mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 14:09:55 +02:00
281 lines
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281 lines
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import Logger from '@joplin/utils/Logger';
import shim from '../../shim';
import { PluginManifest } from './utils/types';
const md5 = require('md5');
import { compareVersions } from 'compare-versions';
import isCompatible from './utils/isCompatible';
import { AppType } from '../../models/Setting';
const logger = Logger.create('RepositoryApi');
interface ReleaseAsset {
name: string;
browser_download_url: string;
interface Release {
upload_url: string;
assets: ReleaseAsset[];
export enum InstallMode {
export interface AppInfo {
version: string;
type: AppType;
const findWorkingGitHubUrl = async (defaultContentUrl: string): Promise<string> => {
// From: https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/5161#issuecomment-921642721
const mirrorUrls = [
for (const mirrorUrl of mirrorUrls) {
try {
// We try to fetch .gitignore, which is smaller than the whole manifest
await shim.fetch(`${mirrorUrl}/.gitignore`);
} catch (error) {
logger.info(`findWorkingMirror: Could not connect to ${mirrorUrl}:`, error);
logger.info(`findWorkingMirror: Using: ${mirrorUrl}`);
return mirrorUrl;
logger.info('findWorkingMirror: Could not find any working GitHub URL');
return defaultContentUrl;
export default class RepositoryApi {
// As a base URL, this class can support either a remote repository or a
// local one (a directory path), which is useful for testing.
// For now, if the baseUrl is an actual URL it's assumed it's a GitHub repo
// URL, such as https://github.com/joplin/plugins
// Later on, other repo types could be supported.
private baseUrl_: string;
private tempDir_: string;
private readonly installMode_: InstallMode;
private readonly appType_: AppType;
private readonly appVersion_: string;
private release_: Release = null;
private manifests_: PluginManifest[] = null;
private githubApiUrl_: string;
private contentBaseUrl_: string;
private isUsingDefaultContentUrl_ = true;
public constructor(baseUrl: string, tempDir: string, appInfo: AppInfo, installMode: InstallMode) {
this.installMode_ = installMode;
this.appType_ = appInfo.type;
this.appVersion_ = appInfo.version;
this.baseUrl_ = baseUrl;
this.tempDir_ = tempDir;
public static ofDefaultJoplinRepo(tempDirPath: string, appInfo: AppInfo, installMode: InstallMode) {
return new RepositoryApi('https://github.com/joplin/plugins', tempDirPath, appInfo, installMode);
public async initialize() {
// https://github.com/joplin/plugins
// https://api.github.com/repos/joplin/plugins/releases
this.githubApiUrl_ = this.baseUrl_.replace(/^(https:\/\/)(github\.com\/)(.*)$/, '$1api.$2repos/$3');
const defaultContentBaseUrl = this.isLocalRepo ? this.baseUrl_ : `${this.baseUrl_.replace(/github\.com/, 'raw.githubusercontent.com')}/master`;
const canUseMirrors = this.installMode_ === InstallMode.Default && !this.isLocalRepo;
this.contentBaseUrl_ = canUseMirrors ? await findWorkingGitHubUrl(defaultContentBaseUrl) : defaultContentBaseUrl;
this.isUsingDefaultContentUrl_ = this.contentBaseUrl_ === defaultContentBaseUrl;
await this.loadManifests();
await this.loadRelease();
private async loadManifests() {
const manifestsText = await this.fetchText('manifests.json');
try {
const manifests = JSON.parse(manifestsText);
if (!manifests) throw new Error('Invalid or missing JSON');
this.manifests_ = Object.keys(manifests).map(id => {
const m: PluginManifest = manifests[id];
// If we don't control the repository, we can't recommend
// anything on it since it could have been modified.
if (!this.isUsingDefaultContentUrl) m._recommended = false;
return m;
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`Could not parse JSON: ${error.message}`);
public get isUsingDefaultContentUrl() {
return this.isUsingDefaultContentUrl_;
private get githubApiUrl(): string {
return this.githubApiUrl_;
public get contentBaseUrl(): string {
if (this.isLocalRepo) {
return this.baseUrl_;
} else {
return this.contentBaseUrl_;
private async loadRelease() {
this.release_ = null;
if (this.isLocalRepo) return;
try {
const response = await shim.fetch(`${this.githubApiUrl}/releases`);
const releases = await response.json();
if (!releases.length) throw new Error('No release was found');
this.release_ = releases[0];
} catch (error) {
logger.warn('Could not load release - files will be downloaded from the repository directly:', error);
private get isLocalRepo(): boolean {
return this.baseUrl_.indexOf('http') !== 0;
private assetFileUrl(pluginId: string): string {
if (this.release_) {
const asset = this.release_.assets.find(asset => {
const s = asset.name.split('@');
const id = s.join('@');
return id === pluginId;
if (asset) return asset.browser_download_url;
logger.warn(`Could not get plugin from release: ${pluginId}`);
// If we couldn't get the plugin file from the release, get it directly
// from the repository instead.
return this.repoFileUrl(`plugins/${pluginId}/plugin.jpl`);
private repoFileUrl(relativePath: string): string {
return `${this.contentBaseUrl}/${relativePath}`;
private async fetchText(path: string): Promise<string> {
if (this.isLocalRepo) {
return shim.fsDriver().readFile(this.repoFileUrl(path), 'utf8');
} else {
return shim.fetchText(this.repoFileUrl(path));
private isBlockedByInstallMode(manifest: PluginManifest) {
return this.installMode_ === InstallMode.Restricted && manifest._recommended !== true;
public async search(query: string): Promise<PluginManifest[]> {
query = query.toLowerCase().trim();
const manifests = await this.manifests();
const output: PluginManifest[] = [];
for (const manifest of manifests) {
if (this.isBlockedByInstallMode(manifest)) {
for (const field of ['name', 'description']) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied
const v = (manifest as any)[field];
if (!v) continue;
if (v.toLowerCase().indexOf(query) >= 0) {
output.sort((m1, m2) => {
const m1Compatible = isCompatible(this.appVersion_, this.appType_, m1);
const m2Compatible = isCompatible(this.appVersion_, this.appType_, m2);
if (m1Compatible && !m2Compatible) return -1;
if (!m1Compatible && m2Compatible) return 1;
if (m1._recommended && !m2._recommended) return -1;
if (!m1._recommended && m2._recommended) return +1;
return m1.name.toLowerCase() < m2.name.toLowerCase() ? -1 : +1;
return output;
// Returns a temporary path, where the plugin has been downloaded to. Temp
// file should be deleted by caller.
public async downloadPlugin(pluginId: string): Promise<string> {
const manifests = await this.manifests();
const manifest = manifests.find(m => m.id === pluginId);
if (!manifest) throw new Error(`No manifest for plugin ID "${pluginId}"`);
if (this.isBlockedByInstallMode(manifest)) throw new Error(`Plugin is blocked by intstallation policy. ID "${pluginId}"`);
const fileUrl = this.assetFileUrl(manifest.id); // this.repoFileUrl(`plugins/${manifest.id}/plugin.jpl`);
const hash = md5(Date.now() + Math.random());
const targetPath = `${this.tempDir_}/${hash}_${manifest.id}.jpl`;
if (this.isLocalRepo) {
await shim.fsDriver().copy(fileUrl, targetPath);
} else {
const response = await shim.fetchBlob(fileUrl, {
path: targetPath,
if (!response.ok) throw new Error(`Could not download plugin "${pluginId}" from "${fileUrl}"`);
return targetPath;
public async manifests(): Promise<PluginManifest[]> {
if (!this.manifests_) throw new Error('Manifests have no been loaded!');
return this.manifests_;
public async canBeUpdatedPlugins(installedManifests: PluginManifest[]): Promise<string[]> {
const output = [];
for (const manifest of installedManifests) {
const canBe = await this.pluginCanBeUpdated(manifest.id, manifest.version);
if (canBe) output.push(manifest.id);
return output;
public async pluginCanBeUpdated(pluginId: string, installedVersion: string): Promise<boolean> {
const manifest = (await this.manifests()).find(m => m.id === pluginId);
if (!manifest) return false;
const supportsCurrentAppVersion = compareVersions(installedVersion, manifest.version) < 0 && isCompatible(this.appVersion_, this.appType_, manifest);
return supportsCurrentAppVersion && !this.isBlockedByInstallMode(manifest);