mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2025-03-11 14:09:55 +02:00

189 lines
6.7 KiB

import InteropService_Exporter_Base from './InteropService_Exporter_Base';
import BaseModel from '../../BaseModel';
import shim from '../../shim';
import markupLanguageUtils from '../../markupLanguageUtils';
import Folder from '../../models/Folder';
import Note from '../../models/Note';
import Setting from '../../models/Setting';
import { MarkupToHtml } from '@joplin/renderer';
import { NoteEntity, ResourceEntity } from '../database/types';
import { contentScriptsToRendererRules } from '../plugins/utils/loadContentScripts';
import { basename, friendlySafeFilename, rtrimSlashes, dirname } from '../../path-utils';
import htmlpack from '@joplin/htmlpack';
const { themeStyle } = require('../../theme');
const { escapeHtml } = require('../../string-utils.js');
import { assetsToHeaders } from '@joplin/renderer';
import getPluginSettingValue from '../plugins/utils/getPluginSettingValue';
import { LinkRenderingType } from '@joplin/renderer/MdToHtml';
export default class InteropService_Exporter_Html extends InteropService_Exporter_Base {
private customCss_: string;
private destDir_: string;
private filePath_: string;
private createdDirs_: string[] = [];
private resourceDir_: string;
private markupToHtml_: MarkupToHtml;
private resources_: ResourceEntity[] = [];
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied
private style_: any;
private packIntoSingleFile_ = false;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied
public async init(path: string, options: any = {}) {
this.customCss_ = options.customCss ? options.customCss : '';
if (this.metadata().target === 'file') {
this.destDir_ = dirname(path);
this.filePath_ = path;
this.packIntoSingleFile_ = 'packIntoSingleFile' in options ? options.packIntoSingleFile : true;
} else {
this.destDir_ = path;
this.filePath_ = null;
this.resourceDir_ = this.destDir_ ? `${this.destDir_}/_resources` : null;
await shim.fsDriver().mkdir(this.destDir_);
this.markupToHtml_ = markupLanguageUtils.newMarkupToHtml(null, {
extraRendererRules: contentScriptsToRendererRules(options.plugins),
customCss: this.customCss_ || '',
this.style_ = themeStyle(Setting.THEME_LIGHT);
private async makeDirPath_(item: NoteEntity, pathPart: string = null) {
let output = '';
while (true) {
if (item.type_ === BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER) {
if (pathPart) {
output = `${pathPart}/${output}`;
} else {
output = `${friendlySafeFilename(item.title)}/${output}`;
output = await shim.fsDriver().findUniqueFilename(output);
if (!item.parent_id) return output;
item = await Folder.load(item.parent_id);
private async processNoteResources_(item: NoteEntity) {
const target = this.metadata().target;
const linkedResourceIds = await Note.linkedResourceIds(item.body);
const relativePath = target === 'directory' ? rtrimSlashes(await this.makeDirPath_(item, '..')) : '';
const resourcePaths = this.context() && this.context().resourcePaths ? this.context().resourcePaths : {};
let newBody = item.body;
for (let i = 0; i < linkedResourceIds.length; i++) {
const id = linkedResourceIds[i];
// Skip the resources which haven't been downloaded yet
if (!resourcePaths[id]) {
const resourceContent = `${relativePath ? `${relativePath}/` : ''}_resources/${basename(resourcePaths[id])}`;
newBody = newBody.replace(new RegExp(`:/${id}`, 'g'), resourceContent);
return newBody;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied
public async processItem(_itemType: number, item: any) {
if ([BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER].indexOf(item.type_) < 0) return;
let dirPath = '';
if (!this.filePath_) {
dirPath = `${this.destDir_}/${await this.makeDirPath_(item)}`;
if (this.createdDirs_.indexOf(dirPath) < 0) {
await shim.fsDriver().mkdir(dirPath);
if (item.type_ === BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE) {
let noteFilePath = '';
if (this.filePath_) {
noteFilePath = this.filePath_;
} else {
noteFilePath = `${dirPath}/${friendlySafeFilename(item.title)}.html`;
noteFilePath = await shim.fsDriver().findUniqueFilename(noteFilePath);
const bodyMd = await this.processNoteResources_(item);
const result = await this.markupToHtml_.render(item.markup_language, bodyMd, this.style_, {
resources: this.resources_,
settingValue: getPluginSettingValue,
plainResourceRendering: true,
plugins: {
link_open: {
linkRenderingType: LinkRenderingType.HrefHandler,
const noteContent = [];
if (item.title) noteContent.push(`<div class="exported-note-title">${escapeHtml(item.title)}</div>`);
if (result.html) noteContent.push(result.html);
const libRootPath = dirname(dirname(__dirname));
// We need to export all the plugin assets too and refer them from the header
// The source path is a bit hard-coded but shouldn't change.
for (let i = 0; i < result.pluginAssets.length; i++) {
const asset = result.pluginAssets[i];
const filePath = asset.pathIsAbsolute ? asset.path : `${libRootPath}/node_modules/@joplin/renderer/assets/${asset.name}`;
const destPath = `${dirname(noteFilePath)}/pluginAssets/${asset.name}`;
const dir = dirname(destPath);
await shim.fsDriver().mkdir(dir);
await shim.fsDriver().copy(filePath, destPath);
const fullHtml = `
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
${assetsToHeaders(result.pluginAssets, { asHtml: true })}
<div class="exported-note">${noteContent.join('\n\n')}</div>
await shim.fsDriver().writeFile(noteFilePath, fullHtml, 'utf-8');
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied
public async processResource(resource: any, filePath: string) {
const destResourcePath = `${this.resourceDir_}/${basename(filePath)}`;
await shim.fsDriver().copy(filePath, destResourcePath);
public async close() {
if (this.packIntoSingleFile_) {
const tempFilePath = `${this.filePath_}.tmp`;
await shim.fsDriver().move(this.filePath_, tempFilePath);
await htmlpack(tempFilePath, this.filePath_);
await shim.fsDriver().remove(tempFilePath);
for (const d of this.createdDirs_) {
await shim.fsDriver().remove(d);
await shim.fsDriver().remove(this.resourceDir_);
await shim.fsDriver().remove(`${this.destDir_}/pluginAssets`);