mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2025-03-03 15:32:30 +02:00

359 lines
11 KiB

const BaseItem = require('lib/models/BaseItem.js');
const BaseModel = require('lib/BaseModel.js');
const Resource = require('lib/models/Resource.js');
const Folder = require('lib/models/Folder.js');
const NoteTag = require('lib/models/NoteTag.js');
const Note = require('lib/models/Note.js');
const ArrayUtils = require('lib/ArrayUtils');
const { sprintf } = require('sprintf-js');
const { shim } = require('lib/shim');
const { _ } = require('lib/locale');
const { fileExtension } = require('lib/path-utils');
const { toTitleCase } = require('lib/string-utils');
class InteropService {
constructor() {
this.modules_ = null; }
modules() {
if (this.modules_) return this.modules_;
let importModules = [
format: 'jex',
fileExtensions: ['jex'],
sources: ['file'],
description: _('Joplin Export File'),
format: 'md',
fileExtensions: ['md', 'markdown', 'txt'],
sources: ['file', 'directory'],
isNoteArchive: false, // Tells whether the file can contain multiple notes (eg. Enex or Jex format)
description: _('Markdown'),
format: 'raw',
sources: ['directory'],
description: _('Joplin Export Directory'),
format: 'enex',
fileExtensions: ['enex'],
sources: ['file'],
description: _('Evernote Export File (as Markdown)'),
importerClass: 'InteropService_Importer_EnexToMd',
isDefault: true,
format: 'enex',
fileExtensions: ['enex'],
sources: ['file'],
description: _('Evernote Export File (as HTML)'),
// TODO: Consider doing this the same way as the multiple `md` importers are handled
importerClass: 'InteropService_Importer_EnexToHtml',
let exportModules = [
format: 'jex',
fileExtensions: ['jex'],
target: 'file',
description: _('Joplin Export File'),
format: 'raw',
target: 'directory',
description: _('Joplin Export Directory'),
format: 'json',
target: 'directory',
description: _('Json Export Directory'),
format: 'md',
target: 'directory',
description: _('Markdown'),
importModules = importModules.map(a => {
const className = a.importerClass || `InteropService_Importer_${toTitleCase(a.format)}`;
const output = Object.assign(
type: 'importer',
path: `lib/services/${className}`,
if (!('isNoteArchive' in output)) output.isNoteArchive = true;
return output;
exportModules = exportModules.map(a => {
const className = `InteropService_Exporter_${toTitleCase(a.format)}`;
return Object.assign(
type: 'exporter',
path: `lib/services/${className}`,
this.modules_ = importModules.concat(exportModules);
this.modules_ = this.modules_.map(a => {
a.fullLabel = function(moduleSource = null) {
const label = [`${this.format.toUpperCase()} - ${this.description}`];
if (moduleSource && this.sources.length > 1) {
label.push(`(${moduleSource === 'file' ? _('File') : _('Directory')})`);
return label.join(' ');
return a;
return this.modules_;
// Find the module that matches the given type ("importer" or "exporter")
// and the given format. Some formats can have multiple assocated importers
// or exporters, such as ENEX. In this case, the one marked as "isDefault"
// is returned. This is useful to auto-detect the module based on the format.
// For more precise matching, newModuleFromPath_ should be used.
findModuleByFormat_(type, format) {
const modules = this.modules();
const matches = [];
for (let i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {
const m = modules[i];
if (m.format === format && m.type === type) matches.push(modules[i]);
const output = matches.find(m => !!m.isDefault);
if (output) return output;
return matches.length ? matches[0] : null;
* NOTE TO FUTURE SELF: It might make sense to simply move all the existing
* formatters to the `newModuleFromPath_` approach, so that there's only one way
* to do this mapping. This isn't a priority right now (per the convo in:
* https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/pull/1795#discussion_r322379121) but
* we can do it if it ever becomes necessary.
newModuleByFormat_(type, format) {
const moduleMetadata = this.findModuleByFormat_(type, format);
if (!moduleMetadata) throw new Error(_('Cannot load "%s" module for format "%s"', type, format));
const ModuleClass = require(moduleMetadata.path);
const output = new ModuleClass();
return output;
* The existing `newModuleByFormat_` fn would load by the input format. This
* was fine when there was a 1-1 mapping of input formats to output formats,
* but now that we have 2 possible outputs for an `enex` input, we need to be
* explicit with which importer we want to use.
* https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/pull/1795#pullrequestreview-281574417
newModuleFromPath_(type, options) {
if (!options || !options.modulePath) {
throw new Error('Cannot load module without a defined path to load from.');
const ModuleClass = require(options.modulePath);
const output = new ModuleClass();
const moduleMetadata = this.findModuleByFormat_(type, options.format);
output.setMetadata({options, ...moduleMetadata}); // TODO: Check that this metadata is equivalent to module above
return output;
moduleByFileExtension_(type, ext) {
ext = ext.toLowerCase();
const modules = this.modules();
for (let i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {
const m = modules[i];
if (type !== m.type) continue;
if (m.fileExtensions && m.fileExtensions.indexOf(ext) >= 0) return m;
return null;
async import(options) {
if (!(await shim.fsDriver().exists(options.path))) throw new Error(_('Cannot find "%s".', options.path));
options = Object.assign(
format: 'auto',
destinationFolderId: null,
destinationFolder: null,
if (options.format === 'auto') {
const module = this.moduleByFileExtension_('importer', fileExtension(options.path));
if (!module) throw new Error(_('Please specify import format for %s', options.path));
// eslint-disable-next-line require-atomic-updates
options.format = module.format;
if (options.destinationFolderId) {
const folder = await Folder.load(options.destinationFolderId);
if (!folder) throw new Error(_('Cannot find "%s".', options.destinationFolderId));
// eslint-disable-next-line require-atomic-updates
options.destinationFolder = folder;
let result = { warnings: [] };
// console.log('options passed to InteropService:');
// console.log(JSON.stringify({options}, null, 2));
let importer = null;
if (options.modulePath) {
importer = this.newModuleFromPath_('importer', options);
} else {
importer = this.newModuleByFormat_('importer', options.format);
await importer.init(options.path, options);
result = await importer.exec(result);
return result;
async export(options) {
const exportPath = options.path ? options.path : null;
let sourceFolderIds = options.sourceFolderIds ? options.sourceFolderIds : [];
const sourceNoteIds = options.sourceNoteIds ? options.sourceNoteIds : [];
const exportFormat = options.format ? options.format : 'jex';
const result = { warnings: [] };
const itemsToExport = [];
const queueExportItem = (itemType, itemOrId) => {
type: itemType,
itemOrId: itemOrId,
let exportedNoteIds = [];
let resourceIds = [];
const folderIds = await Folder.allIds();
let fullSourceFolderIds = sourceFolderIds.slice();
for (let i = 0; i < sourceFolderIds.length; i++) {
const id = sourceFolderIds[i];
const childrenIds = await Folder.childrenIds(id);
fullSourceFolderIds = fullSourceFolderIds.concat(childrenIds);
sourceFolderIds = fullSourceFolderIds;
for (let folderIndex = 0; folderIndex < folderIds.length; folderIndex++) {
const folderId = folderIds[folderIndex];
if (sourceFolderIds.length && sourceFolderIds.indexOf(folderId) < 0) continue;
if (!sourceNoteIds.length) await queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER, folderId);
const noteIds = await Folder.noteIds(folderId);
for (let noteIndex = 0; noteIndex < noteIds.length; noteIndex++) {
const noteId = noteIds[noteIndex];
if (sourceNoteIds.length && sourceNoteIds.indexOf(noteId) < 0) continue;
const note = await Note.load(noteId);
await queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, note);
const rids = await Note.linkedResourceIds(note.body);
resourceIds = resourceIds.concat(rids);
resourceIds = ArrayUtils.unique(resourceIds);
for (let i = 0; i < resourceIds.length; i++) {
await queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE, resourceIds[i]);
const noteTags = await NoteTag.all();
let exportedTagIds = [];
for (let i = 0; i < noteTags.length; i++) {
const noteTag = noteTags[i];
if (exportedNoteIds.indexOf(noteTag.note_id) < 0) continue;
await queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE_TAG, noteTag.id);
for (let i = 0; i < exportedTagIds.length; i++) {
await queueExportItem(BaseModel.TYPE_TAG, exportedTagIds[i]);
const exporter = this.newModuleByFormat_('exporter', exportFormat);
await exporter.init(exportPath);
const typeOrder = [BaseModel.TYPE_FOLDER, BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE, BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE, BaseModel.TYPE_TAG, BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE_TAG];
const context = {
resourcePaths: {},
for (let typeOrderIndex = 0; typeOrderIndex < typeOrder.length; typeOrderIndex++) {
const type = typeOrder[typeOrderIndex];
for (let i = 0; i < itemsToExport.length; i++) {
const itemType = itemsToExport[i].type;
if (itemType !== type) continue;
const ItemClass = BaseItem.getClassByItemType(itemType);
const itemOrId = itemsToExport[i].itemOrId;
const item = typeof itemOrId === 'object' ? itemOrId : await ItemClass.load(itemOrId);
if (!item) {
if (itemType === BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE) {
result.warnings.push(sprintf('A resource that does not exist is referenced in a note. The resource was skipped. Resource ID: %s', itemOrId));
} else {
result.warnings.push(sprintf('Cannot find item with type "%s" and ID %s. Item was skipped.', ItemClass.tableName(), JSON.stringify(itemOrId)));
if (item.encryption_applied || item.encryption_blob_encrypted) throw new Error(_('This item is currently encrypted: %s "%s". Please wait for all items to be decrypted and try again.', BaseModel.modelTypeToName(itemType), item.title ? item.title : item.id));
try {
if (itemType == BaseModel.TYPE_RESOURCE) {
const resourcePath = Resource.fullPath(item);
context.resourcePaths[item.id] = resourcePath;
await exporter.processResource(item, resourcePath);
await exporter.processItem(ItemClass, item);
} catch (error) {
await exporter.close();
return result;
module.exports = InteropService;