mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2025-03-06 15:36:49 +02:00
Laurent Cozic 657cebfda9 Desktop: Improved GotoAnything speed and made it safer
Previously we'd use the remove-markdown package to create the note
preview however this function would freeze on certain notes, and was
probably unsafe as it used regex to parse Markdown. Replaced this in
favour of Markdown-it along with htmlparser2 to strip all markup from a
2020-07-14 23:27:45 +01:00

155 lines
6.2 KiB

const Entities = require('html-entities').AllHtmlEntities;
const htmlentities = new Entities().encode;
// Imported from models/Resource.js
const FetchStatuses = {
const utils = {};
utils.getAttr = function(attrs, name, defaultValue = null) {
for (let i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
if (attrs[i][0] === name) return attrs[i].length > 1 ? attrs[i][1] : null;
return defaultValue;
utils.notDownloadedResource = function() {
return `
<svg width="1700" height="1536" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M1280 1344c0-35-29-64-64-64s-64 29-64 64 29 64 64 64 64-29 64-64zm256 0c0-35-29-64-64-64s-64 29-64 64 29 64 64 64 64-29 64-64zm128-224v320c0 53-43 96-96 96H96c-53 0-96-43-96-96v-320c0-53 43-96 96-96h465l135 136c37 36 85 56 136 56s99-20 136-56l136-136h464c53 0 96 43 96 96zm-325-569c10 24 5 52-14 70l-448 448c-12 13-29 19-45 19s-33-6-45-19L339 621c-19-18-24-46-14-70 10-23 33-39 59-39h256V64c0-35 29-64 64-64h256c35 0 64 29 64 64v448h256c26 0 49 16 59 39z"/>
utils.notDownloadedImage = function() {
// https://github.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome/blob/master/src/icons/svg/file-image-o.svg
// Height changed to 1795
return `
<svg width="1925" height="1792" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M640 576c0 106-86 192-192 192s-192-86-192-192 86-192 192-192 192 86 192 192zm1024 384v448H256v-192l320-320 160 160 512-512zm96-704H160c-17 0-32 15-32 32v1216c0 17 15 32 32 32h1600c17 0 32-15 32-32V288c0-17-15-32-32-32zm160 32v1216c0 88-72 160-160 160H160c-88 0-160-72-160-160V288c0-88 72-160 160-160h1600c88 0 160 72 160 160z"/>
utils.notDownloadedFile = function() {
// https://github.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome/blob/master/src/icons/svg/file-o.svg
return `
<svg width="1925" height="1792" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M1468 380c37 37 68 111 68 164v1152c0 53-43 96-96 96H96c-53 0-96-43-96-96V96C0 43 43 0 96 0h896c53 0 127 31 164 68zm-444-244v376h376c-6-17-15-34-22-41l-313-313c-7-7-24-16-41-22zm384 1528V640H992c-53 0-96-43-96-96V128H128v1536h1280z"/>
utils.errorImage = function() {
// https://github.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome/blob/master/src/icons/svg/times-circle.svg
return `
<svg width="1795" height="1795" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M1149 1122c0-17-7-33-19-45L949 896l181-181c12-12 19-28 19-45s-7-34-19-46l-90-90c-12-12-29-19-46-19s-33 7-45 19L768 715 587 534c-12-12-28-19-45-19s-34 7-46 19l-90 90c-12 12-19 29-19 46s7 33 19 45l181 181-181 181c-12 12-19 28-19 45s7 34 19 46l90 90c12 12 29 19 46 19s33-7 45-19l181-181 181 181c12 12 28 19 45 19s34-7 46-19l90-90c12-12 19-29 19-46zm387-226c0 424-344 768-768 768S0 1320 0 896s344-768 768-768 768 344 768 768z"/>
utils.loaderImage = function() {
// https://github.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome/blob/master/src/icons/svg/hourglass-half.svg
return `
<svg width="1536" height="1790" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M1408 128c0 370-177 638-373 768 196 130 373 398 373 768h96c18 0 32 14 32 32v64c0 18-14 32-32 32H32c-18 0-32-14-32-32v-64c0-18 14-32 32-32h96c0-370 177-638 373-768-196-130-373-398-373-768H32c-18 0-32-14-32-32V32C0 14 14 0 32 0h1472c18 0 32 14 32 32v64c0 18-14 32-32 32h-96zm-128 0H256c0 146 33 275 85 384h854c52-109 85-238 85-384zm-57 1216c-74-193-207-330-340-384H653c-133 54-266 191-340 384h910z"/>
utils.resourceStatusImage = function(status) {
if (status === 'notDownloaded') return utils.notDownloadedResource();
return utils.resourceStatusFile(status);
utils.resourceStatusFile = function(status) {
if (status === 'notDownloaded') return utils.notDownloadedResource();
if (status === 'downloading') return utils.loaderImage();
if (status === 'encrypted') return utils.loaderImage();
if (status === 'error') return utils.errorImage();
throw new Error(`Unknown status: ${status}`);
utils.resourceStatusIndex = function(status) {
if (status === 'error') return -1;
if (status === 'notDownloaded') return 0;
if (status === 'downloading') return 1;
if (status === 'encrypted') return 2;
if (status === 'ready') return 10;
throw new Error(`Unknown status: ${status}`);
utils.resourceStatusName = function(index) {
if (index === -1) return 'error';
if (index === 0) return 'notDownloaded';
if (index === 1) return 'downloading';
if (index === 2) return 'encrypted';
if (index === 10) return 'ready';
throw new Error(`Unknown index: ${index}`);
utils.resourceStatus = function(ResourceModel, resourceInfo) {
if (!ResourceModel) return 'ready';
let resourceStatus = 'ready';
if (resourceInfo) {
const resource = resourceInfo.item;
const localState = resourceInfo.localState;
if (localState.fetch_status === FetchStatuses.FETCH_STATUS_IDLE) {
resourceStatus = 'notDownloaded';
} else if (localState.fetch_status === FetchStatuses.FETCH_STATUS_STARTED) {
resourceStatus = 'downloading';
} else if (localState.fetch_status === FetchStatuses.FETCH_STATUS_DONE) {
if (resource.encryption_blob_encrypted || resource.encryption_applied) {
resourceStatus = 'encrypted';
} else {
resourceStatus = 'notDownloaded';
return resourceStatus;
utils.imageReplacement = function(ResourceModel, src, resources, resourceBaseUrl) {
if (!ResourceModel || !resources) return null;
if (!ResourceModel.isResourceUrl(src)) return null;
const resourceId = ResourceModel.urlToId(src);
const result = resources[resourceId];
const resource = result ? result.item : null;
const resourceStatus = utils.resourceStatus(ResourceModel, result);
if (resourceStatus !== 'ready') {
const icon = utils.resourceStatusImage(resourceStatus);
return `<div class="not-loaded-resource resource-status-${resourceStatus}" data-resource-id="${resourceId}">` + `<img src="data:image/svg+xml;utf8,${htmlentities(icon)}"/>` + '</div>';
const mime = resource.mime ? resource.mime.toLowerCase() : '';
if (ResourceModel.isSupportedImageMimeType(mime)) {
let newSrc = `./${ResourceModel.filename(resource)}`;
if (resourceBaseUrl) newSrc = resourceBaseUrl + newSrc;
newSrc += `?t=${resource.updated_time}`;
return {
'data-resource-id': resource.id,
src: newSrc,
return null;
module.exports = utils;