mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 14:09:55 +02:00
* Weight search results by most recently updated As discussed here: https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/pull/3777#issuecomment-696491859 Before this commit, results were rarely sorted by date. Content weights and fuzziness were determined, and then the first criteria to differ would win in sort order (and user_updated_time was the last criteria checked). Now the weight score itself will also include age of user_updated_time, surfacing fresh content. At the current alpha level, results are weighted logarithmically, prioritizing mostly within the last 30 days, and especially heavily within the past week. * Updated unit tests to weight search results by last updated date * Updated unit test title * Fixed issue with weighted search engine test, and made it more deterministic using mock date Date was being calculated only at the start of the test suite. It also wasn't using a set mock date, so the milliseconds between the real search engine calculations and the test calculation caused differences in results * Added initial Search Engine spec * Added Search Engine spec to README.md * Renamed Search Sorting spec per laurent22's mentioned naming * Revised copy in search sorting spec Co-authored-by: Laurent <laurent22@users.noreply.github.com>
720 lines
24 KiB
720 lines
24 KiB
const Logger = require('lib/Logger').default;
const ItemChange = require('lib/models/ItemChange.js');
const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting').default;
const Note = require('lib/models/Note.js');
const BaseModel = require('lib/BaseModel.js');
const ItemChangeUtils = require('lib/services/ItemChangeUtils');
const { pregQuote, scriptType } = require('lib/string-utils.js');
const removeDiacritics = require('diacritics').remove;
const { sprintf } = require('sprintf-js');
const filterParser = require('./filterParser').default;
const queryBuilder = require('./queryBuilder').default;
const shim = require('lib/shim').default;
class SearchEngine {
constructor() {
this.dispatch = () => {};
this.logger_ = new Logger();
this.db_ = null;
this.isIndexing_ = false;
this.syncCalls_ = [];
static instance() {
if (SearchEngine.instance_) return SearchEngine.instance_;
SearchEngine.instance_ = new SearchEngine();
return SearchEngine.instance_;
setLogger(logger) {
this.logger_ = logger;
logger() {
return this.logger_;
setDb(db) {
this.db_ = db;
db() {
return this.db_;
noteById_(notes, noteId) {
for (let i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) {
if (notes[i].id === noteId) return notes[i];
// The note may have been deleted since the change was recorded. For example in this case:
// - Note created (Some Change object is recorded)
// - Note is deleted
// - ResourceService indexer runs.
// In that case, there will be a change for the note, but the note will be gone.
return null;
async rebuildIndex_() {
let noteIds = await this.db().selectAll('SELECT id FROM notes WHERE is_conflict = 0 AND encryption_applied = 0');
noteIds = noteIds.map(n => n.id);
const lastChangeId = await ItemChange.lastChangeId();
// First delete content of note_normalized, in case the previous initial indexing failed
await this.db().exec('DELETE FROM notes_normalized');
while (noteIds.length) {
const currentIds = noteIds.splice(0, 100);
const notes = await Note.modelSelectAll(`
SELECT ${SearchEngine.relevantFields}
FROM notes
WHERE id IN ("${currentIds.join('","')}") AND is_conflict = 0 AND encryption_applied = 0`);
const queries = [];
for (let i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) {
const note = notes[i];
const n = this.normalizeNote_(note);
queries.push({ sql: `
INSERT INTO notes_normalized(${SearchEngine.relevantFields})
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`,
params: [n.id, n.title, n.body, n.user_created_time, n.user_updated_time, n.is_todo, n.todo_completed, n.parent_id, n.latitude, n.longitude, n.altitude, n.source_url] }
if (!noteIds.length && (Setting.value('db.fuzzySearchEnabled') === 1)) {
// On the last loop
queries.push({ sql: 'INSERT INTO notes_spellfix(word,rank) SELECT term, documents FROM search_aux WHERE col=\'*\'' });
await this.db().transactionExecBatch(queries);
Setting.setValue('searchEngine.lastProcessedChangeId', lastChangeId);
scheduleSyncTables() {
if (this.scheduleSyncTablesIID_) return;
this.scheduleSyncTablesIID_ = shim.setTimeout(async () => {
try {
await this.syncTables();
} catch (error) {
this.logger().error('SearchEngine::scheduleSyncTables: Error while syncing tables:', error);
this.scheduleSyncTablesIID_ = null;
}, 10000);
async rebuildIndex() {
Setting.setValue('searchEngine.lastProcessedChangeId', 0);
Setting.setValue('searchEngine.initialIndexingDone', false);
return this.syncTables();
async syncTables_() {
if (this.isIndexing_) return;
this.isIndexing_ = true;
this.logger().info('SearchEngine: Updating FTS table...');
await ItemChange.waitForAllSaved();
if (!Setting.value('searchEngine.initialIndexingDone')) {
await this.rebuildIndex_();
Setting.setValue('searchEngine.initialIndexingDone', true);
this.isIndexing_ = false;
const startTime = Date.now();
const report = {
inserted: 0,
deleted: 0,
let lastChangeId = Setting.value('searchEngine.lastProcessedChangeId');
try {
while (true) {
const changes = await ItemChange.modelSelectAll(
SELECT id, item_id, type
FROM item_changes
WHERE item_type = ?
AND id > ?
[BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, lastChangeId]
const queries = [];
if (!changes.length) {
if (Setting.value('db.fuzzySearchEnabled') === 1) {
queries.push({ sql: 'DELETE FROM notes_spellfix' });
queries.push({ sql: 'INSERT INTO notes_spellfix(word,rank) SELECT term, documents FROM search_aux WHERE col=\'*\'' });
await this.db().transactionExecBatch(queries);
const noteIds = changes.map(a => a.item_id);
const notes = await Note.modelSelectAll(`
SELECT ${SearchEngine.relevantFields}
FROM notes WHERE id IN ("${noteIds.join('","')}") AND is_conflict = 0 AND encryption_applied = 0`
for (let i = 0; i < changes.length; i++) {
const change = changes[i];
if (change.type === ItemChange.TYPE_CREATE || change.type === ItemChange.TYPE_UPDATE) {
queries.push({ sql: 'DELETE FROM notes_normalized WHERE id = ?', params: [change.item_id] });
const note = this.noteById_(notes, change.item_id);
if (note) {
const n = this.normalizeNote_(note);
queries.push({ sql: `
INSERT INTO notes_normalized(${SearchEngine.relevantFields})
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`,
params: [change.item_id, n.title, n.body, n.user_created_time, n.user_updated_time, n.is_todo, n.todo_completed, n.parent_id, n.latitude, n.longitude, n.altitude, n.source_url] });
} else if (change.type === ItemChange.TYPE_DELETE) {
queries.push({ sql: 'DELETE FROM notes_normalized WHERE id = ?', params: [change.item_id] });
} else {
throw new Error(`Invalid change type: ${change.type}`);
lastChangeId = change.id;
await this.db().transactionExecBatch(queries);
Setting.setValue('searchEngine.lastProcessedChangeId', lastChangeId);
await Setting.saveAll();
} catch (error) {
this.logger().error('SearchEngine: Error while processing changes:', error);
await ItemChangeUtils.deleteProcessedChanges();
this.logger().info(sprintf('SearchEngine: Updated FTS table in %dms. Inserted: %d. Deleted: %d', Date.now() - startTime, report.inserted, report.deleted));
this.isIndexing_ = false;
async syncTables() {
try {
await this.syncTables_();
} finally {
async countRows() {
const sql = 'SELECT count(*) as total FROM notes_fts';
const row = await this.db().selectOne(sql);
return row && row['total'] ? row['total'] : 0;
fieldNamesFromOffsets_(offsets) {
const notesNormalizedFieldNames = this.db().tableFieldNames('notes_normalized');
const occurenceCount = Math.floor(offsets.length / 4);
const output = [];
for (let i = 0; i < occurenceCount; i++) {
const colIndex = offsets[i * 4];
const fieldName = notesNormalizedFieldNames[colIndex];
if (!output.includes(fieldName)) output.push(fieldName);
return output;
calculateWeight_(offsets, termCount) {
// Offset doc: https://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html#offsets
// - If there's only one term in the query string, the content with the most matches goes on top
// - If there are multiple terms, the result with the most occurences that are closest to each others go on top.
// eg. if query is "abcd efgh", "abcd efgh" will go before "abcd XX efgh".
const occurenceCount = Math.floor(offsets.length / 4);
if (termCount === 1) return occurenceCount;
let spread = 0;
let previousDist = null;
for (let i = 0; i < occurenceCount; i++) {
const dist = offsets[i * 4 + 2];
if (previousDist !== null) {
const delta = dist - previousDist;
spread += delta;
previousDist = dist;
// Divide the number of occurences by the spread so even if a note has many times the searched terms
// but these terms are very spread appart, they'll be given a lower weight than a note that has the
// terms once or twice but just next to each others.
return occurenceCount / spread;
calculateWeightBM25_(rows, fuzzyScore) {
// https://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html#matchinfo
// pcnalx are the arguments passed to matchinfo
// p - The number of matchable phrases in the query.
// c - The number of user defined columns in the FTS table
// n - The number of rows in the FTS4 table.
// a - avg number of tokens in the text values stored in the column.
// l - For each column, the length of the value stored in the current
// row of the FTS4 table, in tokens.
// x - For each distinct combination of a phrase and table column, the
// following three values:
// hits_this_row
// hits_all_rows
// docs_with_hits
if (rows.length === 0) return;
const matchInfo = rows.map(row => new Uint32Array(row.matchinfo.buffer));
const generalInfo = matchInfo[0];
const K1 = 1.2;
const B = 0.75;
const TITLE_COLUMN = 1;
const BODY_COLUMN = 2;
const columns = [TITLE_COLUMN, BODY_COLUMN];
// const NUM_COLS = 12;
const numPhrases = generalInfo[0]; // p
const numColumns = generalInfo[1]; // c
const numRows = generalInfo[2]; // n
const avgTitleTokens = generalInfo[4]; // a
const avgBodyTokens = generalInfo[5];
const avgTokens = [null, avgTitleTokens, avgBodyTokens]; // we only need cols 1 and 2
const numTitleTokens = matchInfo.map(m => m[4 + numColumns]); // l
const numBodyTokens = matchInfo.map(m => m[5 + numColumns]);
const numTokens = [null, numTitleTokens, numBodyTokens];
const X = matchInfo.map(m => m.slice(27)); // x
const hitsThisRow = (array, c, p) => array[3 * (c + p * numColumns) + 0];
// const hitsAllRows = (array, c, p) => array[3 * (c + p*NUM_COLS) + 1];
const docsWithHits = (array, c, p) => array[3 * (c + p * numColumns) + 2];
// if a term occurs in over half the documents in the collection
// then this model gives a negative term weight, which is presumably undesirable.
// But, assuming the use of a stop list, this normally doesn't happen,
// and the value for each summand can be given a floor of 0.
const IDF = (n, N) => Math.max(Math.log((N - n + 0.5) / (n + 0.5)), 0);
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okapi_BM25
const BM25 = (idf, freq, numTokens, avgTokens) => {
if (avgTokens === 0) {
return 0; // To prevent division by zero
return idf * (freq * (K1 + 1)) / (freq + K1 * (1 - B + B * (numTokens / avgTokens)));
const msSinceEpoch = Math.round(new Date().getTime());
const msPerDay = 86400000;
const weightForDaysSinceLastUpdate = (row) => {
// BM25 weights typically range 0-10, and last updated date should weight similarly, though prioritizing recency logarithmically.
// An alpha of 200 ensures matches in the last week will show up front (11.59) and often so for matches within 2 weeks (5.99),
// but is much less of a factor at 30 days (2.84) or very little after 90 days (0.95), focusing mostly on content at that point.
if (!row.user_updated_time) {
return 0;
const alpha = 200;
const daysSinceLastUpdate = (msSinceEpoch - row.user_updated_time) / msPerDay;
return alpha * Math.log(1 + 1 / Math.max(daysSinceLastUpdate, 0.5));
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
const row = rows[i];
row.weight = 0;
row.fuzziness = 1000;
row.wordFound = [];
for (let j = 0; j < numPhrases; j++) {
let found = false;
columns.forEach(column => {
const rowsWithHits = docsWithHits(X[i], column, j);
const frequencyHits = hitsThisRow(X[i], column, j);
const idf = IDF(rowsWithHits, numRows);
found = found ? found : (frequencyHits > 0);
row.weight += BM25(idf, frequencyHits, numTokens[column][i], avgTokens[column]);
row.fuzziness = (frequencyHits > 0) ? Math.min(row.fuzziness, fuzzyScore[j]) : row.fuzziness;
row.weight += weightForDaysSinceLastUpdate(row);
processBasicSearchResults_(rows, parsedQuery) {
const valueRegexs = parsedQuery.keys.includes('_') ? parsedQuery.terms['_'].map(term => term.valueRegex || term.value) : [];
const isTitleSearch = parsedQuery.keys.includes('title');
const isOnlyTitle = parsedQuery.keys.length === 1 && isTitleSearch;
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
const row = rows[i];
const testTitle = regex => new RegExp(regex, 'ig').test(row.title);
const matchedFields = {
title: isTitleSearch || valueRegexs.some(testTitle),
body: !isOnlyTitle,
row.fields = Object.keys(matchedFields).filter(key => matchedFields[key]);
row.weight = 0;
row.fuzziness = 0;
processResults_(rows, parsedQuery, isBasicSearchResults = false) {
const rowContainsAllWords = (wordsFound, numFuzzyMatches) => {
let start = 0;
let end = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < numFuzzyMatches.length; i++) {
end = end + numFuzzyMatches[i];
if (!(wordsFound.slice(start, end).find(x => x))) {
// This note doesn't contain any fuzzy matches for the word
return false;
start = end;
return true;
if (isBasicSearchResults) {
this.processBasicSearchResults_(rows, parsedQuery);
} else {
this.calculateWeightBM25_(rows, parsedQuery.fuzzyScore);
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
const row = rows[i];
row.include = (parsedQuery.fuzzy && !parsedQuery.any) ? rowContainsAllWords(row.wordFound, parsedQuery.numFuzzyMatches) : true;
const offsets = row.offsets.split(' ').map(o => Number(o));
row.fields = this.fieldNamesFromOffsets_(offsets);
rows.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.fuzziness < b.fuzziness) return -1;
if (a.fuzziness > b.fuzziness) return +1;
if (a.fields.includes('title') && !b.fields.includes('title')) return -1;
if (!a.fields.includes('title') && b.fields.includes('title')) return +1;
if (a.weight < b.weight) return +1;
if (a.weight > b.weight) return -1;
if (a.is_todo && a.todo_completed) return +1;
if (b.is_todo && b.todo_completed) return -1;
if (a.user_updated_time < b.user_updated_time) return +1;
if (a.user_updated_time > b.user_updated_time) return -1;
return 0;
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/13818704/561309
queryTermToRegex(term) {
while (term.length && term.indexOf('*') === 0) {
term = term.substr(1);
let regexString = pregQuote(term);
if (regexString[regexString.length - 1] === '*') {
regexString = `${regexString.substr(0, regexString.length - 2)}[^${pregQuote(' \t\n\r,.,+-*?!={}<>|:"\'()[]')}]` + '*?';
// regexString = regexString.substr(0, regexString.length - 2) + '.*?';
return regexString;
async fuzzifier(words) {
const fuzzyMatches = [];
words.forEach(word => {
const fuzzyWords = this.db().selectAll('SELECT word, score FROM notes_spellfix WHERE word MATCH ? AND top=3', [word]);
return await Promise.all(fuzzyMatches);
async parseQuery(query, fuzzy = null) {
if (fuzzy === null) fuzzy = Setting.value('db.fuzzySearchEnabled') === 1;
const trimQuotes = (str) => str.startsWith('"') ? str.substr(1, str.length - 2) : str;
let allTerms = [];
let allFuzzyTerms = [];
try {
allTerms = filterParser(query);
} catch (error) {
const textTerms = allTerms.filter(x => x.name === 'text' && !x.negated);
const titleTerms = allTerms.filter(x => x.name === 'title' && !x.negated);
const bodyTerms = allTerms.filter(x => x.name === 'body' && !x.negated);
const fuzzyScore = [];
let numFuzzyMatches = [];
let terms = null;
if (fuzzy) {
const fuzzyText = await this.fuzzifier(textTerms.filter(x => !(x.quoted || x.wildcard)).map(x => trimQuotes(x.value)));
const fuzzyTitle = await this.fuzzifier(titleTerms.filter(x => !x.wildcard).map(x => trimQuotes(x.value)));
const fuzzyBody = await this.fuzzifier(bodyTerms.filter(x => !x.wildcard).map(x => trimQuotes(x.value)));
// Floor the fuzzy scores to 0, 1 and 2.
const floorFuzzyScore = (matches) => {
for (let i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) matches[i].score = i;
const phraseTextSearch = textTerms.filter(x => x.quoted);
const wildCardSearch = textTerms.concat(titleTerms).concat(bodyTerms).filter(x => x.wildcard);
// Save number of fuzzy matches we got for each word
// fuzzifier() is currently set to return at most 3 matches
// We need to know which fuzzy words go together so that we can filter out notes that don't contain a required word.
numFuzzyMatches = fuzzyText.concat(fuzzyTitle).concat(fuzzyBody).map(x => x.length);
for (let i = 0; i < phraseTextSearch.length + wildCardSearch.length; i++) {
// Phrase searches and wildcard searches are preserved without fuzzification (A single match)
const mergedFuzzyText = [].concat.apply([], fuzzyText);
const mergedFuzzyTitle = [].concat.apply([], fuzzyTitle);
const mergedFuzzyBody = [].concat.apply([], fuzzyBody);
const fuzzyTextTerms = mergedFuzzyText.map(x => { return { name: 'text', value: x.word, negated: false, score: x.score }; });
const fuzzyTitleTerms = mergedFuzzyTitle.map(x => { return { name: 'title', value: x.word, negated: false, score: x.score }; });
const fuzzyBodyTerms = mergedFuzzyBody.map(x => { return { name: 'body', value: x.word, negated: false, score: x.score }; });
// Remove previous text, title and body and replace with fuzzy versions
allTerms = allTerms.filter(x => (x.name !== 'text' && x.name !== 'title' && x.name !== 'body'));
// The order matters here!
// The text goes first, then title, then body, then phrase and finally wildcard
// This is because it needs to match with numFuzzyMathches.
allFuzzyTerms = allTerms.concat(fuzzyTextTerms).concat(fuzzyTitleTerms).concat(fuzzyBodyTerms).concat(phraseTextSearch).concat(wildCardSearch);
const allTextTerms = allFuzzyTerms.filter(x => x.name === 'title' || x.name === 'body' || x.name === 'text');
for (let i = 0; i < allTextTerms.length; i++) {
// Phrase searches and wildcard searches will get a fuzziness score of zero.
// This means that they will go first in the sort order (Even if there are other words with matches in the title)
// Undesirable?
fuzzyScore.push(allFuzzyTerms[i].score ? allFuzzyTerms[i].score : 0);
const wildCardTextTerms = wildCardSearch.filter(x => x.name === 'text').map(x =>trimQuotes(x.value));
const wildCardTitleTerms = wildCardSearch.filter(x => x.name === 'title').map(x =>trimQuotes(x.value));
const wildCardBodyTerms = wildCardSearch.filter(x => x.name === 'body').map(x =>trimQuotes(x.value));
const phraseTextTerms = phraseTextSearch.map(x => trimQuotes(x.value));
terms = {
_: fuzzyTextTerms.map(x => trimQuotes(x.value)).concat(phraseTextTerms).concat(wildCardTextTerms),
title: fuzzyTitleTerms.map(x => trimQuotes(x.value)).concat(wildCardTitleTerms),
body: fuzzyBodyTerms.map(x => trimQuotes(x.value)).concat(wildCardBodyTerms),
} else {
const nonNegatedTextTerms = textTerms.length + titleTerms.length + bodyTerms.length;
for (let i = 0; i < nonNegatedTextTerms; i++) {
terms = { _: textTerms.map(x =>trimQuotes(x.value)), 'title': titleTerms.map(x =>trimQuotes(x.value)), 'body': bodyTerms.map(x =>trimQuotes(x.value)) };
// Filter terms:
// - Convert wildcards to regex
// - Remove columns with no results
// - Add count of terms
let termCount = 0;
const keys = [];
for (const col in terms) {
if (!terms.hasOwnProperty(col)) continue;
if (!terms[col].length) {
delete terms[col];
for (let i = terms[col].length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const term = terms[col][i];
// SQlLite FTS doesn't allow "*" queries and neither shall we
if (term === '*') {
terms[col].splice(i, 1);
if (term.indexOf('*') >= 0) {
terms[col][i] = { type: 'regex', value: term, scriptType: scriptType(term), valueRegex: this.queryTermToRegex(term) };
} else {
terms[col][i] = { type: 'text', value: term, scriptType: scriptType(term) };
termCount += terms[col].length;
return {
termCount: termCount,
keys: keys,
terms: terms, // text terms
allTerms: fuzzy ? allFuzzyTerms : allTerms,
fuzzyScore: fuzzyScore,
numFuzzyMatches: numFuzzyMatches,
fuzzy: fuzzy,
any: !!allTerms.find(term => term.name === 'any'),
allParsedQueryTerms(parsedQuery) {
if (!parsedQuery || !parsedQuery.termCount) return [];
let output = [];
for (const col in parsedQuery.terms) {
if (!parsedQuery.terms.hasOwnProperty(col)) continue;
output = output.concat(parsedQuery.terms[col]);
return output;
normalizeText_(text) {
const normalizedText = text.normalize ? text.normalize() : text;
return removeDiacritics(normalizedText.toLowerCase());
normalizeNote_(note) {
const n = Object.assign({}, note);
n.title = this.normalizeText_(n.title);
n.body = this.normalizeText_(n.body);
return n;
async basicSearch(query) {
query = query.replace(/\*/, '');
const parsedQuery = await this.parseQuery(query);
const searchOptions = {};
for (const key of parsedQuery.keys) {
if (parsedQuery.terms[key].length === 0) continue;
const term = parsedQuery.terms[key][0].value;
if (key === '_') searchOptions.anywherePattern = `*${term}*`;
if (key === 'title') searchOptions.titlePattern = `*${term}*`;
if (key === 'body') searchOptions.bodyPattern = `*${term}*`;
return Note.previews(null, searchOptions);
determineSearchType_(query, options) {
if (options.searchType === SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_BASIC) return SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_BASIC;
// If preferredSearchType is "fts" we auto-detect anyway
// because it's not always supported.
const st = scriptType(query);
if (!Setting.value('db.ftsEnabled') || ['ja', 'zh', 'ko', 'th'].indexOf(st) >= 0) {
return SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_BASIC;
} else if (options.fuzzy) {
return SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_FTS_FUZZY;
} else {
return SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_FTS;
async search(searchString, options = null) {
options = Object.assign({}, {
searchType: SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_AUTO,
fuzzy: Setting.value('db.fuzzySearchEnabled') === 1,
}, options);
searchString = this.normalizeText_(searchString);
const searchType = this.determineSearchType_(searchString, options);
if (searchType === SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_BASIC) {
// Non-alphabetical languages aren't support by SQLite FTS (except with extensions which are not available in all platforms)
const rows = await this.basicSearch(searchString);
const parsedQuery = await this.parseQuery(searchString);
this.processResults_(rows, parsedQuery, true);
return rows;
} else {
// FTS will ignore all special characters, like "-" in the index. So if
// we search for "this-phrase" it won't find it because it will only
// see "this phrase" in the index. Because of this, we remove the dashes
// when searching.
// https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/1075#issuecomment-459258856
const parsedQuery = await this.parseQuery(searchString, searchType === SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_FTS_FUZZY);
try {
const { query, params } = queryBuilder(parsedQuery.allTerms, searchType === SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_FTS_FUZZY);
const rows = await this.db().selectAll(query, params);
this.processResults_(rows, parsedQuery);
if (searchType === SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_FTS_FUZZY && !parsedQuery.any) {
return rows.filter(row => row.include);
return rows;
} catch (error) {
this.logger().warn(`Cannot execute MATCH query: ${searchString}: ${error.message}`);
return [];
async destroy() {
if (this.scheduleSyncTablesIID_) {
this.scheduleSyncTablesIID_ = null;
SearchEngine.instance_ = null;
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const iid = shim.setInterval(() => {
if (!this.syncCalls_.length) {
this.instance_ = null;
}, 100);
SearchEngine.relevantFields = 'id, title, body, user_created_time, user_updated_time, is_todo, todo_completed, parent_id, latitude, longitude, altitude, source_url';
SearchEngine.instance_ = null;
SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_AUTO = 'auto';
SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_BASIC = 'basic';
SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_FTS = 'fts';
SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_FTS_FUZZY = 'fts_fuzzy';
module.exports = SearchEngine;