mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2025-02-07 19:30:04 +02:00

695 lines
24 KiB

import ResourceEditWatcher from '@joplin/lib/services/ResourceEditWatcher/index';
import CommandService from '@joplin/lib/services/CommandService';
import KeymapService from '@joplin/lib/services/KeymapService';
import PluginService, { PluginSettings } from '@joplin/lib/services/plugins/PluginService';
import resourceEditWatcherReducer, { defaultState as resourceEditWatcherDefaultState } from '@joplin/lib/services/ResourceEditWatcher/reducer';
import PluginRunner from './services/plugins/PluginRunner';
import PlatformImplementation from './services/plugins/PlatformImplementation';
import shim from '@joplin/lib/shim';
import AlarmService from '@joplin/lib/services/AlarmService';
import AlarmServiceDriverNode from '@joplin/lib/services/AlarmServiceDriverNode';
import Logger, { TargetType } from '@joplin/utils/Logger';
import Setting from '@joplin/lib/models/Setting';
import actionApi from '@joplin/lib/services/rest/actionApi.desktop';
import BaseApplication, { StartOptions } from '@joplin/lib/BaseApplication';
import DebugService from '@joplin/lib/debug/DebugService';
import { _, setLocale } from '@joplin/lib/locale';
import SpellCheckerService from '@joplin/lib/services/spellChecker/SpellCheckerService';
import SpellCheckerServiceDriverNative from './services/spellChecker/SpellCheckerServiceDriverNative';
import bridge from './services/bridge';
import menuCommandNames from './gui/menuCommandNames';
import stateToWhenClauseContext from './services/commands/stateToWhenClauseContext';
import ResourceService from '@joplin/lib/services/ResourceService';
import ExternalEditWatcher from '@joplin/lib/services/ExternalEditWatcher';
import appReducer, { createAppDefaultState } from './app.reducer';
import Folder from '@joplin/lib/models/Folder';
import Tag from '@joplin/lib/models/Tag';
import { reg } from '@joplin/lib/registry';
const packageInfo: PackageInfo = require('./packageInfo.js');
import DecryptionWorker from '@joplin/lib/services/DecryptionWorker';
import ClipperServer from '@joplin/lib/ClipperServer';
import { ipcRenderer, webFrame } from 'electron';
const Menu = bridge().Menu;
const PluginManager = require('@joplin/lib/services/PluginManager');
import RevisionService from '@joplin/lib/services/RevisionService';
import MigrationService from '@joplin/lib/services/MigrationService';
import { loadCustomCss, injectCustomStyles } from '@joplin/lib/CssUtils';
import mainScreenCommands from './gui/MainScreen/commands/index';
import noteEditorCommands from './gui/NoteEditor/commands/index';
import noteListCommands from './gui/NoteList/commands/index';
import noteListControlsCommands from './gui/NoteListControls/commands/index';
import sidebarCommands from './gui/Sidebar/commands/index';
import appCommands from './commands/index';
import libCommands from '@joplin/lib/commands/index';
import { homedir } from 'os';
import getDefaultPluginsInfo from '@joplin/lib/services/plugins/defaultPlugins/desktopDefaultPluginsInfo';
const electronContextMenu = require('./services/electron-context-menu');
// import populateDatabase from '@joplin/lib/services/debug/populateDatabase';
const commands = mainScreenCommands
// Commands that are not tied to any particular component.
// The runtime for these commands can be loaded when the app starts.
const globalCommands = appCommands.concat(libCommands);
import editorCommandDeclarations from './gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations';
import PerFolderSortOrderService from './services/sortOrder/PerFolderSortOrderService';
import ShareService from '@joplin/lib/services/share/ShareService';
import checkForUpdates from './checkForUpdates';
import { AppState } from './app.reducer';
import syncDebugLog from '@joplin/lib/services/synchronizer/syncDebugLog';
import eventManager, { EventName } from '@joplin/lib/eventManager';
import path = require('path');
import { afterDefaultPluginsLoaded, loadAndRunDefaultPlugins } from '@joplin/lib/services/plugins/defaultPlugins/defaultPluginsUtils';
import userFetcher, { initializeUserFetcher } from '@joplin/lib/utils/userFetcher';
import { parseNotesParent } from '@joplin/lib/reducer';
import OcrService from '@joplin/lib/services/ocr/OcrService';
import OcrDriverTesseract from '@joplin/lib/services/ocr/drivers/OcrDriverTesseract';
import SearchEngine from '@joplin/lib/services/search/SearchEngine';
import { PackageInfo } from '@joplin/lib/versionInfo';
import { refreshFolders } from '@joplin/lib/folders-screen-utils';
const pluginClasses = [
const appDefaultState = createAppDefaultState(
class Application extends BaseApplication {
private checkAllPluginStartedIID_: any = null;
private initPluginServiceDone_ = false;
private ocrService_: OcrService;
public constructor() {
this.bridge_nativeThemeUpdated = this.bridge_nativeThemeUpdated.bind(this);
public hasGui() {
return true;
public reducer(state: AppState = appDefaultState, action: any) {
let newState = appReducer(state, action);
newState = resourceEditWatcherReducer(newState, action);
newState = super.reducer(newState, action);
return newState;
public toggleDevTools(visible: boolean) {
if (visible) {
} else {
protected async generalMiddleware(store: any, next: any, action: any) {
if (action.type === 'SETTING_UPDATE_ONE' && action.key === 'locale' || action.type === 'SETTING_UPDATE_ALL') {
// The bridge runs within the main process, with its own instance of locale.js
// so it needs to be set too here.
if (action.type === 'SETTING_UPDATE_ONE' && action.key === 'showTrayIcon' || action.type === 'SETTING_UPDATE_ALL') {
if (action.type === 'SETTING_UPDATE_ONE' && action.key === 'ocr.enabled' || action.type === 'SETTING_UPDATE_ALL') {
if (action.type === 'SETTING_UPDATE_ONE' && action.key === 'style.editor.fontFamily' || action.type === 'SETTING_UPDATE_ALL') {
if (action.type === 'SETTING_UPDATE_ONE' && action.key === 'windowContentZoomFactor' || action.type === 'SETTING_UPDATE_ALL') {
webFrame.setZoomFactor(Setting.value('windowContentZoomFactor') / 100);
if (['EVENT_NOTE_ALARM_FIELD_CHANGE', 'NOTE_DELETE'].indexOf(action.type) >= 0) {
await AlarmService.updateNoteNotification(action.id, action.type === 'NOTE_DELETE');
const result = await super.generalMiddleware(store, next, action);
const newState = store.getState();
if (['NOTE_VISIBLE_PANES_TOGGLE', 'NOTE_VISIBLE_PANES_SET'].indexOf(action.type) >= 0) {
Setting.setValue('noteVisiblePanes', newState.noteVisiblePanes);
if (['NOTE_DEVTOOLS_TOGGLE', 'NOTE_DEVTOOLS_SET'].indexOf(action.type) >= 0) {
if (action.type === 'FOLDER_AND_NOTE_SELECT') {
await Folder.expandTree(newState.folders, action.folderId);
if (this.hasGui() && ((action.type === 'SETTING_UPDATE_ONE' && ['themeAutoDetect', 'theme', 'preferredLightTheme', 'preferredDarkTheme'].includes(action.key)) || action.type === 'SETTING_UPDATE_ALL')) {
return result;
public handleThemeAutoDetect() {
if (!Setting.value('themeAutoDetect')) return;
if (bridge().shouldUseDarkColors()) {
Setting.setValue('theme', Setting.value('preferredDarkTheme'));
} else {
Setting.setValue('theme', Setting.value('preferredLightTheme'));
private bridge_nativeThemeUpdated() {
public updateTray() {
const app = bridge().electronApp();
if (app.trayShown() === Setting.value('showTrayIcon')) return;
if (!Setting.value('showTrayIcon')) {
} else {
const contextMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([
{ label: _('Open %s', app.electronApp().name), click: () => { app.window().show(); } },
{ type: 'separator' },
{ label: _('Quit'), click: () => { void app.quit(); } },
public updateEditorFont() {
const fontFamilies = [];
if (Setting.value('style.editor.fontFamily')) fontFamilies.push(`"${Setting.value('style.editor.fontFamily')}"`);
fontFamilies.push('Avenir, Arial, sans-serif');
// The '*' and '!important' parts are necessary to make sure Russian text is displayed properly
// https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/155
const css = `.CodeMirror *, .cm-editor .cm-content { font-family: ${fontFamilies.join(', ')} !important; }`;
const styleTag = document.createElement('style');
styleTag.type = 'text/css';
public setupContextMenu() {
// bridge().setupContextMenu((misspelledWord: string, dictionarySuggestions: string[]) => {
// let output = SpellCheckerService.instance().contextMenuItems(misspelledWord, dictionarySuggestions);
// console.info(misspelledWord, dictionarySuggestions);
// console.info(output);
// output = output.map(o => {
// delete o.click;
// return o;
// });
// return output;
// });
const MenuItem = bridge().MenuItem;
// The context menu must be setup in renderer process because that's where
// the spell checker service lives.
shouldShowMenu: (_event: any, params: any) => {
// params.inputFieldType === 'none' when right-clicking the text editor. This is a bit of a hack to detect it because in this
// case we don't want to use the built-in context menu but a custom one.
return params.isEditable && params.inputFieldType !== 'none';
menu: (actions: any, props: any) => {
const spellCheckerMenuItems = SpellCheckerService.instance().contextMenuItems(props.misspelledWord, props.dictionarySuggestions).map((item: any) => new MenuItem(item));
const output = [
return output;
private async initPluginService() {
if (this.initPluginServiceDone_) return;
this.initPluginServiceDone_ = true;
const service = PluginService.instance();
const pluginRunner = new PluginRunner();
service.initialize(packageInfo.version, PlatformImplementation.instance(), pluginRunner, this.store());
service.isSafeMode = Setting.value('isSafeMode');
let pluginSettings = service.unserializePluginSettings(Setting.value('plugins.states'));
// Users can add and remove plugins from the config screen at any
// time, however we only effectively uninstall the plugin the next
// time the app is started. What plugin should be uninstalled is
// stored in the settings.
pluginSettings = service.clearUpdateState(await service.uninstallPlugins(pluginSettings));
Setting.setValue('plugins.states', pluginSettings);
try {
if (await shim.fsDriver().exists(Setting.value('pluginDir'))) {
await service.loadAndRunPlugins(Setting.value('pluginDir'), pluginSettings);
} catch (error) {
this.logger().error(`There was an error loading plugins from ${Setting.value('pluginDir')}:`, error);
try {
const devPluginOptions = { devMode: true, builtIn: false };
if (Setting.value('plugins.devPluginPaths')) {
const paths = Setting.value('plugins.devPluginPaths').split(',').map((p: string) => p.trim());
await service.loadAndRunPlugins(paths, pluginSettings, devPluginOptions);
// Also load dev plugins that have passed via command line arguments
if (Setting.value('startupDevPlugins')) {
await service.loadAndRunPlugins(Setting.value('startupDevPlugins'), pluginSettings, devPluginOptions);
} catch (error) {
this.logger().error(`There was an error loading plugins from ${Setting.value('plugins.devPluginPaths')}:`, error);
// Load default plugins after loading other plugins -- this allows users
// to override built-in plugins with development versions with the same
// ID.
const defaultPluginsDir = path.join(bridge().buildDir(), 'defaultPlugins');
try {
pluginSettings = await loadAndRunDefaultPlugins(service, defaultPluginsDir, getDefaultPluginsInfo(), pluginSettings);
} catch (error) {
this.logger().error(`There was an error loading plugins from ${defaultPluginsDir}:`, error);
// Users can potentially delete files from /plugins or even delete
// the complete folder. When that happens, we still have the plugin
// info in the state, which can cause various issues, so to sort it
// out we remove from the state any plugin that has *not* been loaded
// above (meaning the file was missing).
// https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/5253
const oldSettings = pluginSettings;
const newSettings: PluginSettings = {};
for (const pluginId of Object.keys(oldSettings)) {
if (!service.pluginIds.includes(pluginId)) {
this.logger().warn('Found a plugin in the state that has not been loaded, which means the plugin might have been deleted outside Joplin - removing it from the state:', pluginId);
newSettings[pluginId] = oldSettings[pluginId];
Setting.setValue('plugins.states', newSettings);
pluginSettings = newSettings;
this.checkAllPluginStartedIID_ = setInterval(() => {
if (service.allPluginsStarted) {
value: true,
// Sends an event to the main process -- this is used by the Playwright
// tests to wait for plugins to load.
void afterDefaultPluginsLoaded(service.plugins, getDefaultPluginsInfo(), pluginSettings);
}, 500);
public crashDetectionHandler() {
// This handler conflicts with the single instance behaviour, so it's
// not used for now.
// https://discourse.joplinapp.org/t/pre-release-v2-8-is-now-available-updated-27-april/25158/56?u=laurent
if (!Setting.value('wasClosedSuccessfully')) {
const answer = confirm(_('The application did not close properly. Would you like to start in safe mode?'));
Setting.setValue('isSafeMode', !!answer);
Setting.setValue('wasClosedSuccessfully', false);
private setupOcrService() {
if (Setting.value('ocr.enabled')) {
if (!this.ocrService_) {
const Tesseract = (window as any).Tesseract;
const driver = new OcrDriverTesseract(
{ createWorker: Tesseract.createWorker },
this.ocrService_ = new OcrService(driver);
void this.ocrService_.runInBackground();
} else {
if (!this.ocrService_) return;
void this.ocrService_.stopRunInBackground();
const handleResourceChange = () => {
void this.ocrService_.maintenance();
eventManager.on(EventName.ResourceCreate, handleResourceChange);
eventManager.on(EventName.ResourceChange, handleResourceChange);
public async start(argv: string[], startOptions: StartOptions = null): Promise<any> {
// If running inside a package, the command line, instead of being "node.exe <path> <flags>" is "joplin.exe <flags>" so
// insert an extra argument so that they can be processed in a consistent way everywhere.
if (!bridge().electronIsDev()) argv.splice(1, 0, '.');
argv = await super.start(argv, startOptions);
await this.applySettingsSideEffects();
if (Setting.value('sync.upgradeState') === Setting.SYNC_UPGRADE_STATE_MUST_DO) {
reg.logger().info('app.start: doing upgradeSyncTarget action');
return { action: 'upgradeSyncTarget' };
reg.logger().info('app.start: doing regular boot');
const dir: string = Setting.value('profileDir');
syncDebugLog.enabled = false;
if (dir.endsWith('dev-desktop-2')) {
syncDebugLog.addTarget(TargetType.File, {
path: `${homedir()}/synclog.txt`,
syncDebugLog.enabled = true;
syncDebugLog.info(`Profile dir: ${dir}`);
// Loads app-wide styles. (Markdown preview-specific styles loaded in app.js)
await injectCustomStyles('appStyles', Setting.customCssFilePath(Setting.customCssFilenames.JOPLIN_APP));
AlarmService.setDriver(new AlarmServiceDriverNode({ appName: packageInfo.build.appId }));
reg.setShowErrorMessageBoxHandler((message: string) => { bridge().showErrorMessageBox(message); });
if (Setting.value('flagOpenDevTools')) {
PluginManager.instance().dispatch_ = this.dispatch.bind(this);
CommandService.instance().initialize(this.store(), Setting.value('env') === 'dev', stateToWhenClauseContext);
for (const command of commands) {
for (const command of globalCommands) {
CommandService.instance().registerRuntime(command.declaration.name, command.runtime());
for (const declaration of editorCommandDeclarations) {
const keymapService = KeymapService.instance();
// We only add the commands that appear in the menu because only
// those can have a shortcut associated with them.
try {
await keymapService.loadCustomKeymap(`${dir}/keymap-desktop.json`);
} catch (error) {
// Since the settings need to be loaded before the store is
// created, it will never receive the SETTING_UPDATE_ALL even,
// which mean state.settings will not be initialised. So we
// manually call dispatchUpdateAll() to force an update.
await refreshFolders((action: any) => this.dispatch(action));
const tags = await Tag.allWithNotes();
items: tags,
// const masterKeys = await MasterKey.all();
// this.dispatch({
// items: masterKeys,
// });
const getNotesParent = async () => {
let notesParent = parseNotesParent(Setting.value('notesParent'), Setting.value('activeFolderId'));
if (notesParent.type === 'Tag' && !(await Tag.load(notesParent.selectedItemId))) {
notesParent = {
type: 'Folder',
selectedItemId: Setting.value('activeFolderId'),
return notesParent;
const notesParent = await getNotesParent();
if (notesParent.type === 'SmartFilter') {
id: notesParent.selectedItemId,
} else if (notesParent.type === 'Tag') {
type: 'TAG_SELECT',
id: notesParent.selectedItemId,
} else {
id: notesParent.selectedItemId,
ids: Setting.value('collapsedFolderIds'),
// Loads custom Markdown preview styles
const cssString = await loadCustomCss(Setting.customCssFilePath(Setting.customCssFilenames.RENDERED_MARKDOWN));
css: cssString,
value: Setting.value('flagOpenDevTools'),
// Note: Auto-update is a misnomer in the code.
// The code below only checks, if a new version is available.
// We only allow Windows and macOS users to automatically check for updates
if (shim.isWindows() || shim.isMac()) {
const runAutoUpdateCheck = () => {
if (Setting.value('autoUpdateEnabled')) {
void checkForUpdates(true, bridge().window(), { includePreReleases: Setting.value('autoUpdate.includePreReleases') });
// Initial check on startup
shim.setTimeout(() => { runAutoUpdateCheck(); }, 5000);
// Then every x hours
shim.setInterval(() => { runAutoUpdateCheck(); }, 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
shim.setInterval(() => { void userFetcher(); }, 1000 * 60 * 60);
shim.setTimeout(() => {
void AlarmService.garbageCollect();
}, 1000 * 60 * 60);
if (Setting.value('startMinimized') && Setting.value('showTrayIcon')) {
} else {
void ShareService.instance().maintenance();
if (Setting.value('env') === 'dev') {
void AlarmService.updateAllNotifications();
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line promise/prefer-await-to-then -- Old code before rule was applied
void reg.scheduleSync(1000).then(() => {
// Wait for the first sync before updating the notifications, since synchronisation
// might change the notifications.
void AlarmService.updateAllNotifications();
void DecryptionWorker.instance().scheduleStart();
const clipperLogger = new Logger();
clipperLogger.addTarget(TargetType.File, { path: `${Setting.value('profileDir')}/log-clipper.txt` });
if (Setting.value('clipperServer.autoStart')) {
void ClipperServer.instance().start();
ExternalEditWatcher.instance().initialize(bridge, this.store().dispatch);
ResourceEditWatcher.instance().initialize(reg.logger(), (action: any) => { this.store().dispatch(action); }, (path: string) => bridge().openItem(path));
// Forwards the local event to the global event manager, so that it can
// be picked up by the plugin manager.
ResourceEditWatcher.instance().on('resourceChange', (event: any) => {
eventManager.emit(EventName.ResourceChange, event);
// Make it available to the console window - useful to call revisionService.collectRevisions()
if (Setting.value('env') === 'dev') {
(window as any).joplin = {
revisionService: RevisionService.instance(),
migrationService: MigrationService.instance(),
decryptionWorker: DecryptionWorker.instance(),
commandService: CommandService.instance(),
pluginService: PluginService.instance(),
bridge: bridge(),
debug: new DebugService(reg.db()),
resourceService: ResourceService.instance(),
searchEngine: SearchEngine.instance(),
ocrService: () => this.ocrService_,
bridge().addEventListener('nativeThemeUpdated', this.bridge_nativeThemeUpdated);
await this.initPluginService();
await SpellCheckerService.instance().initialize(new SpellCheckerServiceDriverNative());
await this.setupOcrService();
eventManager.on(EventName.OcrServiceResourcesProcessed, async () => {
await ResourceService.instance().indexNoteResources();
eventManager.on(EventName.NoteResourceIndexed, async () => {
// await populateDatabase(reg.db(), {
// clearDatabase: true,
// folderCount: 1000,
// rootFolderCount: 1,
// subFolderDepth: 1,
// });
// setTimeout(() => {
// console.info(CommandService.instance().commandsToMarkdownTable(this.store().getState()));
// }, 2000);
// setTimeout(() => {
// this.dispatch({
// type: 'NAV_GO',
// routeName: 'Config',
// props: {
// defaultSection: 'encryption',
// },
// });
// }, 2000);
// setTimeout(() => {
// this.dispatch({
// type: 'DIALOG_OPEN',
// name: 'syncWizard',
// });
// }, 2000);
// setTimeout(() => {
// this.dispatch({
// type: 'DIALOG_OPEN',
// name: 'editFolder',
// });
// }, 3000);
// setTimeout(() => {
// this.dispatch({
// type: 'NAV_GO',
// routeName: 'Config',
// props: {
// defaultSection: 'plugins',
// },
// });
// }, 2000);
// await runIntegrationTests();
return null;
let application_: Application = null;
function app() {
if (!application_) application_ = new Application();
return application_;
export default app;