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synced 2025-02-01 19:15:01 +02:00
Co-authored-by: Helmut K. C. Tessarek <tessarek@evermeet.cx> Co-authored-by: Henry Heino <46334387+personalizedrefrigerator@users.noreply.github.com>
759 lines
20 KiB
759 lines
20 KiB
import {
Text as DocumentText, EditorSelection, SelectionRange, ChangeSpec, EditorState, Line, TransactionSpec,
} from '@codemirror/state';
import { getIndentUnit, syntaxTree } from '@codemirror/language';
import { SyntaxNodeRef } from '@lezer/common';
// pregQuote escapes text for usage in regular expressions
const { pregQuote } = require('@joplin/lib/string-utils-common');
// Length of the symbol that starts a block quote
const blockQuoteStartLen = '> '.length;
const blockQuoteRegex = /^>\s/;
// Specifies the update of a single selection region and its contents
type SelectionUpdate = { range: SelectionRange; changes?: ChangeSpec };
// Specifies how a to find the start/stop of a type of formatting
interface RegionMatchSpec {
start: RegExp;
end: RegExp;
// Describes a region's formatting
export interface RegionSpec {
// The name of the node corresponding to the region in the syntax tree
nodeName?: string;
// Text to be inserted before and after the region when toggling.
template: { start: string; end: string };
// How to identify the region
matcher: RegionMatchSpec;
export namespace RegionSpec { // eslint-disable-line no-redeclare
interface RegionSpecConfig {
nodeName?: string;
template: string | { start: string; end: string };
matcher?: RegionMatchSpec;
// Creates a new RegionSpec, given a simplified set of options.
// If [config.template] is a string, it is used as both the starting and ending
// templates.
// Similarly, if [config.matcher] is not given, a matcher is created based on
// [config.template].
export const of = (config: RegionSpecConfig): RegionSpec => {
let templateStart: string, templateEnd: string;
if (typeof config.template === 'string') {
templateStart = config.template;
templateEnd = config.template;
} else {
templateStart = config.template.start;
templateEnd = config.template.end;
const matcher: RegionMatchSpec =
config.matcher ?? matcherFromTemplate(templateStart, templateEnd);
return {
nodeName: config.nodeName,
template: { start: templateStart, end: templateEnd },
const matcherFromTemplate = (start: string, end: string): RegionMatchSpec => {
// See https://stackoverflow.com/a/30851002
const escapedStart = pregQuote(start);
const escapedEnd = pregQuote(end);
return {
start: new RegExp(escapedStart, 'g'),
end: new RegExp(escapedEnd, 'g'),
export enum MatchSide {
// Returns the length of a match for this in the given selection,
// -1 if no match is found.
export const findInlineMatch = (
doc: DocumentText, spec: RegionSpec, sel: SelectionRange, side: MatchSide,
): number => {
const [regex, template] = (() => {
if (side === MatchSide.Start) {
return [spec.matcher.start, spec.template.start];
} else {
return [spec.matcher.end, spec.template.end];
const [startIndex, endIndex] = (() => {
if (!sel.empty) {
return [sel.from, sel.to];
const bufferSize = template.length;
if (side === MatchSide.Start) {
return [sel.from - bufferSize, sel.to];
} else {
return [sel.from, sel.to + bufferSize];
const searchText = doc.sliceString(startIndex, endIndex);
// Returns true if [idx] is in the right place (the match is at
// the end of the string or the beginning based on startIndex/endIndex).
const indexSatisfies = (idx: number, len: number): boolean => {
idx += startIndex;
if (side === MatchSide.Start) {
return idx === startIndex;
} else {
return idx + len === endIndex;
// Enforce 'g' flag.
if (!regex.global) {
throw new Error('Regular expressions used by RegionSpec must have the global flag!');
// Search from the beginning.
regex.lastIndex = 0;
let foundMatch = null;
let match;
while ((match = regex.exec(searchText)) !== null) {
if (indexSatisfies(match.index, match[0].length)) {
foundMatch = match;
if (foundMatch) {
const matchLength = foundMatch[0].length;
const matchIndex = foundMatch.index;
// If the match isn't in the right place,
if (indexSatisfies(matchIndex, matchLength)) {
return matchLength;
return -1;
export const stripBlockquote = (line: Line): string => {
const match = line.text.match(blockQuoteRegex);
if (match) {
return line.text.substring(match[0].length);
return line.text;
export const tabsToSpaces = (state: EditorState, text: string): string => {
const chunks = text.split('\t');
const spaceLen = getIndentUnit(state);
let result = chunks[0];
for (let i = 1; i < chunks.length; i++) {
for (let j = result.length % spaceLen; j < spaceLen; j++) {
result += ' ';
result += chunks[i];
return result;
// Returns true iff [a] (an indentation string) is roughly equivalent to [b].
export const isIndentationEquivalent = (state: EditorState, a: string, b: string): boolean => {
// Consider sublists to be the same as their parent list if they have the same
// label plus or minus 1 space.
return Math.abs(tabsToSpaces(state, a).length - tabsToSpaces(state, b).length) <= 1;
// Expands and returns a copy of [sel] to the smallest container node with name in [nodeNames].
export const growSelectionToNode = (
state: EditorState, sel: SelectionRange, nodeNames: string|string[]|null,
): SelectionRange => {
if (!nodeNames) {
return sel;
const isAcceptableNode = (name: string): boolean => {
if (typeof nodeNames === 'string') {
return name === nodeNames;
for (const otherName of nodeNames) {
if (otherName === name) {
return true;
return false;
let newFrom = null;
let newTo = null;
let smallestLen = Infinity;
// Find the smallest range.
from: sel.from, to: sel.to,
enter: node => {
if (isAcceptableNode(node.name)) {
if (node.to - node.from < smallestLen) {
newFrom = node.from;
newTo = node.to;
smallestLen = newTo - newFrom;
// If it's in such a node,
if (newFrom !== null && newTo !== null) {
return EditorSelection.range(newFrom, newTo);
} else {
return sel;
// Toggles whether the given selection matches the inline region specified by [spec].
// For example, something similar to toggleSurrounded('**', '**') would surround
// every selection range with asterisks (including the caret).
// If the selection is already surrounded by these characters, they are
// removed.
const toggleInlineRegionSurrounded = (
doc: DocumentText, sel: SelectionRange, spec: RegionSpec,
): SelectionUpdate => {
let content = doc.sliceString(sel.from, sel.to);
const startMatchLen = findInlineMatch(doc, spec, sel, MatchSide.Start);
const endMatchLen = findInlineMatch(doc, spec, sel, MatchSide.End);
const startsWithBefore = startMatchLen >= 0;
const endsWithAfter = endMatchLen >= 0;
const changes = [];
let finalSelStart = sel.from;
let finalSelEnd = sel.to;
if (startsWithBefore && endsWithAfter) {
// Remove the before and after.
content = content.substring(startMatchLen);
content = content.substring(0, content.length - endMatchLen);
finalSelEnd -= startMatchLen + endMatchLen;
from: sel.from,
to: sel.to,
insert: content,
} else {
from: sel.from,
insert: spec.template.start,
from: sel.to,
insert: spec.template.start,
// If not a caret,
if (!sel.empty) {
// Select the surrounding chars.
finalSelEnd += spec.template.start.length + spec.template.end.length;
} else {
// Position the caret within the added content.
finalSelStart = sel.from + spec.template.start.length;
finalSelEnd = finalSelStart;
return {
range: EditorSelection.range(finalSelStart, finalSelEnd),
// Returns updated selections: For all selections in the given `EditorState`, toggles
// whether each is contained in an inline region of type [spec].
export const toggleInlineSelectionFormat = (
state: EditorState, spec: RegionSpec, sel: SelectionRange,
): SelectionUpdate => {
const endMatchLen = findInlineMatch(state.doc, spec, sel, MatchSide.End);
// If at the end of the region, move the
// caret to the end.
// E.g.
// **foobar|**
// **foobar**|
if (sel.empty && endMatchLen > -1) {
const newCursorPos = sel.from + endMatchLen;
return {
range: EditorSelection.cursor(newCursorPos),
// Grow the selection to encompass the entire node.
const newRange = growSelectionToNode(state, sel, spec.nodeName);
return toggleInlineRegionSurrounded(state.doc, newRange, spec);
// Like toggleInlineSelectionFormat, but for all selections in [state].
export const toggleInlineFormatGlobally = (
state: EditorState, spec: RegionSpec,
): TransactionSpec => {
const changes = state.changeByRange((sel: SelectionRange) => {
return toggleInlineSelectionFormat(state, spec, sel);
return changes;
// Toggle formatting in a region, applying block formatting
export const toggleRegionFormatGlobally = (
state: EditorState,
inlineSpec: RegionSpec,
blockSpec: RegionSpec,
): TransactionSpec => {
const doc = state.doc;
const preserveBlockQuotes = true;
const getMatchEndPoints = (
match: RegExpMatchArray, line: Line, inBlockQuote: boolean,
): [startIdx: number, stopIdx: number] => {
const startIdx = line.from + match.index;
let stopIdx;
// Don't treat '> ' as part of the line's content if we're in a blockquote.
let contentLength = line.text.length;
if (inBlockQuote && preserveBlockQuotes) {
contentLength -= blockQuoteStartLen;
// If it matches the entire line, remove the newline character.
if (match[0].length === contentLength) {
stopIdx = line.to + 1;
} else {
stopIdx = startIdx + match[0].length;
// Take into account the extra '> ' characters, if necessary
if (inBlockQuote && preserveBlockQuotes) {
stopIdx += blockQuoteStartLen;
stopIdx = Math.min(stopIdx, doc.length);
return [startIdx, stopIdx];
// Returns a change spec that converts an inline region to a block region
// only if the user's cursor is in an empty inline region.
// For example,
// $|$ -> $$\n|\n$$ where | represents the cursor.
const handleInlineToBlockConversion = (sel: SelectionRange) => {
if (!sel.empty) {
return null;
const startMatchLen = findInlineMatch(doc, inlineSpec, sel, MatchSide.Start);
const stopMatchLen = findInlineMatch(doc, inlineSpec, sel, MatchSide.End);
if (startMatchLen >= 0 && stopMatchLen >= 0) {
const fromLine = doc.lineAt(sel.from);
const inBlockQuote = fromLine.text.match(blockQuoteRegex);
let lineStartStr = '\n';
if (inBlockQuote && preserveBlockQuotes) {
lineStartStr = '\n> ';
const inlineStart = sel.from - startMatchLen;
const inlineStop = sel.from + stopMatchLen;
// Determine the text that starts the new block (e.g. \n$$\n for
// a math block).
let blockStart = `${blockSpec.template.start}${lineStartStr}`;
if (fromLine.from !== inlineStart) {
// Add a line before to put the start of the block
// on its own line.
blockStart = lineStartStr + blockStart;
return {
changes: [
from: inlineStart,
to: inlineStop,
insert: `${blockStart}${lineStartStr}${blockSpec.template.end}`,
range: EditorSelection.cursor(inlineStart + blockStart.length),
return null;
const changes = state.changeByRange((sel: SelectionRange) => {
const blockConversion = handleInlineToBlockConversion(sel);
if (blockConversion) {
return blockConversion;
// If we're in the block version, grow the selection to cover the entire region.
sel = growSelectionToNode(state, sel, blockSpec.nodeName);
const fromLine = doc.lineAt(sel.from);
const toLine = doc.lineAt(sel.to);
let fromLineText = fromLine.text;
let toLineText = toLine.text;
let charsAdded = 0;
const changes = [];
// Single line: Inline toggle.
if (fromLine.number === toLine.number) {
return toggleInlineSelectionFormat(state, inlineSpec, sel);
// Are all lines in a block quote?
let inBlockQuote = true;
for (let i = fromLine.number; i <= toLine.number; i++) {
const line = doc.line(i);
if (!line.text.match(blockQuoteRegex)) {
inBlockQuote = false;
// Ignore block quote characters if in a block quote.
if (inBlockQuote && preserveBlockQuotes) {
fromLineText = fromLineText.substring(blockQuoteStartLen);
toLineText = toLineText.substring(blockQuoteStartLen);
// Otherwise, we're toggling the block version
const startMatch = blockSpec.matcher.start.exec(fromLineText);
const stopMatch = blockSpec.matcher.end.exec(toLineText);
if (startMatch && stopMatch) {
// Get start and stop indices for the starting and ending matches
const [fromMatchFrom, fromMatchTo] = getMatchEndPoints(startMatch, fromLine, inBlockQuote);
const [toMatchFrom, toMatchTo] = getMatchEndPoints(stopMatch, toLine, inBlockQuote);
// Delete content of the first line
from: fromMatchFrom,
to: fromMatchTo,
charsAdded -= fromMatchTo - fromMatchFrom;
// Delete content of the last line
from: toMatchFrom,
to: toMatchTo,
charsAdded -= toMatchTo - toMatchFrom;
} else {
let insertBefore, insertAfter;
if (inBlockQuote && preserveBlockQuotes) {
insertBefore = `> ${blockSpec.template.start}\n`;
insertAfter = `\n> ${blockSpec.template.end}`;
} else {
insertBefore = `${blockSpec.template.start}\n`;
insertAfter = `\n${blockSpec.template.end}`;
from: fromLine.from,
insert: insertBefore,
from: toLine.to,
insert: insertAfter,
charsAdded += insertBefore.length + insertAfter.length;
return {
// Selection should now encompass all lines that were changed.
range: EditorSelection.range(
fromLine.from, toLine.to + charsAdded,
return changes;
// Toggles whether all lines in the user's selection start with [regex].
export const toggleSelectedLinesStartWith = (
state: EditorState,
regex: RegExp,
template: string,
matchEmpty: boolean,
// Name associated with what [regex] matches (e.g. FencedCode)
nodeName?: string,
): TransactionSpec => {
const ignoreBlockQuotes = true;
const getLineContentStart = (line: Line): number => {
if (!ignoreBlockQuotes) {
return line.from;
const blockQuoteMatch = line.text.match(blockQuoteRegex);
if (blockQuoteMatch) {
return line.from + blockQuoteMatch[0].length;
return line.from;
const getLineContent = (line: Line): string => {
const contentStart = getLineContentStart(line);
return line.text.substring(contentStart - line.from);
const changes = state.changeByRange((sel: SelectionRange) => {
// Attempt to select all lines in the region
if (nodeName && sel.empty) {
sel = growSelectionToNode(state, sel, nodeName);
const doc = state.doc;
const fromLine = doc.lineAt(sel.from);
const toLine = doc.lineAt(sel.to);
let hasProp = false;
let charsAdded = 0;
const changes = [];
const lines = [];
for (let i = fromLine.number; i <= toLine.number; i++) {
const line = doc.line(i);
const text = getLineContent(line);
// If already matching [regex],
if (text.search(regex) === 0) {
hasProp = true;
for (const line of lines) {
const text = getLineContent(line);
const contentFrom = getLineContentStart(line);
// Only process if the line is non-empty.
if (!matchEmpty && text.trim().length === 0
// Treat the first line differently
&& fromLine.number < line.number) {
if (hasProp) {
const match = text.match(regex);
if (!match) {
from: contentFrom,
to: contentFrom + match[0].length,
insert: '',
charsAdded -= match[0].length;
} else {
from: contentFrom,
insert: template,
charsAdded += template.length;
// If the selection is empty and a single line was changed, don't grow it.
// (user might be adding a list/header, in which case, selecting the just
// added text isn't helpful)
let newSel;
if (sel.empty && fromLine.number === toLine.number) {
const regionEnd = toLine.to + charsAdded;
newSel = EditorSelection.cursor(regionEnd);
} else {
newSel = EditorSelection.range(fromLine.from, toLine.to + charsAdded);
return {
// Selection should now encompass all lines that were changed.
range: newSel,
return changes;
// Ensures that ordered lists within [sel] are numbered in ascending order.
export const renumberSelectedLists = (state: EditorState): TransactionSpec => {
const doc = state.doc;
const listItemRegex = /^(\s*)(\d+)\.\s?/;
// Re-numbers ordered lists and sublists with numbers on each line in [linesToHandle]
const handleLines = (linesToHandle: Line[]) => {
const changes: ChangeSpec[] = [];
type ListItemRecord = {
nextListNumber: number;
indentationLength: number;
const listNumberStack: ListItemRecord[] = [];
let currentGroupIndentation = '';
let nextListNumber = 1;
let prevLineNumber;
for (const line of linesToHandle) {
// Don't re-handle lines.
if (line.number === prevLineNumber) {
prevLineNumber = line.number;
const filteredText = stripBlockquote(line);
const match = filteredText.match(listItemRegex);
// Skip lines that aren't the correct type (e.g. blank lines)
if (!match) {
const indentation = match[1];
const indentationLen = tabsToSpaces(state, indentation).length;
let targetIndentLen = tabsToSpaces(state, currentGroupIndentation).length;
if (targetIndentLen < indentationLen) {
listNumberStack.push({ nextListNumber, indentationLength: indentationLen });
nextListNumber = 1;
} else if (targetIndentLen > indentationLen) {
nextListNumber = parseInt(match[2], 10);
// Handle the case where we deindent multiple times. For example,
// 1. test
// 1. test
// 1. test
// 2. test
while (targetIndentLen > indentationLen) {
const listNumberRecord = listNumberStack.pop();
if (!listNumberRecord) {
} else {
targetIndentLen = listNumberRecord.indentationLength;
nextListNumber = listNumberRecord.nextListNumber;
if (targetIndentLen !== indentationLen) {
currentGroupIndentation = indentation;
const from = line.to - filteredText.length;
const to = from + match[0].length;
const inserted = `${indentation}${nextListNumber}. `;
insert: inserted,
return changes;
// Find all selected lists
const selectedListRanges: SelectionRange[] = [];
for (const selection of state.selection.ranges) {
const listLines: Line[] = [];
from: selection.from,
to: selection.to,
enter: (nodeRef: SyntaxNodeRef) => {
if (nodeRef.name === 'ListItem') {
for (const node of nodeRef.node.parent.getChildren('ListItem')) {
const line = doc.lineAt(node.from);
const filteredText = stripBlockquote(line);
const match = filteredText.match(listItemRegex);
if (match) {
listLines.sort((a, b) => a.number - b.number);
if (listLines.length > 0) {
const fromLine = listLines[0];
const toLine = listLines[listLines.length - 1];
EditorSelection.range(fromLine.from, toLine.to),
const changes: ChangeSpec[] = [];
if (selectedListRanges.length > 0) {
// Use EditorSelection.create to merge overlapping lists
const listsToHandle = EditorSelection.create(selectedListRanges).ranges;
for (const listSelection of listsToHandle) {
const lines = [];
const startLine = doc.lineAt(listSelection.from);
const endLine = doc.lineAt(listSelection.to);
for (let i = startLine.number; i <= endLine.number; i++) {
return {