mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2025-03-06 15:36:49 +02:00

207 lines
6.4 KiB

const { dialog } = require('electron');
const shim = require('@joplin/lib/shim').default;
const Logger = require('@joplin/lib/Logger').default;
const { _ } = require('@joplin/lib/locale');
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const { fileExtension } = require('@joplin/lib/path-utils');
const packageInfo = require('./packageInfo.js');
const compareVersions = require('compare-versions');
let autoUpdateLogger_ = new Logger();
let checkInBackground_ = false;
let isCheckingForUpdate_ = false;
let parentWindow_ = null;
function showErrorMessageBox(message) {
return dialog.showMessageBox(parentWindow_, {
type: 'error',
message: message,
function onCheckStarted() {
autoUpdateLogger_.info('checkForUpdates: Starting...');
isCheckingForUpdate_ = true;
function onCheckEnded() {
autoUpdateLogger_.info('checkForUpdates: Done.');
isCheckingForUpdate_ = false;
function getMajorMinorTagName(tagName) {
const s = tagName.split('.');
return s.join('.');
async function fetchLatestRelease(options) {
options = Object.assign({}, { includePreReleases: false }, options);
const response = await fetch('https://api.github.com/repos/laurent22/joplin/releases');
if (!response.ok) {
const responseText = await response.text();
throw new Error(`Cannot get latest release info: ${responseText.substr(0,500)}`);
const releases = await response.json();
if (!releases.length) throw new Error('Cannot get latest release info (JSON)');
let release = null;
if (options.includePreReleases) {
release = releases[0];
} else {
for (const r of releases) {
if (!r.prerelease) {
release = r;
if (!release) throw new Error('Could not get tag name');
const version = release.tag_name.substr(1);
// We concatenate all the release notes of the major/minor versions
// corresponding to the latest version. For example, if the latest version
// is 1.8.3, we concatenate all the 1.8.x versions. This is so that no
// matter from which version you upgrade, you always see the full changes,
// with the latest changes being on top.
const fullReleaseNotes = [];
const majorMinorTagName = getMajorMinorTagName(release.tag_name);
for (const release of releases) {
if (getMajorMinorTagName(release.tag_name) === majorMinorTagName) {
let downloadUrl = null;
const platform = process.platform;
for (let i = 0; i < release.assets.length; i++) {
const asset = release.assets[i];
let found = false;
const ext = fileExtension(asset.name);
if (platform === 'win32' && ext === 'exe') {
if (shim.isPortable()) {
found = asset.name == 'JoplinPortable.exe';
} else {
found = !!asset.name.match(/^Joplin-Setup-[\d.]+\.exe$/);
} else if (platform === 'darwin' && ext === 'dmg') {
found = true;
} else if (platform === 'linux' && ext === '.AppImage') {
found = true;
if (found) {
downloadUrl = asset.browser_download_url;
function cleanUpReleaseNotes(releaseNotes) {
const lines = releaseNotes.join('\n\n* * *\n\n').split('\n');
const output = [];
for (const line of lines) {
const r = line
.replace(/\(#.* by .*\)/g, '') // Removes issue numbers and names - (#3157 by [@user](https://github.com/user))
.replace(/\([0-9a-z]{7}\)/g, '') // Removes commits - "sync state or data (a6caa35)"
.replace(/\(#[0-9]+\)/g, '') // Removes issue numbers - "(#4727)"
.replace(/ {2}/g, ' ')
return output.join('\n');
return {
version: version,
downloadUrl: downloadUrl,
notes: cleanUpReleaseNotes(fullReleaseNotes),
pageUrl: release.html_url,
prerelease: release.prerelease,
function truncateText(text, length) {
let truncated = text.substring(0, length);
const lastNewLine = truncated.lastIndexOf('\n');
// Cut off at a line break unless we'd be cutting off half the text
if (lastNewLine > length / 2) {
truncated = `${truncated.substring(0, lastNewLine)}\n...`;
} else {
truncated = `${truncated.trim()}...`;
return truncated;
function checkForUpdates(inBackground, window, logFilePath, options) {
if (isCheckingForUpdate_) {
autoUpdateLogger_.info('checkForUpdates: Skipping check because it is already running');
parentWindow_ = window;
if (logFilePath && !autoUpdateLogger_.targets().length) {
autoUpdateLogger_ = new Logger();
autoUpdateLogger_.addTarget('file', { path: logFilePath });
autoUpdateLogger_.info('checkForUpdates: Initializing...');
checkInBackground_ = inBackground;
autoUpdateLogger_.info(`checkForUpdates: Checking with options ${JSON.stringify(options)}`);
fetchLatestRelease(options).then(async (release) => {
autoUpdateLogger_.info(`Current version: ${packageInfo.version}`);
autoUpdateLogger_.info(`Latest version: ${release.version}`);
autoUpdateLogger_.info('Is Pre-release:', release.prerelease);
if (compareVersions(release.version, packageInfo.version) <= 0) {
if (!checkInBackground_) {
await dialog.showMessageBox({
type: 'info',
message: _('Current version is up-to-date.'),
buttons: [_('OK')],
} else {
const fullReleaseNotes = release.notes.trim() ? `\n\n${release.notes.trim()}` : '';
const truncateReleaseNotes = fullReleaseNotes.length > MAX_RELEASE_NOTES_LENGTH;
const releaseNotes = truncateReleaseNotes ? truncateText(fullReleaseNotes, MAX_RELEASE_NOTES_LENGTH) : fullReleaseNotes;
const newVersionString = release.prerelease ? _('%s (pre-release)', release.version) : release.version;
const result = await dialog.showMessageBox(parentWindow_, {
type: 'info',
message: `${_('An update is available, do you want to download it now?')}`,
detail: `${_('Your version: %s', packageInfo.version)}\n${_('New version: %s', newVersionString)}${releaseNotes}`,
buttons: [_('Download'), _('Cancel'), _('Full changelog')],
cancelId: 1,
const buttonIndex = result.response;
if (buttonIndex === 0) require('electron').shell.openExternal(release.downloadUrl ? release.downloadUrl : release.pageUrl);
if (buttonIndex === 2) require('electron').shell.openExternal('https://joplinapp.org/changelog/');
}).catch(error => {
if (!checkInBackground_) showErrorMessageBox(error.message);
}).then(() => {
module.exports.checkForUpdates = checkForUpdates;