mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2025-03-03 15:32:30 +02:00
2021-01-22 17:41:11 +00:00

175 lines
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import LockHandler from '@joplin/lib/services/synchronizer/LockHandler';
import MigrationHandler from '@joplin/lib/services/synchronizer/MigrationHandler';
import { Dirnames } from '@joplin/lib/services/synchronizer/utils/types';
// To create a sync target snapshot for the current syncVersion:
// - In test-utils, set syncTargetName_ to "filesystem"
// - Then run:
// gulp buildTests -L && node tests-build/support/createSyncTargetSnapshot.js normal && node tests-build/support/createSyncTargetSnapshot.js e2ee
const { setSyncTargetName, fileApi, synchronizer, decryptionWorker, encryptionService, setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer, switchClient, expectThrow, expectNotThrow } = require('./test-utils.js');
const { deploySyncTargetSnapshot, testData, checkTestData } = require('./support/syncTargetUtils');
import Setting from '@joplin/lib/models/Setting';
import MasterKey from '@joplin/lib/models/MasterKey';
const specTimeout = 60000 * 10; // Nextcloud tests can be slow
let lockHandler_: LockHandler = null;
let migrationHandler_: MigrationHandler = null;
function lockHandler(): LockHandler {
if (lockHandler_) return lockHandler_;
lockHandler_ = new LockHandler(fileApi());
return lockHandler_;
function migrationHandler(clientId: string = 'abcd'): MigrationHandler {
if (migrationHandler_) return migrationHandler_;
migrationHandler_ = new MigrationHandler(fileApi(), lockHandler(), 'desktop', clientId);
return migrationHandler_;
interface MigrationTests {
[key: string]: Function;
const migrationTests: MigrationTests = {
2: async function() {
const items = (await fileApi().list('', { includeHidden: true })).items;
expect(items.filter((i: any) => i.path === '.resource' && i.isDir).length).toBe(1);
expect(items.filter((i: any) => i.path === 'locks' && i.isDir).length).toBe(1);
expect(items.filter((i: any) => i.path === 'temp' && i.isDir).length).toBe(1);
expect(items.filter((i: any) => i.path === 'info.json' && !i.isDir).length).toBe(1);
const versionForOldClients = await fileApi().get('.sync/version.txt');
let previousSyncTargetName: string = '';
describe('synchronizer_MigrationHandler', function() {
beforeEach(async (done: Function) => {
// Note that, for undocumented reasons, the timeout argument passed
// to `test()` (or `it()`) is ignored if it is higher than the
// global Jest timeout. So we need to set it globally.
// https://github.com/facebook/jest/issues/5055#issuecomment-513585906
// To test the migrations, we have to use the filesystem sync target
// because the sync target snapshots are plain files. Eventually
// it should be possible to copy a filesystem target to memory
// but for now that will do.
previousSyncTargetName = setSyncTargetName('filesystem');
lockHandler_ = null;
migrationHandler_ = null;
await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(1);
await setupDatabaseAndSynchronizer(2);
await switchClient(1);
afterEach(async (done: Function) => {
it('should init a new sync target', (async () => {
// Check that basic folders "locks" and "temp" are created for new sync targets.
await migrationHandler().upgrade(1);
const result = await fileApi().list();
expect(result.items.filter((i: any) => i.path === Dirnames.Locks).length).toBe(1);
expect(result.items.filter((i: any) => i.path === Dirnames.Temp).length).toBe(1);
}), specTimeout);
it('should not allow syncing if the sync target is out-dated', (async () => {
await synchronizer().start();
await fileApi().put('info.json', `{"version":${Setting.value('syncVersion') - 1}}`);
await expectThrow(async () => await migrationHandler().checkCanSync(), 'outdatedSyncTarget');
}), specTimeout);
it('should not allow syncing if the client is out-dated', (async () => {
await synchronizer().start();
await fileApi().put('info.json', `{"version":${Setting.value('syncVersion') + 1}}`);
await expectThrow(async () => await migrationHandler().checkCanSync(), 'outdatedClient');
}), specTimeout);
for (const migrationVersionString in migrationTests) {
const migrationVersion = Number(migrationVersionString);
it(`should migrate (${migrationVersion})`, (async () => {
await deploySyncTargetSnapshot('normal', migrationVersion - 1);
const info = await migrationHandler().fetchSyncTargetInfo();
expect(info.version).toBe(migrationVersion - 1);
// Now, migrate to the new version
await migrationHandler().upgrade(migrationVersion);
// Verify that it has been upgraded
const newInfo = await migrationHandler().fetchSyncTargetInfo();
await migrationTests[migrationVersion]();
// Now sync with that upgraded target
await synchronizer().start();
// Check that the data has not been altered
await expectNotThrow(async () => await checkTestData(testData));
// Check what happens if we switch to a different client and sync
await switchClient(2);
Setting.setConstant('syncVersion', migrationVersion);
await synchronizer().start();
await expectNotThrow(async () => await checkTestData(testData));
}), specTimeout);
it(`should migrate (E2EE) (${migrationVersion})`, (async () => {
// First create some test data that will be used to validate
// that the migration didn't alter any data.
await deploySyncTargetSnapshot('e2ee', migrationVersion - 1);
// Now, migrate to the new version
Setting.setConstant('syncVersion', migrationVersion);
await migrationHandler().upgrade(migrationVersion);
// Verify that it has been upgraded
const newInfo = await migrationHandler().fetchSyncTargetInfo();
await migrationTests[migrationVersion]();
// Now sync with that upgraded target
await synchronizer().start();
// Decrypt the data
const masterKey = (await MasterKey.all())[0];
Setting.setObjectValue('encryption.passwordCache', masterKey.id, '123456');
await encryptionService().loadMasterKeysFromSettings();
await decryptionWorker().start();
// Check that the data has not been altered
await expectNotThrow(async () => await checkTestData(testData));
// Check what happens if we switch to a different client and sync
await switchClient(2);
Setting.setConstant('syncVersion', migrationVersion);
await synchronizer().start();
// Should throw because data hasn't been decrypted yet
await expectThrow(async () => await checkTestData(testData));
// Enable E2EE and decrypt
Setting.setObjectValue('encryption.passwordCache', masterKey.id, '123456');
await encryptionService().loadMasterKeysFromSettings();
await decryptionWorker().start();
// Should not throw because data is decrypted
await expectNotThrow(async () => await checkTestData(testData));
}), specTimeout);