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synced 2025-03-03 15:32:30 +02:00
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#!/usr/bin/env node
import * as fs from 'fs-extra';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as process from 'process';
import validatePluginId from '@joplin/lib/services/plugins/utils/validatePluginId';
import { execCommand2, resolveRelativePathWithinDir, gitPullTry, gitRepoCleanTry, gitRepoClean } from '@joplin/tools/tool-utils.js';
import checkIfPluginCanBeAdded from './lib/checkIfPluginCanBeAdded';
import updateReadme from './lib/updateReadme';
import { ImportErrors, NpmPackage } from './lib/types';
import errorsHaveChanged from './lib/errorsHaveChanged';
import gitCompareUrl from './lib/gitCompareUrl';
function stripOffPackageOrg(name: string): string {
const n = name.split('/');
if (n[0][0] === '@') n.splice(0, 1);
return n.join('/');
function isJoplinPluginPackage(pack: any): boolean {
if (!pack.keywords || !pack.keywords.includes('joplin-plugin')) return false;
if (stripOffPackageOrg(pack.name).indexOf('joplin-plugin') !== 0) return false;
return true;
function pluginInfoFromSearchResults(results: any[]): NpmPackage[] {
const output: NpmPackage[] = [];
for (const r of results) {
if (!isJoplinPluginPackage(r)) continue;
name: r.name,
version: r.version,
date: new Date(r.date),
return output;
async function checkPluginRepository(dirPath: string) {
if (!(await fs.pathExists(dirPath))) throw new Error(`No plugin repository at: ${dirPath}`);
if (!(await fs.pathExists(`${dirPath}/.git`))) throw new Error(`Directory is not a Git repository: ${dirPath}`);
const previousDir = chdir(dirPath);
await gitRepoCleanTry();
await gitPullTry();
async function readJsonFile(manifestPath: string, defaultValue: any = null): Promise<any> {
if (!(await fs.pathExists(manifestPath))) {
if (defaultValue === null) throw new Error(`No such file: ${manifestPath}`);
return defaultValue;
const content = await fs.readFile(manifestPath, 'utf8');
return JSON.parse(content);
async function extractPluginFilesFromPackage(existingManifests: any, workDir: string, packageName: string, destDir: string): Promise<any> {
const previousDir = chdir(workDir);
await execCommand2(`npm install ${packageName} --save --ignore-scripts`, { showOutput: false });
const pluginDir = resolveRelativePathWithinDir(workDir, 'node_modules', packageName, 'publish');
const files = await fs.readdir(pluginDir);
const manifestFilePath = path.resolve(pluginDir, files.find((f: any) => path.extname(f) === '.json'));
const pluginFilePath = path.resolve(pluginDir, files.find((f: any) => path.extname(f) === '.jpl'));
if (!(await fs.pathExists(manifestFilePath))) throw new Error(`Could not find manifest file at ${manifestFilePath}`);
if (!(await fs.pathExists(pluginFilePath))) throw new Error(`Could not find plugin file at ${pluginFilePath}`);
// At this point, we need to check the manifest ID as it's used in various
// places including as directory name and object key in manifests.json, so
// it needs to be correct. It's mostly for security reasons. The other
// manifest properties are checked when the plugin is loaded into the app.
const manifest = await readJsonFile(manifestFilePath);
manifest._npm_package_name = packageName;
checkIfPluginCanBeAdded(existingManifests, manifest);
const pluginDestDir = resolveRelativePathWithinDir(destDir, manifest.id);
await fs.mkdirp(pluginDestDir);
await fs.writeFile(path.resolve(pluginDestDir, 'manifest.json'), JSON.stringify(manifest, null, '\t'), 'utf8');
await fs.copy(pluginFilePath, path.resolve(pluginDestDir, 'plugin.jpl'));
return manifest;
interface CommandBuildArgs {
pluginRepoDir: string;
enum ProcessingActionType {
Add = 1,
Update = 2,
function commitMessage(actionType: ProcessingActionType, manifest: any, previousManifest: any, npmPackage: NpmPackage, error: any): string {
const output: string[] = [];
if (!error) {
if (actionType === ProcessingActionType.Add) {
} else {
} else {
output.push(`Error: ${npmPackage.name}@${npmPackage.version}`);
const compareUrl = gitCompareUrl(manifest, previousManifest);
return output.join(': ') + (compareUrl ? `\n\n${compareUrl}` : '');
function pluginManifestsPath(repoDir: string): string {
return path.resolve(repoDir, 'manifests.json');
async function readManifests(repoDir: string): Promise<any> {
return readJsonFile(pluginManifestsPath(repoDir), {});
async function writeManifests(repoDir: string, manifests: any) {
await fs.writeFile(pluginManifestsPath(repoDir), JSON.stringify(manifests, null, '\t'), 'utf8');
function chdir(path: string): string {
const previous = process.cwd();
try {
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`Could not chdir to path: ${path}`);
return previous;
async function processNpmPackage(npmPackage: NpmPackage, repoDir: string) {
const tempDir = `${repoDir}/temp`;
const obsoleteManifestsPath = path.resolve(repoDir, 'obsoletes.json');
const errorsPath = path.resolve(repoDir, 'errors.json');
await fs.mkdirp(tempDir);
const originalPluginManifests = await readManifests(repoDir);
const obsoleteManifests = await readJsonFile(obsoleteManifestsPath, {});
const existingManifests = {
const packageTempDir = `${tempDir}/packages`;
await fs.mkdirp(packageTempDir);
await execCommand2('npm init --yes --loglevel silent', { quiet: true });
const errors: ImportErrors = await readJsonFile(errorsPath, {});
delete errors[npmPackage.name];
let actionType: ProcessingActionType = ProcessingActionType.Update;
let manifests: any = {};
let manifest: any = {};
let error: any = null;
let previousManifest: any = null;
try {
const destDir = `${repoDir}/plugins/`;
manifest = await extractPluginFilesFromPackage(existingManifests, packageTempDir, npmPackage.name, destDir);
if (!existingManifests[manifest.id]) {
actionType = ProcessingActionType.Add;
if (!obsoleteManifests[manifest.id]) {
previousManifest = { ...manifests[manifest.id] };
manifests[manifest.id] = manifest;
} catch (e) {
errors[npmPackage.name] = e.message || '';
error = e;
if (Object.keys(errors).length) {
if (errorsHaveChanged(await readJsonFile(errorsPath, {}), errors)) {
await fs.writeFile(errorsPath, JSON.stringify(errors, null, '\t'), 'utf8');
} else {
await fs.remove(errorsPath);
if (!error) {
// We preserve the original manifests so that if a plugin has been removed
// from npm, we still keep it. It's also a security feature - it means that
// if a plugin is removed from npm, it's not possible to highjack it by
// creating a new npm package with the same plugin ID.
manifests = {
await writeManifests(repoDir, manifests);
await updateReadme(`${repoDir}/README.md`, manifests);
await fs.remove(tempDir);
if (!(await gitRepoClean())) {
await execCommand2('git add -A', { showOutput: false });
await execCommand2(['git', 'commit', '-m', commitMessage(actionType, manifest, previousManifest, npmPackage, error)], { showOutput: false });
} else {
console.info('Nothing to commit');
async function commandBuild(args: CommandBuildArgs) {
console.info(new Date(), 'Building repository...');
const repoDir = args.pluginRepoDir;
await checkPluginRepository(repoDir);
// When starting, always update and commit README, in case something has
// been updated via a pull request (for example obsoletes.json being
// modified). We do that separately so that the README update doesn't get
// mixed up with plugin updates, as in this example:
// https://github.com/joplin/plugins/commit/8a65bbbf64bf267674f854a172466ffd4f07c672
const manifests = await readManifests(repoDir);
await updateReadme(`${repoDir}/README.md`, manifests);
const previousDir = chdir(repoDir);
if (!(await gitRepoClean())) {
console.info('Updating README...');
await execCommand2('git add -A', { showOutput: true });
await execCommand2('git commit -m "Update README"', { showOutput: true });
const searchResults = (await execCommand2('npm search joplin-plugin --searchlimit 5000 --json', { showOutput: false })).trim();
const npmPackages = pluginInfoFromSearchResults(JSON.parse(searchResults));
for (const npmPackage of npmPackages) {
await processNpmPackage(npmPackage, repoDir);
await execCommand2('git push');
async function commandVersion() {
const p = await readJsonFile(path.resolve(__dirname, 'package.json'));
console.info(`Version ${p.version}`);
async function main() {
const scriptName: string = 'plugin-repo-cli';
const commands: Record<string, Function> = {
build: commandBuild,
version: commandVersion,
let selectedCommand: string = '';
let selectedCommandArgs: string = '';
function setSelectedCommand(name: string, args: any) {
selectedCommand = name;
selectedCommandArgs = args;
.usage('$0 <cmd> [args]')
.command('build <plugin-repo-dir>', 'Build the plugin repository', (yargs: any) => {
yargs.positional('plugin-repo-dir', {
type: 'string',
describe: 'Directory where the plugin repository is located',
}, (args: any) => setSelectedCommand('build', args))
.command('version', 'Gives version info', () => {}, (args: any) => setSelectedCommand('version', args))
if (!selectedCommand) {
console.error(`Please provide a command name or type \`${scriptName} --help\` for help`);
if (!commands[selectedCommand]) {
console.error(`No such command: ${selectedCommand}`);
await commands[selectedCommand](selectedCommandArgs);
main().catch((error) => {
console.error('Fatal error');