mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 10:32:58 +02:00
The goal is to make the command system more modular, so each command can be defined as a single object that includes a declaration (name, label, etc.) and a runtime (to execute the command, test if it should be enabled, etc.) Utility methods are provided to convert a command to a menu item or a toolbar button, thus reducing duplicated and boiler plate code across the codebase (often the menu item logic was duplicated in the toolbar button logic and vice versa). The goal is to make it easier to add new commands (and associated menu item and toolbar buttons) and to call them from anywhere. This is also useful for plugins, which can also easily define new commands. Could also allow creating a command palette.
1026 lines
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1026 lines
32 KiB
import * as React from 'react';
import { useState, useEffect, useCallback, useRef, forwardRef, useImperativeHandle } from 'react';
import { ScrollOptions, ScrollOptionTypes, EditorCommand, NoteBodyEditorProps } from '../../utils/types';
import { resourcesStatus, commandAttachFileToBody, handlePasteEvent } from '../../utils/resourceHandling';
import useScroll from './utils/useScroll';
import { menuItems, ContextMenuOptions, ContextMenuItemType } from '../../utils/contextMenu';
import CommandService from '../../../../lib/services/CommandService';
const { MarkupToHtml } = require('lib/joplin-renderer');
const taboverride = require('taboverride');
const { reg } = require('lib/registry.js');
const { _, closestSupportedLocale } = require('lib/locale');
const BaseItem = require('lib/models/BaseItem');
const Resource = require('lib/models/Resource');
const { themeStyle, buildStyle } = require('lib/theme');
const { clipboard } = require('electron');
const supportedLocales = require('./supportedLocales');
function markupRenderOptions(override:any = null) {
return {
plugins: {
checkbox: {
renderingType: 2,
link_open: {
linkRenderingType: 2,
replaceResourceInternalToExternalLinks: true,
function findBlockSource(node:any) {
const sources = node.getElementsByClassName('joplin-source');
if (!sources.length) throw new Error('No source for node');
const source = sources[0];
return {
openCharacters: source.getAttribute('data-joplin-source-open'),
closeCharacters: source.getAttribute('data-joplin-source-close'),
content: source.textContent,
node: source,
language: source.getAttribute('data-joplin-language') || '',
function newBlockSource(language:string = '', content:string = ''):any {
const fence = language === 'katex' ? '$$' : '```';
const fenceLanguage = language === 'katex' ? '' : language;
return {
openCharacters: `\n${fence}${fenceLanguage}\n`,
closeCharacters: `\n${fence}\n`,
content: content,
node: null,
language: language,
function findEditableContainer(node:any):any {
while (node) {
if (node.classList && node.classList.contains('joplin-editable')) return node;
node = node.parentNode;
return null;
function editableInnerHtml(html:string):string {
const temp = document.createElement('div');
temp.innerHTML = html;
const editable = temp.getElementsByClassName('joplin-editable');
if (!editable.length) throw new Error(`Invalid joplin-editable: ${html}`);
return editable[0].innerHTML;
function dialogTextArea_keyDown(event:any) {
if (event.key === 'Tab') {
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => event.target.focus());
// Allows pressing tab in a textarea to input an actual tab (instead of changing focus)
// taboverride will take care of actually inserting the tab character, while the keydown
// event listener will override the default behaviour, which is to focus the next field.
function enableTextAreaTab(enable:boolean) {
const textAreas = document.getElementsByClassName('tox-textarea');
for (const textArea of textAreas) {
taboverride.set(textArea, enable);
if (enable) {
textArea.addEventListener('keydown', dialogTextArea_keyDown);
} else {
textArea.removeEventListener('keydown', dialogTextArea_keyDown);
interface TinyMceCommand {
name: string,
value?: any,
ui?: boolean
interface JoplinCommandToTinyMceCommands {
[key:string]: TinyMceCommand,
const joplinCommandToTinyMceCommands:JoplinCommandToTinyMceCommands = {
'textBold': { name: 'mceToggleFormat', value: 'bold' },
'textItalic': { name: 'mceToggleFormat', value: 'italic' },
'textLink': { name: 'mceLink' },
'search': { name: 'SearchReplace' },
function styles_(props:NoteBodyEditorProps) {
return buildStyle('TinyMCE', props.theme, (/* theme:any */) => {
return {
disabledOverlay: {
zIndex: 10,
position: 'absolute',
backgroundColor: 'white',
opacity: 0.7,
height: '100%',
display: 'flex',
flexDirection: 'column',
alignItems: 'center',
padding: 20,
paddingTop: 50,
textAlign: 'center',
width: '100%',
rootStyle: {
position: 'relative',
let loadedCssFiles_:string[] = [];
let loadedJsFiles_:string[] = [];
let dispatchDidUpdateIID_:any = null;
let changeId_:number = 1;
const TinyMCE = (props:NoteBodyEditorProps, ref:any) => {
const [editor, setEditor] = useState(null);
const [scriptLoaded, setScriptLoaded] = useState(false);
const [editorReady, setEditorReady] = useState(false);
const [draggingStarted, setDraggingStarted] = useState(false);
const props_onMessage = useRef(null);
props_onMessage.current = props.onMessage;
const props_onDrop = useRef(null);
props_onDrop.current = props.onDrop;
const contextMenuActionOptions = useRef<ContextMenuOptions>(null);
const markupToHtml = useRef(null);
markupToHtml.current = props.markupToHtml;
const lastOnChangeEventInfo = useRef<any>({
content: null,
resourceInfos: null,
const rootIdRef = useRef<string>(`tinymce-${Date.now()}${Math.round(Math.random() * 10000)}`);
const editorRef = useRef<any>(null);
editorRef.current = editor;
const styles = styles_(props);
const theme = themeStyle(props.theme);
const { scrollToPercent } = useScroll({ editor, onScroll: props.onScroll });
const dispatchDidUpdate = (editor:any) => {
if (dispatchDidUpdateIID_) clearTimeout(dispatchDidUpdateIID_);
dispatchDidUpdateIID_ = setTimeout(() => {
dispatchDidUpdateIID_ = null;
if (editor && editor.getDoc()) editor.getDoc().dispatchEvent(new Event('joplin-noteDidUpdate'));
}, 10);
const insertResourcesIntoContent = useCallback(async (filePaths:string[] = null, options:any = null) => {
const resourceMd = await commandAttachFileToBody('', filePaths, options);
if (!resourceMd) return;
const result = await props.markupToHtml(MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN, resourceMd, markupRenderOptions({ bodyOnly: true }));
// editor.fire('joplinChange');
// dispatchDidUpdate(editor);
}, [props.markupToHtml, editor]);
const insertResourcesIntoContentRef = useRef(null);
insertResourcesIntoContentRef.current = insertResourcesIntoContent;
const onEditorContentClick = useCallback((event:any) => {
const nodeName = event.target ? event.target.nodeName : '';
if (nodeName === 'INPUT' && event.target.getAttribute('type') === 'checkbox') {
if (nodeName === 'A' && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)) {
const href = event.target.getAttribute('href');
if (href.indexOf('#') === 0) {
const anchorName = href.substr(1);
const anchor = editor.getDoc().getElementById(anchorName);
if (anchor) {
} else {
reg.logger().warn('TinyMce: could not find anchor with ID ', anchorName);
} else {
props.onMessage({ channel: href });
}, [editor, props.onMessage]);
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => {
return {
content: async () => {
if (!editorRef.current) return '';
return prop_htmlToMarkdownRef.current(props.contentMarkupLanguage, editorRef.current.getContent(), props.contentOriginalCss);
resetScroll: () => {
if (editor) editor.getWin().scrollTo(0,0);
scrollTo: (options:ScrollOptions) => {
if (!editor) return;
if (options.type === ScrollOptionTypes.Hash) {
const anchor = editor.getDoc().getElementById(options.value);
if (!anchor) {
console.warn('Cannot find hash', options);
} else if (options.type === ScrollOptionTypes.Percent) {
} else {
throw new Error(`Unsupported scroll options: ${options.type}`);
supportsCommand: (name:string) => {
// TODO: should also handle commands that are not in this map (insertText, focus, etc);
return !!joplinCommandToTinyMceCommands[name];
execCommand: async (cmd:EditorCommand) => {
if (!editor) return false;
reg.logger().debug('TinyMce: execCommand', cmd);
let commandProcessed = true;
if (cmd.name === 'insertText') {
const result = await markupToHtml.current(MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN, cmd.value, { bodyOnly: true });
} else if (cmd.name === 'focus') {
} else if (cmd.name === 'dropItems') {
if (cmd.value.type === 'notes') {
const result = await markupToHtml.current(MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN, cmd.value.markdownTags.join('\n'), markupRenderOptions({ bodyOnly: true }));
} else if (cmd.value.type === 'files') {
insertResourcesIntoContentRef.current(cmd.value.paths, { createFileURL: !!cmd.value.createFileURL });
} else {
reg.logger().warn('AceEditor: unsupported drop item: ', cmd);
} else {
commandProcessed = false;
if (commandProcessed) return true;
if (!joplinCommandToTinyMceCommands[cmd.name]) {
reg.logger().warn('TinyMCE: unsupported Joplin command: ', cmd);
return false;
const tinyMceCmd:TinyMceCommand = { ...joplinCommandToTinyMceCommands[cmd.name] };
if (!('ui' in tinyMceCmd)) tinyMceCmd.ui = false;
if (!('value' in tinyMceCmd)) tinyMceCmd.value = null;
editor.execCommand(tinyMceCmd.name, tinyMceCmd.ui, tinyMceCmd.value);
return true;
}, [editor, props.contentMarkupLanguage, props.contentOriginalCss]);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Load the TinyMCE library. The lib loads additional JS and CSS files on startup
// (for themes), and so it needs to be loaded via <script> tag. Requiring it from the
// module would not load these extra files.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const loadScript = async (script:any) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
let element:any = document.createElement('script');
if (script.src.indexOf('.css') >= 0) {
element = document.createElement('link');
element.rel = 'stylesheet';
element.href = script.src;
} else {
element.src = script.src;
if (script.attrs) {
for (const attr in script.attrs) {
element[attr] = script.attrs[attr];
element.id = script.id;
element.onload = () => {
useEffect(() => {
let cancelled = false;
async function loadScripts() {
const scriptsToLoad:any[] = [
src: 'node_modules/tinymce/tinymce.min.js',
id: 'tinyMceScript',
loaded: false,
src: 'gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/TinyMCE/plugins/lists.js',
id: 'tinyMceListsPluginScript',
loaded: false,
for (const s of scriptsToLoad) {
if (document.getElementById(s.id)) {
s.loaded = true;
console.info('Loading script', s.src);
await loadScript(s);
if (cancelled) return;
s.loaded = true;
return () => {
cancelled = true;
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
if (!editorReady) return () => {};
const element = document.createElement('style');
element.setAttribute('id', 'tinyMceStyle');
.tox .tox-toolbar,
.tox .tox-toolbar__overflow,
.tox .tox-toolbar__primary,
.tox-editor-header .tox-toolbar__primary,
.tox .tox-toolbar-overlord,
.tox.tox-tinymce-aux .tox-toolbar__overflow,
.tox .tox-statusbar,
.tox .tox-dialog__header,
.tox .tox-dialog,
.tox textarea,
.tox input,
.tox .tox-dialog__footer {
background-color: ${theme.backgroundColor} !important;
.tox .tox-editor-header {
border-top: 1px solid ${theme.dividerColor};
border-bottom: 1px solid ${theme.dividerColor};
.tox .tox-tbtn,
.tox .tox-tbtn svg,
.tox .tox-dialog__header,
.tox .tox-button--icon .tox-icon svg,
.tox .tox-button.tox-button--icon .tox-icon svg,
.tox textarea,
.tox input,
.tox .tox-label,
.tox .tox-toolbar-label {
color: ${theme.iconColor} !important;
fill: ${theme.iconColor} !important;
.tox .tox-statusbar a,
.tox .tox-statusbar__path-item,
.tox .tox-statusbar__wordcount,
.tox .tox-statusbar__path-divider {
color: ${theme.color};
fill: ${theme.color};
opacity: 0.7;
.tox .tox-tbtn--enabled,
.tox .tox-tbtn--enabled:hover {
background-color: ${theme.selectedColor};
.tox .tox-button--naked:hover:not(:disabled) {
background-color: ${theme.backgroundColor} !important;
.tox .tox-tbtn:hover {
background-color: ${theme.backgroundHover};
color: ${theme.colorHover};
fill: ${theme.colorHover};
.tox .tox-toolbar__primary,
.tox .tox-toolbar__overflow {
background: none;
.tox .tox-toolbar__group,
.tox.tox-tinymce-aux .tox-toolbar__overflow,
.tox .tox-dialog__footer {
border-color: ${theme.dividerColor} !important;
.tox-tinymce {
border-top: none !important;
return () => {
}, [editorReady, props.theme]);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Enable or disable the editor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
useEffect(() => {
if (!editor) return;
editor.setMode(props.disabled ? 'readonly' : 'design');
}, [editor, props.disabled]);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create and setup the editor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
useEffect(() => {
if (!scriptLoaded) return;
loadedCssFiles_ = [];
loadedJsFiles_ = [];
function contextMenuItemNameWithNamespace(name:string) {
// For unknown reasons, TinyMCE converts all context menu names to
// lowercase when setting them in the init method, so we need to
// make them lowercase too, to make sure that the update() method
// addContextMenu is triggered.
return (`joplin${name}`).toLowerCase();
const loadEditor = async () => {
const contextMenuItems = menuItems();
const contextMenuItemNames = [];
for (const name in contextMenuItems) contextMenuItemNames.push(contextMenuItemNameWithNamespace(name));
const language = closestSupportedLocale(props.locale, true, supportedLocales);
const editors = await (window as any).tinymce.init({
selector: `#${rootIdRef.current}`,
width: '100%',
body_class: 'jop-tinymce',
height: '100%',
resize: false,
icons: 'Joplin',
icons_url: 'gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/TinyMCE/icons.js',
plugins: 'noneditable link joplinLists hr searchreplace codesample table',
noneditable_noneditable_class: 'joplin-editable', // Can be a regex too
valid_elements: '*[*]', // We already filter in sanitize_html
menubar: false,
relative_urls: false,
branding: false,
target_list: false,
table_resize_bars: false,
language: ['en_US', 'en_GB'].includes(language) ? undefined : language,
toolbar: 'bold italic | link joplinInlineCode joplinCodeBlock joplinAttach | numlist bullist joplinChecklist | h1 h2 h3 hr blockquote table joplinInsertDateTime',
localization_function: _,
contextmenu: contextMenuItemNames.join(' '),
setup: (editor:any) => {
function openEditDialog(editable:any) {
const source = editable ? findBlockSource(editable) : newBlockSource();
title: _('Edit'),
size: 'large',
initialData: {
codeTextArea: source.content,
languageInput: source.language,
onSubmit: async (dialogApi:any) => {
const newSource = newBlockSource(dialogApi.getData().languageInput, dialogApi.getData().codeTextArea);
const md = `${newSource.openCharacters}${newSource.content.trim()}${newSource.closeCharacters}`;
const result = await markupToHtml.current(MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN, md, { bodyOnly: true });
// markupToHtml will return the complete editable HTML, but we only
// want to update the inner HTML, so as not to break additional props that
// are added by TinyMCE on the main node.
if (editable) {
editable.innerHTML = editableInnerHtml(result.html);
} else {
onClose: () => {
body: {
type: 'panel',
items: [
type: 'input',
name: 'languageInput',
label: 'Language',
// Katex is a special case with special opening/closing tags
// and we don't currently handle switching the language in this case.
disabled: source.language === 'katex',
type: 'textarea',
name: 'codeTextArea',
value: source.content,
buttons: [
type: 'submit',
text: 'OK',
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
editor.ui.registry.addButton('joplinAttach', {
tooltip: _('Attach file'),
icon: 'paperclip',
onAction: async function() {
editor.ui.registry.addButton('joplinCodeBlock', {
tooltip: _('Code Block'),
icon: 'code-sample',
onAction: async function() {
editor.ui.registry.addToggleButton('joplinInlineCode', {
tooltip: _('Inline Code'),
icon: 'sourcecode',
onAction: function() {
editor.execCommand('mceToggleFormat', false, 'code', { class: 'inline-code' });
onSetup: function(api:any) {
const unbind = editor.formatter.formatChanged('code', api.setActive).unbind;
return function() {
if (unbind) unbind();
editor.ui.registry.addButton('joplinInsertDateTime', {
tooltip: _('Insert Date Time'),
icon: 'insert-time',
onAction: function() {
for (const itemName in contextMenuItems) {
const item = contextMenuItems[itemName];
const itemNameNS = contextMenuItemNameWithNamespace(itemName);
editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem(itemNameNS, {
text: item.label,
onAction: () => {
editor.ui.registry.addContextMenu(itemNameNS, {
update: function(element:any) {
let itemType:ContextMenuItemType = ContextMenuItemType.None;
let resourceId = '';
let textToCopy = '';
if (element.nodeName === 'IMG') {
itemType = ContextMenuItemType.Image;
resourceId = Resource.pathToId(element.src);
} else if (element.nodeName === 'A') {
resourceId = Resource.pathToId(element.href);
itemType = resourceId ? ContextMenuItemType.Resource : ContextMenuItemType.Link;
} else {
itemType = ContextMenuItemType.Text;
textToCopy = editor.selection.getContent({ format: 'text' });
contextMenuActionOptions.current = { itemType, resourceId, textToCopy };
return item.isActive(itemType) ? itemNameNS : '';
// TODO: remove event on unmount?
editor.on('DblClick', (event:any) => {
const editable = findEditableContainer(event.target);
if (editable) openEditDialog(editable);
// This is triggered when an external file is dropped on the editor
editor.on('drop', (event:any) => {
editor.on('ObjectResized', function(event:any) {
if (event.target.nodeName === 'IMG') {
editor.on('init', () => {
editor.on('SetContent', () => {
props_onMessage.current({ channel: 'noteRenderComplete' });
}, [scriptLoaded]);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set the initial content and load the plugin CSS and JS files
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const loadDocumentAssets = (editor:any, pluginAssets:any[]) => {
// Note: The way files are cached is not correct because it assumes there's only one version
// of each file. However, when the theme change, a new CSS file, specific to the theme, is
// created. That file should not be loaded on top of the previous one, but as a replacement.
// Otherwise it would do this:
// - Try to load CSS for theme 1 => OK
// - Try to load CSS for theme 2 => OK
// - Try to load CSS for theme 1 => Skip because the file is in cache. As a result, theme 2
// incorrectly stay.
// The fix would be to make allAssets() return a name and a version for each asset. Then the loading
// code would check this and either append the CSS or replace.
let docHead_:any = null;
function docHead() {
if (docHead_) return docHead_;
docHead_ = editor.getDoc().getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
return docHead_;
const cssFiles = [
.filter((a:any) => a.mime === 'text/css')
.map((a:any) => a.path)
).filter((path:string) => !loadedCssFiles_.includes(path));
const jsFiles = [].concat(
.filter((a:any) => a.mime === 'application/javascript')
.map((a:any) => a.path)
).filter((path:string) => !loadedJsFiles_.includes(path));
for (const cssFile of cssFiles) loadedCssFiles_.push(cssFile);
for (const jsFile of jsFiles) loadedJsFiles_.push(jsFile);
console.info('loadDocumentAssets: files to load', cssFiles, jsFiles);
if (cssFiles.length) {
for (const cssFile of cssFiles) {
const script = editor.dom.create('link', {
rel: 'stylesheet',
type: 'text/css',
href: cssFile,
class: 'jop-tinymce-css',
if (jsFiles.length) {
const editorElementId = editor.dom.uniqueId();
for (const jsFile of jsFiles) {
const script = editor.dom.create('script', {
id: editorElementId,
type: 'text/javascript',
src: jsFile,
useEffect(() => {
if (!editor) return () => {};
if (resourcesStatus(props.resourceInfos) !== 'ready') {
return () => {};
let cancelled = false;
const loadContent = async () => {
if (lastOnChangeEventInfo.current.content !== props.content || lastOnChangeEventInfo.current.resourceInfos !== props.resourceInfos) {
const result = await props.markupToHtml(props.contentMarkupLanguage, props.content, markupRenderOptions({ resourceInfos: props.resourceInfos }));
if (cancelled) return;
lastOnChangeEventInfo.current = {
content: props.content,
resourceInfos: props.resourceInfos,
await loadDocumentAssets(editor, await props.allAssets(props.contentMarkupLanguage));
return () => {
cancelled = true;
}, [editor, props.markupToHtml, props.allAssets, props.content, props.resourceInfos]);
useEffect(() => {
if (!editor) return;
// Need to clear UndoManager to avoid this problem:
// - Load note 1
// - Make a change
// - Load note 2
// - Undo => content is that of note 1
// The doc is not very clear what's the different between
// clear() and reset() but it seems reset() works best, in
// particular for the onPaste bug.
}, [editor, props.contentKey]);
useEffect(() => {
if (!editor) return () => {};
editor.getDoc().addEventListener('click', onEditorContentClick);
return () => {
editor.getDoc().removeEventListener('click', onEditorContentClick);
}, [editor, onEditorContentClick]);
// This is to handle dropping notes on the editor. In this case, we add an
// overlay over the editor, which makes it a valid drop target. This in
// turn makes NoteEditor get the drop event and dispatch it.
useEffect(() => {
if (!editor) return () => {};
function onDragStart() {
function onDrop() {
function onDragEnd() {
document.addEventListener('dragstart', onDragStart);
document.addEventListener('drop', onDrop);
document.addEventListener('dragend', onDragEnd);
return () => {
document.removeEventListener('dragstart', onDragStart);
document.removeEventListener('drop', onDrop);
document.removeEventListener('dragend', onDragEnd);
}, [editor]);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handle onChange event
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Need to save the onChange handler to a ref to make sure
// we call the current one from setTimeout.
// https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/14010#issuecomment-433788147
const props_onChangeRef = useRef<Function>();
props_onChangeRef.current = props.onChange;
const prop_htmlToMarkdownRef = useRef<Function>();
prop_htmlToMarkdownRef.current = props.htmlToMarkdown;
useEffect(() => {
if (!editor) return () => {};
let onChangeHandlerIID:any = null;
function onChangeHandler() {
const changeId = changeId_++;
props.onWillChange({ changeId: changeId });
if (onChangeHandlerIID) clearTimeout(onChangeHandlerIID);
onChangeHandlerIID = setTimeout(async () => {
onChangeHandlerIID = null;
const contentMd = await prop_htmlToMarkdownRef.current(props.contentMarkupLanguage, editor.getContent(), props.contentOriginalCss);
if (!editor) return;
lastOnChangeEventInfo.current.content = contentMd;
changeId: changeId,
content: contentMd,
}, 1000);
function onExecCommand(event:any) {
const c:string = event.command;
if (!c) return;
// We need to dispatch onChange for these commands:
// InsertHorizontalRule
// InsertOrderedList
// InsertUnorderedList
// mceInsertContent
// mceToggleFormat
// Any maybe others, so to catch them all we only check the prefix
const changeCommands = ['mceBlockQuote', 'ToggleJoplinChecklistItem'];
if (changeCommands.includes(c) || c.indexOf('Insert') === 0 || c.indexOf('mceToggle') === 0 || c.indexOf('mceInsert') === 0) {
// Keypress means that a printable key (letter, digit, etc.) has been
// pressed so we want to always trigger onChange in this case
function onKeypress() {
// KeyUp is triggered for any keypress, including Control, Shift, etc.
// so most of the time we don't want to trigger onChange. We trigger
// it however for the keys that might change text, such as Delete or
// Backspace. It's not completely accurate though because if user presses
// Backspace at the beginning of a note or Delete at the end, we trigger
// onChange even though nothing is changed. The alternative would be to
// check the content before and after, but this is too slow, so let's
// keep it this way for now.
function onKeyUp(event:any) {
if (['Backspace', 'Delete', 'Enter', 'Tab'].includes(event.key)) {
async function onPaste(event:any) {
const resourceMds = await handlePasteEvent(event);
if (resourceMds.length) {
const result = await markupToHtml.current(MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN, resourceMds.join('\n'), markupRenderOptions({ bodyOnly: true }));
} else {
const pastedText = event.clipboardData.getData('text');
if (BaseItem.isMarkdownTag(pastedText)) { // Paste a link to a note
const result = await markupToHtml.current(MarkupToHtml.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_MARKDOWN, pastedText, markupRenderOptions({ bodyOnly: true }));
} else { // Paste regular text
// HACK: TinyMCE doesn't add an undo step when pasting, for unclear reasons
// so we manually add it here. We also can't do it immediately it seems, or
// else nothing is added to the stack, so do it on the next frame.
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => editor.undoManager.add());
function onKeyDown(event:any) {
// Handle "paste as text". Note that when pressing CtrlOrCmd+Shift+V it's going
// to trigger the "keydown" event but not the "paste" event, so it's ok to process
// it here and we don't need to do anything special in onPaste
if ((event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) && event.shiftKey && event.code === 'KeyV') {
const pastedText = clipboard.readText();
if (pastedText) editor.insertContent(pastedText);
editor.on('keyup', onKeyUp);
editor.on('keydown', onKeyDown);
editor.on('keypress', onKeypress);
editor.on('paste', onPaste);
// `compositionend` means that a user has finished entering a Chinese
// (or other languages that require IME) character.
editor.on('compositionend', onChangeHandler);
editor.on('cut', onChangeHandler);
editor.on('joplinChange', onChangeHandler);
editor.on('Undo', onChangeHandler);
editor.on('Redo', onChangeHandler);
editor.on('ExecCommand', onExecCommand);
return () => {
try {
editor.off('keyup', onKeyUp);
editor.off('keydown', onKeyDown);
editor.off('keypress', onKeypress);
editor.off('paste', onPaste);
editor.off('compositionend', onChangeHandler);
editor.off('cut', onChangeHandler);
editor.off('joplinChange', onChangeHandler);
editor.off('Undo', onChangeHandler);
editor.off('Redo', onChangeHandler);
editor.off('ExecCommand', onExecCommand);
} catch (error) {
console.warn('Error removing events', error);
}, [props.onWillChange, props.onChange, props.contentMarkupLanguage, props.contentOriginalCss, editor]);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destroy the editor when unmounting
// Note that this effect must always be last, otherwise other effects that access the
// editor in their clean up function will get an invalid reference.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
if (editorRef.current) editorRef.current.remove();
}, []);
// Currently we don't handle resource "auto" and "manual" mode with TinyMCE
// as it is quite complex and probably rarely used.
function renderDisabledOverlay() {
const status = resourcesStatus(props.resourceInfos);
if (status === 'ready' && !draggingStarted) return null;
const message = draggingStarted ? _('Drop notes or files here') : _('Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.', _('Code View'));
const statusComp = draggingStarted ? null : <p style={theme.textStyleMinor}>{`Status: ${status}`}</p>;
return (
<div style={styles.disabledOverlay}>
<p style={theme.textStyle}>{message}</p>
return (
<div style={styles.rootStyle}>
<div style={{ width: '100%', height: '100%' }} id={rootIdRef.current}/>
export default forwardRef(TinyMCE);