mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:32:30 +02:00
Previously we'd use the remove-markdown package to create the note preview however this function would freeze on certain notes, and was probably unsafe as it used regex to parse Markdown. Replaced this in favour of Markdown-it along with htmlparser2 to strip all markup from a note.
487 lines
15 KiB
487 lines
15 KiB
const React = require('react');
const { connect } = require('react-redux');
const { _ } = require('lib/locale.js');
const { themeStyle } = require('lib/theme');
const SearchEngine = require('lib/services/SearchEngine');
const CommandService = require('lib/services/CommandService').default;
const BaseModel = require('lib/BaseModel');
const Tag = require('lib/models/Tag');
const Folder = require('lib/models/Folder');
const Note = require('lib/models/Note');
const { ItemList } = require('../gui/ItemList.min');
const HelpButton = require('../gui/HelpButton.min');
const { surroundKeywords, nextWhitespaceIndex, removeDiacritics } = require('lib/string-utils.js');
const { mergeOverlappingIntervals } = require('lib/ArrayUtils.js');
const PLUGIN_NAME = 'gotoAnything';
const markupLanguageUtils = require('lib/markupLanguageUtils');
class GotoAnything {
onTrigger() {
open: true,
pluginName: PLUGIN_NAME,
class Dialog extends React.PureComponent {
constructor() {
this.state = {
query: '',
results: [],
selectedItemId: null,
keywords: [],
listType: BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE,
showHelp: false,
resultsInBody: false,
this.styles_ = {};
this.inputRef = React.createRef();
this.itemListRef = React.createRef();
this.onKeyDown = this.onKeyDown.bind(this);
this.input_onChange = this.input_onChange.bind(this);
this.input_onKeyDown = this.input_onKeyDown.bind(this);
this.modalLayer_onClick = this.modalLayer_onClick.bind(this);
this.listItemRenderer = this.listItemRenderer.bind(this);
this.listItem_onClick = this.listItem_onClick.bind(this);
this.helpButton_onClick = this.helpButton_onClick.bind(this);
style() {
const styleKey = [this.props.theme, this.state.resultsInBody ? '1' : '0'].join('-');
if (this.styles_[styleKey]) return this.styles_[styleKey];
const theme = themeStyle(this.props.theme);
const itemHeight = this.state.resultsInBody ? 84 : 64;
this.styles_[styleKey] = {
dialogBox: Object.assign({}, theme.dialogBox, { minWidth: '50%', maxWidth: '50%' }),
input: Object.assign({}, theme.inputStyle, { flex: 1 }),
row: {
overflow: 'hidden',
height: itemHeight,
display: 'flex',
justifyContent: 'center',
flexDirection: 'column',
paddingLeft: 10,
paddingRight: 10,
borderBottomWidth: 1,
borderBottomStyle: 'solid',
borderBottomColor: theme.dividerColor,
boxSizing: 'border-box',
help: Object.assign({}, theme.textStyle, { marginBottom: 10 }),
inputHelpWrapper: { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center' },
const rowTextStyle = {
fontSize: theme.fontSize,
color: theme.color,
fontFamily: theme.fontFamily,
whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
opacity: 0.7,
userSelect: 'none',
const rowTitleStyle = Object.assign({}, rowTextStyle, {
fontSize: rowTextStyle.fontSize * 1.4,
marginBottom: this.state.resultsInBody ? 6 : 4,
color: theme.colorFaded,
const rowFragmentsStyle = Object.assign({}, rowTextStyle, {
fontSize: rowTextStyle.fontSize * 1.2,
marginBottom: this.state.resultsInBody ? 8 : 6,
color: theme.colorFaded,
this.styles_[styleKey].rowSelected = Object.assign({}, this.styles_[styleKey].row, { backgroundColor: theme.selectedColor });
this.styles_[styleKey].rowPath = rowTextStyle;
this.styles_[styleKey].rowTitle = rowTitleStyle;
this.styles_[styleKey].rowFragments = rowFragmentsStyle;
this.styles_[styleKey].itemHeight = itemHeight;
return this.styles_[styleKey];
componentDidMount() {
document.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown);
componentWillUnmount() {
if (this.listUpdateIID_) clearTimeout(this.listUpdateIID_);
document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown);
onKeyDown(event) {
if (event.keyCode === 27) { // ESCAPE
pluginName: PLUGIN_NAME,
open: false,
modalLayer_onClick(event) {
if (event.currentTarget == event.target) {
pluginName: PLUGIN_NAME,
open: false,
helpButton_onClick() {
this.setState({ showHelp: !this.state.showHelp });
input_onChange(event) {
this.setState({ query: event.target.value });
scheduleListUpdate() {
if (this.listUpdateIID_) clearTimeout(this.listUpdateIID_);
this.listUpdateIID_ = setTimeout(async () => {
await this.updateList();
this.listUpdateIID_ = null;
}, 100);
makeSearchQuery(query) {
const output = [];
const splitted = query.split(' ');
for (let i = 0; i < splitted.length; i++) {
const s = splitted[i].trim();
if (!s) continue;
return output.join(' ');
keywords(searchQuery) {
const parsedQuery = SearchEngine.instance().parseQuery(searchQuery);
return SearchEngine.instance().allParsedQueryTerms(parsedQuery);
markupToHtml() {
if (this.markupToHtml_) return this.markupToHtml_;
this.markupToHtml_ = markupLanguageUtils.newMarkupToHtml();
return this.markupToHtml_;
async updateList() {
let resultsInBody = false;
if (!this.state.query) {
this.setState({ results: [], keywords: [] });
} else {
let results = [];
let listType = null;
let searchQuery = '';
if (this.state.query.indexOf('#') === 0) { // TAGS
listType = BaseModel.TYPE_TAG;
searchQuery = this.state.query.split(' ')[0].substr(1).trim();
results = await Tag.search({ fullTitleRegex: `.*${searchQuery}.*` });
results = results.map(tag => Object.assign({}, tag, { title: Tag.getCachedFullTitle(tag.id) }));
} else if (this.state.query.indexOf('@') === 0) { // FOLDERS
listType = BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER;
searchQuery = `*${this.state.query.split(' ')[0].substr(1).trim()}*`;
results = await Folder.search({ titlePattern: searchQuery });
for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
const row = results[i];
const path = Folder.folderPathString(this.props.folders, row.parent_id);
results[i] = Object.assign({}, row, { path: path ? path : '/' });
} else { // Note TITLE or BODY
listType = BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE;
searchQuery = this.makeSearchQuery(this.state.query);
results = await SearchEngine.instance().search(searchQuery);
resultsInBody = !!results.find(row => row.fields.includes('body'));
if (!resultsInBody || this.state.query.length <= 1) {
for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
const row = results[i];
const path = Folder.folderPathString(this.props.folders, row.parent_id);
results[i] = Object.assign({}, row, { path: path });
} else {
const limit = 20;
const searchKeywords = this.keywords(searchQuery);
const notes = await Note.byIds(results.map(result => result.id).slice(0, limit), { fields: ['id', 'body', 'markup_language'] });
const notesById = notes.reduce((obj, { id, body, markup_language }) => ((obj[[id]] = { id, body, markup_language }), obj), {});
for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
const row = results[i];
const path = Folder.folderPathString(this.props.folders, row.parent_id);
if (row.fields.includes('body')) {
let fragments = '...';
if (i < limit) { // Display note fragments of search keyword matches
const indices = [];
const note = notesById[row.id];
const body = this.markupToHtml().stripMarkup(note.markup_language, note.body, { collapseWhiteSpaces: true });
// Iterate over all matches in the body for each search keyword
for (let { valueRegex } of searchKeywords) {
valueRegex = removeDiacritics(valueRegex);
for (const match of removeDiacritics(body).matchAll(new RegExp(valueRegex, 'ig'))) {
// Populate 'indices' with [begin index, end index] of each note fragment
// Begins at the regex matching index, ends at the next whitespace after seeking 15 characters to the right
indices.push([match.index, nextWhitespaceIndex(body, match.index + match[0].length + 15)]);
if (indices.length > 20) break;
// Merge multiple overlapping fragments into a single fragment to prevent repeated content
// e.g. 'Joplin is a free, open source' and 'open source note taking application'
// will result in 'Joplin is a free, open source note taking application'
const mergedIndices = mergeOverlappingIntervals(indices, 3);
fragments = mergedIndices.map(f => body.slice(f[0], f[1])).join(' ... ');
// Add trailing ellipsis if the final fragment doesn't end where the note is ending
if (mergedIndices.length && mergedIndices[mergedIndices.length - 1][1] !== body.length) fragments += ' ...';
results[i] = Object.assign({}, row, { path, fragments });
} else {
results[i] = Object.assign({}, row, { path: path, fragments: '' });
// make list scroll to top in every search
listType: listType,
results: results,
keywords: this.keywords(searchQuery),
selectedItemId: results.length === 0 ? null : results[0].id,
resultsInBody: resultsInBody,
async gotoItem(item) {
pluginName: PLUGIN_NAME,
open: false,
if (this.state.listType === BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE || this.state.listType === BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER) {
const folderPath = await Folder.folderPath(this.props.folders, item.parent_id);
for (const folder of folderPath) {
id: folder.id,
collapsed: false,
if (this.state.listType === BaseModel.TYPE_TAG) {
const tagPath = await Tag.tagPath(this.props.tags, item.parent_id);
for (const tag of tagPath) {
id: tag.id,
collapsed: false,
if (this.state.listType === BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE) {
folderId: item.parent_id,
noteId: item.id,
CommandService.instance().scheduleExecute('focusElement', { target: 'noteBody' });
} else if (this.state.listType === BaseModel.TYPE_TAG) {
type: 'TAG_SELECT',
id: item.id,
} else if (this.state.listType === BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER) {
id: item.id,
listItem_onClick(event) {
const itemId = event.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-id');
const parentId = event.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-parent-id');
id: itemId,
parent_id: parentId,
listItemRenderer(item) {
const theme = themeStyle(this.props.theme);
const style = this.style();
const rowStyle = item.id === this.state.selectedItemId ? style.rowSelected : style.row;
const titleHtml = item.fragments
? `<span style="font-weight: bold; color: ${theme.colorBright};">${item.title}</span>`
: surroundKeywords(this.state.keywords, item.title, `<span style="font-weight: bold; color: ${theme.colorBright};">`, '</span>', { escapeHtml: true });
const fragmentsHtml = !item.fragments ? null : surroundKeywords(this.state.keywords, item.fragments, `<span style="font-weight: bold; color: ${theme.colorBright};">`, '</span>', { escapeHtml: true });
const folderIcon = <i style={{ fontSize: theme.fontSize, marginRight: 2 }} className="fa fa-book" />;
const pathComp = !item.path ? null : <div style={style.rowPath}>{folderIcon} {item.path}</div>;
const fragmentComp = !fragmentsHtml ? null : <div style={style.rowFragments} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: (fragmentsHtml) }}></div>;
return (
<div key={item.id} style={rowStyle} onClick={this.listItem_onClick} data-id={item.id} data-parent-id={item.parent_id}>
<div style={style.rowTitle} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: titleHtml }}></div>
selectedItemIndex(results, itemId) {
if (typeof results === 'undefined') results = this.state.results;
if (typeof itemId === 'undefined') itemId = this.state.selectedItemId;
for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
const r = results[i];
if (r.id === itemId) return i;
return -1;
selectedItem() {
const index = this.selectedItemIndex();
if (index < 0) return null;
return this.state.results[index];
input_onKeyDown(event) {
const keyCode = event.keyCode;
if (this.state.results.length > 0 && (keyCode === 40 || keyCode === 38)) { // DOWN / UP
const inc = keyCode === 38 ? -1 : +1;
let index = this.selectedItemIndex();
if (index < 0) return; // Not possible, but who knows
index += inc;
if (index < 0) index = 0;
if (index >= this.state.results.length) index = this.state.results.length - 1;
const newId = this.state.results[index].id;
this.setState({ selectedItemId: newId });
if (keyCode === 13) { // ENTER
const item = this.selectedItem();
if (!item) return;
renderList() {
const style = this.style();
const itemListStyle = {
marginTop: 5,
height: Math.min(style.itemHeight * this.state.results.length, 7 * style.itemHeight),
return (
render() {
const theme = themeStyle(this.props.theme);
const style = this.style();
const helpComp = !this.state.showHelp ? null : <div style={style.help}>{_('Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name.')}</div>;
return (
<div onClick={this.modalLayer_onClick} style={theme.dialogModalLayer}>
<div style={style.dialogBox}>
<div style={style.inputHelpWrapper}>
<input autoFocus type="text" style={style.input} ref={this.inputRef} value={this.state.query} onChange={this.input_onChange} onKeyDown={this.input_onKeyDown}/>
<HelpButton onClick={this.helpButton_onClick}/>
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
folders: state.folders,
tags: state.tags,
theme: state.settings.theme,
GotoAnything.Dialog = connect(mapStateToProps)(Dialog);
GotoAnything.manifest = {
menuItems: [
name: 'main',
parent: 'tools',
label: _('Goto Anything...'),
accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+G',
screens: ['Main'],
module.exports = GotoAnything;