mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2025-03-06 15:36:49 +02:00
Laurent Cozic 657cebfda9 Desktop: Improved GotoAnything speed and made it safer
Previously we'd use the remove-markdown package to create the note
preview however this function would freeze on certain notes, and was
probably unsafe as it used regex to parse Markdown. Replaced this in
favour of Markdown-it along with htmlparser2 to strip all markup from a
2020-07-14 23:27:45 +01:00

151 lines
3.1 KiB

const urlUtils = require('lib/urlUtils.js');
const Entities = require('html-entities').AllHtmlEntities;
const htmlentities = new Entities().encode;
const htmlparser2 = require('htmlparser2');
// [\s\S] instead of . for multiline matching
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/16119722/561309
const imageRegex = /<img([\s\S]*?)src=["']([\s\S]*?)["']([\s\S]*?)>/gi;
const anchorRegex = /<a([\s\S]*?)href=["']([\s\S]*?)["']([\s\S]*?)>/gi;
const selfClosingElements = [
class HtmlUtils {
headAndBodyHtml(doc) {
const output = [];
if (doc.head) output.push(doc.head.innerHTML);
if (doc.body) output.push(doc.body.innerHTML);
return output.join('\n');
isSelfClosingTag(tagName) {
return selfClosingElements.includes(tagName.toLowerCase());
extractImageUrls(html) {
if (!html) return [];
const output = [];
let matches;
while ((matches = imageRegex.exec(html))) {
return output.filter(url => !!url);
replaceImageUrls(html, callback) {
return this.processImageTags(html, data => {
const newSrc = callback(data.src);
return {
type: 'replaceSource',
src: newSrc,
processImageTags(html, callback) {
if (!html) return '';
return html.replace(imageRegex, (v, before, src, after) => {
const action = callback({ src: src });
if (!action) return `<img${before}src="${src}"${after}>`;
if (action.type === 'replaceElement') {
return action.html;
if (action.type === 'replaceSource') {
return `<img${before}src="${action.src}"${after}>`;
if (action.type === 'setAttributes') {
const attrHtml = this.attributesHtml(action.attrs);
return `<img${before}${attrHtml}${after}>`;
throw new Error(`Invalid action: ${action.type}`);
prependBaseUrl(html, baseUrl) {
if (!html) return '';
return html.replace(anchorRegex, (v, before, href, after) => {
const newHref = urlUtils.prependBaseUrl(href, baseUrl);
return `<a${before}href="${newHref}"${after}>`;
attributesHtml(attr) {
const output = [];
for (const n in attr) {
if (!attr.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue;
return output.join(' ');
stripHtml(html) {
const output = [];
const tagStack = [];
const currentTag = () => {
if (!tagStack.length) return '';
return tagStack[tagStack.length - 1];
const disallowedTags = ['script', 'style', 'head', 'iframe', 'frameset', 'frame', 'object', 'base'];
const parser = new htmlparser2.Parser({
onopentag: (name) => {
ontext: (decodedText) => {
if (disallowedTags.includes(currentTag())) return;
onclosetag: (name) => {
if (currentTag() === name.toLowerCase()) tagStack.pop();
}, { decodeEntities: true });
return output.join('').replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
const htmlUtils = new HtmlUtils();
module.exports = htmlUtils;