mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 14:09:55 +02:00
277 lines
11 KiB
277 lines
11 KiB
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
const { time } = require('lib/time-utils.js');
const { sortedIds, createNTestNotes, asyncTest, fileContentEqual, setupDatabase, setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer, db, synchronizer, fileApi, sleep, clearDatabase, switchClient, syncTargetId, objectsEqual, checkThrowAsync } = require('test-utils.js');
const Folder = require('lib/models/Folder.js');
const Note = require('lib/models/Note.js');
const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting.js');
const BaseModel = require('lib/BaseModel.js');
const ArrayUtils = require('lib/ArrayUtils.js');
const { shim } = require('lib/shim');
process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, p) => {
console.log('Unhandled Rejection at: Promise', p, 'reason:', reason);
async function allItems() {
const folders = await Folder.all();
const notes = await Note.all();
return folders.concat(notes);
describe('models_Note', function() {
beforeEach(async (done) => {
await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(1);
await switchClient(1);
it('should find resource and note IDs', asyncTest(async () => {
const folder1 = await Folder.save({ title: 'folder1' });
const note1 = await Note.save({ title: 'ma note', parent_id: folder1.id });
let note2 = await Note.save({ title: 'ma deuxième note', body: `Lien vers première note : ${Note.markdownTag(note1)}`, parent_id: folder1.id });
let items = await Note.linkedItems(note2.body);
await shim.attachFileToNote(note2, `${__dirname}/../tests/support/photo.jpg`);
note2 = await Note.load(note2.id);
items = await Note.linkedItems(note2.body);
const resource2 = await shim.createResourceFromPath(`${__dirname}/../tests/support/photo.jpg`);
const resource3 = await shim.createResourceFromPath(`${__dirname}/../tests/support/photo.jpg`);
note2.body += `<img alt="bla" src=":/${resource2.id}"/>`;
note2.body += `<img src=':/${resource3.id}' />`;
items = await Note.linkedItems(note2.body);
it('should find linked items', asyncTest(async () => {
const testCases = [
['[](:/06894e83b8f84d3d8cbe0f1587f9e226)', ['06894e83b8f84d3d8cbe0f1587f9e226']],
['[](:/06894e83b8f84d3d8cbe0f1587f9e226) [](:/06894e83b8f84d3d8cbe0f1587f9e226)', ['06894e83b8f84d3d8cbe0f1587f9e226']],
['[](:/06894e83b8f84d3d8cbe0f1587f9e226) [](:/06894e83b8f84d3d8cbe0f1587f9e227)', ['06894e83b8f84d3d8cbe0f1587f9e226', '06894e83b8f84d3d8cbe0f1587f9e227']],
['[](:/06894e83b8f84d3d8cbe0f1587f9e226 "some title")', ['06894e83b8f84d3d8cbe0f1587f9e226']],
for (let i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) {
const t = testCases[i];
const input = t[0];
const expected = t[1];
const actual = Note.linkedItemIds(input);
const contentEquals = ArrayUtils.contentEquals(actual, expected);
// console.info(contentEquals, input, expected, actual);
it('should change the type of notes', asyncTest(async () => {
const folder1 = await Folder.save({ title: 'folder1' });
let note1 = await Note.save({ title: 'ma note', parent_id: folder1.id });
note1 = await Note.load(note1.id);
let changedNote = Note.changeNoteType(note1, 'todo');
expect(changedNote === note1).toBe(false);
await Note.save(changedNote);
note1 = await Note.load(note1.id);
changedNote = Note.changeNoteType(note1, 'todo');
expect(changedNote === note1).toBe(true);
note1 = await Note.load(note1.id);
changedNote = Note.changeNoteType(note1, 'note');
expect(changedNote === note1).toBe(false);
it('should serialize and unserialize without modifying data', asyncTest(async () => {
const folder1 = await Folder.save({ title: 'folder1' });
const testCases = [
[{ title: '', body: 'Body and no title\nSecond line\nThird Line', parent_id: folder1.id },
'', 'Body and no title\nSecond line\nThird Line'],
[{ title: 'Note title', body: 'Body and title', parent_id: folder1.id },
'Note title', 'Body and title'],
[{ title: 'Title and no body', body: '', parent_id: folder1.id },
'Title and no body', ''],
for (let i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) {
const t = testCases[i];
const input = t[0];
const expectedTitle = t[1];
const expectedBody = t[1];
const note1 = await Note.save(input);
const serialized = await Note.serialize(note1);
const unserialized = await Note.unserialize(serialized);
it('should reset fields for a duplicate', asyncTest(async () => {
const folder1 = await Folder.save({ title: 'folder1' });
const note1 = await Note.save({ title: 'note', parent_id: folder1.id });
const duplicatedNote = await Note.duplicate(note1.id);
expect(duplicatedNote !== note1).toBe(true);
expect(duplicatedNote.created_time !== note1.created_time).toBe(true);
expect(duplicatedNote.updated_time !== note1.updated_time).toBe(true);
expect(duplicatedNote.user_created_time !== note1.user_created_time).toBe(true);
expect(duplicatedNote.user_updated_time !== note1.user_updated_time).toBe(true);
it('should delete a set of notes', asyncTest(async () => {
const folder1 = await Folder.save({ title: 'folder1' });
const noOfNotes = 20;
await createNTestNotes(noOfNotes, folder1);
const noteIds = await Folder.noteIds(folder1.id);
await Note.batchDelete(noteIds);
const all = await allItems();
it('should delete only the selected notes', asyncTest(async () => {
const f1 = await Folder.save({ title: 'folder1' });
const f2 = await Folder.save({ title: 'folder2', parent_id: f1.id });
const noOfNotes = 20;
await createNTestNotes(noOfNotes, f1, null, 'note1');
await createNTestNotes(noOfNotes, f2, null, 'note1');
const allBeforeDelete = await allItems();
const notesInFolder1IDs = await Folder.noteIds(f1.id);
const notesInFolder2IDs = await Folder.noteIds(f2.id);
const notesToRemoveFromFolder1 = notesInFolder1IDs.slice(0, 6);
const notesToRemoveFromFolder2 = notesInFolder2IDs.slice(11, 14);
await Note.batchDelete(notesToRemoveFromFolder1);
await Note.batchDelete(notesToRemoveFromFolder2);
const allAfterDelete = await allItems();
const expectedLength = allBeforeDelete.length - notesToRemoveFromFolder1.length - notesToRemoveFromFolder2.length;
// Common elements between the to-be-deleted notes and the notes and folders remaining after the delete
const intersection = [...notesToRemoveFromFolder1, ...notesToRemoveFromFolder2].filter(x => allAfterDelete.includes(x));
// Should be empty
it('should delete nothing', asyncTest(async () => {
const f1 = await Folder.save({ title: 'folder1' });
const f2 = await Folder.save({ title: 'folder2', parent_id: f1.id });
const f3 = await Folder.save({ title: 'folder3', parent_id: f2.id });
const f4 = await Folder.save({ title: 'folder4', parent_id: f1.id });
const noOfNotes = 20;
await createNTestNotes(noOfNotes, f1, null, 'note1');
await createNTestNotes(noOfNotes, f2, null, 'note2');
await createNTestNotes(noOfNotes, f3, null, 'note3');
await createNTestNotes(noOfNotes, f4, null, 'note4');
const beforeDelete = await allItems();
await Note.batchDelete([]);
const afterDelete = await allItems();
it('should not move to conflict folder', asyncTest(async () => {
const folder1 = await Folder.save({ title: 'Folder' });
const folder2 = await Folder.save({ title: Folder.conflictFolderTitle(), id: Folder.conflictFolderId() });
const note1 = await Note.save({ title: 'note', parent_id: folder1.id });
const hasThrown = await checkThrowAsync(async () => await Folder.moveToFolder(note1.id, folder2.id));
const note = await Note.load(note1.id);
it('should not copy to conflict folder', asyncTest(async () => {
const folder1 = await Folder.save({ title: 'Folder' });
const folder2 = await Folder.save({ title: Folder.conflictFolderTitle(), id: Folder.conflictFolderId() });
const note1 = await Note.save({ title: 'note', parent_id: folder1.id });
const hasThrown = await checkThrowAsync(async () => await Folder.copyToFolder(note1.id, folder2.id));
it('should convert resource paths from internal to external paths', asyncTest(async () => {
const resourceDirName = Setting.value('resourceDirName');
const resourceDir = Setting.value('resourceDir');
const r1 = await shim.createResourceFromPath(`${__dirname}/../tests/support/photo.jpg`);
const r2 = await shim.createResourceFromPath(`${__dirname}/../tests/support/photo.jpg`);
const note1 = await Note.save({ title: 'note1' });
const t1 = r1.updated_time;
const t2 = r2.updated_time;
const testCases = [
`  `,
`  `,
`  `,
`  `,
for (const testCase of testCases) {
const [useAbsolutePaths, input, expected] = testCase;
const internalToExternal = await Note.replaceResourceInternalToExternalLinks(input, { useAbsolutePaths });
expect(internalToExternal).toBe(expected, 'replaceResourceInternalToExternalLinks failed');
const externalToInternal = await Note.replaceResourceExternalToInternalLinks(internalToExternal, { useAbsolutePaths });
expect(externalToInternal).toBe(input, 'replaceResourceExternalToInternalLinks failed');
const result = await Note.replaceResourceExternalToInternalLinks(`[](joplin://${note1.id})`);
expect(result).toBe(`[](:/${note1.id})`, 'replaceResourceExternalToInternalLinks failed (note link)');