mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2025-03-11 14:09:55 +02:00
Laurent Cozic c63c6370b5 Desktop: Refactored command system
The goal is to make the command system more modular, so each command can
be defined as a single object that includes a declaration (name, label,
etc.) and a runtime (to execute the command, test if it should be
enabled, etc.)

Utility methods are provided to convert a command to a menu item or a
toolbar button, thus reducing duplicated and boiler plate code across the
codebase (often the menu item logic was duplicated in the toolbar
button logic and vice versa).

The goal is to make it easier to add new commands (and associated menu
item and toolbar buttons) and to call them from
anywhere. This is also useful for plugins, which can also easily define
new commands.

Could also allow creating a command palette.
2020-07-03 22:32:39 +01:00

819 lines
26 KiB

const BaseModel = require('lib/BaseModel.js');
const { sprintf } = require('sprintf-js');
const BaseItem = require('lib/models/BaseItem.js');
const ItemChange = require('lib/models/ItemChange.js');
const Resource = require('lib/models/Resource.js');
const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting.js');
const { shim } = require('lib/shim.js');
const { pregQuote } = require('lib/string-utils.js');
const { time } = require('lib/time-utils.js');
const { _ } = require('lib/locale.js');
const ArrayUtils = require('lib/ArrayUtils.js');
const lodash = require('lodash');
const urlUtils = require('lib/urlUtils.js');
const markdownUtils = require('lib/markdownUtils.js');
const { MarkupToHtml } = require('lib/joplin-renderer');
const { ALL_NOTES_FILTER_ID } = require('lib/reserved-ids');
class Note extends BaseItem {
static tableName() {
return 'notes';
static fieldToLabel(field) {
const fieldsToLabels = {
title: _('title'),
user_updated_time: _('updated date'),
user_created_time: _('created date'),
order: _('custom order'),
return field in fieldsToLabels ? fieldsToLabels[field] : field;
static async serializeForEdit(note) {
return this.replaceResourceInternalToExternalLinks(await super.serialize(note, ['title', 'body']));
static async unserializeForEdit(content) {
content += `\n\ntype_: ${BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE}`;
const output = await super.unserialize(content);
if (!output.title) output.title = '';
if (!output.body) output.body = '';
output.body = await this.replaceResourceExternalToInternalLinks(output.body);
return output;
static async serializeAllProps(note) {
const fieldNames = this.fieldNames();
lodash.pull(fieldNames, 'title', 'body');
return super.serialize(note, fieldNames);
static minimalSerializeForDisplay(note) {
const n = Object.assign({}, note);
const fieldNames = this.fieldNames();
if (!n.is_conflict) lodash.pull(fieldNames, 'is_conflict');
if (!Number(n.latitude)) lodash.pull(fieldNames, 'latitude');
if (!Number(n.longitude)) lodash.pull(fieldNames, 'longitude');
if (!Number(n.altitude)) lodash.pull(fieldNames, 'altitude');
if (!n.author) lodash.pull(fieldNames, 'author');
if (!n.source_url) lodash.pull(fieldNames, 'source_url');
if (!n.is_todo) {
lodash.pull(fieldNames, 'is_todo');
lodash.pull(fieldNames, 'todo_due');
lodash.pull(fieldNames, 'todo_completed');
if (!n.application_data) lodash.pull(fieldNames, 'application_data');
lodash.pull(fieldNames, 'type_');
lodash.pull(fieldNames, 'title');
lodash.pull(fieldNames, 'body');
lodash.pull(fieldNames, 'created_time');
lodash.pull(fieldNames, 'updated_time');
lodash.pull(fieldNames, 'order');
return super.serialize(n, fieldNames);
static defaultTitle(noteBody) {
return this.defaultTitleFromBody(noteBody);
static defaultTitleFromBody(body) {
return markdownUtils.titleFromBody(body);
static geolocationUrl(note) {
if (!('latitude' in note) || !('longitude' in note)) throw new Error('Latitude or longitude is missing');
if (!Number(note.latitude) && !Number(note.longitude)) throw new Error(_('This note does not have geolocation information.'));
return this.geoLocationUrlFromLatLong(note.latitude, note.longitude);
static geoLocationUrlFromLatLong(lat, long) {
return sprintf('https://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=%s&lon=%s&zoom=20', lat, long);
static modelType() {
return BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE;
static linkedItemIds(body) {
if (!body || body.length <= 32) return [];
const links = urlUtils.extractResourceUrls(body);
const itemIds = links.map(l => l.itemId);
return ArrayUtils.unique(itemIds);
static async linkedItems(body) {
const itemIds = this.linkedItemIds(body);
const r = await BaseItem.loadItemsByIds(itemIds);
return r;
static async linkedItemIdsByType(type, body) {
const items = await this.linkedItems(body);
const output = [];
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
const item = items[i];
if (item.type_ === type) output.push(item.id);
return output;
static async linkedResourceIds(body) {
return this.linkedItemIdsByType(BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE, body);
static async linkedNoteIds(body) {
return this.linkedItemIdsByType(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, body);
static async replaceResourceInternalToExternalLinks(body, options = null) {
options = Object.assign({}, {
useAbsolutePaths: false,
}, options);
this.logger().debug('replaceResourceInternalToExternalLinks', 'options:', options, 'body:', body);
const resourceIds = await this.linkedResourceIds(body);
const Resource = this.getClass('Resource');
for (let i = 0; i < resourceIds.length; i++) {
const id = resourceIds[i];
const resource = await Resource.load(id);
if (!resource) continue;
const resourcePath = options.useAbsolutePaths ? `${`file://${Resource.fullPath(resource)}` + '?t='}${resource.updated_time}` : Resource.relativePath(resource);
body = body.replace(new RegExp(`:/${id}`, 'gi'), markdownUtils.escapeLinkUrl(resourcePath));
this.logger().debug('replaceResourceInternalToExternalLinks result', body);
return body;
static async replaceResourceExternalToInternalLinks(body, options = null) {
options = Object.assign({}, {
useAbsolutePaths: false,
}, options);
const pathsToTry = [];
if (options.useAbsolutePaths) {
} else {
this.logger().debug('replaceResourceExternalToInternalLinks', 'options:', options, 'pathsToTry:', pathsToTry, 'body:', body);
for (const basePath of pathsToTry) {
const reStrings = [
// Handles file://path/to/abcdefg.jpg?t=12345678
// Handles file://path/to/abcdefg.jpg
for (const reString of reStrings) {
const re = new RegExp(reString, 'gi');
body = body.replace(re, match => {
const id = Resource.pathToId(match);
return `:/${id}`;
this.logger().debug('replaceResourceExternalToInternalLinks result', body);
return body;
static new(parentId = '') {
const output = super.new();
output.parent_id = parentId;
return output;
static newTodo(parentId = '') {
const output = this.new(parentId);
output.is_todo = true;
return output;
// Note: sort logic must be duplicated in previews();
static sortNotes(notes, orders, uncompletedTodosOnTop) {
const noteOnTop = note => {
return uncompletedTodosOnTop && note.is_todo && !note.todo_completed;
const noteFieldComp = (f1, f2) => {
if (f1 === f2) return 0;
return f1 < f2 ? -1 : +1;
// Makes the sort deterministic, so that if, for example, a and b have the
// same updated_time, they aren't swapped every time a list is refreshed.
const sortIdenticalNotes = (a, b) => {
let r = null;
r = noteFieldComp(a.user_updated_time, b.user_updated_time);
if (r) return r;
r = noteFieldComp(a.user_created_time, b.user_created_time);
if (r) return r;
const titleA = a.title ? a.title.toLowerCase() : '';
const titleB = b.title ? b.title.toLowerCase() : '';
r = noteFieldComp(titleA, titleB);
if (r) return r;
return noteFieldComp(a.id, b.id);
return notes.sort((a, b) => {
if (noteOnTop(a) && !noteOnTop(b)) return -1;
if (!noteOnTop(a) && noteOnTop(b)) return +1;
let r = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < orders.length; i++) {
const order = orders[i];
let aProp = a[order.by];
let bProp = b[order.by];
if (typeof aProp === 'string') aProp = aProp.toLowerCase();
if (typeof bProp === 'string') bProp = bProp.toLowerCase();
if (aProp < bProp) r = +1;
if (aProp > bProp) r = -1;
if (order.dir == 'ASC') r = -r;
if (r !== 0) return r;
return sortIdenticalNotes(a, b);
static previewFieldsWithDefaultValues(options = null) {
return Note.defaultValues(this.previewFields(options));
static previewFields(options = null) {
options = Object.assign({
includeTimestamps: true,
}, options);
const output = ['id', 'title', 'is_todo', 'todo_completed', 'todo_due', 'parent_id', 'encryption_applied', 'order', 'markup_language'];
if (options.includeTimestamps) {
return output;
static previewFieldsSql(fields = null) {
if (fields === null) fields = this.previewFields();
return this.db().escapeFields(fields).join(',');
static async loadFolderNoteByField(folderId, field, value) {
if (!folderId) throw new Error('folderId is undefined');
const options = {
conditions: [`\`${field}\` = ?`],
conditionsParams: [value],
fields: '*',
const results = await this.previews(folderId, options);
return results.length ? results[0] : null;
static async previews(parentId, options = null) {
// Note: ordering logic must be duplicated in sortNotes(), which
// is used to sort already loaded notes.
if (!options) options = {};
if (!('order' in options)) options.order = [{ by: 'user_updated_time', dir: 'DESC' }, { by: 'user_created_time', dir: 'DESC' }, { by: 'title', dir: 'DESC' }, { by: 'id', dir: 'DESC' }];
if (!options.conditions) options.conditions = [];
if (!options.conditionsParams) options.conditionsParams = [];
if (!options.fields) options.fields = this.previewFields();
if (!options.uncompletedTodosOnTop) options.uncompletedTodosOnTop = false;
if (!('showCompletedTodos' in options)) options.showCompletedTodos = true;
if (parentId == BaseItem.getClass('Folder').conflictFolderId()) {
options.conditions.push('is_conflict = 1');
} else {
options.conditions.push('is_conflict = 0');
if (parentId && parentId !== ALL_NOTES_FILTER_ID) {
options.conditions.push('parent_id = ?');
if (options.anywherePattern) {
const pattern = options.anywherePattern.replace(/\*/g, '%');
options.conditions.push('(title LIKE ? OR body LIKE ?)');
let hasNotes = true;
let hasTodos = true;
if (options.itemTypes && options.itemTypes.length) {
if (options.itemTypes.indexOf('note') < 0) {
hasNotes = false;
} else if (options.itemTypes.indexOf('todo') < 0) {
hasTodos = false;
if (!options.showCompletedTodos) {
options.conditions.push('todo_completed <= 0');
if (options.uncompletedTodosOnTop && hasTodos) {
let cond = options.conditions.slice();
cond.push('is_todo = 1');
cond.push('(todo_completed <= 0 OR todo_completed IS NULL)');
let tempOptions = Object.assign({}, options);
tempOptions.conditions = cond;
const uncompletedTodos = await this.search(tempOptions);
cond = options.conditions.slice();
if (hasNotes && hasTodos) {
cond.push('(is_todo = 0 OR (is_todo = 1 AND todo_completed > 0))');
} else {
cond.push('(is_todo = 1 AND todo_completed > 0)');
tempOptions = Object.assign({}, options);
tempOptions.conditions = cond;
if ('limit' in tempOptions) tempOptions.limit -= uncompletedTodos.length;
const theRest = await this.search(tempOptions);
return uncompletedTodos.concat(theRest);
if (hasNotes && hasTodos) {
// Nothing
} else if (hasNotes) {
options.conditions.push('is_todo = 0');
} else if (hasTodos) {
options.conditions.push('is_todo = 1');
return this.search(options);
static preview(noteId, options = null) {
if (!options) options = { fields: null };
return this.modelSelectOne(`SELECT ${this.previewFieldsSql(options.fields)} FROM notes WHERE is_conflict = 0 AND id = ?`, [noteId]);
static async search(options = null) {
if (!options) options = {};
if (!options.conditions) options.conditions = [];
if (!options.conditionsParams) options.conditionsParams = [];
if (options.bodyPattern) {
const pattern = options.bodyPattern.replace(/\*/g, '%');
options.conditions.push('body LIKE ?');
return super.search(options);
static conflictedNotes() {
return this.modelSelectAll('SELECT * FROM notes WHERE is_conflict = 1');
static async conflictedCount() {
const r = await this.db().selectOne('SELECT count(*) as total FROM notes WHERE is_conflict = 1');
return r && r.total ? r.total : 0;
static unconflictedNotes() {
return this.modelSelectAll('SELECT * FROM notes WHERE is_conflict = 0');
static async updateGeolocation(noteId) {
if (!Setting.value('trackLocation')) return;
if (!Note.updateGeolocationEnabled_) return;
const startWait = time.unixMs();
while (true) {
if (!this.geolocationUpdating_) break;
this.logger().info('Waiting for geolocation update...');
await time.sleep(1);
if (startWait + 1000 * 20 < time.unixMs()) {
this.logger().warn(`Failed to update geolocation for: timeout: ${noteId}`);
let geoData = null;
if (this.geolocationCache_ && this.geolocationCache_.timestamp + 1000 * 60 * 10 > time.unixMs()) {
geoData = Object.assign({}, this.geolocationCache_);
} else {
this.geolocationUpdating_ = true;
this.logger().info('Fetching geolocation...');
try {
geoData = await shim.Geolocation.currentPosition();
} catch (error) {
this.logger().error(`Could not get lat/long for note ${noteId}: `, error);
geoData = null;
this.geolocationUpdating_ = false;
if (!geoData) return;
this.logger().info('Got lat/long');
this.geolocationCache_ = geoData;
this.logger().info(`Updating lat/long of note ${noteId}`);
const note = await Note.load(noteId);
if (!note) return; // Race condition - note has been deleted in the meantime
note.longitude = geoData.coords.longitude;
note.latitude = geoData.coords.latitude;
note.altitude = geoData.coords.altitude;
return Note.save(note);
static filter(note) {
if (!note) return note;
const output = super.filter(note);
if ('longitude' in output) output.longitude = Number(!output.longitude ? 0 : output.longitude).toFixed(8);
if ('latitude' in output) output.latitude = Number(!output.latitude ? 0 : output.latitude).toFixed(8);
if ('altitude' in output) output.altitude = Number(!output.altitude ? 0 : output.altitude).toFixed(4);
return output;
static async copyToFolder(noteId, folderId) {
if (folderId == this.getClass('Folder').conflictFolderId()) throw new Error(_('Cannot copy note to "%s" notebook', this.getClass('Folder').conflictFolderTitle()));
return Note.duplicate(noteId, {
changes: {
parent_id: folderId,
is_conflict: 0, // Also reset the conflict flag in case we're moving the note out of the conflict folder
static async moveToFolder(noteId, folderId) {
if (folderId == this.getClass('Folder').conflictFolderId()) throw new Error(_('Cannot move note to "%s" notebook', this.getClass('Folder').conflictFolderTitle()));
// When moving a note to a different folder, the user timestamp is not updated.
// However updated_time is updated so that the note can be synced later on.
const modifiedNote = {
id: noteId,
parent_id: folderId,
is_conflict: 0,
updated_time: time.unixMs(),
return Note.save(modifiedNote, { autoTimestamp: false });
static changeNoteType(note, type) {
if (!('is_todo' in note)) throw new Error('Missing "is_todo" property');
const newIsTodo = type === 'todo' ? 1 : 0;
if (Number(note.is_todo) === newIsTodo) return note;
const output = Object.assign({}, note);
output.is_todo = newIsTodo;
output.todo_due = 0;
output.todo_completed = 0;
return output;
static toggleIsTodo(note) {
return this.changeNoteType(note, note.is_todo ? 'note' : 'todo');
static toggleTodoCompleted(note) {
if (!('todo_completed' in note)) throw new Error('Missing "todo_completed" property');
note = Object.assign({}, note);
if (note.todo_completed) {
note.todo_completed = 0;
} else {
note.todo_completed = Date.now();
return note;
static async duplicateMultipleNotes(noteIds, options = null) {
// if options.uniqueTitle is true, a unique title for the duplicated file will be assigned.
const ensureUniqueTitle = options && options.ensureUniqueTitle;
for (const noteId of noteIds) {
const noteOptions = {};
// If ensureUniqueTitle is truthy, set the original note's name as root for the unique title.
if (ensureUniqueTitle) {
const originalNote = await Note.load(noteId);
noteOptions.uniqueTitle = originalNote.title;
await Note.duplicate(noteId, noteOptions);
static async duplicate(noteId, options = null) {
const changes = options && options.changes;
const uniqueTitle = options && options.uniqueTitle;
const originalNote = await Note.load(noteId);
if (!originalNote) throw new Error(`Unknown note: ${noteId}`);
const newNote = Object.assign({}, originalNote);
const fieldsToReset = ['id', 'created_time', 'updated_time', 'user_created_time', 'user_updated_time'];
for (const field of fieldsToReset) {
delete newNote[field];
for (const n in changes) {
if (!changes.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue;
newNote[n] = changes[n];
if (uniqueTitle) {
const title = await Note.findUniqueItemTitle(uniqueTitle);
newNote.title = title;
return this.save(newNote);
static async noteIsOlderThan(noteId, date) {
const n = await this.db().selectOne('SELECT updated_time FROM notes WHERE id = ?', [noteId]);
if (!n) throw new Error(`No such note: ${noteId}`);
return n.updated_time < date;
static async save(o, options = null) {
const isNew = this.isNew(o, options);
const isProvisional = options && !!options.provisional;
const dispatchUpdateAction = options ? options.dispatchUpdateAction !== false : true;
if (isNew && !o.source) o.source = Setting.value('appName');
if (isNew && !o.source_application) o.source_application = Setting.value('appId');
if (isNew && !('order' in o)) o.order = Date.now();
// We only keep the previous note content for "old notes" (see Revision Service for more info)
// In theory, we could simply save all the previous note contents, and let the revision service
// decide what to keep and what to ignore, but in practice keeping the previous content is a bit
// heavy - the note needs to be reloaded here, the JSON blob needs to be saved, etc.
// So the check for old note here is basically an optimisation.
let beforeNoteJson = null;
if (!isNew && this.revisionService().isOldNote(o.id)) {
beforeNoteJson = await Note.load(o.id);
if (beforeNoteJson) beforeNoteJson = JSON.stringify(beforeNoteJson);
const note = await super.save(o, options);
const changeSource = options && options.changeSource ? options.changeSource : null;
ItemChange.add(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, note.id, isNew ? ItemChange.TYPE_CREATE : ItemChange.TYPE_UPDATE, changeSource, beforeNoteJson);
if (dispatchUpdateAction) {
note: note,
provisional: isProvisional,
if ('todo_due' in o || 'todo_completed' in o || 'is_todo' in o || 'is_conflict' in o) {
id: note.id,
return note;
static async batchDelete(ids, options = null) {
ids = ids.slice();
while (ids.length) {
const processIds = ids.splice(0, 50);
const notes = await Note.byIds(processIds);
const beforeChangeItems = {};
for (const note of notes) {
beforeChangeItems[note.id] = JSON.stringify(note);
await super.batchDelete(processIds, options);
const changeSource = options && options.changeSource ? options.changeSource : null;
for (let i = 0; i < processIds.length; i++) {
const id = processIds[i];
ItemChange.add(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, id, ItemChange.TYPE_DELETE, changeSource, beforeChangeItems[id]);
type: 'NOTE_DELETE',
id: id,
static dueNotes() {
return this.modelSelectAll('SELECT id, title, body, is_todo, todo_due, todo_completed, is_conflict FROM notes WHERE is_conflict = 0 AND is_todo = 1 AND todo_completed = 0 AND todo_due > ?', [time.unixMs()]);
static needAlarm(note) {
return note.is_todo && !note.todo_completed && note.todo_due >= time.unixMs() && !note.is_conflict;
static dueDateObject(note) {
if (!!note.is_todo && note.todo_due) {
if (!this.dueDateObjects_) this.dueDateObjects_ = {};
if (this.dueDateObjects_[note.todo_due]) return this.dueDateObjects_[note.todo_due];
this.dueDateObjects_[note.todo_due] = new Date(note.todo_due);
return this.dueDateObjects_[note.todo_due];
return null;
// Tells whether the conflict between the local and remote note can be ignored.
static mustHandleConflict(localNote, remoteNote) {
// That shouldn't happen so throw an exception
if (localNote.id !== remoteNote.id) throw new Error('Cannot handle conflict for two different notes');
// For encrypted notes the conflict must always be handled
if (localNote.encryption_cipher_text || remoteNote.encryption_cipher_text) return true;
// Otherwise only handle the conflict if there's a different on the title or body
if (localNote.title !== remoteNote.title) return true;
if (localNote.body !== remoteNote.body) return true;
return false;
static markupLanguageToLabel(markupLanguageId) {
if (markupLanguageId === MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN) return 'Markdown';
if (markupLanguageId === MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML) return 'HTML';
throw new Error(`Invalid markup language ID: ${markupLanguageId}`);
// When notes are sorted in "custom order", they are sorted by the "order" field first and,
// in those cases, where the order field is the same for some notes, by created time.
static customOrderByColumns(type = null) {
if (!type) type = 'object';
if (type === 'object') return [{ by: 'order', dir: 'DESC' }, { by: 'user_created_time', dir: 'DESC' }];
if (type === 'string') return 'ORDER BY `order` DESC, user_created_time DESC';
throw new Error(`Invalid type: ${type}`);
// Update the note "order" field without changing the user timestamps,
// which is generally what we want.
static async updateNoteOrder_(note, order) {
return Note.save(Object.assign({}, note, {
order: order,
user_updated_time: note.user_updated_time,
}), { autoTimestamp: false, dispatchUpdateAction: false });
// This method will disable the NOTE_UPDATE_ONE action to prevent a lot
// of unecessary updates, so it's the caller's responsability to update
// the UI once the call is finished. This is done by listening to the
// NOTE_IS_INSERTING_NOTES action in the application middleware.
static async insertNotesAt(folderId, noteIds, index) {
if (!noteIds.length) return;
const defer = () => {
value: false,
value: true,
try {
const noteSql = `
SELECT id, \`order\`, user_created_time, user_updated_time
FROM notes
WHERE is_conflict = 0 AND parent_id = ?
let notes = await this.modelSelectAll(noteSql, [folderId]);
// If the target index is the same as the source note index, exit now
for (let i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) {
const note = notes[i];
if (note.id === noteIds[0] && index === i) return defer();
// If some of the target notes have order = 0, set the order field to user_created_time
// (historically, all notes had the order field set to 0)
let hasSetOrder = false;
for (let i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) {
const note = notes[i];
if (!note.order) {
const updatedNote = await this.updateNoteOrder_(note, note.user_created_time);
notes[i] = updatedNote;
hasSetOrder = true;
if (hasSetOrder) notes = await this.modelSelectAll(noteSql, [folderId]);
// Find the order value for the first note to be inserted,
// and the increment between the order values of each inserted notes.
let newOrder = 0;
let intervalBetweenNotes = 0;
const defaultIntevalBetweeNotes = 60 * 60 * 1000;
if (!notes.length) { // If there's no notes in the target notebook
newOrder = Date.now();
intervalBetweenNotes = defaultIntevalBetweeNotes;
} else if (index >= notes.length) { // Insert at the end
intervalBetweenNotes = notes[notes.length - 1].order / (noteIds.length + 1);
newOrder = notes[notes.length - 1].order - intervalBetweenNotes;
} else if (index === 0) { // Insert at the beginning
const firstNoteOrder = notes[0].order;
if (firstNoteOrder >= Date.now()) {
intervalBetweenNotes = defaultIntevalBetweeNotes;
newOrder = firstNoteOrder + defaultIntevalBetweeNotes;
} else {
intervalBetweenNotes = (Date.now() - firstNoteOrder) / (noteIds.length + 1);
newOrder = firstNoteOrder + intervalBetweenNotes * noteIds.length;
} else { // Normal insert
let noteBefore = notes[index - 1];
let noteAfter = notes[index];
if (noteBefore.order === noteAfter.order) {
let previousOrder = noteBefore.order;
for (let i = index; i >= 0; i--) {
const n = notes[i];
if (n.order <= previousOrder) {
const o = previousOrder + defaultIntevalBetweeNotes;
const updatedNote = await this.updateNoteOrder_(n, o);
notes[i] = Object.assign({}, n, updatedNote);
previousOrder = o;
} else {
previousOrder = n.order;
noteBefore = notes[index - 1];
noteAfter = notes[index];
intervalBetweenNotes = (noteBefore.order - noteAfter.order) / (noteIds.length + 1);
newOrder = noteAfter.order + intervalBetweenNotes * noteIds.length;
// Set the order value for all the notes to be inserted
for (const noteId of noteIds) {
const note = await Note.load(noteId);
if (!note) throw new Error(`No such note: ${noteId}`);
await this.updateNoteOrder_({
id: noteId,
parent_id: folderId,
user_updated_time: note.user_updated_time,
}, newOrder);
newOrder -= intervalBetweenNotes;
} finally {
Note.updateGeolocationEnabled_ = true;
Note.geolocationUpdating_ = false;
module.exports = Note;