mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 14:09:55 +02:00
202 lines
6.7 KiB
202 lines
6.7 KiB
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const { execCommand, rootDir } = require('./tool-utils.js');
const md5File = require('md5-file');
const glob = require('glob');
const clipperDir = `${rootDir}/packages/app-clipper`;
const tmpSourceDirName = 'Clipper-source';
async function copyDir(baseSourceDir, sourcePath, baseDestDir) {
await fs.mkdirp(`${baseDestDir}/${sourcePath}`);
await fs.copy(`${baseSourceDir}/${sourcePath}`, `${baseDestDir}/${sourcePath}`);
async function copyToDist(distDir) {
await copyDir(clipperDir, 'popup/build', distDir);
await copyDir(clipperDir, 'content_scripts', distDir);
await copyDir(clipperDir, 'icons', distDir);
await fs.copy(`${clipperDir}/background.js`, `${distDir}/background.js`);
await fs.copy(`${clipperDir}/manifest.json`, `${distDir}/manifest.json`);
await fs.remove(`${distDir}/popup/build/manifest.json`);
async function updateManifestVersionNumber(manifestPath) {
const manifestText = await fs.readFile(manifestPath, 'utf-8');
const manifest = JSON.parse(manifestText);
const v = manifest.version.split('.');
const buildNumber = Number(v.pop()) + 1;
manifest.version = v.join('.');
console.info(`New version: ${manifest.version}`);
await fs.writeFile(manifestPath, JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 4));
return manifest.version;
async function createSourceZip() {
const tmpSourceDir = `${__dirname}/../${tmpSourceDirName}`;
const filename = 'joplin-webclipper-source.zip';
const filePath = `${clipperDir}/dist/${filename}`;
console.info('Creating source tarball for code validation...');
console.info(`Chdir: ${clipperDir}/..`);
console.info(await execCommand(`rm -f "${filePath}"`));
console.info(await execCommand(`rsync -a --delete --exclude 'node_modules/' --exclude 'build/' --exclude 'dist/' "${clipperDir}/" "${tmpSourceDir}/"`));
console.info(await execCommand(`7z a -tzip ${filename} "${tmpSourceDirName}"`));
console.info(await execCommand(`mv ${filename} "${clipperDir}/dist/" && rm -rf "${tmpSourceDirName}"`));
return filePath;
async function compareFiles(path1, path2) {
return await md5File(path1) === await md5File(path2);
async function compareDir(dir1, dir2) {
console.info(`Comparing directories ${dir1} to ${dir2}`);
const globOptions = {
ignore: [
const filterFiles = (f) => {
const stat = fs.statSync(f);
return !stat.isDirectory();
const files1 = glob.sync(`${dir1}/**/*`, globOptions).filter(filterFiles).map(f => f.substr(dir1.length + 1));
const files2 = glob.sync(`${dir2}/**/*`, globOptions).filter(filterFiles).map(f => f.substr(dir2.length + 1));
const missingFiles1 = [];
const missingFiles2 = [];
const canBeMissing1 = [];
const canBeMissing2 = ['manifest.json'];
const differentFiles = [];
for (const f of files1) {
if (!files2.includes(f)) {
if (canBeMissing2.includes(f)) continue;
const sameFiles = await compareFiles(`${dir1}/${f}`, `${dir2}/${f}`);
if (!sameFiles) differentFiles.push(f);
for (const f of files2) {
if (!files1.includes(f)) {
if (canBeMissing1.includes(f)) continue;
if (missingFiles1.length) console.info(`Missing from ${dir1}:`, missingFiles1);
if (missingFiles2.length) console.info(`Missing from ${dir2}:`, missingFiles2);
if (differentFiles.length) console.info(`Different files: ${differentFiles}`);
if (!differentFiles.length && !missingFiles1.length && !missingFiles2.length) {
console.info('All files are equal');
return true;
return false;
async function checkSourceZip(sourceZip, compiledZip) {
const tmpDir = `${require('os').tmpdir()}/${Date.now()}`;
console.info(`Checking source ZIP in ${tmpDir}`);
const sourceDir = `${tmpDir}/source`;
const compiledDir = `${tmpDir}/compiled`;
await fs.mkdirp(sourceDir);
await fs.mkdirp(compiledDir);
console.info(await execCommand(`cp "${sourceZip}" .`));
console.info(await execCommand(`unzip "${sourceZip}"`));
console.info(await execCommand('npm install'));
console.info(await execCommand(`cp "${compiledZip}" .`));
console.info(await execCommand(`unzip "${compiledZip}"`));
const areEqual = await compareDir(`${sourceDir}/Clipper-source/popup/build`, `${compiledDir}/popup/build`);
if (areEqual) {
await fs.remove(sourceDir);
await fs.remove(compiledDir);
async function main() {
console.info(await execCommand('git pull'));
const newVersion = await updateManifestVersionNumber(`${clipperDir}/manifest.json`);
console.info('Building extension...');
// SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK avoids the error "There might be a problem with the project dependency tree." due to eslint 5.12.0 being
// installed by CRA and 6.1.0 by us. It doesn't affect anything though, and the behaviour of the preflight
// check is buggy so we can ignore it.
console.info(await execCommand(`rm -rf ${clipperDir}/popup/build`));
console.info(await execCommand('npm run build'));
const dists = {
chrome: {
removeManifestKeys: (manifest) => {
manifest = { ...manifest };
delete manifest.applications;
return manifest;
firefox: {
removeManifestKeys: (manifest) => {
manifest = { ...manifest };
delete manifest.background.persistent;
return manifest;
for (const distName in dists) {
const dist = dists[distName];
const distDir = `${clipperDir}/dist/${distName}`;
await fs.remove(distDir);
await fs.mkdirp(distDir);
await copyToDist(distDir);
const manifestText = await fs.readFile(`${distDir}/manifest.json`, 'utf-8');
let manifest = JSON.parse(manifestText);
manifest.name = 'Joplin Web Clipper';
if (dist.removeManifestKeys) manifest = dist.removeManifestKeys(manifest);
await fs.writeFile(`${distDir}/manifest.json`, JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 4));
console.info(await execCommand(`rm -f "${distName}.zip"`));
console.info(await execCommand(`7z a -tzip ${distName}.zip *`));
console.info(await execCommand(`mv ${distName}.zip ..`));
dists[distName].outputPath = `${clipperDir}/dist/${distName}.zip`;
const sourceZip = await createSourceZip();
await checkSourceZip(sourceZip, dists.firefox.outputPath);
console.info(await execCommand('git add -A'));
console.info(await execCommand(`git commit -m "Clipper release v${newVersion}"`));
console.info(await execCommand(`git tag clipper-${newVersion}`));
console.info(await execCommand('git push'));
console.info(await execCommand('git push --tags'));
main().catch((error) => {
console.error('Fatal error');