mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 15:36:49 +02:00
259 lines
7.6 KiB
259 lines
7.6 KiB
// Based on https://github.com/waylonflinn/markdown-it-katex
'use strict';
const { shim } = require('lib/shim');
const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting');
var katex = require('katex');
const katexCss = require('lib/csstojs/katex.css.js');
const md5 = require('md5');
// const style = `
// /*
// This is to fix https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/764
// Without this, the tag attached to an equation float at an absolute position of the page,
// instead of a position relative to the container.
// 2018-03-13: No longer needed??
// */
// /*
// .katex-display>.katex>.katex-html {
// position: relative;
// }
// */
// `
// Test if potential opening or closing delimieter
// Assumes that there is a "$" at state.src[pos]
function isValidDelim(state, pos) {
var prevChar, nextChar,
max = state.posMax,
can_open = true,
can_close = true;
prevChar = pos > 0 ? state.src.charCodeAt(pos - 1) : -1;
nextChar = pos + 1 <= max ? state.src.charCodeAt(pos + 1) : -1;
// Check non-whitespace conditions for opening and closing, and
// check that closing delimeter isn't followed by a number
if (prevChar === 0x20/* " " */ || prevChar === 0x09/* \t */ ||
(nextChar >= 0x30/* "0" */ && nextChar <= 0x39/* "9" */)) {
can_close = false;
if (nextChar === 0x20/* " " */ || nextChar === 0x09/* \t */) {
can_open = false;
return {
can_open: can_open,
can_close: can_close
function math_inline(state, silent) {
var start, match, token, res, pos, esc_count;
if (state.src[state.pos] !== "$") { return false; }
res = isValidDelim(state, state.pos);
if (!res.can_open) {
if (!silent) { state.pending += "$"; }
state.pos += 1;
return true;
// First check for and bypass all properly escaped delimieters
// This loop will assume that the first leading backtick can not
// be the first character in state.src, which is known since
// we have found an opening delimieter already.
start = state.pos + 1;
match = start;
while ( (match = state.src.indexOf("$", match)) !== -1) {
// Found potential $, look for escapes, pos will point to
// first non escape when complete
pos = match - 1;
while (state.src[pos] === "\\") { pos -= 1; }
// Even number of escapes, potential closing delimiter found
if ( ((match - pos) % 2) == 1 ) { break; }
match += 1;
// No closing delimter found. Consume $ and continue.
if (match === -1) {
if (!silent) { state.pending += "$"; }
state.pos = start;
return true;
// Check if we have empty content, ie: $$. Do not parse.
if (match - start === 0) {
if (!silent) { state.pending += "$$"; }
state.pos = start + 1;
return true;
// Check for valid closing delimiter
res = isValidDelim(state, match);
if (!res.can_close) {
if (!silent) { state.pending += "$"; }
state.pos = start;
return true;
if (!silent) {
token = state.push('math_inline', 'math', 0);
token.markup = "$";
token.content = state.src.slice(start, match);
state.pos = match + 1;
return true;
function math_block(state, start, end, silent){
var firstLine, lastLine, next, lastPos, found = false, token,
pos = state.bMarks[start] + state.tShift[start],
max = state.eMarks[start]
if(pos + 2 > max){ return false; }
if(state.src.slice(pos,pos+2)!=='$$'){ return false; }
pos += 2;
firstLine = state.src.slice(pos,max);
if(silent){ return true; }
// Single line expression
firstLine = firstLine.trim().slice(0, -2);
found = true;
for(next = start; !found; ){
if(next >= end){ break; }
pos = state.bMarks[next]+state.tShift[next];
max = state.eMarks[next];
if(pos < max && state.tShift[next] < state.blkIndent){
// non-empty line with negative indent should stop the list:
lastPos = state.src.slice(0,max).lastIndexOf('$$');
lastLine = state.src.slice(pos,lastPos);
found = true;
state.line = next + 1;
token = state.push('math_block', 'math', 0);
token.block = true;
token.content = (firstLine && firstLine.trim() ? firstLine + '\n' : '')
+ state.getLines(start + 1, next, state.tShift[start], true)
+ (lastLine && lastLine.trim() ? lastLine : '');
token.map = [ start, state.line ];
token.markup = '$$';
return true;
let assetsLoaded_ = false;
let cache_ = {};
module.exports = function(context, ruleOptions) {
// Keep macros that persist across Katex blocks to allow defining a macro
// in one block and re-using it later in other blocks.
// https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/1105
context.__katex = { macros: {} };
const addContextAssets = () => {
context.css['katex'] = katexCss;
context.assetLoaders['katex'] = async () => {
if (assetsLoaded_) return;
// In node, the fonts are simply copied using copycss to where Katex expects to find them, which is under app/gui/note-viewer/fonts
// In React Native, it's more complicated and we need to download and copy them to the right directory. Ideally, we should embed
// them as an asset and copy them from there (or load them from there by modifying Katex CSS), but for now that will do.
if (shim.isReactNative()) {
// Fonts must go under the resourceDir directory because this is the baseUrl of NoteBodyViewer
const baseDir = Setting.value('resourceDir');
await shim.fsDriver().mkdir(baseDir + '/fonts');
await shim.fetchBlob('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/KaTeX/0.9.0-beta1/fonts/KaTeX_Main-Regular.woff2', { overwrite: false, path: baseDir + '/fonts/KaTeX_Main-Regular.woff2' });
await shim.fetchBlob('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/KaTeX/0.9.0-beta1/fonts/KaTeX_Math-Italic.woff2', { overwrite: false, path: baseDir + '/fonts/KaTeX_Math-Italic.woff2' });
await shim.fetchBlob('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/KaTeX/0.9.0-beta1/fonts/KaTeX_Size1-Regular.woff2', { overwrite: false, path: baseDir + '/fonts/KaTeX_Size1-Regular.woff2' });
assetsLoaded_ = true;
function renderToStringWithCache(latex, options) {
const cacheKey = md5(escape(latex) + escape(JSON.stringify(options)));
if (cacheKey in cache_) {
return cache_[cacheKey];
} else {
const beforeMacros = JSON.stringify(options.macros);
const output = katex.renderToString(latex, options);
const afterMacros = JSON.stringify(options.macros);
// Don't cache the formulas that add macros, otherwise
// they won't be added on second run.
if (beforeMacros === afterMacros) cache_[cacheKey] = output;
return output;
return function(md, options) {
// Default options
options = options || {};
options.macros = context.__katex.macros;
// set KaTeX as the renderer for markdown-it-simplemath
var katexInline = function(latex){
options.displayMode = false;
return renderToStringWithCache(latex, options);
} catch(error){
if(options.throwOnError){ console.log(error); }
return latex;
var inlineRenderer = function(tokens, idx){
return katexInline(tokens[idx].content);
var katexBlock = function(latex){
options.displayMode = true;
return "<p>" + renderToStringWithCache(latex, options) + "</p>";
} catch(error){
if(options.throwOnError){ console.log(error); }
return latex;
var blockRenderer = function(tokens, idx){
return katexBlock(tokens[idx].content) + '\n';
md.inline.ruler.after('escape', 'math_inline', math_inline);
md.block.ruler.after('blockquote', 'math_block', math_block, {
alt: [ 'paragraph', 'reference', 'blockquote', 'list' ]
md.renderer.rules.math_inline = inlineRenderer;
md.renderer.rules.math_block = blockRenderer;
}; |