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/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-member-accessibility */
import Slider from '@react-native-community/slider';
const React = require('react');
import { Platform, Linking, View, Switch, StyleSheet, ScrollView, Text, Button, TouchableOpacity, TextInput, Alert, PermissionsAndroid, TouchableNativeFeedback } from 'react-native';
import Setting, { AppType } from '@joplin/lib/models/Setting';
import NavService from '@joplin/lib/services/NavService';
import ReportService from '@joplin/lib/services/ReportService';
import SearchEngine from '@joplin/lib/services/searchengine/SearchEngine';
import checkPermissions from '../../utils/checkPermissions';
import time from '@joplin/lib/time';
import shim from '@joplin/lib/shim';
import setIgnoreTlsErrors from '../../utils/TlsUtils';
import { reg } from '@joplin/lib/registry';
import { State } from '@joplin/lib/reducer';
const { BackButtonService } = require('../../services/back-button.js');
const VersionInfo = require('react-native-version-info').default;
const { connect } = require('react-redux');
import ScreenHeader from '../ScreenHeader';
const { _ } = require('@joplin/lib/locale');
const { BaseScreenComponent } = require('../base-screen.js');
const { Dropdown } = require('../Dropdown.js');
const { themeStyle } = require('../global-style.js');
const shared = require('@joplin/lib/components/shared/config-shared.js');
import SyncTargetRegistry from '@joplin/lib/SyncTargetRegistry';
import { openDocumentTree } from '@joplin/react-native-saf-x';
import biometricAuthenticate from '../biometrics/biometricAuthenticate';
class ConfigScreenComponent extends BaseScreenComponent {
public static navigationOptions(): any {
return { header: null };
private componentsY_: Record<string, number> = {};
public constructor() {
this.styles_ = {};
this.state = {
creatingReport: false,
profileExportStatus: 'idle',
profileExportPath: '',
fileSystemSyncPath: Setting.value('sync.2.path'),
this.scrollViewRef_ = React.createRef();
shared.init(this, reg);
this.selectDirectoryButtonPress = async () => {
try {
const doc = await openDocumentTree(true);
if (doc?.uri) {
this.setState({ fileSystemSyncPath: doc.uri });
shared.updateSettingValue(this, 'sync.2.path', doc.uri);
} else {
throw new Error('User cancelled operation');
} catch (e) {
reg.logger().info('Didn\'t pick sync dir: ', e);
this.checkSyncConfig_ = async () => {
// to ignore TLS erros we need to chage the global state of the app, if the check fails we need to restore the original state
// this call sets the new value and returns the previous one which we can use later to revert the change
const prevIgnoreTlsErrors = await setIgnoreTlsErrors(this.state.settings['net.ignoreTlsErrors']);
const result = await shared.checkSyncConfig(this, this.state.settings);
if (!result || !result.ok) {
await setIgnoreTlsErrors(prevIgnoreTlsErrors);
this.e2eeConfig_ = () => {
void NavService.go('EncryptionConfig');
this.saveButton_press = async () => {
if (this.state.changedSettingKeys.includes('sync.target') && this.state.settings['sync.target'] === SyncTargetRegistry.nameToId('filesystem')) {
if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
if (Platform.Version < 29) {
if (!(await this.checkFilesystemPermission())) {
Alert.alert(_('Warning'), _('In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.'));
// Save settings anyway, even if permission has not been granted
// changedSettingKeys is cleared in shared.saveSettings so reading it now
const setIgnoreTlsErrors = this.state.changedSettingKeys.includes('net.ignoreTlsErrors');
await shared.saveSettings(this);
if (setIgnoreTlsErrors) {
await setIgnoreTlsErrors(Setting.value('net.ignoreTlsErrors'));
this.saveButton_press = this.saveButton_press.bind(this);
this.syncStatusButtonPress_ = () => {
void NavService.go('Status');
this.manageProfilesButtonPress_ = () => {
type: 'NAV_GO',
routeName: 'ProfileSwitcher',
this.exportDebugButtonPress_ = async () => {
this.setState({ creatingReport: true });
const service = new ReportService();
const logItems = await reg.logger().lastEntries(null);
const logItemRows = [['Date', 'Level', 'Message']];
for (let i = 0; i < logItems.length; i++) {
const item = logItems[i];
logItemRows.push([time.formatMsToLocal(item.timestamp, 'MM-DDTHH:mm:ss'), item.level, item.message]);
const logItemCsv = service.csvCreate(logItemRows);
const itemListCsv = await service.basicItemList({ format: 'csv' });
const externalDir = await shim.fsDriver().getExternalDirectoryPath();
if (!externalDir) {
this.setState({ creatingReport: false });
const filePath = `${externalDir}/syncReport-${new Date().getTime()}.txt`;
const finalText = [logItemCsv, itemListCsv].join('\n================================================================================\n');
await shim.fsDriver().writeFile(filePath, finalText, 'utf8');
alert(`Debug report exported to ${filePath}`);
this.setState({ creatingReport: false });
this.fixSearchEngineIndexButtonPress_ = async () => {
this.setState({ fixingSearchIndex: true });
await SearchEngine.instance().rebuildIndex();
this.setState({ fixingSearchIndex: false });
this.exportProfileButtonPress_ = async () => {
const externalDir = await shim.fsDriver().getExternalDirectoryPath();
if (!externalDir) {
const p = this.state.profileExportPath ? this.state.profileExportPath : `${externalDir}/JoplinProfileExport`;
profileExportStatus: 'prompt',
profileExportPath: p,
this.exportProfileButtonPress2_ = async () => {
this.setState({ profileExportStatus: 'exporting' });
const dbPath = '/data/data/net.cozic.joplin/databases';
const exportPath = this.state.profileExportPath;
const resourcePath = `${exportPath}/resources`;
try {
const response = await checkPermissions(PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE);
if (response !== PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED) {
throw new Error('Permission denied');
const copyFiles = async (source: string, dest: string) => {
await shim.fsDriver().mkdir(dest);
const files = await shim.fsDriver().readDirStats(source);
for (const file of files) {
const source_ = `${source}/${file.path}`;
const dest_ = `${dest}/${file.path}`;
if (!file.isDirectory()) {
reg.logger().info(`Copying profile: ${source_} => ${dest_}`);
await shim.fsDriver().copy(source_, dest_);
} else {
await copyFiles(source_, dest_);
await copyFiles(dbPath, exportPath);
await copyFiles(Setting.value('resourceDir'), resourcePath);
alert('Profile has been exported!');
} catch (error) {
alert(`Could not export files: ${error.message}`);
} finally {
this.setState({ profileExportStatus: 'idle' });
this.logButtonPress_ = () => {
void NavService.go('Log');
this.handleSetting = this.handleSetting.bind(this);
public async checkFilesystemPermission() {
if (Platform.OS !== 'android') {
// Not implemented yet
return true;
return await checkPermissions(PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, {
title: _('Information'),
message: _('In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.'),
buttonPositive: _('OK'),
public UNSAFE_componentWillMount() {
this.setState({ settings: this.props.settings });
public styles() {
const themeId = this.props.themeId;
const theme = themeStyle(themeId);
if (this.styles_[themeId]) return this.styles_[themeId];
this.styles_ = {};
const styles: any = {
body: {
flex: 1,
justifyContent: 'flex-start',
flexDirection: 'column',
settingContainer: {
flex: 1,
flexDirection: 'row',
alignItems: 'center',
borderBottomWidth: 1,
borderBottomColor: theme.dividerColor,
paddingTop: theme.marginTop,
paddingBottom: theme.marginBottom,
paddingLeft: theme.marginLeft,
paddingRight: theme.marginRight,
settingText: {
color: theme.color,
fontSize: theme.fontSize,
flex: 1,
paddingRight: 5,
descriptionText: {
color: theme.colorFaded,
fontSize: theme.fontSizeSmaller,
flex: 1,
sliderUnits: {
color: theme.color,
fontSize: theme.fontSize,
marginRight: 10,
settingDescriptionText: {
color: theme.colorFaded,
fontSize: theme.fontSizeSmaller,
flex: 1,
paddingLeft: theme.marginLeft,
paddingRight: theme.marginRight,
paddingBottom: theme.marginBottom,
permissionText: {
color: theme.color,
fontSize: theme.fontSize,
flex: 1,
marginTop: 10,
settingControl: {
color: theme.color,
flex: 1,
textInput: {
color: theme.color,
styles.settingContainerNoBottomBorder = Object.assign({}, styles.settingContainer, {
borderBottomWidth: 0,
paddingBottom: theme.marginBottom / 2,
styles.settingControl.borderBottomWidth = 1;
styles.settingControl.borderBottomColor = theme.dividerColor;
styles.switchSettingText = Object.assign({}, styles.settingText);
styles.switchSettingText.width = '80%';
styles.switchSettingContainer = Object.assign({}, styles.settingContainer);
styles.switchSettingContainer.flexDirection = 'row';
styles.switchSettingContainer.justifyContent = 'space-between';
styles.linkText = Object.assign({}, styles.settingText);
styles.linkText.borderBottomWidth = 1;
styles.linkText.borderBottomColor = theme.color;
styles.linkText.flex = 0;
styles.linkText.fontWeight = 'normal';
styles.headerWrapperStyle = Object.assign({}, styles.settingContainer, theme.headerWrapperStyle);
styles.switchSettingControl = Object.assign({}, styles.settingControl);
delete styles.switchSettingControl.color;
// styles.switchSettingControl.width = '20%';
styles.switchSettingControl.flex = 0;
this.styles_[themeId] = StyleSheet.create(styles);
return this.styles_[themeId];
private onHeaderLayout(key: string, event: any) {
const layout = event.nativeEvent.layout;
this.componentsY_[`header_${key}`] = layout.y;
private onSectionLayout(key: string, event: any) {
const layout = event.nativeEvent.layout;
this.componentsY_[`section_${key}`] = layout.y;
private componentY(key: string): number {
if ((`section_${key}`) in this.componentsY_) return this.componentsY_[`section_${key}`];
if ((`header_${key}`) in this.componentsY_) return this.componentsY_[`header_${key}`];
console.error(`ConfigScreen: Could not find key to scroll to: ${key}`);
return 0;
private handleBackButtonPress = (): boolean => {
const goBack = async () => {
await BackButtonService.back();
if (this.state.changedSettingKeys.length > 0) {
const dialogTitle: string|null = null;
_('There are unsaved changes.'),
text: _('Save changes'),
onPress: async () => {
await this.saveButton_press();
await goBack();
text: _('Discard changes'),
onPress: goBack,
return true;
return false;
public componentDidMount() {
if (this.props.navigation.state.sectionName) {
setTimeout(() => {
x: 0,
y: this.componentY(this.props.navigation.state.sectionName),
animated: true,
}, 200);
public componentWillUnmount() {
public renderHeader(key: string, title: string) {
const theme = themeStyle(this.props.themeId);
return (
<View key={key} style={this.styles().headerWrapperStyle} onLayout={(event: any) => this.onHeaderLayout(key, event)}>
<Text style={theme.headerStyle}>{title}</Text>
renderButton(key: string, title: string, clickHandler: ()=> void, options: any = null) {
if (!options) options = {};
let descriptionComp = null;
if (options.description) {
descriptionComp = (
<View style={{ flex: 1, marginTop: 10 }}>
<Text style={this.styles().descriptionText}>{options.description}</Text>
return (
<View key={key} style={this.styles().settingContainer}>
<View style={{ flex: 1, flexDirection: 'column' }}>
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<Button title={title} onPress={clickHandler} disabled={!!options.disabled} />
public sectionToComponent(key: string, section: any, settings: any) {
const settingComps = [];
for (let i = 0; i < section.metadatas.length; i++) {
const md = section.metadatas[i];
if (section.name === 'sync' && md.key === 'sync.resourceDownloadMode') {
const syncTargetMd = SyncTargetRegistry.idToMetadata(settings['sync.target']);
if (syncTargetMd.supportsConfigCheck) {
const messages = shared.checkSyncConfigMessages(this);
const statusComp = !messages.length ? null : (
<View style={{ flex: 1, marginTop: 10 }}>
<Text style={this.styles().descriptionText}>{messages[0]}</Text>
{messages.length >= 1 ? (
<View style={{ marginTop: 10 }}>
<Text style={this.styles().descriptionText}>{messages[1]}</Text>
) : null}
settingComps.push(this.renderButton('check_sync_config_button', _('Check synchronisation configuration'), this.checkSyncConfig_, { statusComp: statusComp }));
const settingComp = this.settingToComponent(md.key, settings[md.key]);
if (section.name === 'sync') {
settingComps.push(this.renderButton('e2ee_config_button', _('Encryption Config'), this.e2eeConfig_));
if (!settingComps.length) return null;
return (
<View key={key} onLayout={(event: any) => this.onSectionLayout(key, event)}>
{this.renderHeader(section.name, Setting.sectionNameToLabel(section.name))}
private renderToggle(key: string, label: string, value: any, updateSettingValue: Function, descriptionComp: any = null) {
const theme = themeStyle(this.props.themeId);
return (
<View key={key}>
<View style={this.containerStyle(false)}>
<Text key="label" style={this.styles().switchSettingText}>
<Switch key="control" style={this.styles().switchSettingControl} trackColor={{ false: theme.dividerColor }} value={value} onValueChange={(value: any) => void updateSettingValue(key, value)} />
private containerStyle(hasDescription: boolean): any {
return !hasDescription ? this.styles().settingContainer : this.styles().settingContainerNoBottomBorder;
private async handleSetting(key: string, value: any): Promise<boolean> {
// When the user tries to enable biometrics unlock, we ask for the
// fingerprint or Face ID, and if it's correct we save immediately. If
// it's not, we don't turn on the setting.
if (key === 'security.biometricsEnabled' && !!value) {
try {
await biometricAuthenticate();
shared.updateSettingValue(this, key, value, async () => await this.saveButton_press());
} catch (error) {
shared.updateSettingValue(this, key, false);
return true;
if (key === 'security.biometricsEnabled' && !value) {
shared.updateSettingValue(this, key, value, async () => await this.saveButton_press());
return true;
return false;
public settingToComponent(key: string, value: any) {
const themeId = this.props.themeId;
const theme = themeStyle(themeId);
const output: any = null;
const updateSettingValue = async (key: string, value: any) => {
const handled = await this.handleSetting(key, value);
if (!handled) shared.updateSettingValue(this, key, value);
const md = Setting.settingMetadata(key);
const settingDescription = md.description ? md.description() : '';
const descriptionComp = !settingDescription ? null : <Text style={this.styles().settingDescriptionText}>{settingDescription}</Text>;
const containerStyle = this.containerStyle(!!settingDescription);
if (md.isEnum) {
value = value.toString();
const items = Setting.enumOptionsToValueLabels(md.options(), md.optionsOrder ? md.optionsOrder() : []);
return (
<View key={key} style={{ flexDirection: 'column', borderBottomWidth: 1, borderBottomColor: theme.dividerColor }}>
<View style={containerStyle}>
<Text key="label" style={this.styles().settingText}>
backgroundColor: theme.backgroundColor,
color: theme.color,
fontSize: theme.fontSize,
color: theme.color,
fontSize: theme.fontSize,
onValueChange={(itemValue: string) => {
void updateSettingValue(key, itemValue);
} else if (md.type === Setting.TYPE_BOOL) {
return this.renderToggle(key, md.label(), value, updateSettingValue, descriptionComp);
// return (
// <View key={key}>
// <View style={containerStyle}>
// <Text key="label" style={this.styles().switchSettingText}>
// {md.label()}
// </Text>
// <Switch key="control" style={this.styles().switchSettingControl} trackColor={{ false: theme.dividerColor }} value={value} onValueChange={(value:any) => updateSettingValue(key, value)} />
// </View>
// {descriptionComp}
// </View>
// );
} else if (md.type === Setting.TYPE_INT) {
const unitLabel = md.unitLabel ? md.unitLabel(value) : value;
const minimum = 'minimum' in md ? md.minimum : 0;
const maximum = 'maximum' in md ? md.maximum : 10;
// Note: Do NOT add the minimumTrackTintColor and maximumTrackTintColor props
// on the Slider as they are buggy and can crash the app on certain devices.
// https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/2733
// https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-slider/issues/161
return (
<View key={key} style={this.styles().settingContainer}>
<Text key="label" style={this.styles().settingText}>
<View style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center', flex: 1 }}>
<Text style={this.styles().sliderUnits}>{unitLabel}</Text>
<Slider key="control" style={{ flex: 1 }} step={md.step} minimumValue={minimum} maximumValue={maximum} value={value} onValueChange={value => void updateSettingValue(key, value)} />
} else if (md.type === Setting.TYPE_STRING) {
if (md.key === 'sync.2.path' && shim.fsDriver().isUsingAndroidSAF()) {
return (
<TouchableNativeFeedback key={key} onPress={this.selectDirectoryButtonPress} style={this.styles().settingContainer}>
<View style={this.styles().settingContainer}>
<Text key="label" style={this.styles().settingText}>
<Text style={this.styles().settingControl}>
return (
<View key={key} style={this.styles().settingContainer}>
<Text key="label" style={this.styles().settingText}>
<TextInput autoCorrect={false} autoComplete="off" selectionColor={theme.textSelectionColor} keyboardAppearance={theme.keyboardAppearance} autoCapitalize="none" key="control" style={this.styles().settingControl} value={value} onChangeText={(value: any) => void updateSettingValue(key, value)} secureTextEntry={!!md.secure} />
} else {
// throw new Error('Unsupported setting type: ' + md.type);
return output;
private renderFeatureFlags(settings: any, featureFlagKeys: string[]): any[] {
const updateSettingValue = (key: string, value: any) => {
return shared.updateSettingValue(this, key, value);
const output: any[] = [];
for (const key of featureFlagKeys) {
output.push(this.renderToggle(key, key, settings[key], updateSettingValue));
return output;
public render() {
const settings = this.state.settings;
const theme = themeStyle(this.props.themeId);
const settingComps = shared.settingsToComponents2(this, 'mobile', settings);
settingComps.push(this.renderHeader('tools', _('Tools')));
settingComps.push(this.renderButton('profiles_buttons', _('Manage profiles'), this.manageProfilesButtonPress_));
settingComps.push(this.renderButton('status_button', _('Sync Status'), this.syncStatusButtonPress_));
settingComps.push(this.renderButton('log_button', _('Log'), this.logButtonPress_));
if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
settingComps.push(this.renderButton('export_report_button', this.state.creatingReport ? _('Creating report...') : _('Export Debug Report'), this.exportDebugButtonPress_, { disabled: this.state.creatingReport }));
settingComps.push(this.renderButton('fix_search_engine_index', this.state.fixingSearchIndex ? _('Fixing search index...') : _('Fix search index'), this.fixSearchEngineIndexButtonPress_, { disabled: this.state.fixingSearchIndex, description: _('Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.') }));
if (shim.mobilePlatform() === 'android') {
settingComps.push(this.renderButton('export_data', this.state.profileExportStatus === 'exporting' ? _('Exporting profile...') : _('Export profile'), this.exportProfileButtonPress_, { disabled: this.state.profileExportStatus === 'exporting', description: _('For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.') }));
if (this.state.profileExportStatus === 'prompt') {
const profileExportPrompt = (
<View style={this.styles().settingContainer} key="profileExport">
<Text style={{ ...this.styles().settingText, flex: 0 }}>Path:</Text>
<TextInput style={{ ...this.styles().textInput, paddingRight: 20, width: '75%', marginRight: 'auto' }} onChange={(event: any) => this.setState({ profileExportPath: event.nativeEvent.text })} value={this.state.profileExportPath} placeholder="/path/to/sdcard" keyboardAppearance={theme.keyboardAppearance} />
<Button title="OK" onPress={this.exportProfileButtonPress2_} />
const featureFlagKeys = Setting.featureFlagKeys(AppType.Mobile);
if (featureFlagKeys.length) {
settingComps.push(this.renderHeader('featureFlags', _('Feature flags')));
settingComps.push(<View key="featureFlagsContainer">{this.renderFeatureFlags(settings, featureFlagKeys)}</View>);
settingComps.push(this.renderHeader('moreInfo', _('More information')));
if (Platform.OS === 'android' && Platform.Version >= 23) {
// Note: `PermissionsAndroid` doesn't work so we have to ask the user to manually
// set these permissions. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49771084/permission-always-returns-never-ask-again
<View key="permission_info" style={this.styles().settingContainer}>
<View key="permission_info_wrapper">
<Text key="perm1a" style={this.styles().settingText}>
{_('To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions')}
<Text key="perm2" style={this.styles().permissionText}>
{_('- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.')}
<Text key="perm3" style={this.styles().permissionText}>
{_('- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.')}
<Text key="perm4" style={this.styles().permissionText}>
{_('- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.')}
<View key="donate_link" style={this.styles().settingContainer}>
onPress={() => {
void Linking.openURL('https://joplinapp.org/donate/');
<Text key="label" style={this.styles().linkText}>
{_('Make a donation')}
<View key="website_link" style={this.styles().settingContainer}>
onPress={() => {
void Linking.openURL('https://joplinapp.org/');
<Text key="label" style={this.styles().linkText}>
{_('Joplin website')}
<View key="privacy_link" style={this.styles().settingContainer}>
onPress={() => {
void Linking.openURL('https://joplinapp.org/privacy/');
<Text key="label" style={this.styles().linkText}>
{_('Privacy Policy')}
<View key="version_info_app" style={this.styles().settingContainer}>
<Text style={this.styles().settingText}>{`Joplin ${VersionInfo.appVersion}`}</Text>
<View key="version_info_db" style={this.styles().settingContainer}>
<Text style={this.styles().settingText}>{_('Database v%s', reg.db().version())}</Text>
<View key="version_info_fts" style={this.styles().settingContainer}>
<Text style={this.styles().settingText}>{_('FTS enabled: %d', this.props.settings['db.ftsEnabled'])}</Text>
<View key="version_info_hermes" style={this.styles().settingContainer}>
<Text style={this.styles().settingText}>{_('Hermes enabled: %d', (global as any).HermesInternal ? 1 : 0)}</Text>
return (
<View style={this.rootStyle(this.props.themeId).root}>
<ScreenHeader title={_('Configuration')} showSaveButton={true} showSearchButton={false} showSideMenuButton={false} saveButtonDisabled={!this.state.changedSettingKeys.length} onSaveButtonPress={this.saveButton_press} />
<ScrollView ref={this.scrollViewRef_}>{settingComps}</ScrollView>
const ConfigScreen = connect((state: State) => {
return {
settings: state.settings,
themeId: state.settings.theme,
export default ConfigScreen;