mirror of
synced 2024-12-21 09:38:01 +02:00
303 lines
8.2 KiB
303 lines
8.2 KiB
import * as fs from 'fs-extra';
const dirname = require('path').dirname;
const Mustache = require('mustache');
const glob = require('glob');
const MarkdownIt = require('markdown-it');
const path = require('path');
interface TemplateParams {
baseUrl?: string;
imageBaseUrl?: string;
cssBaseUrl?: string;
jsBaseUrl?: string;
tocHtml?: string;
sourceMarkdownFile?: string;
title?: string;
donateLinksMd?: string;
pageTitle?: string;
yyyy? : string;
const rootDir = dirname(dirname(__dirname));
const websiteAssetDir = `${rootDir}/Assets/WebsiteAssets`;
const mainTemplateHtml = fs.readFileSync(`${websiteAssetDir}/templates/main-new.mustache`, 'utf8');
function markdownToHtml(md: string, templateParams: TemplateParams): string {
const markdownIt = new MarkdownIt({
breaks: true,
linkify: true,
html: true,
markdownIt.core.ruler.push('tableClass', (state: any) => {
const tokens = state.tokens;
for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
const token = tokens[i];
if (token.type === 'table_open') {
token.attrs = [
['class', 'table'],
// if (token.type === 'heading_open') {
// insideHeading = true;
// continue;
// }
// if (token.type === 'heading_close') {
// insideHeading = false;
// continue;
// }
// if (insideHeading && token.type === 'inline') {
// const anchorName = headingTextToAnchorName(token.content, doneNames);
// doneNames.push(anchorName);
// const anchorTokens = createAnchorTokens(anchorName);
// // token.children = anchorTokens.concat(token.children);
// token.children = token.children.concat(anchorTokens);
// }
// console.info('iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii');
// markdownIt.renderer.rules.image = function (tokens:any[], idx:number, options:any, env:any, self:any) {
// const defaultRender = markdownIt.renderer.rules.image;
// const token = tokens[idx];
// console.info('AAAAAAAAAAA', tokens);
// return defaultRender(tokens, idx, options, env, self);
// }
markdownIt.core.ruler.push('checkbox', (state: any) => {
const tokens = state.tokens;
const Token = state.Token;
const doneNames = [];
const headingTextToAnchorName = (text: string, doneNames: string[]) => {
const allowed = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789';
let lastWasDash = true;
let output = '';
for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
const c = text[i];
if (allowed.indexOf(c) < 0) {
if (lastWasDash) continue;
lastWasDash = true;
output += '-';
} else {
lastWasDash = false;
output += c;
output = output.toLowerCase();
while (output.length && output[output.length - 1] === '-') {
output = output.substr(0, output.length - 1);
let temp = output;
let index = 1;
while (doneNames.indexOf(temp) >= 0) {
temp = `${output}-${index}`;
output = temp;
return output;
const createAnchorTokens = (anchorName: string) => {
const output = [];
const token = new Token('heading_anchor_open', 'a', 1);
token.attrs = [
['name', anchorName],
['href', `#${anchorName}`],
['class', 'heading-anchor'],
const token = new Token('text', '', 0);
token.content = '🔗';
const token = new Token('heading_anchor_close', 'a', -1);
return output;
let insideHeading = false;
for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
const token = tokens[i];
if (token.type === 'heading_open') {
insideHeading = true;
if (token.type === 'heading_close') {
insideHeading = false;
if (insideHeading && token.type === 'inline') {
const anchorName = headingTextToAnchorName(token.content, doneNames);
const anchorTokens = createAnchorTokens(anchorName);
// token.children = anchorTokens.concat(token.children);
token.children = token.children.concat(anchorTokens);
return Mustache.render(mainTemplateHtml, {
contentHtml: markdownIt.render(md),
let tocMd_: string = null;
let tocHtml_: string = null;
const tocRegex_ = /<!-- TOC -->([^]*)<!-- TOC -->/;
function tocMd() {
if (tocMd_) return tocMd_;
const md = fs.readFileSync(`${rootDir}/README.md`, 'utf8');
const toc = md.match(tocRegex_);
tocMd_ = toc[1];
return tocMd_;
const donateLinksRegex_ = /<!-- DONATELINKS -->([^]*)<!-- DONATELINKS -->/;
async function getDonateLinks() {
const md = await fs.readFile(`${rootDir}/README.md`, 'utf8');
const matches = md.match(donateLinksRegex_);
if (!matches) throw new Error('Cannot fetch donate links');
return matches[1].trim();
function replaceGitHubByJoplinAppLinks(md: string) {
// let output = md.replace(/https:\/\/github.com\/laurent22\/joplin\/blob\/master\/readme\/(.*?)\/index\.md(#[^\s)]+|)/g, 'https://joplinapp.org/$1');
return md.replace(/https:\/\/github.com\/laurent22\/joplin\/blob\/dev\/readme\/(.*?)\.md(#[^\s)]+|)/g, 'https://joplinapp.org/$1/$2');
function tocHtml() {
if (tocHtml_) return tocHtml_;
const markdownIt = new MarkdownIt();
let md = tocMd();
md = md.replace(/# Table of contents/, '');
md = replaceGitHubByJoplinAppLinks(md);
tocHtml_ = markdownIt.render(md);
tocHtml_ = `<div>${tocHtml_}</div>`;
return tocHtml_;
function renderMdToHtml(md: string, targetPath: string, templateParams: TemplateParams) {
// Remove the header because it's going to be added back as HTML
md = md.replace(/# Joplin\n/, '');
templateParams.baseUrl = '';// 'https://joplinapp.org';
templateParams.imageBaseUrl = `${templateParams.baseUrl}/images`;
templateParams.cssBaseUrl = `${templateParams.baseUrl}/css`;
templateParams.jsBaseUrl = `${templateParams.baseUrl}/js`;
templateParams.tocHtml = tocHtml();
templateParams.yyyy = (new Date()).getFullYear().toString();
const title = [];
if (!templateParams.title) {
title.push('Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronisation capabilities');
} else {
md = replaceGitHubByJoplinAppLinks(md);
if (templateParams.donateLinksMd) {
md = `${templateParams.donateLinksMd}\n\n* * *\n\n${md}`;
templateParams.pageTitle = title.join(' | ');
const html = markdownToHtml(md, templateParams);
const folderPath = dirname(targetPath);
fs.writeFileSync(targetPath, html);
async function readmeFileTitle(sourcePath: string) {
const md = await fs.readFile(sourcePath, 'utf8');
const r = md.match(/(^|\n)# (.*)/);
if (!r) {
throw new Error(`Could not determine title for Markdown file: ${sourcePath}`);
} else {
return r[2];
function renderFileToHtml(sourcePath: string, targetPath: string, templateParams: TemplateParams) {
const md = fs.readFileSync(sourcePath, 'utf8');
return renderMdToHtml(md, targetPath, templateParams);
function makeHomePageMd() {
let md = fs.readFileSync(`${rootDir}/README.md`, 'utf8');
md = md.replace(tocRegex_, '');
// HACK: GitHub needs the \| or the inline code won't be displayed correctly inside the table,
// while MarkdownIt doesn't and will in fact display the \. So we remove it here.
md = md.replace(/\\\| bash/g, '| bash');
return md;
async function main() {
await fs.remove(`${rootDir}/docs`);
await fs.copy(websiteAssetDir, `${rootDir}/docs`);
renderMdToHtml(makeHomePageMd(), `${rootDir}/docs/index.html`, { sourceMarkdownFile: 'README.md' });
const mdFiles = glob.sync(`${rootDir}/readme/**/*.md`, {
ignore: [
// '**/node_modules/**',
}).map((f: string) => f.substr(rootDir.length + 1));
const sources = [];
const donateLinksMd = await getDonateLinks();
for (const mdFile of mdFiles) {
const title = await readmeFileTitle(`${rootDir}/${mdFile}`);
const targetFilePath = `${mdFile.replace(/\.md/, '').replace(/readme\//, 'docs/')}/index.html`;
sources.push([mdFile, targetFilePath, {
title: title,
donateLinksMd: donateLinksMd,
for (const source of sources) {
source[2].sourceMarkdownFile = source[0];
source[2].sourceMarkdownName = path.basename(source[0], path.extname(source[0]));
renderFileToHtml(`${rootDir}/${source[0]}`, `${rootDir}/${source[1]}`, source[2]);
main().catch((error) => {