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synced 2024-12-18 09:35:20 +02:00
The implementation uses / symbol as a nesting separator. I.e. tag/subtag is a nested tag, where tag is the parent tag and subtag is its child. Creating a tag named tag/subtag/subsubtag creates three tags, one for each level. The tags are associated using parent_id field. In the app, viewing notes with a tag will also show all notes that are associated with any of the tag's descendant tags (same for the note count). Deleting a tag will also delete all its descendant tags. In the desktop app the tags are shown nested just like the notebooks.
440 lines
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440 lines
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const BaseModel = require('lib/BaseModel.js');
const { time } = require('lib/time-utils.js');
const Note = require('lib/models/Note.js');
const { Database } = require('lib/database.js');
const { _ } = require('lib/locale.js');
const BaseItem = require('lib/models/BaseItem.js');
const { nestedPath } = require('lib/nested-utils.js');
const { substrWithEllipsis } = require('lib/string-utils.js');
class Folder extends BaseItem {
static tableName() {
return 'folders';
static modelType() {
return BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER;
static newFolder() {
return {
id: null,
title: '',
static fieldToLabel(field) {
const fieldsToLabels = {
title: _('title'),
last_note_user_updated_time: _('updated date'),
return field in fieldsToLabels ? fieldsToLabels[field] : field;
static noteIds(parentId) {
return this.db()
.selectAll('SELECT id FROM notes WHERE is_conflict = 0 AND parent_id = ?', [parentId])
.then(rows => {
const output = [];
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
const row = rows[i];
return output;
static async subFolderIds(parentId) {
const rows = await this.db().selectAll('SELECT id FROM folders WHERE parent_id = ?', [parentId]);
return rows.map(r => r.id);
static async noteCount(parentId) {
const r = await this.db().selectOne('SELECT count(*) as total FROM notes WHERE is_conflict = 0 AND parent_id = ?', [parentId]);
return r ? r.total : 0;
static markNotesAsConflict(parentId) {
const query = Database.updateQuery('notes', { is_conflict: 1 }, { parent_id: parentId });
return this.db().exec(query);
static async delete(folderId, options = null) {
if (!options) options = {};
if (!('deleteChildren' in options)) options.deleteChildren = true;
const folder = await Folder.load(folderId);
if (!folder) return; // noop
if (options.deleteChildren) {
const noteIds = await Folder.noteIds(folderId);
await Note.batchDelete(noteIds);
const subFolderIds = await Folder.subFolderIds(folderId);
for (let i = 0; i < subFolderIds.length; i++) {
await Folder.delete(subFolderIds[i]);
await super.delete(folderId, options);
id: folderId,
static conflictFolderTitle() {
return _('Conflicts');
static conflictFolderId() {
return 'c04f1c7c04f1c7c04f1c7c04f1c7c04f';
static conflictFolder() {
return {
type_: this.TYPE_FOLDER,
id: this.conflictFolderId(),
parent_id: '',
title: this.conflictFolderTitle(),
updated_time: time.unixMs(),
user_updated_time: time.unixMs(),
// Calculates note counts for all folders and adds the note_count attribute to each folder
// Note: this only calculates the overall number of nodes for this folder and all its descendants
static async addNoteCounts(folders, includeCompletedTodos = true) {
const foldersById = {};
folders.forEach((f) => {
foldersById[f.id] = f;
f.note_count = 0;
const where = !includeCompletedTodos ? 'WHERE (notes.is_todo = 0 OR notes.todo_completed = 0)' : '';
const sql = `SELECT folders.id as folder_id, count(notes.parent_id) as note_count
FROM folders LEFT JOIN notes ON notes.parent_id = folders.id
${where} GROUP BY folders.id`;
const noteCounts = await this.db().selectAll(sql);
noteCounts.forEach((noteCount) => {
let parentId = noteCount.folder_id;
do {
const folder = foldersById[parentId];
if (!folder) break; // https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/2079
folder.note_count = (folder.note_count || 0) + noteCount.note_count;
// Should not happen anymore but just to be safe, add the check below
// https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/3334
if (folder.id === folder.parent_id) break;
parentId = folder.parent_id;
} while (parentId);
// Folders that contain notes that have been modified recently go on top.
// The remaining folders, that don't contain any notes are sorted by their own user_updated_time
static async orderByLastModified(folders, dir = 'DESC') {
dir = dir.toUpperCase();
const sql = 'select parent_id, max(user_updated_time) content_updated_time from notes where parent_id != "" group by parent_id';
const rows = await this.db().selectAll(sql);
const folderIdToTime = {};
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
const row = rows[i];
folderIdToTime[row.parent_id] = row.content_updated_time;
const findFolderParent = folderId => {
const folder = BaseModel.byId(folders, folderId);
if (!folder) return null; // For the rare case of notes that are associated with a no longer existing folder
if (!folder.parent_id) return null;
for (let i = 0; i < folders.length; i++) {
if (folders[i].id === folder.parent_id) return folders[i];
// In some rare cases, some folders may not have a parent, for example
// if it has not been downloaded via sync yet.
// https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/2088
return null;
const applyChildTimeToParent = folderId => {
const parent = findFolderParent(folderId);
if (!parent) return;
if (folderIdToTime[parent.id] && folderIdToTime[parent.id] >= folderIdToTime[folderId]) {
// Don't change so that parent has the same time as the last updated child
} else {
folderIdToTime[parent.id] = folderIdToTime[folderId];
for (const folderId in folderIdToTime) {
if (!folderIdToTime.hasOwnProperty(folderId)) continue;
const mod = dir === 'DESC' ? +1 : -1;
const output = folders.slice();
output.sort((a, b) => {
const aTime = folderIdToTime[a.id] ? folderIdToTime[a.id] : a.user_updated_time;
const bTime = folderIdToTime[b.id] ? folderIdToTime[b.id] : b.user_updated_time;
if (aTime < bTime) return +1 * mod;
if (aTime > bTime) return -1 * mod;
return 0;
return output;
static async all(options = null) {
const output = await super.all(options);
if (options && options.includeConflictFolder) {
const conflictCount = await Note.conflictedCount();
if (conflictCount) output.push(this.conflictFolder());
return output;
static async childrenIds(folderId, recursive) {
if (recursive === false) throw new Error('Not implemented');
const folders = await this.db().selectAll('SELECT id FROM folders WHERE parent_id = ?', [folderId]);
let output = [];
for (let i = 0; i < folders.length; i++) {
const f = folders[i];
const subChildrenIds = await this.childrenIds(f.id, true);
output = output.concat(subChildrenIds);
return output;
static async expandTree(folders, parentId) {
const folderPath = await this.folderPath(folders, parentId);
folderPath.pop(); // We don't expand the leaft notebook
for (const folder of folderPath) {
id: folder.id,
collapsed: false,
static async allAsTree(folders = null, options = null) {
const all = folders ? folders : await this.all(options);
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/49387427/561309
function getNestedChildren(models, parentId) {
const nestedTreeStructure = [];
const length = models.length;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const model = models[i];
if (model.parent_id == parentId) {
const children = getNestedChildren(models, model.id);
if (children.length > 0) {
model.children = children;
return nestedTreeStructure;
return getNestedChildren(all, '');
static folderPath(folders, folderId) {
return nestedPath(folders, folderId);
static folderPathString(folders, folderId, maxTotalLength = 80) {
const path = this.folderPath(folders, folderId);
let currentTotalLength = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
currentTotalLength += path[i].title.length;
let pieceLength = maxTotalLength;
if (currentTotalLength > maxTotalLength) {
pieceLength = maxTotalLength / path.length;
const output = [];
for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
output.push(substrWithEllipsis(path[i].title, 0, pieceLength));
return output.join(' / ');
static buildTree(folders) {
const idToFolders = {};
for (let i = 0; i < folders.length; i++) {
idToFolders[folders[i].id] = folders[i];
idToFolders[folders[i].id].children = [];
const rootFolders = [];
for (const folderId in idToFolders) {
if (!idToFolders.hasOwnProperty(folderId)) continue;
const folder = idToFolders[folderId];
if (!folder.parent_id) {
} else {
if (!idToFolders[folder.parent_id]) {
// It means the notebook is refering a folder that doesn't exist. In theory it shouldn't happen
// but sometimes does - https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/1068#issuecomment-450594708
} else {
return rootFolders;
static async sortFolderTree(folders) {
const output = folders ? folders : await this.allAsTree();
const sortFoldersAlphabetically = (folders) => {
folders.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.parentId === b.parentId) {
return a.title.localeCompare(b.title, undefined, { sensitivity: 'accent' });
return folders;
const sortFolders = (folders) => {
for (let i = 0; i < folders.length; i++) {
const folder = folders[i];
if (folder.children) {
folder.children = sortFoldersAlphabetically(folder.children);
return folders;
return output;
static load(id) {
if (id == this.conflictFolderId()) return this.conflictFolder();
return super.load(id);
static defaultFolder() {
return this.modelSelectOne('SELECT * FROM folders ORDER BY created_time DESC LIMIT 1');
static async canNestUnder(folderId, targetFolderId) {
if (folderId === targetFolderId) return false;
const conflictFolderId = Folder.conflictFolderId();
if (folderId == conflictFolderId || targetFolderId == conflictFolderId) return false;
if (!targetFolderId) return true;
while (true) {
const folder = await Folder.load(targetFolderId);
if (!folder.parent_id) break;
if (folder.parent_id === folderId) return false;
targetFolderId = folder.parent_id;
return true;
static async moveToFolder(folderId, targetFolderId) {
if (!(await this.canNestUnder(folderId, targetFolderId))) throw new Error(_('Cannot move notebook to this location'));
// When moving a note to a different folder, the user timestamp is not updated.
// However updated_time is updated so that the note can be synced later on.
const modifiedFolder = {
id: folderId,
parent_id: targetFolderId,
updated_time: time.unixMs(),
return Folder.save(modifiedFolder, { autoTimestamp: false });
// These "duplicateCheck" and "reservedTitleCheck" should only be done when a user is
// manually creating a folder. They shouldn't be done for example when the folders
// are being synced to avoid any strange side-effects. Technically it's possible to
// have folders and notes with duplicate titles (or no title), or with reserved words.
static async save(o, options = null) {
if (!options) options = {};
if (options.userSideValidation === true) {
if (!('duplicateCheck' in options)) options.duplicateCheck = true;
if (!('reservedTitleCheck' in options)) options.reservedTitleCheck = true;
if (!('stripLeftSlashes' in options)) options.stripLeftSlashes = true;
if (o.id && o.parent_id && o.id === o.parent_id) {
throw new Error('Parent ID cannot be the same as ID');
if (options.stripLeftSlashes === true && o.title) {
while (o.title.length && (o.title[0] == '/' || o.title[0] == '\\')) {
o.title = o.title.substr(1);
// We allow folders with duplicate titles so that folders with the same title can exist under different parent folder. For example:
// PHP
// Code samples
// Doc
// Java
// My project
// Doc
// if (options.duplicateCheck === true && o.title) {
// let existingFolder = await Folder.loadByTitle(o.title);
// if (existingFolder && existingFolder.id != o.id) throw new Error(_('A notebook with this title already exists: "%s"', o.title));
// }
if (options.reservedTitleCheck === true && o.title) {
if (o.title == Folder.conflictFolderTitle()) throw new Error(_('Notebooks cannot be named "%s", which is a reserved title.', o.title));
return super.save(o, options).then(folder => {
item: folder,
return folder;
module.exports = Folder;