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import { themeStyle } from '@joplin/lib/theme';
import * as React from 'react';
import { useMemo, useState, useEffect, useRef, useCallback } from 'react';
import NoteList2 from '../NoteList/NoteList2';
import NoteListControls from '../NoteListControls/NoteListControls';
import { Size } from '../ResizableLayout/utils/types';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import { getDefaultListRenderer, getListRendererById } from '@joplin/lib/services/noteList/renderers';
import Logger from '@joplin/utils/Logger';
import NoteListHeader from '../NoteListHeader/NoteListHeader';
import { _ } from '@joplin/lib/locale';
import { BaseBreakpoint, Breakpoints } from '../NoteList/utils/types';
import { ButtonSize, buttonSizePx } from '../Button/Button';
import Setting from '@joplin/lib/models/Setting';
import { OnItemClickHander } from '../NoteListHeader/types';
import { NoteListColumns } from '@joplin/lib/services/plugins/api/noteListType';
import depNameToNoteProp from '@joplin/lib/services/noteList/depNameToNoteProp';
import { getTrashFolderId } from '@joplin/lib/services/trash';
import usePrevious from '../hooks/usePrevious';
const logger = Logger.create('NoteListWrapper');
interface Props {
resizableLayoutEventEmitter: any;
size: Size;
visible: boolean;
themeId: number;
listRendererId: string;
startupPluginsLoaded: boolean;
notesSortOrderField: string;
notesSortOrderReverse: boolean;
columns: NoteListColumns;
selectedFolderId: string;
const StyledRoot = styled.div`
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
overflow: hidden;
width: 100%;
const getTextWidth = (newNoteRef: React.MutableRefObject<any>, text: string): number => {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
if (!canvas) throw new Error('Failed to create canvas element');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
if (!ctx) throw new Error('Failed to get context');
const fontWeight = getComputedStyle(newNoteRef.current).getPropertyValue('font-weight');
const fontSize = getComputedStyle(newNoteRef.current).getPropertyValue('font-size');
const fontFamily = getComputedStyle(newNoteRef.current).getPropertyValue('font-family');
ctx.font = `${fontWeight} ${fontSize} ${fontFamily}`;
return ctx.measureText(text).width;
// Even though these calculations mostly concern the NoteListControls component, we do them here
// because we need to know the height of that control to calculate the note list height.
const useNoteListControlsBreakpoints = (width: number, newNoteRef: React.MutableRefObject<any>, selectedFolderId: string) => {
const [dynamicBreakpoints, setDynamicBreakpoints] = useState<Breakpoints>({ Sm: BaseBreakpoint.Sm, Md: BaseBreakpoint.Md, Lg: BaseBreakpoint.Lg, Xl: BaseBreakpoint.Xl });
const previousWidth = usePrevious(width);
const widthHasChanged = width !== previousWidth;
const showNewNoteButton = selectedFolderId !== getTrashFolderId();
// Initialize language-specific breakpoints
useEffect(() => {
if (!widthHasChanged) return;
if (!newNoteRef.current) return;
if (!showNewNoteButton) return;
// Use the longest string to calculate the amount of extra width needed
const smAdditional = getTextWidth(newNoteRef, _('note')) > getTextWidth(newNoteRef, _('to-do')) ? getTextWidth(newNoteRef, _('note')) : getTextWidth(newNoteRef, _('to-do'));
const mdAdditional = getTextWidth(newNoteRef, _('New note')) > getTextWidth(newNoteRef, _('New to-do')) ? getTextWidth(newNoteRef, _('New note')) : getTextWidth(newNoteRef, _('New to-do'));
const Sm = BaseBreakpoint.Sm + smAdditional * 2;
const Md = BaseBreakpoint.Md + mdAdditional * 2;
const Lg = BaseBreakpoint.Lg + Md;
const Xl = BaseBreakpoint.Xl;
setDynamicBreakpoints({ Sm, Md, Lg, Xl });
}, [newNoteRef, showNewNoteButton, widthHasChanged]);
const breakpoint: number = useMemo(() => {
// Find largest breakpoint that width is less than
const index = Object.values(dynamicBreakpoints).findIndex(x => width < x);
return index === -1 ? dynamicBreakpoints.Xl : Object.values(dynamicBreakpoints)[index];
}, [width, dynamicBreakpoints]);
const lineCount = breakpoint !== dynamicBreakpoints.Xl ? 2 : 1;
return { breakpoint, dynamicBreakpoints, lineCount };
// If the renderer ID that was saved to settings is already registered, we
// return it. If not, we need to wait for all plugins to be loaded, because one
// of them will most likely register the renderer we need. If none of them do,
// we use a default renderer instead of throwing an error.
const useListRenderer = (listRendererId: string, startupPluginsLoaded: boolean) => {
const listRenderer = getListRendererById(listRendererId);
if (listRenderer) return listRenderer;
if (startupPluginsLoaded) {
logger.error(`Tried to load renderer "${listRendererId}" but none of the registered renderers match this ID - using default renderer instead`);
return getDefaultListRenderer();
return null;
export default function NoteListWrapper(props: Props) {
const theme = themeStyle(props.themeId);
const [controlHeight] = useState(theme.topRowHeight);
const listRenderer = useListRenderer(props.listRendererId, props.startupPluginsLoaded);
const newNoteButtonRef = useRef(null);
const isMultiColumns = listRenderer ? listRenderer.multiColumns : false;
const columns = isMultiColumns ? props.columns : null;
const { breakpoint, dynamicBreakpoints, lineCount } = useNoteListControlsBreakpoints(props.size.width, newNoteButtonRef, props.selectedFolderId);
const noteListControlsButtonSize = ButtonSize.Small;
const noteListControlsPadding = theme.mainPadding;
const noteListControlsButtonVerticalGap = 5;
const noteListControlsHeight = useMemo(() => {
if (lineCount === 1) {
return buttonSizePx(noteListControlsButtonSize) + noteListControlsPadding * 2;
} else {
return buttonSizePx(noteListControlsButtonSize) * 2 + noteListControlsPadding * 2 + noteListControlsButtonVerticalGap;
}, [lineCount, noteListControlsButtonSize, noteListControlsPadding, noteListControlsButtonVerticalGap]);
const noteListSize = useMemo(() => {
return {
width: props.size.width,
height: props.size.height - noteListControlsHeight - (isMultiColumns ? theme.noteListHeaderHeight : 0),
}, [props.size, noteListControlsHeight, theme.noteListHeaderHeight, isMultiColumns]);
const onHeaderItemClick: OnItemClickHander = useCallback(event => {
const field = depNameToNoteProp(event.name as any).split('.')[1];
if (!Setting.isAllowedEnumOption('notes.sortOrder.field', field)) {
logger.warn(`Unsupported sorting option: ${field}`);
if (Setting.value('notes.sortOrder.field') === field) {
} else {
Setting.setValue('notes.sortOrder.field', field);
}, []);
const renderHeader = () => {
if (!listRenderer || !isMultiColumns) return null;
return <NoteListHeader
const renderNoteList = () => {
if (!listRenderer) return null;
return <NoteList2
return (