mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 14:09:55 +02:00
817 lines
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817 lines
25 KiB
import Logger from '@joplin/utils/Logger';
import ItemChange from '../../models/ItemChange';
import Setting from '../../models/Setting';
import Note from '../../models/Note';
import BaseModel, { ModelType } from '../../BaseModel';
import ItemChangeUtils from '../ItemChangeUtils';
import shim from '../../shim';
import filterParser, { Term } from './filterParser';
import queryBuilder from './queryBuilder';
import { ItemChangeEntity, NoteEntity, SqlQuery } from '../database/types';
import Resource from '../../models/Resource';
import JoplinDatabase from '../../JoplinDatabase';
import NoteResource from '../../models/NoteResource';
import isItemId from '../../models/utils/isItemId';
import BaseItem from '../../models/BaseItem';
import { isCallbackUrl, parseCallbackUrl } from '../../callbackUrlUtils';
const { sprintf } = require('sprintf-js');
const { pregQuote, scriptType, removeDiacritics } = require('../../string-utils.js');
enum SearchType {
Auto = 'auto',
Basic = 'basic',
Nonlatin = 'nonlatin',
Fts = 'fts',
interface SearchOptions {
searchType?: SearchType;
// When this is on, the search engine automatically appends "*" to each word
// of the query. So "hello world" is turned into "hello* world*". This
// allows returning results quickly, in particular on mobile, and it seems
// to be what users generally expect.
appendWildCards?: boolean;
// Include resources that are not associated with any notes.
includeOrphanedResources?: boolean;
export interface ProcessResultsRow {
id: string;
parent_id: string;
title: string;
offsets: string;
item_id: string;
user_updated_time: number;
user_created_time: number;
matchinfo: Buffer;
item_type?: ModelType;
fields?: string[];
weight?: number;
is_todo?: number;
todo_completed?: number;
export interface ComplexTerm {
type: 'regex' | 'text';
value: string;
scriptType: any;
valueRegex?: RegExp;
export interface Terms {
_: (string | ComplexTerm)[];
title: (string | ComplexTerm)[];
body: (string | ComplexTerm)[];
export default class SearchEngine {
public static instance_: SearchEngine = null;
public static relevantFields = 'id, title, body, user_created_time, user_updated_time, is_todo, todo_completed, todo_due, parent_id, latitude, longitude, altitude, source_url';
public static SEARCH_TYPE_AUTO = SearchType.Auto;
public static SEARCH_TYPE_BASIC = SearchType.Basic;
public static SEARCH_TYPE_NONLATIN_SCRIPT = SearchType.Nonlatin;
public static SEARCH_TYPE_FTS = SearchType.Fts;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types -- Old code before rule was applied
public dispatch: Function = (_o: any) => {};
private logger_ = new Logger();
private db_: JoplinDatabase = null;
private isIndexing_ = false;
private syncCalls_: any[] = [];
private scheduleSyncTablesIID_: any;
public static instance() {
if (SearchEngine.instance_) return SearchEngine.instance_;
SearchEngine.instance_ = new SearchEngine();
return SearchEngine.instance_;
public setLogger(logger: Logger) {
this.logger_ = logger;
public logger() {
return this.logger_;
public setDb(db: any) {
this.db_ = db;
public db() {
return this.db_;
private noteById_(notes: NoteEntity[], noteId: string) {
for (let i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) {
if (notes[i].id === noteId) return notes[i];
// The note may have been deleted since the change was recorded. For example in this case:
// - Note created (Some Change object is recorded)
// - Note is deleted
// - ResourceService indexer runs.
// In that case, there will be a change for the note, but the note will be gone.
return null;
private async doInitialNoteIndexing_() {
const notes = await this.db().selectAll<NoteEntity>('SELECT id FROM notes WHERE is_conflict = 0 AND encryption_applied = 0');
const noteIds = notes.map(n => n.id);
const lastChangeId = await ItemChange.lastChangeId();
// First delete content of note_normalized, in case the previous initial indexing failed
await this.db().exec('DELETE FROM notes_normalized');
while (noteIds.length) {
const currentIds = noteIds.splice(0, 100);
const notes = await Note.modelSelectAll(`
SELECT ${SearchEngine.relevantFields}
FROM notes
WHERE id IN ("${currentIds.join('","')}") AND is_conflict = 0 AND encryption_applied = 0`);
const queries = [];
for (let i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) {
const note = notes[i];
const n = this.normalizeNote_(note);
queries.push({ sql: `
INSERT INTO notes_normalized(${SearchEngine.relevantFields})
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`,
params: [n.id, n.title, n.body, n.user_created_time, n.user_updated_time, n.is_todo, n.todo_completed, n.todo_due, n.parent_id, n.latitude, n.longitude, n.altitude, n.source_url] },
await this.db().transactionExecBatch(queries);
Setting.setValue('searchEngine.lastProcessedChangeId', lastChangeId);
public scheduleSyncTables() {
if (this.scheduleSyncTablesIID_) return;
this.scheduleSyncTablesIID_ = shim.setTimeout(async () => {
try {
await this.syncTables();
} catch (error) {
this.logger().error('SearchEngine::scheduleSyncTables: Error while syncing tables:', error);
this.scheduleSyncTablesIID_ = null;
}, 10000);
public async rebuildIndex() {
Setting.setValue('searchEngine.lastProcessedChangeId', 0);
Setting.setValue('searchEngine.initialIndexingDone', false);
Setting.setValue('searchEngine.lastProcessedResource', '');
return this.syncTables();
private async syncTables_() {
if (this.isIndexing_) return;
this.isIndexing_ = true;
this.logger().info('SearchEngine: Updating FTS table...');
await ItemChange.waitForAllSaved();
if (!Setting.value('searchEngine.initialIndexingDone')) {
await this.doInitialNoteIndexing_();
Setting.setValue('searchEngine.initialIndexingDone', true);
const startTime = Date.now();
const report = {
inserted: 0,
deleted: 0,
let lastChangeId = Setting.value('searchEngine.lastProcessedChangeId');
try {
while (true) {
const changes: ItemChangeEntity[] = await ItemChange.modelSelectAll(
SELECT id, item_id, type
FROM item_changes
WHERE item_type = ?
AND id > ?
[BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, lastChangeId],
if (!changes.length) break;
const queries = [];
const noteIds = changes.map(a => a.item_id);
const notes = await Note.modelSelectAll(`
SELECT ${SearchEngine.relevantFields}
FROM notes WHERE id IN ("${noteIds.join('","')}") AND is_conflict = 0 AND encryption_applied = 0`,
for (let i = 0; i < changes.length; i++) {
const change = changes[i];
if (change.type === ItemChange.TYPE_CREATE || change.type === ItemChange.TYPE_UPDATE) {
queries.push({ sql: 'DELETE FROM notes_normalized WHERE id = ?', params: [change.item_id] });
const note = this.noteById_(notes, change.item_id);
if (note) {
const n = this.normalizeNote_(note);
queries.push({ sql: `
INSERT INTO notes_normalized(${SearchEngine.relevantFields})
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`,
params: [change.item_id, n.title, n.body, n.user_created_time, n.user_updated_time, n.is_todo, n.todo_completed, n.todo_due, n.parent_id, n.latitude, n.longitude, n.altitude, n.source_url] });
} else if (change.type === ItemChange.TYPE_DELETE) {
queries.push({ sql: 'DELETE FROM notes_normalized WHERE id = ?', params: [change.item_id] });
} else {
throw new Error(`Invalid change type: ${change.type}`);
lastChangeId = change.id;
await this.db().transactionExecBatch(queries);
Setting.setValue('searchEngine.lastProcessedChangeId', lastChangeId);
await Setting.saveAll();
} catch (error) {
this.logger().error('SearchEngine: Error while processing changes:', error);
await ItemChangeUtils.deleteProcessedChanges();
interface LastProcessedResource {
id: string;
updated_time: number;
const lastProcessedResource: LastProcessedResource = !Setting.value('searchEngine.lastProcessedResource') ? { updated_time: 0, id: '' } : JSON.parse(Setting.value('searchEngine.lastProcessedResource'));
this.logger().info('Updating items_normalized from', lastProcessedResource);
try {
while (true) {
const resources = await Resource.allForNormalization(
fields: ['id', 'title', 'ocr_text', 'updated_time'],
if (!resources.length) break;
const queries: SqlQuery[] = [];
for (const resource of resources) {
sql: 'DELETE FROM items_normalized WHERE item_id = ? AND item_type = ?',
params: [
sql: `
INSERT INTO items_normalized(item_id, item_type, title, body, user_updated_time)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`,
params: [
lastProcessedResource.id = resource.id;
lastProcessedResource.updated_time = resource.updated_time;
await this.db().transactionExecBatch(queries);
Setting.setValue('searchEngine.lastProcessedResource', JSON.stringify(lastProcessedResource));
await Setting.saveAll();
} catch (error) {
this.logger().error('SearchEngine: Error while processing resources:', error);
this.logger().info(sprintf('SearchEngine: Updated FTS table in %dms. Inserted: %d. Deleted: %d', Date.now() - startTime, report.inserted, report.deleted));
this.isIndexing_ = false;
public async syncTables() {
try {
await this.syncTables_();
} finally {
public async countRows() {
const sql = 'SELECT count(*) as total FROM notes_fts';
const row = await this.db().selectOne(sql);
return row && row['total'] ? row['total'] : 0;
private fieldNamesFromOffsets_(offsets: any[]) {
const notesNormalizedFieldNames = this.db().tableFieldNames('notes_normalized');
const occurenceCount = Math.floor(offsets.length / 4);
const output: string[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < occurenceCount; i++) {
const colIndex = offsets[i * 4];
const fieldName = notesNormalizedFieldNames[colIndex];
if (!output.includes(fieldName)) output.push(fieldName);
return output;
private calculateWeightBM25_(rows: ProcessResultsRow[]) {
// https://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html#matchinfo
// pcnalx are the arguments passed to matchinfo
// p - The number of matchable phrases in the query.
// c - The number of user defined columns in the FTS table
// n - The number of rows in the FTS4 table.
// a - avg number of tokens in the text values stored in the column.
// l - For each column, the length of the value stored in the current
// row of the FTS4 table, in tokens.
// x - For each distinct combination of a phrase and table column, the
// following three values:
// hits_this_row
// hits_all_rows
// docs_with_hits
if (rows.length === 0) return;
const matchInfo = rows.map(row => new Uint32Array(row.matchinfo.buffer));
const generalInfo = matchInfo[0];
const K1 = 1.2;
const B = 0.75;
const TITLE_COLUMN = 1;
const BODY_COLUMN = 2;
const columns = [TITLE_COLUMN, BODY_COLUMN];
const numPhrases = generalInfo[0]; // p
const numColumns = generalInfo[1]; // c
const numRows = generalInfo[2]; // n
const avgTitleTokens = generalInfo[4]; // a
const avgBodyTokens = generalInfo[5];
const avgTokens = [null, avgTitleTokens, avgBodyTokens]; // we only need cols 1 and 2
const numTitleTokens = matchInfo.map(m => m[4 + numColumns]); // l
const numBodyTokens = matchInfo.map(m => m[5 + numColumns]);
const numTokens = [null, numTitleTokens, numBodyTokens];
// In byte size, we have for notes_normalized:
// p 1
// c 1
// n 1
// a 12
// l 12
const X = matchInfo.map(m => m.slice(1 + 1 + 1 + numColumns + numColumns)); // x
const hitsThisRow = (array: any, c: number, p: number) => array[3 * (c + p * numColumns) + 0];
// const hitsAllRows = (array, c, p) => array[3 * (c + p*NUM_COLS) + 1];
const docsWithHits = (array: any, c: number, p: number) => array[3 * (c + p * numColumns) + 2];
const IDF = (n: number, N: number) => Math.max(Math.log(((N - n + 0.5) / (n + 0.5)) + 1), 0);
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okapi_BM25
const BM25 = (idf: number, freq: number, numTokens: number, avgTokens: number) => {
if (avgTokens === 0) {
return 0; // To prevent division by zero
return idf * (freq * (K1 + 1)) / (freq + K1 * (1 - B + B * (numTokens / avgTokens)));
const msSinceEpoch = Math.round(new Date().getTime());
const msPerDay = 86400000;
const weightForDaysSinceLastUpdate = (row: ProcessResultsRow) => {
// BM25 weights typically range 0-10, and last updated date should weight similarly, though prioritizing recency logarithmically.
// An alpha of 200 ensures matches in the last week will show up front (11.59) and often so for matches within 2 weeks (5.99),
// but is much less of a factor at 30 days (2.84) or very little after 90 days (0.95), focusing mostly on content at that point.
if (!row.user_updated_time) {
return 0;
const alpha = 200;
const daysSinceLastUpdate = (msSinceEpoch - row.user_updated_time) / msPerDay;
return alpha * Math.log(1 + 1 / Math.max(daysSinceLastUpdate, 0.5));
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
const row = rows[i];
row.weight = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < numPhrases; j++) {
// eslint-disable-next-line github/array-foreach -- Old code before rule was applied
columns.forEach(column => {
const rowsWithHits = docsWithHits(X[i], column, j);
const frequencyHits = hitsThisRow(X[i], column, j);
const idf = IDF(rowsWithHits, numRows);
row.weight += BM25(idf, frequencyHits, numTokens[column][i], avgTokens[column]);
row.weight += weightForDaysSinceLastUpdate(row);
private processBasicSearchResults_(rows: any[], parsedQuery: any) {
const valueRegexs = parsedQuery.keys.includes('_') ? parsedQuery.terms['_'].map((term: any) => term.valueRegex || term.value) : [];
const isTitleSearch = parsedQuery.keys.includes('title');
const isOnlyTitle = parsedQuery.keys.length === 1 && isTitleSearch;
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
const row = rows[i];
const testTitle = (regex: any) => new RegExp(regex, 'ig').test(row.title);
const matchedFields: any = {
title: isTitleSearch || valueRegexs.some(testTitle),
body: !isOnlyTitle,
row.fields = Object.keys(matchedFields).filter((key: any) => matchedFields[key]);
row.weight = 0;
row.fuzziness = 0;
private processResults_(rows: ProcessResultsRow[], parsedQuery: any, isBasicSearchResults = false) {
if (isBasicSearchResults) {
this.processBasicSearchResults_(rows, parsedQuery);
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
const row = rows[i];
const offsets = row.offsets.split(' ').map((o: any) => Number(o));
row.fields = this.fieldNamesFromOffsets_(offsets);
rows.sort((a, b) => {
const aIsNote = a.item_type === ModelType.Note;
const bIsNote = b.item_type === ModelType.Note;
if (a.fields.includes('title') && !b.fields.includes('title')) return -1;
if (!a.fields.includes('title') && b.fields.includes('title')) return +1;
if (a.weight < b.weight) return +1;
if (a.weight > b.weight) return -1;
if (aIsNote && bIsNote) {
if (a.is_todo && a.todo_completed) return +1;
if (b.is_todo && b.todo_completed) return -1;
if (a.user_updated_time < b.user_updated_time) return +1;
if (a.user_updated_time > b.user_updated_time) return -1;
return 0;
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/13818704/561309
public queryTermToRegex(term: any) {
while (term.length && term.indexOf('*') === 0) {
term = term.substr(1);
let regexString = pregQuote(term);
if (regexString[regexString.length - 1] === '*') {
regexString = `${regexString.substr(0, regexString.length - 2)}[^${pregQuote(' \t\n\r,.,+-*?!={}<>|:"\'()[]')}]` + '*?';
// regexString = regexString.substr(0, regexString.length - 2) + '.*?';
return regexString;
public async parseQuery(query: string) {
const trimQuotes = (str: string) => str.startsWith('"') ? str.substr(1, str.length - 2) : str;
let allTerms: Term[] = [];
try {
allTerms = filterParser(query);
} catch (error) {
const textTerms = allTerms.filter(x => x.name === 'text' && !x.negated).map(x => trimQuotes(x.value));
const titleTerms = allTerms.filter(x => x.name === 'title' && !x.negated).map(x => trimQuotes(x.value));
const bodyTerms = allTerms.filter(x => x.name === 'body' && !x.negated).map(x => trimQuotes(x.value));
const terms: Terms = { _: textTerms, 'title': titleTerms, 'body': bodyTerms };
// Filter terms:
// - Convert wildcards to regex
// - Remove columns with no results
// - Add count of terms
let termCount = 0;
const keys = [];
for (const col2 in terms) {
const col = col2 as '_' | 'title' | 'body';
if (!terms.hasOwnProperty(col)) continue;
if (!terms[col].length) {
delete terms[col];
for (let i = terms[col].length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const term = terms[col][i] as string;
// SQlLite FTS doesn't allow "*" queries and neither shall we
if (term === '*') {
terms[col].splice(i, 1);
if (term.indexOf('*') >= 0) {
terms[col][i] = { type: 'regex', value: term, scriptType: scriptType(term), valueRegex: this.queryTermToRegex(term) };
} else {
terms[col][i] = { type: 'text', value: term, scriptType: scriptType(term) };
termCount += terms[col].length;
// The object "allTerms" is used for query construction purposes (this
// contains all the filter terms) Since this is used for the FTS match
// query, we need to normalize text, title and body terms. Note, we're
// not normalizing terms like tag because these are matched using SQL
// LIKE operator and so we must preserve their diacritics.
// The object "terms" only include text, title, body terms and is used
// for highlighting. By not normalizing the text, title, body in
// "terms", highlighting still works correctly for words with
// diacritics.
allTerms = allTerms.map(x => {
if (x.name === 'text' || x.name === 'title' || x.name === 'body') {
return { ...x, value: this.normalizeText_(x.value) };
return x;
return {
termCount: termCount,
keys: keys,
terms: terms, // text terms
allTerms: allTerms,
any: !!allTerms.find(term => term.name === 'any'),
public allParsedQueryTerms(parsedQuery: any) {
if (!parsedQuery || !parsedQuery.termCount) return [];
let output: any[] = [];
for (const col in parsedQuery.terms) {
if (!parsedQuery.terms.hasOwnProperty(col)) continue;
output = output.concat(parsedQuery.terms[col]);
return output;
private normalizeText_(text: string) {
let normalizedText = text.normalize ? text.normalize() : text;
// Null characters can break FTS. Remove them.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex
normalizedText = normalizedText.replace(/\x00/g, ' ');
return removeDiacritics(normalizedText.toLowerCase());
private normalizeNote_(note: NoteEntity) {
const n = { ...note };
n.title = this.normalizeText_(n.title);
n.body = this.normalizeText_(n.body);
return n;
public async basicSearch(query: string) {
query = query.replace(/\*/, '');
const parsedQuery = await this.parseQuery(query);
const searchOptions: any = {};
for (const key of parsedQuery.keys) {
if ((parsedQuery.terms as any)[key].length === 0) continue;
const term = (parsedQuery.terms as any)[key].map((x: Term) => x.value).join(' ');
if (key === '_') searchOptions.anywherePattern = `*${term}*`;
if (key === 'title') searchOptions.titlePattern = `*${term}*`;
if (key === 'body') searchOptions.bodyPattern = `*${term}*`;
return Note.previews(null, searchOptions);
private determineSearchType_(query: string, preferredSearchType: any) {
if (preferredSearchType === SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_BASIC) return SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_BASIC;
if (preferredSearchType === SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_NONLATIN_SCRIPT) return SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_NONLATIN_SCRIPT;
// If preferredSearchType is "fts" we auto-detect anyway
// because it's not always supported.
let allTerms: any[] = [];
try {
allTerms = filterParser(query);
} catch (error) {
const textQuery = allTerms.filter(x => x.name === 'text' || x.name === 'title' || x.name === 'body').map(x => x.value).join(' ');
const st = scriptType(textQuery);
if (!Setting.value('db.ftsEnabled')) {
return SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_BASIC;
// Non-alphabetical languages aren't support by SQLite FTS (except with extensions which are not available in all platforms)
if (['ja', 'zh', 'ko', 'th'].indexOf(st) >= 0) {
return SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_FTS;
private async searchFromItemIds(searchString: string): Promise<ProcessResultsRow[]> {
let itemId = '';
if (isCallbackUrl(searchString)) {
const parsed = parseCallbackUrl(searchString);
itemId = parsed.params.id;
} else if (isItemId(searchString)) {
itemId = searchString;
if (itemId) {
const item = await BaseItem.loadItemById(itemId);
// We only return notes for now because the UI doesn't handle anything else.
if (item && item.type_ === ModelType.Note) {
return [
id: item.id,
item_id: item.id,
parent_id: item.parent_id || '',
matchinfo: Buffer.from(''),
offsets: '',
title: item.title || item.id,
user_updated_time: item.user_updated_time || item.updated_time,
user_created_time: item.user_created_time || item.created_time,
fields: ['id'],
return [];
public async search(searchString: string, options: SearchOptions = null): Promise<ProcessResultsRow[]> {
if (!searchString) return [];
options = {
searchType: SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_AUTO,
appendWildCards: false,
includeOrphanedResources: false,
const searchType = this.determineSearchType_(searchString, options.searchType);
const parsedQuery = await this.parseQuery(searchString);
let rows: ProcessResultsRow[] = [];
if (searchType === SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_BASIC) {
searchString = this.normalizeText_(searchString);
rows = (await this.basicSearch(searchString)) as any[];
this.processResults_(rows, parsedQuery, true);
} else {
// FTS will ignore all special characters, like "-" in the index. So if
// we search for "this-phrase" it won't find it because it will only
// see "this phrase" in the index. Because of this, we remove the dashes
// when searching.
// https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/1075#issuecomment-459258856
if (options.appendWildCards) {
parsedQuery.allTerms = parsedQuery.allTerms.map(t => {
if (t.name === 'text' && !t.wildcard) {
t = {
wildcard: true,
value: t.value.endsWith('"') ? `${t.value.substring(0, t.value.length - 1)}*"` : `${t.value}*`,
return t;
const useFts = searchType === SearchEngine.SEARCH_TYPE_FTS;
try {
const { query, params } = queryBuilder(parsedQuery.allTerms, useFts);
rows = await this.db().selectAll<ProcessResultsRow>(query, params);
const queryHasFilters = !!parsedQuery.allTerms.find(t => t.name !== 'text');
rows = rows.map(r => {
return {
item_type: ModelType.Note,
if (!queryHasFilters) {
const toSearch = parsedQuery.allTerms.map(t => t.value).join(' ');
let itemRows = await this.db().selectAll<ProcessResultsRow>(`
offsets(items_fts) AS offsets,
matchinfo(items_fts, 'pcnalx') AS matchinfo,
FROM items_fts
WHERE title MATCH ? OR body MATCH ?
`, [toSearch, toSearch]);
const resourcesToNotes = await NoteResource.associatedResourceNotes(itemRows.map(r => r.item_id), { fields: ['note_id', 'parent_id'] });
for (const itemRow of itemRows) {
const notes = resourcesToNotes[itemRow.item_id];
const note = notes && notes.length ? notes[0] : null;
itemRow.id = note ? note.note_id : null;
itemRow.parent_id = note ? note.parent_id : null;
if (!options.includeOrphanedResources) itemRows = itemRows.filter(r => !!r.id);
rows = rows.concat(itemRows);
this.processResults_(rows as ProcessResultsRow[], parsedQuery, !useFts);
} catch (error) {
this.logger().warn(`Cannot execute MATCH query: ${searchString}: ${error.message}`);
rows = [];
if (!rows.length) {
rows = await this.searchFromItemIds(searchString);
return rows;
public async destroy() {
if (this.scheduleSyncTablesIID_) {
this.scheduleSyncTablesIID_ = null;
SearchEngine.instance_ = null;
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const iid = shim.setInterval(() => {
if (!this.syncCalls_.length) {
SearchEngine.instance_ = null;
}, 100);