mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:32:30 +02:00
247 lines
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247 lines
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import ResourceEditWatcher from '@joplin/lib/services/ResourceEditWatcher/index';
import { _ } from '@joplin/lib/locale';
import { copyHtmlToClipboard } from './clipboardUtils';
import bridge from '../../../services/bridge';
import { ContextMenuItemType, ContextMenuOptions, ContextMenuItems, resourceInfo, textToDataUri, svgUriToPng, svgDimensions } from './contextMenuUtils';
const Menu = bridge().Menu;
const MenuItem = bridge().MenuItem;
import Resource, { resourceOcrStatusToString } from '@joplin/lib/models/Resource';
import BaseItem from '@joplin/lib/models/BaseItem';
import BaseModel, { ModelType } from '@joplin/lib/BaseModel';
import { processPastedHtml } from './resourceHandling';
import { NoteEntity, ResourceEntity, ResourceOcrStatus } from '@joplin/lib/services/database/types';
import { TinyMceEditorEvents } from '../NoteBody/TinyMCE/utils/types';
import { itemIsReadOnlySync, ItemSlice } from '@joplin/lib/models/utils/readOnly';
import Setting from '@joplin/lib/models/Setting';
import ItemChange from '@joplin/lib/models/ItemChange';
import { HtmlToMarkdownHandler, MarkupToHtmlHandler } from './types';
import shim from '@joplin/lib/shim';
import { openFileWithExternalEditor } from '@joplin/lib/services/ExternalEditWatcher/utils';
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const { writeFile } = require('fs-extra');
const { clipboard } = require('electron');
const { toSystemSlashes } = require('@joplin/lib/path-utils');
function handleCopyToClipboard(options: ContextMenuOptions) {
if (options.textToCopy) {
} else if (options.htmlToCopy) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied
async function saveFileData(data: any, filename: string) {
const newFilePath = await bridge().showSaveDialog({ defaultPath: filename });
if (!newFilePath) return;
await writeFile(newFilePath, data);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types -- Old code before rule was applied
export async function openItemById(itemId: string, dispatch: Function, hash = '') {
const item = await BaseItem.loadItemById(itemId);
if (!item) throw new Error(`No item with ID ${itemId}`);
if (item.type_ === BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE) {
const resource = item as ResourceEntity;
const localState = await Resource.localState(resource);
if (localState.fetch_status !== Resource.FETCH_STATUS_DONE || !!resource.encryption_blob_encrypted) {
if (localState.fetch_status === Resource.FETCH_STATUS_ERROR) {
bridge().showErrorMessageBox(`${_('There was an error downloading this attachment:')}\n\n${localState.fetch_error}`);
} else {
bridge().showErrorMessageBox(_('This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet'));
try {
if (itemIsReadOnlySync(ModelType.Resource, ItemChange.SOURCE_UNSPECIFIED, resource as ItemSlice, Setting.value('sync.userId'), BaseItem.syncShareCache)) {
await ResourceEditWatcher.instance().openAsReadOnly(resource.id);
} else {
await ResourceEditWatcher.instance().openAndWatch(resource.id);
} catch (error) {
} else if (item.type_ === BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE) {
const note = item as NoteEntity;
folderId: note.parent_id,
noteId: note.id,
} else {
throw new Error(`Unsupported item type: ${item.type_}`);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types -- Old code before rule was applied
export function menuItems(dispatch: Function, htmlToMd: HtmlToMarkdownHandler, mdToHtml: MarkupToHtmlHandler): ContextMenuItems {
return {
open: {
label: _('Open...'),
onAction: async (options: ContextMenuOptions) => {
await openItemById(options.resourceId, dispatch);
isActive: (itemType: ContextMenuItemType, options: ContextMenuOptions) => !options.textToCopy && (itemType === ContextMenuItemType.Image || itemType === ContextMenuItemType.Resource),
saveAs: {
label: _('Save as...'),
onAction: async (options: ContextMenuOptions) => {
const { resourcePath, resource } = await resourceInfo(options);
const filePath = await bridge().showSaveDialog({
defaultPath: resource.filename ? resource.filename : resource.title,
if (!filePath) return;
await fs.copy(resourcePath, filePath);
// We handle images received as text separately as it can be saved in multiple formats
isActive: (itemType: ContextMenuItemType, options: ContextMenuOptions) => !options.textToCopy && (itemType === ContextMenuItemType.Image || itemType === ContextMenuItemType.Resource),
saveAsSvg: {
label: _('Save as %s', 'SVG'),
onAction: async (options: ContextMenuOptions) => {
await saveFileData(options.textToCopy, options.filename);
isActive: (itemType: ContextMenuItemType, options: ContextMenuOptions) => !!options.textToCopy && itemType === ContextMenuItemType.Image && options.mime?.startsWith('image/svg'),
saveAsPng: {
label: _('Save as %s', 'PNG'),
onAction: async (options: ContextMenuOptions) => {
// First convert it to png then save
if (options.mime !== 'image/svg+xml') {
throw new Error(`Unsupported image type: ${options.mime}`);
if (!options.filename) {
throw new Error('Filename is needed to save as png');
// double dimensions to make sure it's always big enough even on hdpi screens
const [width, height] = svgDimensions(document, options.textToCopy).map((x: number) => x * 2 || undefined);
const dataUri = textToDataUri(options.textToCopy, options.mime);
const png = await svgUriToPng(document, dataUri, width, height);
const filename = options.filename.replace('.svg', '.png');
await saveFileData(png, filename);
isActive: (itemType: ContextMenuItemType, options: ContextMenuOptions) => !!options.textToCopy && itemType === ContextMenuItemType.Image && options.mime?.startsWith('image/svg'),
revealInFolder: {
label: _('Reveal file in folder'),
onAction: async (options: ContextMenuOptions) => {
const { resourcePath } = await resourceInfo(options);
isActive: (itemType: ContextMenuItemType, options: ContextMenuOptions) => !options.textToCopy && itemType === ContextMenuItemType.Image || itemType === ContextMenuItemType.Resource,
copyOcrText: {
label: _('View OCR text'),
onAction: async (options: ContextMenuOptions) => {
const { resource } = await resourceInfo(options);
if (resource.ocr_status === ResourceOcrStatus.Done) {
const tempFilePath = `${Setting.value('tempDir')}/${resource.id}_ocr.txt`;
await shim.fsDriver().writeFile(tempFilePath, resource.ocr_text, 'utf8');
await openFileWithExternalEditor(tempFilePath, bridge());
} else {
bridge().showInfoMessageBox(_('This attachment does not have OCR data (Status: %s)', resourceOcrStatusToString(resource.ocr_status)));
isActive: (itemType: ContextMenuItemType, _options: ContextMenuOptions) => itemType === ContextMenuItemType.Resource,
copyPathToClipboard: {
label: _('Copy path to clipboard'),
onAction: async (options: ContextMenuOptions) => {
let path = '';
if (options.textToCopy && options.mime) {
path = textToDataUri(options.textToCopy, options.mime);
} else {
const { resourcePath } = await resourceInfo(options);
if (resourcePath) path = toSystemSlashes(resourcePath);
if (!path) return;
isActive: (itemType: ContextMenuItemType) => itemType === ContextMenuItemType.Image || itemType === ContextMenuItemType.Resource,
copyImage: {
label: _('Copy image'),
onAction: async (options: ContextMenuOptions) => {
const { resourcePath } = await resourceInfo(options);
const image = bridge().createImageFromPath(resourcePath);
isActive: (itemType: ContextMenuItemType, options: ContextMenuOptions) => !options.textToCopy && itemType === ContextMenuItemType.Image,
cut: {
label: _('Cut'),
onAction: async (options: ContextMenuOptions) => {
isActive: (itemType: ContextMenuItemType, options: ContextMenuOptions) => itemType !== ContextMenuItemType.Image && (!options.isReadOnly && (!!options.textToCopy || !!options.htmlToCopy)),
copy: {
label: _('Copy'),
onAction: async (options: ContextMenuOptions) => {
isActive: (itemType: ContextMenuItemType, options: ContextMenuOptions) => itemType !== ContextMenuItemType.Image && (!!options.textToCopy || !!options.htmlToCopy),
paste: {
label: _('Paste'),
onAction: async (options: ContextMenuOptions) => {
const pastedHtml = clipboard.readHTML();
let content = pastedHtml ? pastedHtml : clipboard.readText();
if (pastedHtml) {
content = await processPastedHtml(pastedHtml, htmlToMd, mdToHtml);
isActive: (_itemType: ContextMenuItemType, options: ContextMenuOptions) => !options.isReadOnly && (!!clipboard.readText() || !!clipboard.readHTML()),
pasteAsText: {
label: _('Paste as text'),
onAction: async (options: ContextMenuOptions) => {
isActive: (_itemType: ContextMenuItemType, options: ContextMenuOptions) => !options.isReadOnly && (!!clipboard.readText() || !!clipboard.readHTML()),
copyLinkUrl: {
label: _('Copy Link Address'),
onAction: async (options: ContextMenuOptions) => {
clipboard.writeText(options.linkToCopy !== null ? options.linkToCopy : options.textToCopy);
isActive: (itemType: ContextMenuItemType, options: ContextMenuOptions) => itemType === ContextMenuItemType.Link || !!options.linkToCopy,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types -- Old code before rule was applied
export default async function contextMenu(options: ContextMenuOptions, dispatch: Function) {
const menu = new Menu();
const items = menuItems(dispatch, options.htmlToMd, options.mdToHtml);
if (!('readyOnly' in options)) options.isReadOnly = true;
for (const itemKey in items) {
const item = items[itemKey];
if (!item.isActive(options.itemType, options)) continue;
menu.append(new MenuItem({
label: item.label,
click: () => {
return menu;