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Joplin is a free, open source note taking and todo application, which can handle a large number of notes organised into notebooks. The notes are searchable, can be copied, tagged and modified with your own text editor. The Android application supports markdown rendering.

The notes can be synchronised with various targets including the file system (for example with a network directory) or with Microsoft OneDrive. When synchronising the notes, notebooks, tags and other metadata are saved to plain text files which can be easily inspected, backed up and moved around.

Notes exported from Evenotes via .enex files can be imported into Joplin, including the formatted content (which is converted to markdown), resources (images, attachments, etc.) and complete metadata (geolocation, updated time, created time, etc.).

The current release has been heavily tested so it should be stable enough for every day use. Some features however are missing such as the ability to attach resources to notes and (in the mobile app) to tag notes. For the full list of current and planned features see the Features and Roadmap sections below.


An Android app and a command line interface are currently available. Both can synchronise with each others.


Get it on Google Play

Command line

npm install joplin


  • Mobile and command line applications.
  • Support notes, todos, tags and notebooks.
  • Offline first, so the entire data is always available on the device.
  • Ability to synchronise with multiple targets, including the file system and OneDrive (Dropbox is planned).
  • Synchronises to a plain text format, which can be easily manipulated, backed up, or exported to a different format.
  • Plain text notes, which are rendered as markdown in the mobile application.
  • Tag support (currently, tags can be imported from Evernote and modified in the CLI application, but not yet in the mobile one)
  • File attachment support (likewise, all file attachements can be imported from Evernote but currently cannot be manually added to a note)
  • Search functionality.
  • Geolocation support.
  • Supports multiple languages.


The applications are currently available in English and French. If you would like to contribute a translation it is quite straightforward, please follow these steps:


  • All clients: End to end encryption.
  • All clients: Support for Dropbox synchronisation.
  • Mobile: Compile Windows app?
  • Mobile: Support for dark theme / light theme.
  • Mobile: Link for non-image resources.
  • Mobile: Handle tags.
  • Mobile: Markdown edition support
  • CLI: Option to open conflicts with diff program.
  • CLI: Link to open resources (images, attached files, etc).
  • CLI: Improve autocompletion.

Command line usage

Joplin can work either as an interactive CLI application or, if a command is provided to the executable, as a one-off command.

For example, this would start the CLI application, from where commands can be ran interactively.


While this would create a new note and exit:

joplin mknote "my new note"

Full commands:

cat <title>

    Displays the given note.

    -v, --verbose  Displays the complete information about note.

config [name] [value]

    Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show 
    the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it 
    will list the current configuration.

    -v, --verbose  Also displays hidden config variables.

cp <pattern> [notebook]

    Duplicates the notes matching <pattern> to [notebook]. If no notebook 
    is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.

edit <title>

    Edit note.

geoloc <title>

    Displays a geolocation URL for the note.

import-enex <file> [notebook]

    Imports an Evernote notebook file (.enex file).

    -f, --force       Do not ask for confirmation.
    --fuzzy-matching  For debugging purposes. Do not use.

ls [pattern]

    Displays the notes in [notebook]. Use `ls /` to display the list of 

    -n, --limit <num>      Displays only the first top <num> notes.
    -s, --sort <field>     Sorts the item by <field> (eg. title, 
                           updated_time, created_time).
    -r, --reverse          Reverses the sorting order.
    -t, --type <type>      Displays only the items of the specific 
                           type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for todos, 
                           or `nt` for notes and todos (eg. `-tt` would 
                           display only the todos, while `-ttd` would 
                           display notes and todos.
    -f, --format <format>  Either "text" or "json"
    -l, --long             Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT 
                           (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for todos), 

mkbook <notebook>

    Creates a new notebook.

mknote <note>

    Creates a new note.

mktodo <note>

    Creates a new todo.

mv <pattern> <destination>

    Moves the notes matching <pattern> to <destination>. If <pattern> is a 
    note, it will be moved to the notebook <destination>. If <pattern> is 
    a notebook, it will be renamed to <destination>.

rm <pattern>

    Deletes the items matching <pattern>.

    -f, --force      Deletes the items without asking for confirmation.
    -r, --recursive  Deletes a notebook.

search <pattern> [notebook]

    Searches for the given <pattern> in all the notes.

set <note> <name> [value]

    Sets the property <name> of the given <note> to the given [value].


    Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.


    Synchronises with remote storage.

    --target <target>  Sync to provided target (defaults to sync.target 
                       config value)
    --random-failures  For debugging purposes. Do not use.

tag <command> [tag] [note]

    <command> can be "add", "remove" or "list" to assign or remove [tag] 
    from [note], or to list the notes associated with [tag]. The command 
    `tag list` can be used to list all the tags.

todo <action> <pattern>

    <action> can either be "toggle" or "clear". Use "toggle" to toggle the 
    given todo between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a 
    regular note it will be converted to a todo). Use "clear" to convert 
    the todo back to a regular note.

toggle <pattern>

    Toggles the given todo between completed and uncompleted. If the 
    target is not a single note it will be converted to a todo.

use <notebook>

    Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within 
    this notebook.


    Displays version information
Joplin - the secure note taking and to-do app with synchronisation capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS.
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