mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2025-03-06 15:36:49 +02:00

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import TestMessenger from './TestMessenger';
type NumberCallback = (n: number)=> void;
type TwoNumberCallback = (arg1: number, arg2: string)=> void;
type MultiplyAndCallCallback = (a: number, callback: NumberCallback)=> Promise<void>;
interface TestApi1 {
foo: {
bar: (test: number, arg: string, arg2: string[])=> Promise<void>;
multiplyAndCallCallback: MultiplyAndCallCallback;
registerCallback: (options: { callback: TwoNumberCallback })=> Promise<boolean>;
interface TestApi2 {
addOne: (n: number)=> Promise<number>;
const testApi2Impl: TestApi2 = {
addOne: async (n) => n + 1,
describe('RemoteMessenger', () => {
it('should return API call results as promises', async () => {
const messenger1 = new TestMessenger<TestApi2, TestApi2>('test', testApi2Impl);
const messenger2 = new TestMessenger<TestApi2, TestApi2>('test', testApi2Impl);
expect(await messenger1.remoteApi.addOne(3)).toBe(4);
expect(await messenger1.remoteApi.addOne(4)).toBe(5);
expect(await messenger2.remoteApi.addOne(4)).toBe(5);
it('should support remote APIs with callbacks', async () => {
const callbacks: TwoNumberCallback[] = [];
const testApi1: TestApi1 = {
foo: {
bar: jest.fn(),
multiplyAndCallCallback: jest.fn(async (n, callback) => {
callback(n * 2);
callback(n * 3);
registerCallback: async (options) => {
return true;
const api2Messenger = new TestMessenger<TestApi1, TestApi2>('test', testApi1);
const api1Messenger = new TestMessenger<TestApi2, TestApi1>('test', testApi2Impl);
// Simple callback test
const multiplyCallback = jest.fn();
await api1Messenger.remoteApi.foo.multiplyAndCallCallback(1, multiplyCallback);
// Test accessing the registerCallback method
const registerCallbackTest = jest.fn();
await api1Messenger.remoteApi.registerCallback({ callback: registerCallbackTest });
it('should support returning an object with callbacks', async () => {
const testApi = {
getApi: async () => {
return {
multiply: async (a: number, b: number) => a * b,
add: async (a: number, b: number) => a + b,
type TestApi = typeof testApi;
const messenger1 = new TestMessenger<TestApi, TestApi>('test', testApi);
const messenger2 = new TestMessenger<TestApi, TestApi>('test', testApi);
const api = await messenger1.remoteApi.getApi();
expect(await api.multiply(2, 3)).toBe(6);
expect(await api.add(12, 3)).toBe(15);
it('should preserve structure of transferred objects', async () => {
const transferObjectApi = {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied
transfer: async (o: any) => o,
type ApiType = typeof transferObjectApi;
const messenger1 = new TestMessenger<ApiType, ApiType>('test', transferObjectApi);
const messenger2 = new TestMessenger<ApiType, ApiType>('test', transferObjectApi);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Old code before rule was applied
const testObjects: any[] = [
{ foo: { bar: undefined, baz: null } },
{ foo: { bar: [1, 2, 3], baz: 'test' } },
{ _a: 4.5, __b: '', __callbacks: 'foo', __proto__: { a: 6 } },
for (const testObject of testObjects) {
expect(await messenger1.remoteApi.transfer(testObject)).toMatchObject(testObject);
it('should preserve the value of `this`', async () => {
// We construct an API that intentionally relies on `this`
const testApi = {
async add(arg1: number, arg2: number) {
return this._printSum(arg1 + arg2);
_printSum(sum: number) {
return `sum: ${sum}`;
subObject: {
async multiplyRounded(arg1: number, arg2: number) {
return this._round(arg1) * this._round(arg2);
_round(x: number) {
return Math.round(x);
type ApiType = typeof testApi;
const messenger1 = new TestMessenger<ApiType, ApiType>('test', testApi);
const messenger2 = new TestMessenger<ApiType, ApiType>('test', testApi);
const remoteApi = messenger1.remoteApi;
// Should preserve this by default
expect(await remoteApi.add(1, 2)).toBe('sum: 3');
// .call and .apply should still call the function
expect(await remoteApi.add.apply(remoteApi, [3, 2])).toBe('sum: 5');
expect(await remoteApi.add.call(remoteApi, 3, 2)).toBe('sum: 5');
// The same should be true for sub-objects
expect(await remoteApi.subObject.multiplyRounded(1.1, 2)).toBe(2);
expect(await remoteApi.subObject.multiplyRounded.call(remoteApi.subObject, 3.1, 4.2)).toBe(12);
it('should delete callbacks when dropped remotely', async () => {
const testApi = {
test: jest.fn(),
type ApiType = typeof testApi;
const messenger1 = new TestMessenger<ApiType, ApiType>('testid', testApi);
const messenger2 = new TestMessenger<ApiType, ApiType>('testid', testApi);
const callback = async () => {};
// Callbacks should be stored with the source messenger
const callbackId = messenger1.getIdForCallback_(callback);
// Dropping a callback at the remote messenger should clear the
// callback on the original messenger
// To avoid random test failure, wait for a round-tip before checking
// whether the callback is still registered.
await messenger1.remoteApi.test(async ()=>{});