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import InMemoryCache from './InMemoryCache';
import noteStyle from './noteStyle';
import { fileExtension } from './pathUtils';
import setupLinkify from './MdToHtml/setupLinkify';
import validateLinks from './MdToHtml/validateLinks';
import { ItemIdToUrlHandler } from './utils';
import { RenderResult, RenderResultPluginAsset } from './MarkupToHtml';
import { Options as NoteStyleOptions } from './noteStyle';
import hljs from './highlight';
import * as MarkdownIt from 'markdown-it';
const Entities = require('html-entities').AllHtmlEntities;
const htmlentities = new Entities().encode;
const md5 = require('md5');
export interface RenderOptions {
contentMaxWidth?: number;
bodyOnly?: boolean;
splitted?: boolean;
externalAssetsOnly?: boolean;
postMessageSyntax?: string;
highlightedKeywords?: string[];
codeTheme?: string;
theme?: any;
plugins?: Record<string, any>;
audioPlayerEnabled?: boolean;
videoPlayerEnabled?: boolean;
pdfViewerEnabled?: boolean;
codeHighlightCacheKey?: string;
plainResourceRendering?: boolean;
mapsToLine?: boolean;
useCustomPdfViewer?: boolean;
noteId?: string;
vendorDir?: string;
settingValue?: (pluginId: string, key: string)=> any;
interface RendererRule {
install(context: any, ruleOptions: any): any;
assets?(theme: any): any;
plugin?: any;
assetPath?: string;
assetPathIsAbsolute?: boolean;
pluginId?: string;
interface RendererRules {
[pluginName: string]: RendererRule;
interface RendererPlugin {
module: any;
options?: any;
interface RendererPlugins {
[pluginName: string]: RendererPlugin;
// /!\/!\ Note: the order of rules is important!! /!\/!\
const rules: RendererRules = {
fence: require('./MdToHtml/rules/fence').default,
sanitize_html: require('./MdToHtml/rules/sanitize_html').default,
image: require('./MdToHtml/rules/image').default,
checkbox: require('./MdToHtml/rules/checkbox').default,
katex: require('./MdToHtml/rules/katex').default,
link_open: require('./MdToHtml/rules/link_open').default,
link_close: require('./MdToHtml/rules/link_close').default,
html_image: require('./MdToHtml/rules/html_image').default,
highlight_keywords: require('./MdToHtml/rules/highlight_keywords').default,
code_inline: require('./MdToHtml/rules/code_inline').default,
fountain: require('./MdToHtml/rules/fountain').default,
mermaid: require('./MdToHtml/rules/mermaid').default,
source_map: require('./MdToHtml/rules/source_map').default,
const uslug = require('@joplin/fork-uslug');
const markdownItAnchor = require('markdown-it-anchor');
// The keys must match the corresponding entry in Setting.js
const plugins: RendererPlugins = {
mark: { module: require('markdown-it-mark') },
footnote: { module: require('markdown-it-footnote') },
sub: { module: require('markdown-it-sub') },
sup: { module: require('markdown-it-sup') },
deflist: { module: require('markdown-it-deflist') },
abbr: { module: require('markdown-it-abbr') },
emoji: { module: require('markdown-it-emoji') },
insert: { module: require('markdown-it-ins') },
multitable: { module: require('markdown-it-multimd-table'), options: { multiline: true, rowspan: true, headerless: true } },
toc: { module: require('markdown-it-toc-done-right'), options: { listType: 'ul', slugify: slugify } },
expand_tabs: { module: require('markdown-it-expand-tabs'), options: { tabWidth: 4 } },
const defaultNoteStyle = require('./defaultNoteStyle');
function slugify(s: string): string {
return uslug(s);
// Share across all instances of MdToHtml
const inMemoryCache = new InMemoryCache(20);
export interface ExtraRendererRule {
id: string;
module: any;
assetPath: string;
pluginId: string;
export interface Options {
resourceBaseUrl?: string;
ResourceModel?: any;
pluginOptions?: any;
tempDir?: string;
fsDriver?: any;
extraRendererRules?: ExtraRendererRule[];
customCss?: string;
interface PluginAsset {
mime?: string;
inline?: boolean;
name?: string;
text?: string;
// Types are a bit of a mess when it comes to plugin assets. Something
// called "pluginAsset" in this class might refer to sublty different
// types. The logic should be cleaned up before types are added.
interface PluginAssets {
[pluginName: string]: PluginAsset[];
export interface Link {
href: string;
resource: any;
resourceReady: boolean;
resourceFullPath: string;
interface PluginContext {
css: any;
pluginAssets: any;
cache: any;
userData: any;
currentLinks: Link[];
export interface RuleOptions {
context: PluginContext;
theme: any;
postMessageSyntax: string;
ResourceModel: any;
resourceBaseUrl: string;
resources: any; // resourceId: Resource
// Used by checkboxes to specify how it should be rendered
checkboxRenderingType?: number;
checkboxDisabled?: boolean;
// Used by the keyword highlighting plugin (mobile only)
highlightedKeywords?: any[];
// Use by resource-rendering logic to signify that it should be rendered
// as a plain HTML string without any attached JavaScript. Used for example
// when exporting to HTML.
plainResourceRendering?: boolean;
// Use in mobile app to enable long-pressing an image or a linkg
// to display a context menu. Used in `image.ts` and `link_open.ts`
enableLongPress?: boolean;
// Use by `link_open` rule.
// linkRenderingType = 1 is the regular rendering and clicking on it is handled via embedded JS (in onclick attribute)
// linkRenderingType = 2 gives a plain link with no JS. Caller needs to handle clicking on the link.
linkRenderingType?: number;
// A list of MIME types for which an edit button appears on tap/hover.
// Used by the image editor in the mobile app.
editPopupFiletypes?: string[];
// Shoould be the string representation a function that accepts two arguments:
// the target element to have the popup shown for and the id of the resource to edit.
createEditPopupSyntax?: string;
destroyEditPopupSyntax?: string;
audioPlayerEnabled: boolean;
videoPlayerEnabled: boolean;
pdfViewerEnabled: boolean;
useCustomPdfViewer: boolean;
noteId?: string;
vendorDir?: string;
itemIdToUrl?: ItemIdToUrlHandler;
platformName?: string;
export default class MdToHtml {
private resourceBaseUrl_: string;
private ResourceModel_: any;
private contextCache_: any;
private fsDriver_: any;
private cachedOutputs_: any = {};
private lastCodeHighlightCacheKey_: string = null;
private cachedHighlightedCode_: any = {};
// Markdown-It plugin options (not Joplin plugin options)
private pluginOptions_: any = {};
private extraRendererRules_: RendererRules = {};
private allProcessedAssets_: any = {};
private customCss_ = '';
public constructor(options: Options = null) {
if (!options) options = {};
// Must include last "/"
this.resourceBaseUrl_ = 'resourceBaseUrl' in options ? options.resourceBaseUrl : null;
this.ResourceModel_ = options.ResourceModel;
this.pluginOptions_ = options.pluginOptions ? options.pluginOptions : {};
this.contextCache_ = inMemoryCache;
this.fsDriver_ = {
writeFile: (/* path, content, encoding = 'base64'*/) => { throw new Error('writeFile not set'); },
exists: (/* path*/) => { throw new Error('exists not set'); },
cacheCssToFile: (/* cssStrings*/) => { throw new Error('cacheCssToFile not set'); },
if (options.fsDriver) {
if (options.fsDriver.writeFile) this.fsDriver_.writeFile = options.fsDriver.writeFile;
if (options.fsDriver.exists) this.fsDriver_.exists = options.fsDriver.exists;
if (options.fsDriver.cacheCssToFile) this.fsDriver_.cacheCssToFile = options.fsDriver.cacheCssToFile;
if (options.extraRendererRules) {
for (const rule of options.extraRendererRules) {
this.loadExtraRendererRule(rule.id, rule.assetPath, rule.module, rule.pluginId);
this.customCss_ = options.customCss || '';
private fsDriver() {
return this.fsDriver_;
public static pluginNames() {
const output = [];
for (const n in rules) output.push(n);
for (const n in plugins) output.push(n);
return output;
private pluginOptions(name: string) {
// Currently link_close is only used to append the media player to
// the resource links so we use the mediaPlayers plugin options for
// it.
if (name === 'link_close') name = 'mediaPlayers';
let o = this.pluginOptions_[name] ? this.pluginOptions_[name] : {};
o = { enabled: true, ...o };
return o;
private pluginEnabled(name: string) {
return this.pluginOptions(name).enabled;
// `module` is a file that has already been `required()`
public loadExtraRendererRule(id: string, assetPath: string, module: any, pluginId: string) {
if (this.extraRendererRules_[id]) throw new Error(`A renderer rule with this ID has already been loaded: ${id}`);
this.extraRendererRules_[id] = {
pluginId: pluginId,
assetPathIsAbsolute: true,
private ruleByKey(key: string): RendererRule {
if (rules[key]) return rules[key];
if (this.extraRendererRules_[key]) return this.extraRendererRules_[key];
if (key === 'highlight.js') return null;
throw new Error(`No such rule: ${key}`);
private processPluginAssets(pluginAssets: PluginAssets): RenderResult {
const files: RenderResultPluginAsset[] = [];
const cssStrings = [];
for (const pluginName in pluginAssets) {
const rule = this.ruleByKey(pluginName);
for (const asset of pluginAssets[pluginName]) {
let mime = asset.mime;
if (!mime && asset.inline) throw new Error('Mime type is required for inline assets');
if (!mime) {
const ext = fileExtension(asset.name).toLowerCase();
// For now it's only useful to support CSS and JS because that's what needs to be added
// by the caller with <script> or <style> tags. Everything, like fonts, etc. is loaded
// via CSS or some other ways.
mime = 'application/octet-stream';
if (ext === 'css') mime = 'text/css';
if (ext === 'js') mime = 'application/javascript';
if (asset.inline) {
if (mime === 'text/css') {
} else {
throw new Error(`Unsupported inline mime type: ${mime}`);
} else {
// TODO: we should resolve the path using
// resolveRelativePathWithinDir() for increased
// security, but the shim is not accessible from the
// renderer, and React Native doesn't have this
// function, so for now use the provided path as-is.
const name = `${pluginName}/${asset.name}`;
const assetPath = rule?.assetPath ? `${rule.assetPath}/${asset.name}` : `pluginAssets/${name}`;
files.push({ ...asset, name: name,
path: assetPath,
pathIsAbsolute: !!rule && !!rule.assetPathIsAbsolute,
mime: mime });
return {
html: '',
pluginAssets: files,
cssStrings: cssStrings,
// This return all the assets for all the plugins. Since it is called
// on each render, the result is cached.
private allProcessedAssets(rules: RendererRules, theme: any, codeTheme: string) {
const cacheKey: string = theme.cacheKey + codeTheme;
if (this.allProcessedAssets_[cacheKey]) return this.allProcessedAssets_[cacheKey];
const assets: any = {};
for (const key in rules) {
if (!this.pluginEnabled(key)) continue;
const rule = rules[key];
if (rule.assets) {
assets[key] = rule.assets(theme);
assets['highlight.js'] = [{ name: codeTheme }];
const output = this.processPluginAssets(assets);
this.allProcessedAssets_ = {
[cacheKey]: output,
return output;
// This is similar to allProcessedAssets() but used only by the Rich Text editor
public async allAssets(theme: any, noteStyleOptions: NoteStyleOptions = null) {
const assets: any = {};
for (const key in rules) {
if (!this.pluginEnabled(key)) continue;
const rule = rules[key];
if (rule.assets) {
assets[key] = rule.assets(theme);
const processedAssets = this.processPluginAssets(assets);
processedAssets.cssStrings.splice(0, 0, noteStyle(theme, noteStyleOptions).join('\n'));
if (this.customCss_) processedAssets.cssStrings.push(this.customCss_);
const output = await this.outputAssetsToExternalAssets_(processedAssets);
return output.pluginAssets;
private async outputAssetsToExternalAssets_(output: any) {
for (const cssString of output.cssStrings) {
const filePath = await this.fsDriver().cacheCssToFile(cssString);
delete output.cssStrings;
return output;
// The string we are looking for is: <p></p>\n
private removeMarkdownItWrappingParagraph_(html: string) {
if (html.length < 8) return html;
// If there are multiple <p> tags, we keep them because it's multiple lines
// and removing the first and last tag will result in invalid HTML.
if ((html.match(/<\/p>/g) || []).length > 1) return html;
if (html.substr(0, 3) !== '<p>') return html;
if (html.slice(-5) !== '</p>\n') return html;
return html.substring(3, html.length - 5);
public clearCache() {
this.cachedOutputs_ = {};
private removeLastNewLine(s: string): string {
if (s[s.length - 1] === '\n') {
return s.substr(0, s.length - 1);
} else {
return s;
// Rendering large code blocks can freeze the app so we disable it in
// certain cases:
// https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/5593#issuecomment-947374218
private shouldSkipHighlighting(str: string, lang: string): boolean {
if (lang && !hljs.getLanguage(lang)) lang = '';
if (str.length >= 1000 && !lang) return true;
if (str.length >= 512000 && lang) return true;
return false;
// "theme" is the theme as returned by themeStyle()
public async render(body: string, theme: any = null, options: RenderOptions = null): Promise<RenderResult> {
options = {
// In bodyOnly mode, the rendered Markdown is returned without the wrapper DIV
bodyOnly: false,
// In splitted mode, the CSS and HTML will be returned in separate properties.
// In non-splitted mode, CSS and HTML will be merged in the same document.
splitted: false,
// When this is true, all assets such as CSS or JS are returned as external
// files. Otherwise some of them might be in the cssStrings property.
externalAssetsOnly: false,
postMessageSyntax: 'postMessage',
highlightedKeywords: [],
codeTheme: 'atom-one-light.css',
theme: { ...defaultNoteStyle, ...theme },
plugins: {},
audioPlayerEnabled: this.pluginEnabled('audioPlayer'),
videoPlayerEnabled: this.pluginEnabled('videoPlayer'),
pdfViewerEnabled: this.pluginEnabled('pdfViewer'),
contentMaxWidth: 0,
settingValue: (_pluginId: string, _key: string) => { throw new Error('settingValue is not implemented'); },
// The "codeHighlightCacheKey" option indicates what set of cached object should be
// associated with this particular Markdown body. It is only used to allow us to
// clear the cache whenever switching to a different note.
// If "codeHighlightCacheKey" is not specified, code highlighting won't be cached.
if (options.codeHighlightCacheKey !== this.lastCodeHighlightCacheKey_ || !options.codeHighlightCacheKey) {
this.cachedHighlightedCode_ = {};
this.lastCodeHighlightCacheKey_ = options.codeHighlightCacheKey;
const cacheKey = md5(escape(body + this.customCss_ + JSON.stringify(options) + JSON.stringify(options.theme)));
const cachedOutput = this.cachedOutputs_[cacheKey];
if (cachedOutput) return cachedOutput;
const ruleOptions = {
resourceBaseUrl: this.resourceBaseUrl_,
ResourceModel: this.ResourceModel_,
const context: PluginContext = {
css: {},
pluginAssets: {},
cache: this.contextCache_,
userData: {},
currentLinks: [],
const markdownIt: MarkdownIt = new MarkdownIt({
breaks: !this.pluginEnabled('softbreaks'),
typographer: this.pluginEnabled('typographer'),
linkify: this.pluginEnabled('linkify'),
html: true,
highlight: (str: string, lang: string, _attrs: any): any => {
let outputCodeHtml = '';
// The strings includes the last \n that is part of the fence,
// so we remove it because we need the exact code in the source block
const trimmedStr = this.removeLastNewLine(str);
const sourceBlockHtml = `<pre class="joplin-source" data-joplin-language="${htmlentities(lang)}" data-joplin-source-open="\`\`\`${htmlentities(lang)} " data-joplin-source-close=" \`\`\`">${markdownIt.utils.escapeHtml(trimmedStr)}</pre>`;
if (this.shouldSkipHighlighting(trimmedStr, lang)) {
outputCodeHtml = markdownIt.utils.escapeHtml(trimmedStr);
} else {
try {
let hlCode = '';
const cacheKey = md5(`${str}_${lang}`);
if (options.codeHighlightCacheKey && cacheKey in this.cachedHighlightedCode_) {
hlCode = this.cachedHighlightedCode_[cacheKey];
} else {
if (lang && hljs.getLanguage(lang)) {
hlCode = hljs.highlight(trimmedStr, { language: lang, ignoreIllegals: true }).value;
} else {
hlCode = hljs.highlightAuto(trimmedStr).value;
this.cachedHighlightedCode_[cacheKey] = hlCode;
outputCodeHtml = hlCode;
} catch (error) {
outputCodeHtml = markdownIt.utils.escapeHtml(trimmedStr);
const html = `<div class="joplin-editable">${sourceBlockHtml}<pre class="hljs"><code>${outputCodeHtml}</code></pre></div>`;
if (rules.fence) {
return {
wrapCode: false,
html: html,
} else {
return html;
// To add a plugin, there are three options:
// 1. If the plugin does not need any application specific data, use the standard way:
// const someMarkdownPlugin = require('someMarkdownPlugin');
// markdownIt.use(someMarkdownPlugin);
// 2. If the plugin does not need any application specific data, and you want the user
// to be able to toggle the plugin:
// Add the plugin to the plugins object
// const plugins = {
// plugin: require('someMarkdownPlugin'),
// }
// And add a corresponding entry into Setting.js
// 'markdown.plugin.mark': {value: true, type: Setting.TYPE_BOOL, section: 'plugins', public: true, appTypes: ['mobile', 'desktop'], label: () => _('Enable ==mark== syntax')},
// 3. If the plugin needs application data (in ruleOptions) or needs to pass data (CSS, files to load, etc.) back
// to the application (using the context object), use the application-specific way:
// const imagePlugin = require('./MdToHtml/rules/image');
// markdownIt.use(imagePlugin(context, ruleOptions));
// Using the `context` object, a plugin can define what additional assets they need (css, fonts, etc.) using context.pluginAssets.
// The calling application will need to handle loading these assets.
const allRules = { ...rules, ...this.extraRendererRules_ };
for (const key in allRules) {
if (!this.pluginEnabled(key)) continue;
const rule = allRules[key];
markdownIt.use(rule.plugin, {
context: context,
...(ruleOptions.plugins[key] ? ruleOptions.plugins[key] : {}),
settingValue: (key: string) => {
return options.settingValue(rule.pluginId, key);
markdownIt.use(markdownItAnchor, { slugify: slugify });
for (const key in plugins) {
if (this.pluginEnabled(key)) {
markdownIt.use(plugins[key].module, plugins[key].options);
markdownIt.validateLink = validateLinks;
if (this.pluginEnabled('linkify')) setupLinkify(markdownIt);
const renderedBody = markdownIt.render(body, context);
let cssStrings = noteStyle(options.theme, {
contentMaxWidth: options.contentMaxWidth,
let output = { ...this.allProcessedAssets(allRules, options.theme, options.codeTheme) };
cssStrings = cssStrings.concat(output.cssStrings);
if (this.customCss_) cssStrings.push(this.customCss_);
if (options.bodyOnly) {
// Markdown-it wraps any content in <p></p> by default. There's a function to parse without
// adding these tags (https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it/issues/540#issuecomment-471123983)
// however when using it, it seems the loaded plugins are not used. In my tests, just changing
// render() to renderInline() means the checkboxes would not longer be rendered. So instead
// of using this function, we manually remove the <p></p> tags.
output.html = this.removeMarkdownItWrappingParagraph_(renderedBody);
output.cssStrings = cssStrings;
} else {
const styleHtml = `<style>${cssStrings.join('\n')}</style>`;
output.html = `${styleHtml}<div id="rendered-md">${renderedBody}</div>`;
if (options.splitted) {
output.cssStrings = cssStrings;
output.html = `<div id="rendered-md">${renderedBody}</div>`;
if (options.externalAssetsOnly) output = await this.outputAssetsToExternalAssets_(output);
// Fow now, we keep only the last entry in the cache
this.cachedOutputs_ = {};
this.cachedOutputs_[cacheKey] = output;
return output;