mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:32:30 +02:00
432 lines
16 KiB
432 lines
16 KiB
import Setting from '../../../models/Setting';
import shim from '../../../shim';
import uuid from '../../../uuid';
import readonlyProperties from '../utils/readonlyProperties';
import defaultSaveOptions from '../utils/defaultSaveOptions';
import defaultAction from '../utils/defaultAction';
import BaseModel, { ModelType } from '../../../BaseModel';
import defaultLoadOptions from '../utils/defaultLoadOptions';
import { RequestMethod, Request } from '../Api';
import markdownUtils from '../../../markdownUtils';
import collectionToPaginatedResults from '../utils/collectionToPaginatedResults';
import { reg } from '../../../registry';
import Database from '../../../database';
import Folder from '../../../models/Folder';
import Note from '../../../models/Note';
import Tag from '../../../models/Tag';
import Resource from '../../../models/Resource';
import htmlUtils from '../../../htmlUtils';
import markupLanguageUtils from '../../../markupLanguageUtils';
const mimeUtils = require('../../../mime-utils.js').mime;
const md5 = require('md5');
import HtmlToMd from '../../../HtmlToMd';
const urlUtils = require('../../../urlUtils.js');
import * as ArrayUtils from '../../../ArrayUtils';
const { mimeTypeFromHeaders } = require('../../../net-utils');
const { fileExtension, safeFileExtension, safeFilename, filename } = require('../../../path-utils');
const { fileUriToPath } = require('../../../urlUtils');
const { MarkupToHtml } = require('@joplin/renderer');
const { ErrorNotFound } = require('../utils/errors');
let htmlToMdParser_: any = null;
function htmlToMdParser() {
if (htmlToMdParser_) return htmlToMdParser_;
htmlToMdParser_ = new HtmlToMd();
return htmlToMdParser_;
async function requestNoteToNote(requestNote: any) {
const output: any = {
title: requestNote.title ? requestNote.title : '',
body: requestNote.body ? requestNote.body : '',
if (requestNote.id) output.id = requestNote.id;
const baseUrl = requestNote.base_url ? requestNote.base_url : '';
if (requestNote.body_html) {
if (requestNote.convert_to === 'html') {
const style = await buildNoteStyleSheet(requestNote.stylesheets);
const minify = require('html-minifier').minify;
const minifyOptions = {
// Remove all spaces and, especially, newlines from tag attributes, as that would
// break the rendering.
customAttrCollapse: /.*/,
// Need to remove all whitespaces because whitespace at a beginning of a line
// means a code block in Markdown.
collapseWhitespace: true,
minifyCSS: true,
maxLineLength: 300,
const uglifycss = require('uglifycss');
const styleString = uglifycss.processString(style.join('\n'), {
// Need to set a max length because Ace Editor takes forever
// to display notes with long lines.
maxLineLen: 200,
const styleTag = style.length ? `<style>${styleString}</style>` + '\n' : '';
let minifiedHtml = '';
try {
minifiedHtml = minify(requestNote.body_html, minifyOptions);
} catch (error) {
console.warn('Could not minify HTML - using non-minified HTML instead', error);
minifiedHtml = requestNote.body_html;
output.body = styleTag + minifiedHtml;
output.body = htmlUtils.prependBaseUrl(output.body, baseUrl);
output.markup_language = MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML;
} else {
// Convert to Markdown
// Parsing will not work if the HTML is not wrapped in a top level tag, which is not guaranteed
// when getting the content from elsewhere. So here wrap it - it won't change anything to the final
// rendering but it makes sure everything will be parsed.
output.body = await htmlToMdParser().parse(`<div>${requestNote.body_html}</div>`, {
baseUrl: baseUrl,
anchorNames: requestNote.anchor_names ? requestNote.anchor_names : [],
convertEmbeddedPdfsToLinks: true,
output.markup_language = MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN;
if (requestNote.parent_id) {
output.parent_id = requestNote.parent_id;
} else {
const folder = await Folder.defaultFolder();
if (!folder) throw new Error('Cannot find folder for note');
output.parent_id = folder.id;
if ('source_url' in requestNote) output.source_url = requestNote.source_url;
if ('author' in requestNote) output.author = requestNote.author;
if ('user_updated_time' in requestNote) output.user_updated_time = Database.formatValue(Database.TYPE_INT, requestNote.user_updated_time);
if ('user_created_time' in requestNote) output.user_created_time = Database.formatValue(Database.TYPE_INT, requestNote.user_created_time);
if ('is_todo' in requestNote) output.is_todo = Database.formatValue(Database.TYPE_INT, requestNote.is_todo);
if ('todo_due' in requestNote) output.todo_due = Database.formatValue(Database.TYPE_INT, requestNote.todo_due);
if ('todo_completed' in requestNote) output.todo_completed = Database.formatValue(Database.TYPE_INT, requestNote.todo_completed);
if ('markup_language' in requestNote) output.markup_language = Database.formatValue(Database.TYPE_INT, requestNote.markup_language);
if ('longitude' in requestNote) output.longitude = requestNote.longitude;
if ('latitude' in requestNote) output.latitude = requestNote.latitude;
if ('altitude' in requestNote) output.altitude = requestNote.altitude;
if (!output.markup_language) output.markup_language = MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN;
return output;
async function buildNoteStyleSheet(stylesheets: any[]) {
if (!stylesheets) return [];
const output = [];
for (const stylesheet of stylesheets) {
if (stylesheet.type === 'text') {
} else if (stylesheet.type === 'url') {
try {
const tempPath = `${Setting.value('tempDir')}/${md5(`${Math.random()}_${Date.now()}`)}.css`;
await shim.fetchBlob(stylesheet.value, { path: tempPath, maxRetry: 1 });
const text = await shim.fsDriver().readFile(tempPath);
await shim.fsDriver().remove(tempPath);
} catch (error) {
reg.logger().warn(`Cannot download stylesheet at ${stylesheet.value}`, error);
} else {
throw new Error(`Invalid stylesheet type: ${stylesheet.type}`);
return output;
async function tryToGuessExtFromMimeType(response: any, mediaPath: string) {
const mimeType = mimeTypeFromHeaders(response.headers);
if (!mimeType) return mediaPath;
const newExt = mimeUtils.toFileExtension(mimeType);
if (!newExt) return mediaPath;
const newMediaPath = `${mediaPath}.${newExt}`;
await shim.fsDriver().move(mediaPath, newMediaPath);
return newMediaPath;
async function downloadMediaFile(url: string /* , allowFileProtocolImages */) {
const tempDir = Setting.value('tempDir');
// The URL we get to download have been extracted from the Markdown document
url = markdownUtils.unescapeLinkUrl(url);
const isDataUrl = url && url.toLowerCase().indexOf('data:') === 0;
// PDFs and other heavy resoucres are often served as seperate files insted of data urls, its very unlikely to encounter a pdf as a data url
if (isDataUrl && !url.toLowerCase().startsWith('data:image/')) {
reg.logger().warn(`Resources in data URL format is only supported for images ${url}`);
return '';
const name = isDataUrl ? md5(`${Math.random()}_${Date.now()}`) : filename(url);
let fileExt = isDataUrl ? mimeUtils.toFileExtension(mimeUtils.fromDataUrl(url)) : safeFileExtension(fileExtension(url).toLowerCase());
if (!mimeUtils.fromFileExtension(fileExt)) fileExt = ''; // If the file extension is unknown - clear it.
if (fileExt) fileExt = `.${fileExt}`;
// Append a UUID because simply checking if the file exists is not enough since
// multiple resources can be downloaded at the same time (race condition).
let mediaPath = `${tempDir}/${safeFilename(name)}_${uuid.create()}${fileExt}`;
try {
if (isDataUrl) {
await shim.imageFromDataUrl(url, mediaPath);
} else if (urlUtils.urlProtocol(url).toLowerCase() === 'file:') {
// Can't think of any reason to disallow this at this point
// if (!allowFileProtocolImages) throw new Error('For security reasons, this URL with file:// protocol cannot be downloaded');
const localPath = fileUriToPath(url);
await shim.fsDriver().copy(localPath, mediaPath);
} else {
const response = await shim.fetchBlob(url, { path: mediaPath, maxRetry: 1 });
// If we could not find the file extension from the URL, try to get it
// now based on the Content-Type header.
if (!fileExt) mediaPath = await tryToGuessExtFromMimeType(response, mediaPath);
return mediaPath;
} catch (error) {
reg.logger().warn(`Cannot download image at ${url}`, error);
return '';
async function downloadMediaFiles(urls: string[] /* , allowFileProtocolImages:boolean */) {
const PromisePool = require('es6-promise-pool');
const output: any = {};
const downloadOne = async (url: string) => {
const mediaPath = await downloadMediaFile(url); // , allowFileProtocolImages);
if (mediaPath) output[url] = { path: mediaPath, originalUrl: url };
let urlIndex = 0;
const promiseProducer = () => {
if (urlIndex >= urls.length) return null;
const url = urls[urlIndex++];
return downloadOne(url);
const concurrency = 10;
const pool = new PromisePool(promiseProducer, concurrency);
await pool.start();
return output;
async function createResourcesFromPaths(urls: string[]) {
for (const url in urls) {
if (!urls.hasOwnProperty(url)) continue;
const urlInfo: any = urls[url];
try {
const resource = await shim.createResourceFromPath(urlInfo.path);
urlInfo.resource = resource;
} catch (error) {
reg.logger().warn(`Cannot create resource for ${url}`, error);
return urls;
async function removeTempFiles(urls: string[]) {
for (const url in urls) {
if (!urls.hasOwnProperty(url)) continue;
const urlInfo: any = urls[url];
try {
await shim.fsDriver().remove(urlInfo.path);
} catch (error) {
reg.logger().warn(`Cannot remove ${urlInfo.path}`, error);
function replaceUrlsByResources(markupLanguage: number, md: string, urls: any, imageSizes: any) {
const imageSizesIndexes: any = {};
if (markupLanguage === MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML) {
return htmlUtils.replaceMediaUrls(md, (url: string) => {
const urlInfo: any = urls[url];
if (!urlInfo || !urlInfo.resource) return url;
return Resource.internalUrl(urlInfo.resource);
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
return md.replace(/(!?\[.*?\]\()([^\s\)]+)(.*?\))/g, (_match: any, before: string, url: string, after: string) => {
let type = 'link';
if (before.startsWith('[embedded_pdf]')) {
type = 'pdf';
} else if (before.startsWith('![')) {
type = 'image';
const urlInfo = urls[url];
if (type === 'link' || !urlInfo || !urlInfo.resource) return before + url + after;
const resourceUrl = Resource.internalUrl(urlInfo.resource);
if (type === 'pdf') {
return `[${markdownUtils.escapeLinkUrl(url)}](${resourceUrl}${after}`;
if (!(urlInfo.originalUrl in imageSizesIndexes)) imageSizesIndexes[urlInfo.originalUrl] = 0;
const imageSizesCollection = imageSizes[urlInfo.originalUrl];
if (!imageSizesCollection) {
// Either its not an image or we don't know the size of the image
// In some cases, we won't find the image size information for that particular image URL. Normally
// it will only happen when using the "Clip simplified page" feature, which can modify the
// image URLs (for example it will select a smaller size resolution). In that case, it's
// fine to return the image as-is because it has already good dimensions.
return before + resourceUrl + after;
const imageSize = imageSizesCollection[imageSizesIndexes[urlInfo.originalUrl]];
if (imageSize && (imageSize.naturalWidth !== imageSize.width || imageSize.naturalHeight !== imageSize.height)) {
return `<img width="${imageSize.width}" height="${imageSize.height}" src="${resourceUrl}"/>`;
} else {
return before + resourceUrl + after;
export function extractMediaUrls(markupLanguage: number, text: string): string[] {
const urls: string[] = [];
urls.push(...ArrayUtils.unique(markupLanguageUtils.extractImageUrls(markupLanguage, text)));
urls.push(...ArrayUtils.unique(markupLanguageUtils.extractPdfUrls(markupLanguage, text)));
return urls;
// Note must have been saved first
async function attachImageFromDataUrl(note: any, imageDataUrl: string, cropRect: any) {
const tempDir = Setting.value('tempDir');
const mime = mimeUtils.fromDataUrl(imageDataUrl);
let ext = mimeUtils.toFileExtension(mime) || '';
if (ext) ext = `.${ext}`;
const tempFilePath = `${tempDir}/${md5(`${Math.random()}_${Date.now()}`)}${ext}`;
const imageConvOptions: any = {};
if (cropRect) imageConvOptions.cropRect = cropRect;
await shim.imageFromDataUrl(imageDataUrl, tempFilePath, imageConvOptions);
return await shim.attachFileToNote(note, tempFilePath);
export default async function(request: Request, id: string = null, link: string = null) {
if (request.method === 'GET') {
if (link && link === 'tags') {
return collectionToPaginatedResults(ModelType.Tag, await Tag.tagsByNoteId(id), request);
} else if (link && link === 'resources') {
const note = await Note.load(id);
if (!note) throw new ErrorNotFound();
const resourceIds = await Note.linkedResourceIds(note.body);
const output = [];
const loadOptions = defaultLoadOptions(request, BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE);
for (const resourceId of resourceIds) {
output.push(await Resource.load(resourceId, loadOptions));
return collectionToPaginatedResults(ModelType.Resource, output, request);
} else if (link) {
throw new ErrorNotFound();
return defaultAction(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, request, id, link);
if (request.method === RequestMethod.POST) {
const requestId = Date.now();
const requestNote = JSON.parse(request.body);
// const allowFileProtocolImages = urlUtils.urlProtocol(requestNote.base_url).toLowerCase() === 'file:';
const imageSizes = requestNote.image_sizes ? requestNote.image_sizes : {};
let note: any = await requestNoteToNote(requestNote);
const mediaUrls = extractMediaUrls(note.markup_language, note.body);
reg.logger().info(`Request (${requestId}): Downloading media files: ${mediaUrls.length}`);
let result = await downloadMediaFiles(mediaUrls); // , allowFileProtocolImages);
reg.logger().info(`Request (${requestId}): Creating resources from paths: ${Object.getOwnPropertyNames(result).length}`);
result = await createResourcesFromPaths(result);
await removeTempFiles(result);
note.body = replaceUrlsByResources(note.markup_language, note.body, result, imageSizes);
reg.logger().info(`Request (${requestId}): Saving note...`);
const saveOptions = defaultSaveOptions('POST', note.id);
saveOptions.autoTimestamp = false; // No auto-timestamp because user may have provided them
const timestamp = Date.now();
note.updated_time = timestamp;
note.created_time = timestamp;
if (!('user_updated_time' in note)) note.user_updated_time = timestamp;
if (!('user_created_time' in note)) note.user_created_time = timestamp;
note = await Note.save(note, saveOptions);
if (requestNote.tags) {
const tagTitles = requestNote.tags.split(',');
await Tag.setNoteTagsByTitles(note.id, tagTitles);
if (requestNote.image_data_url) {
note = await attachImageFromDataUrl(note, requestNote.image_data_url, requestNote.crop_rect);
reg.logger().info(`Request (${requestId}): Created note ${note.id}`);
return note;
if (request.method === 'PUT') {
const note = await Note.load(id);
if (!note) throw new ErrorNotFound();
const saveOptions = {
...defaultSaveOptions('PUT', note.id),
autoTimestamp: false, // No auto-timestamp because user may have provided them
userSideValidation: true,
const timestamp = Date.now();
const newProps = request.bodyJson(readonlyProperties('PUT'));
if (!('user_updated_time' in newProps)) newProps.user_updated_time = timestamp;
let newNote = {
updated_time: timestamp,
newNote = await Note.save(newNote, saveOptions);
const requestNote = JSON.parse(request.body);
if (requestNote.tags || requestNote.tags === '') {
const tagTitles = requestNote.tags.split(',');
await Tag.setNoteTagsByTitles(id, tagTitles);
return newNote;
return defaultAction(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, request, id, link);