywords: arg0, options: arg1 } }, '*');
focus: () => {
if (webviewRef.current) {
// Calling focus on webviewRef seems to be necessary when NoteTextViewer.focus
// is called outside of a user event (e.g. in a setTimeout) or during automated
// tests:
focus('NoteTextViewer::focus', webviewRef.current);
// Calling .focus on this.webviewRef.current isn't sufficient.
// To allow arrow-key scrolling, focus must also be set within the iframe:
hasFocus: () => {
return webviewRef.current?.contains(parentDoc.activeElement);
return result;
}, [parentDoc]);
const webview_domReadyRef = useRef<EventListener>();
webview_domReadyRef.current = (event: Event) => {
domReadyRef.current = true;
if (props.onDomReady) props.onDomReady(event);
const webview_ipcMessageRef = useRef<EventListener>();
webview_ipcMessageRef.current = (event: Event) => {
if (props.onIpcMessage) props.onIpcMessage(event);
const webview_loadRef = useRef<EventListener>();
webview_loadRef.current = (event: Event) => {
type MessageEventListener = (event: MessageEvent)=> void;
const webview_messageRef = useRef<MessageEventListener>();
webview_messageRef.current = (event: MessageEvent) => {
if (event.source !== webviewRef.current?.contentWindow) return;
if (!event.data || event.data.target !== 'main') return;
const callName = event.data.name;
const args = event.data.args;
if (props.onIpcMessage) {
channel: callName,
args: args,
useEffect(() => {
const wv = webviewRef.current;
if (!wv || !containerWindow) return () => {};
const webviewListeners: Record<string, EventListener> = {
'dom-ready': (event) => webview_domReadyRef.current(event),
'ipc-message': (event) => webview_ipcMessageRef.current(event),
'load': (event) => webview_loadRef.current(event),
for (const n in webviewListeners) {
if (!webviewListeners.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue;
const fn = webviewListeners[n];
wv.addEventListener(n, fn);
const messageListener: MessageEventListener = event => webview_messageRef.current(event);
containerWindow.addEventListener('message', messageListener);
return () => {
domReadyRef.current = false;
const wv = webviewRef.current;
if (!wv) return;
for (const n in webviewListeners) {
if (!webviewListeners.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue;
const fn = webviewListeners[n];
wv.removeEventListener(n, fn);
containerWindow?.removeEventListener('message', messageListener);
}, [containerWindow]);
const viewerStyle = useMemo(() => {
return { border: 'none', ...props.viewerStyle };
}, [props.viewerStyle]);
// allow=fullscreen: Required to allow the user to fullscreen videos.
return (
allow='clipboard-write=(self) fullscreen=(self) autoplay=(self) local-fonts=(self) encrypted-media=(self)'
aria-label={_('Note editor')}
export default NoteTextViewer;