mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:32:30 +02:00
3068 lines
83 KiB
3068 lines
83 KiB
"\"%s\" is missing the required \"%s\" property.": [
"\"%s\" tidak menemukan properti \"%s\"."
"%d days": [
"%d hari"
"%d GB": [
"%d GB storage space": [
"%d hour": [
"%d jam"
"%d hours": [
"%d jam"
"%d MB": [
"%d minutes": [
"%d menit"
"%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?": [
"%d catatan cocok dengan pola ini. Hapus?"
"%s %s (%s, %s)": [
"%s %s (%s, %s)"
"%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s": [
"%s (%s) tidak dapat diunggah: %s"
"%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you.": [
"%s (%s) ingin berbagi buku catatan dengan Anda."
"%s (%s): %s": [
"%s (%s): %s"
"%s (pre-release)": [
"%s (prarilis)"
"%s - Copy": [
"%s - Salin"
"%s / %s": [
"%s / %s"
"%s / %s / %s": [
"%s / %s / %s"
"%s = %s": [
"%s = %s"
"%s = %s (%s)": [
"%s = %s (%s)"
"%s is not optimised for synchronising many small files so your initial synchronisation will be slow.": [
"%s: %d": [
"%s: %d"
"%s: %d notes": [
"%s: %d catatan"
"%s: %d/%d": [
"%s: %d/%d"
"%s: %s": [
"%s: %s"
"&Edit": [
"&File": [
"&Go": [
"&Help": [
"&Note": [
"&Tools": [
"&View": [
"(%s)": [
"(In plugin: %s)": [
"(None)": [
"(Tidak ada)"
"(wysiwyg: %s)": [
"(wysiwyg: %s)"
"(You may disable this prompt in the options)": [
"- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.": [
"- Kamera: untuk mengizinkan pengambilan gambar dan melampirkannya ke catatan."
"- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.": [
"- Lokasi: untuk mengizinkan melampirkan informasi geolokasi ke catatan."
"- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.": [
"- Penyimpanan: untuk mengizinkan melampirkan berkas ke catatan dan mengaktifkan sinkronisasi sistem berkas."
"<tag-command> can be \"add\", \"remove\", \"list\", or \"notetags\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags (use -l for long option).": [
"<tag-command> (perintah-label) dapat berupa \"add\", \"remove\", \"list\", atau \"notetags\" untuk menetapkan atau menghapus [tag] (label) dari [note] (catatan), untuk menampilkan daftar catatan yang terkait dengan [tag], atau untuk menampilkan daftar label yang terkait dengan [note]. Perintah `tag list` dapat digunakan untuk menampilkan daftar semua label (gunakan -l untuk opsi panjang)."
"<todo-command> can either be \"toggle\" or \"clear\". Use \"toggle\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \"clear\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.": [
"<todo-command> (perintah-tugas) dapat berupa \"toggle\" atau \"clear\". Gunakan \"toggle\" untuk beralih dari dan ke status selesai dan belum selesai pada tugas yang dipilih (jika target adalah catatan biasa, maka ia akan dikonversi menjadi tugas). Gunakan \"clear\" untuk mengubah tugas kembali menjadi catatan biasa."
"A3": [
"A4": [
"A5": [
"About Joplin": [
"Tentang Joplin"
"accelerator": [
"Accelerator \"%s\" is not valid.": [
"Akselerator \"%s\" tidak valid."
"Accelerator \"%s\" is used for \"%s\" and \"%s\" commands. This may lead to unexpected behaviour.": [
"Akselerator \"%s\" digunakan untuk perintah \"%s\" dan \"%s\". Ini bisa memberikan dampak tidak terduga."
"Accept": [
"Access denied: Please check your username and password": [
"Access denied: Please re-enter your password and/or username": [
"Account": [
"Action": [
"Actions": [
"Active": [
"Actual Size": [
"Ukuran sebenarnya"
"Add body": [
"Tambahkan isi"
"Add or remove tags:": [
"Tambah atau hapus label:"
"Add recipient:": [
"Tambah penerima:"
"Add title": [
"Tambahkan judul"
"Add to dictionary": [
"Tambahkan ke kamus"
"Admin": [
"Admin dashboard": [
"Admin dasbor"
"Advanced options": [
"Opsi lanjutan"
"Advanced tools": [
"Perkakas lanjutan"
"All data, including notes, notebooks and tags will be permanently deleted.": [
"All notes": [
"Semua catatan"
"All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s": [
"Semua porta potensial sedang digunakan - silakan laporkan isu di %s"
"Also displays unset and hidden config variables.": [
"Juga menampilkan variabel konfigurasi yang belum disetel dan yang tersembunyi."
"Also publish linked notes": [
"Juga terbitkan catatan terkait"
"Always": [
"Ambiguous notebook \"%s\". Please use notebook id instead - press \"ti\" to see the short notebook id or use $b for current selected notebook": [
"Ambiguous notebook \"%s\". Please use short notebook id instead - press \"ti\" to see the short notebook id": [
"An autosaved drawing was found. Attach a copy of it to the note?": [
"An error occurred: %s": [
"An update is available, do you want to download it now?": [
"Pembaruan tersedia, apakah Anda ingin mengunduhnya sekarang?"
"Any email sent to this address will be converted into a note and added to your collection. The note will be saved into the Inbox notebook": [
"Appearance": [
"Application": [
"Apply": [
"Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?": [
"Yakin ingin memperpanjang token otorisasi?"
"Are you sure you want to return to the default layout? The current layout configuration will be lost.": [
"Arguments:": [
"Aritim Dark": [
"Aritim Dark"
"Attach file": [
"Lampirkan berkas"
"Attach photo": [
"Lampirkan foto"
"Attach...": [
"Attaches the given file to the note.": [
"Melampirkan berkas yang dipilih ke catatan."
"attachment": [
"Attachment conflict: \"%s\"": [
"Konflik lampiran: \"%s\""
"Attachment download behaviour": [
"Perilaku unduhan lampiran"
"Attachments": [
"Attachments that could not be downloaded": [
"Lampiran yang tidak dapat diunduh"
"Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for more details: %s": [
"Perhatian: Jika mengubah lokasi ini, pastikan Anda menyalin semua konten Anda ke sana sebelum menyinkronkan, jika tidak semua berkas akan terhapus! Lihat Tanya Jawab Umum (FAQ) untuk detail lebih lanjut: %s"
"Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).": [
"Otentikasi tidak selesai (tidak menerima token otentikasi)."
"Authorisation token:": [
"Token otorisasi:"
"Auto": [
"Auto-add disabled accounts for deletion": [
"Tambahkan otomatis akun non-aktif untuk dihapus"
"Auto-pair braces, parenthesis, quotations, etc.": [
"Pasangkan secara otomatis kurung kurawal, tanda kurung, kutipan, dll."
"Automatically check for updates": [
"Periksa pembaruan secara otomatis"
"Automatically switch theme to match system theme": [
"Alihkan tema secara otomatis agar sesuai dengan tema sistem"
"Back": [
"Basic": [
"Biometric unlock is not setup on the device. Please set it up in order to unlock Joplin. If the device is on lockout, consider switching it off and on to reset biometrics scanning.": [
"Bold": [
"Browse all plugins": [
"Telusuri semua plugin"
"Browse...": [
"Built-in": [
"Bulleted List": [
"Daftar berpoin"
"Can view": [
"Can view and edit": [
"Cancel": [
"Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.": [
"Membatalkan proses sinkronisasi latar belakang... Mohon tunggu."
"Cancelling...": [
"Cancelling... Please wait.": [
"Membatalkan… Mohon tunggu."
"Cannot access %s": [
"Tidak dapat mengakses %s"
"Cannot change encrypted item": [
"Tidak dapat mengubah item yang terenkripsi"
"Cannot copy note to \"%s\" notebook": [
"Tidak dapat menyalin catatan ke buku catatan \"%s\""
"Cannot find \"%s\".": [
"Tidak dapat menemukan \"%s\"."
"Cannot initialise synchroniser.": [
"Tidak dapat menginisiasi penyinkron."
"Cannot load \"%s\" module for format \"%s\" and output \"%s\"": [
"Tidak dapat memuat modul \"%s\" untuk format \"%s\" dan output \"%s\""
"Cannot load \"%s\" module for format \"%s\" and target \"%s\"": [
"Tidak dapat memuat modul \"%s\" untuk format \"%s\" dan target \"%s\""
"Cannot move note to \"%s\" notebook": [
"TIdak dapat memindah catatan ke buku catatan \"%s\""
"Cannot move notebook to this location": [
"Tidak dapat memindahkan buku catatan ke lokasi ini"
"Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.": [
"Tidak dapat menyegarkan token: data otentikasi hilang. Memulai sinkronisasi lagi mungkin dapat memperbaiki masalah."
"Cannot save %s \"%s\" because it is larger than the allowed limit (%s)": [
"Tidak dapat menyimpan %s \"%s\" karena lebih besar dari batas yang diizinkan (%s)"
"Cannot save %s \"%s\" because it would go over the total allowed size (%s) for this account": [
"Tidak dapat menyimpan %s \"%s\" karena akan melebihi ukuran total yang diizinkan (%s) untuk akun ini"
"Cannot share encrypted notebook with recipient %s because they have not enabled end-to-end encryption. They may do so from the screen Configuration > Encryption.": [
"Tidak dapat berbagi buku catatan terenkripsi %s karena mereka tidak mengaktifkan enkripsi end-to-end. Hal ini bisa diaktifkan melalui Konfigurasi > Enkripsi."
"Case sensitive": [
"Change application layout": [
"Ubah tata letak aplikasi"
"Change language": [
"Ubah bahasa"
"Characters": [
"Characters excluding spaces": [
"Karakter tidak termasuk spasi"
"Check for updates...": [
"Periksa pembaruan..."
"Check synchronisation configuration": [
"Periksa konfigurasi sinkronisasi"
"Checkbox": [
"Kotak centang"
"Checkbox list": [
"Daftar kotak centang"
"Checking... Please wait.": [
"Sedang memeriksa… Mohon tunggu."
"Choose an option": [
"Pilih satu opsi"
"Chrome Web Store": [
"Toko Web Chrome"
"Clear": [
"Clear alarm": [
"Bersihkan alarm"
"Click \"%s\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named \"%s\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified.": [
"Klik \"%s\" untuk memulihkan catatan. Catatan akan disalin dalam buku catatan bernama \"%s\". Versi catatan saat ini tidak akan diganti atau dimodifikasi."
"Click to add tags...": [
"Klik untuk menambahkan label..."
"Client ID: %s": [
"ID klien: %s"
"Close": [
"Close the application, then delete your profile in \"%s\", and start the application again. Make sure you create a backup first by exporting all your notes as JEX.": [
"Close Window": [
"Tutup jendela"
"Code": [
"Code Block": [
"Blok Kode"
"Code View": [
"Tampilan Kode"
"Collaborate on notebooks with others": [
"Kolaborasi buku catatan dengan orang lain"
"Collapse": [
"Coming alarms": [
"Alarm yang akan datang"
"Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \"Check synchronisation configuration\".": [
"Daftar \"jalur ke direktori tempat asal sertifikat dimuat\" atau \"jalur ke berkas sertifikat\" yang dipisahkan koma. Contoh: /jalur/ke/dir_sert, /lainnya/kustom.pem. Perhatikan bahwa jika membuat perubahan pada pengaturan TLS, Anda harus menyimpan perubahan Anda sebelum mengeklik \"Periksa konfigurasi sinkronisasi\"."
"command": [
"Command": [
"Command palette": [
"Palet perintah"
"Command palette...": [
"Palet perintah..."
"Completed": [
"Completed decryption.": [
"Proses dekripsi selesai."
"Completed: %s (%s)": [
"Telah Selesai: %s (%s)"
"Compress old changes": [
"Mampatkan perubahan yang telah usang"
"Configuration": [
"Confirm password cannot be empty": [
"Konfirmasi kata sandi tidak boleh kosong"
"Confirm password:": [
"Konfirmasi kata sandi:"
"Confirmation": [
"Conflicted: %d": [
"Bertentangan: %d"
"Conflicts": [
"Conflicts (attachments)": [
"Konflik catatan"
"Consolidated billing": [
"Content provided by %s": [
"Konten disediakan oleh %s"
"Continue": [
"Convert to note": [
"Ubah ke catatan"
"Convert to todo": [
"Ubah ke tugas"
"Copy": [
"Copy dev mode command to clipboard": [
"Salin perintah mode dev ke papan klip"
"Copy external link": [
"Salin tautan luar"
"Copy image": [
"Salin gambar"
"Copy Link Address": [
"Salin Alamat Tautan"
"Copy Markdown link": [
"Salin tautan Markdown"
"Copy path to clipboard": [
"Salin jalur ke papan klip"
"Copy Shareable Link": [
"Salin tautan yang dapat dibagikan"
"Copy token": [
"Salin token"
"Could not authorise application:\n\n%s\n\nPlease try again.": [
"Tidak dapat mengotorisasi aplikasi:\n\n%s\n\nSilakan coba lagi."
"Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options in the config screen. Full error was:\n\n%s": [
"Tidak dapat terhubung ke server Joplin. Silakan periksa konfigurasinya di layar konfigurasi sinkronisasi. Galat lengkapnya:\n\n%s"
"Could not connect to plugin repository.": [
"Tidak dapat terhubung ke repositori plugin."
"Could not export notes: %s": [
"Tidak dapat mengekspor catatan: %s"
"Could not install plugin: %s": [
"Tidak dapat memasang plugin: %s"
"Could not respond to the invitation. Please try again, or check with the notebook owner if they are still sharing it.\n\nThe error was: \"%s\"": [
"Tidak dapat menanggapi undangan. Silakan coba lagi atau periksa pemilik buku catatan, masihkan berbagi catatan.\n\nGalat lengkapnya: \"%s\""
"Could not upgrade master key: %s": [
"Tidak dapat meningkatkan kunci master: %s"
"Could not verify the share status of this notebook - aborting. Please try again when you are connected to the internet.": [
"Tidak dapat memeriksa status berbagi catatan - membatalkan. Silakan coba kembali ketika terhubung ke internet."
"Create": [
"Create a notebook": [
"Buat buku catatan"
"Create new profile...": [
"Buat profil baru..."
"Create notebook": [
"Buat buku catatan"
"Create user": [
"Buat pengguna"
"Created": [
"created date": [
"tanggal dibuat"
"Created local items: %d.": [
"Item lokal yang dibuat: %d."
"Created locally": [
"Dibuat dengan lokal"
"Created remote items: %d.": [
"Item jarak jauh yang dibuat: %d."
"Created: ": [
"Dibuat: "
"Created: %d.": [
"Dibuat: %d."
"Created: %s": [
"Dibuat: %s"
"Creates a new note.": [
"Membuat catatan baru."
"Creates a new notebook.": [
"Membuat buku catatan baru."
"Creates a new to-do.": [
"Membuat tugas baru."
"Creating report...": [
"Membuat laporan..."
"Current version is up-to-date.": [
"Versi saat ini adalah versi terbaru."
"custom order": [
"urutan khusus"
"Custom order": [
"Urutan khusus"
"Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles": [
"CSS untuk seluruh bagian aplikasi Joplin"
"Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown": [
"CSS untuk Markdown yang dirender"
"Custom TLS certificates": [
"Sertifikat TLS kustom"
"Customise the note publishing banner": [
"Cut": [
"Dark": [
"Dashboard": [
"Database v%s": [
"Basis data v%s"
"Date": [
"Date format": [
"Format tanggal"
"days": [
"Decrease indent level": [
"Decrypted items: %d": [
"Item terdekripsi: %d"
"Decrypted items: %s / %s": [
"Item yang didekripsi: %s / %s"
"Decrypting items: %d/%d": [
"Mendekripsi item: %d/%d"
"Default": [
"Default: %s": [
"Bawaan: %s"
"Delete": [
"Delete attachment \"%s\"?": [
"Hapus lampiran \"%s\"?"
"Delete expired sessions": [
"Hapus sesi kadaluarsa"
"Delete expired tokens": [
"Hapus token kadaluarsa"
"Delete line": [
"Hapus baris"
"Delete local data and re-download from sync target": [
"Hapus data lokal dan unduh ulang dari target sinkronisasi"
"Delete note \"%s\"?": [
"Hapus catatan \"%s\"?"
"Delete note?": [
"Hapus catatan?"
"Delete notebook \"%s\"?\n\nAll notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.": [
"Hapus buku catatan \"%s\"?\n\nSemua catatan dan sub-buku catatan dalam buku catatan ini juga akan dihapus."
"Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.": [
"Hapus buku catatan? Semua catatan dan sub-buku catatan dalam buku catatan ini juga akan dihapus."
"Delete plugin \"%s\"?": [
"Hapus plugin \"%s\"?"
"Delete the Inbox notebook?\n\nIf you delete the inbox notebook, any email that's recently been sent to it may be lost.": [
"Delete these %d notes?": [
"Hapus %d catatan ini?"
"Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this shared notebook.": [
"Hapus undangan ini? Penerima tidak akan lagi memiliki akses ke buku catatan bersama ini."
"Deleted local items: %d.": [
"Item lokal yang dihapus: %d."
"Deleted remote items: %d.": [
"Item jarak jauh yang dihapus: %d."
"Deletes the given notebook.": [
"Menghapus buku catatan yang diberikan."
"Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.": [
"Menghapus buku catatan tanpa meminta konfirmasi."
"Deletes the notes matching <note-pattern>.": [
"Menghapus catatan yang cocok dengan <note-pattern> (pola-catatan)."
"Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.": [
"Menghapus catatan tanpa meminta konfirmasi."
"Destination format: %s": [
"Format tujuan: %s"
"Detailed": [
"Directory": [
"Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)": [
"Folder untuk disinkronkan"
"Disable": [
"Disable encryption": [
"Nonaktifkan enkripsi"
"Disable safe mode and restart": [
"Nonaktifkan mode aman dan mulai ulang"
"Disable Web Clipper Service": [
"Nonaktifkan Layanan Web Clipper"
"Disabled": [
"Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?": [
"Menonaktifkan enkripsi berarti *semua* catatan dan lampiran Anda akan disinkronkan ulang dan dikirim dalam keadaan tidak terenkripsi ke target sinkronisasi. Apa Anda mau lanjut?"
"Discard changes": [
"Buang perubahan"
"Dismiss": [
"Displays a geolocation URL for the note.": [
"Menampilkan URL geolokasi untuk catatan."
"Displays only the first top <num> notes.": [
"Menampilkan hanya <num> (bilangan) catatan teratas."
"Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos.": [
"Menampilkan hanya item dengan tipe-tipe tertentu. Dapat berupa `n` untuk catatan, `t` untuk tugas, atau `nt` untuk catatan dan tugas (contoh: `-tt` hanya akan menampilkan tugas, sedangkan `-tnt` akan menampilkan catatan dan tugas)."
"Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.": [
"Menampilkan ringkasan tentang catatan dan buku catatan."
"Displays the complete information about note.": [
"Menampilkan informasi lengkap tentang catatan."
"Displays the given note.": [
"Menampilkan catatan yang dipilih."
"Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.": [
"Menampilkan catatan pada buku catatan saat ini. Gunakan `ls /` untuk menampilkan daftar buku catatan."
"Displays usage information.": [
"Menampilkan informasi penggunaan."
"Displays version information": [
"Menampilkan informasi versi"
"Do it now": [
"Lakukan sekarang"
"Do not ask for confirmation.": [
"Jangan meminta konfirmasi."
"Do not lose the password as, for security purposes, this will be the *only* way to decrypt the data! To enable encryption, please enter your password below.": [
"Jangan sampai kehilangan kata sandinya karena, untuk alasan keamanan, ini *hanya* satu-satunya cara untuk mendekripsi data! Untuk mengaktifkan enkripsi, silakan masukkan kata sandi Anda di bawah ini."
"Done": [
"Download": [
"Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:": [
"Unduh dan pasang ekstensi yang relevan dengan peramban web Anda:"
"Downloaded": [
"Downloaded and decrypted": [
"Terunduh dan terdekripsi"
"Downloaded and encrypted": [
"Terunduh dan terenkripsi"
"Downloading": [
"Sedang mengunduh"
"Downloading resources...": [
"Sedang mengunduh sumber daya..."
"Dracula": [
"Draw picture": [
"Drawing": [
"Drop notes or files here": [
"Taruh catatan atau file di sini"
"Dropbox": [
"Dropbox Login": [
"Masuk Dropbox"
"Duplicate": [
"Buat duplikat"
"Duplicate line": [
"Duplikat baris"
"Duplicates the notes matching <note> to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.": [
"Duplikasi catatan yang sesuai dengan <note> (catatan) ke [notebook] (buku catatan). Jika tidak ada buku catatan yang ditentukan maka catatan akan diduplikasi ke buku catatan saat ini."
"Edit": [
"Edit in external editor": [
"Ubah di editor eksternal"
"Edit note.": [
"Ubah catatan."
"Edit notebook": [
"Ubah buku catatan"
"Edit profile configuration...": [
"Edit konfigurasi profil..."
"Editor": [
"Editor font": [
"Font pada editor"
"Editor font family": [
"Keluarga font pada editor"
"Editor font size": [
"Ukuran font pada editor"
"Editor maximum width": [
"Lebar maksimal editor"
"Editor monospace font family": [
"Keluarga font monospace untuk editor"
"Editor: %s": [
"Editor: %s"
"Either \"text\" or \"json\"": [
"Antara \"text\" atau \"json\""
"Emacs": [
"Email": [
"Email to Note": [
"Emails": [
"emphasised text": [
"teks yang ditekankan"
"Enable": [
"Enable ++insert++ syntax": [
"Aktifkan sintaksis ++insert++"
"Enable ==mark== syntax": [
"Aktifkan sintaksis ==mark=="
"Enable ^sup^ syntax": [
"Aktifkan sintaksis ^sup^"
"Enable abbreviation syntax": [
"Aktifkan sintaksis singkatan"
"Enable audio player": [
"Aktifkan pemutar audio"
"Enable biometrics authentication?": [
"Enable deflist syntax": [
"Aktifkan sintaksis daftar definisi"
"Enable encryption": [
"Aktifkan enkripsi"
"Enable footnotes": [
"Aktifkan catatan kaki"
"Enable Fountain syntax support": [
"Aktifkan dukungan sintaksis Fountain"
"Enable Linkify": [
"Aktifkan Linkify"
"Enable markdown emoji": [
"Aktifkan emoji markdown"
"Enable math expressions": [
"Aktifkan ekspresi matematika"
"Enable Mermaid diagrams support": [
"Aktifkan dukungan diagram Mermaid"
"Enable multimarkdown table extension": [
"Aktifkan ekstensi tabel multimarkdown"
"Enable note history": [
"Aktifkan riwayat catatan"
"Enable optical character recognition (OCR)": [
"Enable PDF viewer": [
"Aktifkan penampil PDF"
"Enable soft breaks": [
"Aktifkan soft break"
"Enable spellcheck in the text editor": [
"Enable table of contents extension": [
"Aktifkan ekstensi daftar isi"
"Enable typographer support": [
"Aktifkan dukungan typographer"
"Enable video player": [
"Aktifkan pemutar video"
"Enable Web Clipper Service": [
"Aktifkan Layanan Web Clipper"
"Enable ~sub~ syntax": [
"Aktifkan sintaksis ~sub~"
"Enabled": [
"Enabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent encrypted to the sync target.": [
"Mengaktifkan enkripsi berarti *semua* catatan dan lampiran Anda akan disinkronkan ulang dan dikirim dalam keadaan terenkripsi ke target sinkronisasi."
"Encrypted": [
"Encrypted items cannot be modified": [
"Item yang terenkripsi tidak bisa diubah"
"Encryption": [
"Encryption Config": [
"Konfigurasi Enkripsi"
"Encryption is: %s": [
"Enkripsi adalah: %s"
"Encryption keys": [
"Kunci enkripsi"
"Encryption:": [
"End-to-end encryption": [
"Enkripsi end-to-end"
"Enter code here": [
"Masukkan kode disini"
"Enter master password:": [
"Masukkan kata sandi master:"
"Enter notebook title": [
"Masukkan judul buku catatan"
"Enum": [
"Error": [
"Error opening note in editor: %s": [
"Galat saat membuka catatan di editor: %s"
"Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:": [
"Galat. Silakan periksa bahwa URL, nama pengguna, kata sandi, dll. sudah benar dan target sinkronisasi dapat diakses. Galat yang dilaporkan adalah:"
"Error: %s": [
"Galat: %s"
"Errors only": [
"Hanya galat"
"Evernote Export File (as HTML)": [
"Berkas Ekspor Evernote (sebagai HTML)"
"Evernote Export File (as Markdown)": [
"Berkas Ekspor Evernote (sebagai Markdown)"
"Exits the application.": [
"Keluar dari aplikasi."
"Expand": [
"Export": [
"Export all": [
"Ekspor semuanya"
"Export debug report": [
"Ekspor Laporan Debug"
"Export Debug Report": [
"Ekspor Laporan Debug"
"Export profile": [
"Ekspor profil"
"Exported successfully!": [
"Exporting profile...": [
"Mengekspor profil..."
"Exporting to \"%s\" as \"%s\" format. Please wait...": [
"Mengekspor ke \"%s\" sebagai format \"%s\". Mohon tunggu..."
"Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.": [
"Mengekspor data Joplin ke alamat folder yang diberikan. Secara bawaan, ini akan mengekspor basis data lengkap termasuk buku catatan, catatan, label dan sumber daya."
"Exports only the given note.": [
"Mengekspor catatan yang diberikan saja."
"Exports only the given notebook.": [
"Mengekspor buku catatan yang diberikan saja."
"Fail-safe": [
"Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the result of a misconfiguration or bug)": [
"Gagal-aman: Jangan menghapus data lokal saat target sinkronisasi kosong (seringkali akibat kesalahan konfigurasi atau bug)"
"Fatal error:": [
"Galat fatal:"
"Feature flags": [
"Penanda fitur"
"Fetched items: %d/%d.": [
"Item yang diambil: %d/%d."
"Fetching resources: %d/%d": [
"Mengambil sumber daya: %d/%d"
"File": [
"File system": [
"Sistem berkas"
"Filter tags": [
"Label tersaring"
"Find and replace": [
"Firefox Extension": [
"Ekstensi Firefox"
"Fix search index": [
"Perbaiki indeks pencarian"
"Fixing search index...": [
"Memperbaiki indeks pencarian..."
"Focus": [
"Focus body": [
"Fokus pada isi"
"Focus title": [
"Fokus pada judul"
"Folders": [
"For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card.": [
"Hanya untuk keperluan debugging: ekspor profil Anda ke kartu SD eksternal."
"For example \"%s\"": [
"For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s": [
"Untuk informasi tentang bagaimana cara mengkustom pintasan silakan kunjungi %s"
"For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to enable it please check the documentation:": [
"Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang enkripsi End-To-End (E2EE) dan tentang bagaimana cara mengaktifkannya silakan cek dokumentasi:"
"For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`": [
"Untuk melihat daftar pintasan kibor dan opsi konfigurasi, ketik `help keymap`"
"Force path style": [
"Paksa gaya jalur"
"Forward": [
"Found: %d.": [
"Ditemukan: %d."
"FTS enabled: %d": [
"FTS diaktifkan: %d"
"Full changelog": [
"Semua catatan perubahan"
"General": [
"Generated": [
"Generating link...": [
"Menghasilkan tautan..."
"Geolocation, spellcheck, editor toolbar, image resize": [
"Get it now:": [
"Dapatkan sekarang:"
"Get pre-releases when checking for updates": [
"Dapatkan prarilis saat memeriksa pembaruan"
"Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.": [
"Mendapatkan atau menyetel nilai konfigurasi. Jika [value] (nilai) tidak tersedia, maka akan menampilkan nilai dari [name] (nama). Jika [name] maupun [value] tidak tersedia juga, maka akan menampilkan daftar konfigurasi saat ini."
"Go to source URL": [
"Pergi ke URL sumber"
"Goto Anything...": [
"Pergi ke apa saja..."
"Grant authorisation": [
"Berikan otorisasi"
"Header %d": [
"Headers": [
"Heading": [
"Help": [
"Hide %s": [
"Sembunyikan %s"
"Hide advanced": [
"Hide disabled keys": [
"Sembunyikan kunci nonaktif"
"Hide Joplin": [
"Sembunyikan Joplin"
"Hide keyboard": [
"Hide more actions": [
"Highlight": [
"Home": [
"Horizontal Rule": [
"Garis Horisontal"
"HTML Directory": [
"Folder HTML"
"HTML document": [
"HTML File": [
"Berkas HTML"
"Hyperlink": [
"Icon": [
"ID": [
"Idle": [
"Ignore": [
"Ignore TLS certificate errors": [
"Abaikan galat sertifikat TLS"
"Images": [
"Import": [
"Importing from \"%s\" as \"%s\" format. Please wait...": [
"Mengimpor dari \"%s\" sebagai format \"%s\". Mohon tunggu..."
"Importing notes...": [
"Mengimpor catatan..."
"Imports data into Joplin.": [
"Mengimpor data ke Joplin."
"In \"Manual\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. In \"Auto\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \"Always\", all the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not.": [
"Dalam mode \"Manual\", lampiran diunduh hanya saat Anda mengekliknya. Dalam mode \"Otomatis\", lampiran diunduh saat Anda membuka catatan. Dalam mode \"Selalu\", semua lampiran diunduh baik Anda membuka catatan atau pun tidak."
"In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.": [
"Dalam perintah apa pun, catatan atau buku catatan dapat dirujuk dengan judul atau ID, atau bisa juga dengan pintasan seperti `$n` atau `$b` untuk catatan atau buku catatan yang saat ini terpilih. `$c` dapat digunakan untuk merujuk pada item yang saat ini terpilih."
"In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your permission to access your location.\n\nYou may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen.": [
"Untuk menghubungkan geolokasi dengan catatan, aplikasi perlu izin untuk mengakses lokasi Anda.\n\nAnda dapat mematikan fungsi ini kapan saja di layar Konfigurasi."
"In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\n\nTo start, please follow these instructions:\n\n1. Synchronise all your devices.\n2. Click \"%s\".\n3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your other devices, to avoid conflicts.\n4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it run to completion.\n\nImportant: you only need to run this ONCE on one device.": [
"Untuk melakukannya, seluruh data Anda harus dienkripsi and disinkronkan, jadi cara terbaik yang disarankan adalah menjalankannya semalaman.\n\nUntuk memulai, silakan ikuti instruksi berikut ini:\n\n1. Sinkronkan semua perangkat Anda.\n2. Klik \"%s\".\n3. Biarkan proses berjalan sampai selesai. Saat proses berjalan, hindari mengubah catatan apa pun di perangkat Anda yang lain, untuk menghindari konflik.\n4. Ketika sinkronisasi selesai pada perangkat ini, sinkronkan semua perangkat Anda dan biarkan proses berjalan sampai selesai.\n\nPenting: Anda hanya perlu menjalankan ini SEKALI pada satu perangkat."
"In order to synchronise, please upgrade your application to version %s+": [
"In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to external storage is required.": [
"Agar dapat menggunakan sinkronisasi sistem berkas, dibutuhkan perizinan untuk menulis pada penyimpanan eksternal."
"In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:": [
"Untuk menggunakan web clipper, Anda perlu melakukan hal berikut:"
"In progress": [
"Sedang berlangsung"
"In: %s": [
"Di: %s"
"Increase indent level": [
"Indent less": [
"Kurangi indentasi"
"Indent more": [
"Tambah indentasi"
"Information": [
"Inline Code": [
"Kode sebaris"
"Insert": [
"Insert Hyperlink": [
"Sisipkan Tautan"
"Install": [
"Install from file": [
"Pasang dari berkas"
"Installed": [
"Installing...": [
"Sedang memasang..."
"Invalid": [
"Tidak berlaku"
"Invalid %s: %s.": [
"%s tidak berlaku: %s."
"Invalid answer: %s": [
"Jawaban tidak berlaku: %s"
"Invalid command: \"%s\"": [
"Perintah tidak berlaku: \"%s\""
"Invalid option value: \"%s\". Possible values are: %s.": [
"Nilai opsi tidak berlaku: \"%s\". Nilai yang mungkin adalah: %s."
"Invalid password": [
"Jawaban tidak berlaku"
"Italic": [
"Item \"%s\" could not be downloaded: %s": [
"Item \"%s\" tidak dapat diunduh: %s"
"Items": [
"Items that cannot be decrypted": [
"Item yang tidak dapat didekripsi"
"Items that cannot be synchronised": [
"Item yang tidak dapat disinkronkan"
"Join us on Twitter": [
"Joplin can synchronise your notes using various providers. Select one from the list below.": [
"Joplin dapat mensinkronkan catatan Anda melalui berbagai penyedia. Pilih salah satu dari daftar di bawah ini."
"Joplin Cloud": [
"Joplin Cloud"
"Joplin Cloud email": [
"Email Joplin Cloud"
"Joplin Cloud password": [
"Kata sandi Joplin Cloud"
"Joplin Export Directory": [
"Folder Ekspor Joplin"
"Joplin Export File": [
"Berkas Ekspor Joplin"
"Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin will no longer attempt to decrypt them.": [
"Joplin berkali-kali gagal mendekripsi item ini, mungkin karena item rusak atau terlalu besar. Item ini akan tetap berada di perangkat tetapi Joplin tidak akan mencoba mendekripsinya lagi."
"Joplin Forum": [
"Forum Joplin"
"Joplin Server": [
"Server Joplin"
"Joplin Server email": [
"Email Server Joplin"
"Joplin Server password": [
"Kata sandi Server Joplin"
"Joplin Server URL": [
"URL Server Joplin"
"Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.": [
"Web Clipper Joplin mengizinkan penyimpanan halaman web dan tangkapan layar dari peramban web Anda ke Joplin."
"Joplin website": [
"Situs web Joplin"
"Joplin's own sync service. Also gives access to Joplin-specific features such as publishing notes or collaborating on notebooks with others.": [
"Layanan sinkronisasi Joplin. Juga memberikan akses kepada fitur spesifik Joplin seperti publikasi catatan atau kolaborasi buku catatan dengan orang lain."
"KaTeX": [
"Keep note history for": [
"Simpan riwayat catatan untuk"
"Keyboard Mode": [
"Mode Papan Ketik"
"Keyboard Shortcut": [
"Pintasan Papan Ketik"
"Keyboard Shortcuts": [
"Pintasan Papan Ketik"
"Keychain Supported: %s": [
"Keychain Didukung: %s"
"Keys that need upgrading": [
"Kunci yang perlu ditingkatkan"
"Landscape": [
"Language": [
"Last error: %s": [
"Galat terakhir: %s"
"Later": [
"Layout": [
"Tata letak"
"Layout button sequence": [
"Urutan tombol tata letak"
"Leave it blank to download the language files from the default website": [
"Leave notebook...": [
"Tinggalkan buku catatan…"
"Legal": [
"Letter": [
"Light": [
"Lines": [
"Link has been copied to clipboard!": [
"Tautan telah tersalin ke papan klip!"
"Links with protocol \"%s\" are not supported": [
"Tautan dengan protokol \"%s\" tidak didukung"
"List item": [
"Item daftar"
"Lists": [
"Loaded": [
"Location": [
"Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \"%s\" and resume the operation.": [
"Berkas kunci (lock file) sedang ditahan. Jika Anda tahu bahwa tidak ada proses sinkronisasi yang terjadi, Anda dapat menghapus berkas kunci di \"%s\" dan melanjutkan operasi."
"Log": [
"Login": [
"Login below.": [
"Masuk di bawah."
"Login with Dropbox": [
"Masuk dengan Dropboox"
"Login with OneDrive": [
"Masuk dengan OneDrive"
"Logout": [
"Logs, profiles, sync status": [
"Make a donation": [
"Beri donasi"
"Manage master password": [
"Atur kata sandi master"
"Manage master password...": [
"Mengatur kata sandi master..."
"Manage your plugins": [
"Kelola plugin Anda"
"Manages E2EE configuration. Commands are `enable`, `disable`, `decrypt`, `status`, `decrypt-file`, and `target-status`.": [
"Mengelola konfigurasi E2EE. Terdapat beberapa perintah yaitu `enable`, `disable`, `decrypt`, `status`, `decrypt-file` dan `target-status`."
"Manual": [
"Markdown": [
"Markdown + Front Matter": [
"Markdown + Front Matter"
"Marks a to-do as done.": [
"Tandai tugas telah selesai."
"Marks a to-do as non-completed.": [
"Menandai tugas belum selesai."
"Markup": [
"Master Key %s": [
"Kunci Master %s"
"Master password": [
"Kata sandi master"
"Master password:": [
"Kata sandi master:"
"Max concurrent connections": [
"Koneksi bersamaan maksimum"
"Max Item Size": [
"Media player, math, diagrams, table of contents": [
"Missing keys": [
"Kunci yang Hilang"
"Missing Master Keys": [
"Kunci Master yang hilang"
"Missing required argument: %s": [
"Argumen yang dibutuhkan hilang: %s"
"Mobile data - auto-sync disabled": [
"Data seluler - sinkronisasi otomatis dinonaktifkan"
"More info": [
"Info lain"
"More information": [
"Informasi lebih lanjut"
"More than one item match \"%s\". Please narrow down your query.": [
"Lebih dari satu item cocok dengan \"%s\". Silakan persempit kueri Anda."
"Move %d notes to notebook \"%s\"?": [
"Pindahkan catatan %d ke buku catatan \"%s\"?"
"Move to notebook": [
"Pindah ke buku catatan"
"Move to notebook...": [
"Memindahkan ke buku catatan..."
"Move to notebook:": [
"Pindah ke buku catatan:"
"n": [
"N": [
"Never resize": [
"New note": [
"Catatan baru"
"New notebook": [
"Buku catatan baru"
"New Notebook": [
"Buku Catatan Baru"
"New notebook \"%s\" will be created and file \"%s\" will be imported into it": [
"Buku catatan baru \"%s\" akan dibuat dan berkas \"%s\" akan diimpor ke dalamnya"
"New sub-notebook": [
"Sub-buku catatan baru"
"New tags:": [
"Label baru:"
"New to-do": [
"Tugas baru"
"New version: %s": [
"Versi baru: %s"
"Next match": [
"Nextcloud": [
"Nextcloud password": [
"Kata sandi Nextcloud"
"Nextcloud username": [
"Nama pengguna Nextcloud"
"Nextcloud WebDAV URL": [
"URL WebDav Nextcloud"
"no": [
"No": [
"No active notebook.": [
"Tidak ada buku catatan yang aktif."
"No item with ID %s": [
"Tidak ada item dengan ID %s"
"No notebook has been specified.": [
"Belum ada buku catatan yang ditentukan."
"No notebook selected.": [
"Tidak ada buku catatan yang terpilih."
"No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \"New note\".": [
"Tidak ada catatan di sini. Buat catatan dengan mengeklik \"Catatan baru\"."
"No resources!": [
"Tidak ada sumber daya!"
"No results": [
"Tidak ada hasil"
"No such command: %s": [
"Tidak ada perintah semacam ini: %s"
"No suggestions": [
"Tidak ada saran"
"No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor <editor-path>`": [
"Tidak ada editor teks yang diatur. Silakan setel menggunakan `config editor <editor-path>`"
"Nord": [
"Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.": [
"Tidak dapat dilakukan otentikasi dengan %s. Harap sediakan semua kredensial yang hilang."
"Not downloaded": [
"Tidak terunduh"
"Not generated": [
"Tidak berhasil"
"note": [
"Note": [
"Note area growth factor": [
"Faktor pertumbuhan area catatan"
"Note attachments": [
"Lampiran catatan"
"Note attachments...": [
"Lampiran catatan..."
"Note body": [
"Isi catatan"
"Note does not exist: \"%s\". Create it?": [
"Catatan tidak ada: \"%s\". Buat?"
"Note has been saved.": [
"Catatan sudah disimpan."
"Note History": [
"Riwayat catatan"
"Note is not a to-do: \"%s\"": [
"Catatan bukan sebuah tugas: \"%s\""
"Note list": [
"Daftar catatan"
"Note list growth factor": [
"Faktor pertumbuhan daftar catatan"
"Note properties": [
"Properti catatan"
"Note title": [
"Judul catatan"
"Note&book": [
"Catatan & Buku"
"Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.": [
"Catatan: Tidak berfungsi di semua lingkungan desktop."
"Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server.": [
"Catatan: Ketika sebuah catatan dibagikan, ia tidak akan dienkripsi lagi di server."
"Notebook": [
"Buku catatan"
"Notebook list growth factor": [
"Faktor pertumbuhan daftar buku catatan"
"Notebook: %s": [
"Buku catatan: %s"
"Notebooks": [
"Buku catatan"
"Notebooks cannot be named \"%s\", which is a reserved title.": [
"Buku catatan tidak dapat dinamai dengan \"%s\", judul telah digunakan."
"Notes": [
"Notes and settings are stored in: %s": [
"Catatan dan pengaturan disimpan di: %s"
"Notes can only be created within a notebook.": [
"Catatan hanya dapat dibuat di dalam buku catatan."
"Numbered List": [
"Daftar nomor"
"OK": [
"OLED Dark": [
"OLED Gelap"
"On %s: %s": [
"Di %s: %s"
"One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method.": [
"Salah satu kunci master Anda menggunakan metode enkripsi yang usang."
"One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.": [
"Satu item atau lebih saat ini terenkripsi dan Anda mungkin perlu memberikan kata sandi master. Untuk melakukannya, silakan ketik `e2ee decrypt`. Jika Anda telah memberikan kata sandi, maka item yang terenkripsi sedang didekripsi di latar belakang dan akan segera tersedia."
"One or more master keys need a password.": [
"Satu atau lebih kunci utama membutuhkan kata sandi."
"OneDrive": [
"OneDrive Login": [
"Masuk OneDrive"
"Only one note can be printed at a time.": [
"Hanya satu catatan yang dapat dicetak dalam satu waktu."
"Open": [
"Open %s": [
"Buka %s"
"Open profile directory": [
"Buka folder profil"
"Open Sync Wizard...": [
"Buka Pemandu Sinkronisasi..."
"Open...": [
"Opening section %s": [
"Operation cancelled": [
"Operasi dibatalkan"
"Options": [
"Or create an account.": [
"Atau buat akun baru."
"Other applications...": [
"Aplikasi lain..."
"Output format: %s": [
"Format output: %s"
"Page orientation for PDF export": [
"Orientasi halaman untuk ekspor PDF"
"Page size for PDF export": [
"Ukuran halaman untuk ekspor PDF"
"Password": [
"Kata sandi"
"Password cannot be empty": [
"Kata sandi tidak boleh kosong"
"Password:": [
"Kata sandi:"
"Passwords do not match!": [
"Kata sandi tidak cocok!"
"Paste": [
"Paste as text": [
"Path:": [
"PDF File": [
"Berkas PDF"
"Per user. Minimum of %d users.": [
"Permission needed": [
"Izin diperlukan"
"Permission to use camera": [
"Izin penggunaan kamera"
"Please click on \"%s\" to proceed, or set the passwords in the \"%s\" list below.": [
"Silakan mengeklik pada \"%s\" untuk memproses atau tentukan kata sandi pada daftar \"%s\" di bawah."
"Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database.": [
"Silakan konfirmasi bahwa Anda ingin mengenkripsi ulang seluruh basis data Anda."
"Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the key.": [
"Silakan masukkan kata sandi Anda di daftar kunci master di bawah ini sebelum meningkatkan kunci."
"Please note that if it is a large notebook, it may take a few minutes for all the notes to show up on the recipient's device.": [
"Mohon diperhatikan, jika ini berupa buku catatan yang besar maka butuh beberapa menit agar semua catatan terlihat di perangkat penerima."
"Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \"Apps/Joplin\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.": [
"Silakan buka URL berikut di peramban web Anda untuk mengotentikasi aplikasi. Aplikasi akan membuat folder di \"Apps/Joplin\" dan hanya akan membaca dan menulis berkas di folder ini. Ia tidak akan memiliki akses ke berkas apa pun di luar folder ini atau ke data pribadi lainnya. Tidak ada data yang akan dibagikan dengan pihak ketiga mana pun."
"Please record your voice...": [
"Please select a notebook first.": [
"Silakan pilih buku catatan terlebih dahulu."
"Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.": [
"Silakan pilih catatan atau buku catatan yang akan dihapus terlebih dahulu."
"Please select where the sync status should be exported to": [
"Silakan pilih di mana status sinkronisasi seharusnya diekspor"
"Please specify import format for %s": [
"Silakan tentukan format impor untuk %s"
"Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.": [
"Silakan tentukan buku catatan tempat catatan harus diimpor."
"Please upgrade Joplin to use this plugin": [
"Silakan upgrade Joplin untuk menggunakan plugin ini"
"Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to %s to edit the note.": [
"Silakan tunggu sampai semua lampiran sudah diunduh dan didekripsi. Anda juga bisa beralih ke %s untuk mengedit catatan."
"Please wait...": [
"Mohon tunggu..."
"Plugin tools": [
"Perkakas plugin"
"Plugins": [
"Portrait": [
"Possible keys/values:": [
"Kunci/nilai yang mungkin:"
"Possible values: %s.": [
"Nilai yang mungkin: %s."
"Preferences": [
"Preferences...": [
"Preferred dark theme": [
"Tema gelap yang dipilih"
"Preferred light theme": [
"Tema terang yang dipilih"
"Press Ctrl+D or type \"exit\" to exit the application": [
"Tekan Ctrl+D atau ketik \"exit\" untuk keluar dari aplikasi"
"Press the shortcut": [
"Klik pintasan"
"Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the shortcut.": [
"Klik pintasan kemudian tekan ENTER atau tekan BACKSPACE untuk menghapus pintasan."
"Press to set the decryption password.": [
"Tekan untuk mengatur kata sandi dekripsi."
"Previous match": [
"Previous versions of this note": [
"Versi sebelumnya dari catatan ini"
"Print": [
"Priority support": [
"Privacy Policy": [
"Kebijakan privasi"
"Process failed payment subscriptions": [
"Memproses langganan pembayaran yang gagal"
"Process oversized accounts": [
"Memproses akun yang melebihi ukuran"
"Process user deletions": [
"Memproses penghapusan nama pengguna"
"Profile": [
"Profile name:": [
"Nama profil:"
"Profile Version: %s": [
"Versi profil: %s"
"Properties": [
"Proxy timeout (seconds)": [
"Proxy URL": [
"Public-private key pair:": [
"Pasangan kunci publik-privat:"
"Publish note...": [
"Menerbitkan catatan…"
"Publish Notes": [
"Terbitkan Catatan"
"Publish notes to the internet": [
"Terbitkan catatan ke internet"
"Quit": [
"Re-encrypt data": [
"Enkripsi ulang data"
"Re-encryption": [
"Enkripsi ulang"
"Re-upload local data to sync target": [
"Unggah ulang data lokal untuk menyinkronkan target"
"Read more about it": [
"Baca lebih lanjut"
"Read time: %s min": [
"Waktu baca: %s menit"
"Recipient has accepted the invitation": [
"Penerima telah menerima undangan"
"Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation": [
"Penerima belum menerima undangan"
"Recipient has rejected the invitation": [
"Penerima telah menolak undangan"
"Recipients:": [
"Redo": [
"Refresh": [
"Reject": [
"Remove": [
"Remove tag \"%s\" from all notes?": [
"Hapus label \"%s\" dari semua catatan?"
"Remove this search from the sidebar?": [
"Hapus pencarian ini dari bilah samping?"
"Rename": [
"Ganti nama"
"Rename notebook:": [
"Ganti nama buku catatan:"
"Rename tag:": [
"Ganti nama label:"
"Renames the given <item> (note or notebook) to <name>.": [
"Mengganti nama <item> yang diberikan (catatan atau buku catatan) menjadi <name> (nama)."
"Renew token": [
"Perbaharui token"
"Replace": [
"Replace with...": [
"Replace: ": [
"Reset master password": [
"Atur ulang kata sandi master"
"Resize large images:": [
"Resources: %d.": [
"Sumber daya: %d."
"Restart and upgrade": [
"Mulai ulang dan tingkatkan"
"Restart now": [
"Mulai ulang sekarang"
"Restore": [
"Restored Notes": [
"Catatan yang Dipulihkan"
"Retry": [
"Coba lagi"
"Retry All": [
"Coba lagi semua"
"Reveal file in folder": [
"Buka berkas di dalam folder"
"Reverse sort order": [
"Balikkan urutan"
"Reverses the sorting order.": [
"Membalikkan urutan."
"Revision: %s (%s)": [
"Revisi: %s (%s)"
"Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command per line.": [
"Menjalankan perintah yang terkandung dalam file teks. Harus ada satu perintah per baris."
"S3": [
"S3 access key": [
"Kunci akses S3"
"S3 bucket": [
"Keranjang S3"
"S3 region": [
"Wilayah S3"
"S3 secret key": [
"Kunci rahasia S3"
"S3 URL": [
"URL S3"
"Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are temporarily disabled.": [
"Mode aman sedang aktif. Catatan render dan semua plugin dinonaktifkan untuk sementara."
"Save": [
"Save alarm": [
"Simpan alarm"
"Save as %s": [
"Simpan sebagai %s"
"Save as...": [
"Simpan sebagai..."
"Save changes": [
"Simpan perubahan"
"Save geo-location with notes": [
"Simpan geolokasi dengan catatan"
"Search": [
"Search for plugins...": [
"Cari plugin..."
"Search in all the notes": [
"Pencarian di semua catatan"
"Search in current note": [
"Pencarian di catatan sekarang"
"Search...": [
"Search:": [
"Searches for the given <pattern> in all the notes.": [
"Pencarian untuk <pattern> (pola) yang diberikan di semua catatan."
"See the pre-release page for more details: %s": [
"Lihat halaman prarilis untuk detail lebih lanjut: %s"
"Select": [
"Select all": [
"Pilih semua"
"Select emoji...": [
"Pilih emoji..."
"Select file...": [
"Pilih berkas..."
"Server is already running on port %d": [
"Server sudah berjalan pada port %d"
"Server is not running.": [
"Server tidak berjalan."
"Server is running on port %d": [
"Server berjalan pada port %d"
"Set alarm": [
"Setel alarm"
"Set alarm:": [
"Setel alarm:"
"Set it to 0 to make it take the complete available space. Recommended width is 600.": [
"Atur ke 0 untuk menggunakan seluruh ruang yang tersedia. Lebar yang disarankan adalah 600."
"Set the password": [
"Atur kata sandi"
"Sets the property <name> of the given <note> to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\n\n%s": [
"Menyetel properti <name> (nama) dari <note> (catatan) yang diberikan menjadi [value] (nilai) yang diberikan. Properti yang mungkin adalah:\n\n%s"
"Share": [
"Share a copy of all notes in a file format that can be imported by Joplin on a computer.": [
"Share Notebook": [
"Bagikan Buku Catatan"
"Share notebook...": [
"Bagikan buku catatan…"
"Share permissions": [
"Sharing notebook...": [
"Berbagi buku catatan…"
"Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.": [
"Pintasan tidak tersedia dalam mode CLI."
"Show Advanced Settings": [
"Tampilkan pengaturan lanjutan"
"Show all": [
"Tampilkan semua"
"Show completed to-dos": [
"Tampilkan tugas yang sudah selesai"
"Show disabled keys": [
"Tunjukkan kunci nonaktif"
"Show note counts": [
"Tampilkan jumlah catatan"
"Show sort order buttons": [
"Tampilkan tombol sortir"
"Show tray icon": [
"Tampilkan ikon tray"
"Show/hide the sidebar": [
"Shrink large images before adding them to notes.": [
"Side menu closed": [
"Side menu opened": [
"Sidebar": [
"Bilah samping"
"Size": [
"Skip this version": [
"Lewatkan versi ini"
"Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)": [
"Item yang dilewati: %d (gunakan --retry-failed-items untuk mencoba mendekripsinya lagi)"
"Skipped: %d.": [
"Dilewati: %d."
"Solarised Dark": [
"Solarized Gelap"
"Solarised Light": [
"Solarized Terang"
"Some attachments could not be downloaded. Please try to download them again.": [
"Some attachments need to be downloaded. Set the attachment download mode to \"always\" and try again.": [
"Some items cannot be decrypted.": [
"Beberapa item tidak dapat di dekripsi."
"Some items cannot be synchronised.": [
"Beberapa item tidak dapat di sinkronisasi."
"Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info.": [
"Beberapa item tidak dapat disinkronkan. Tekan untuk info lebih lanjut."
"Sort notebooks by": [
"Urutkan buku catatan menurut"
"Sort notes by": [
"Urutkan catatan berdasarkan"
"Sort selected lines": [
"Sortir baris terpilih"
"Sorts the item by <field> (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).": [
"Mengurutkan item berdasarkan <field> (bidang) (contoh: title (judul), updated_time (waktu diperbarui), created_time (waktu dibuat))."
"Source format: %s": [
"Format sumber: %s"
"Source: ": [
"Sumber: "
"Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a default will be used.": [
"Tentukan port yang harus digunakan oleh server API. Jika tidak disetel, maka pengaturan default akan digunakan."
"Spell checker": [
"Pemeriksa ejaan"
"Split View": [
"Tampilan Terpisah"
"Start application minimised in the tray icon": [
"Mulai aplikasi dalam keadaan disembunyikan dalam ikon tray"
"Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s).": [
"Memulai, menghentikan atau memeriksa server API. Untuk menentukan pada port mana server seharusnya berjalan, setel variabel konfigurasi api.port. Perintahnya adalah (%s)."
"Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.": [
"Memulai dekripsi… Mohon tunggu beberapa saat, kemungkinan proses akan memakan waktu beberapa menit tergantung seberapa besar yang akan didekripsi."
"Starting synchronisation...": [
"Memulai sinkronisasi..."
"Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.": [
"Mulai mengedit catatan. Tutup editor untuk kembali ke prompt."
"Statistics": [
"Statistics...": [
"Status": [
"Status: %s": [
"Status: %s"
"Status: Started on port %d": [
"Status: Dimulai pada port %d"
"Step 1: Enable the clipper service": [
"Langkah 1: Aktifkan layanan clipper"
"Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:": [
"Langkah 1: Buka URL ini di peramban web Anda untuk memberi otorisasi pada aplikasi:"
"Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:": [
"Langkah 2: Masukkan kode yang diberikan oleh Dropbox:"
"Step 2: Install the extension": [
"Langkah 2: Pasang ekstensi"
"Stop": [
"Stop external editing": [
"Hentikan pengeditan eksternal"
"Storage space": [
"Strikethrough": [
"strong text": [
"teks yang ditekankan lebih kuat (strong text)"
"Submit": [
"Subscript": [
"Tulisan kecil di bawah garis"
"Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct.": [
"Berhasil! Konfigurasi sinkronisasi sepertinya benar."
"Superscript": [
"Tulisan kecil di atas garis"
"Swap line down": [
"Tukar baris ke bawah"
"Swap line up": [
"Tukar baris ke atas"
"Switch between note and to-do type": [
"Beralih antara tipe catatan dan tugas"
"Switch profile": [
"Beralih profil"
"Switch to note type": [
"Beralih ke tipe catatan"
"Switch to profile %d": [
"Beralih ke profil %d"
"Switch to to-do type": [
"Beralih ke tipe tugas"
"Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.": [
"Beralih ke [notebook] (buku catatan) - semua operasi selanjutnya akan terjadi dalam buku catatan ini."
"Sync as many devices as you want": [
"Sync Status": [
"Status sinkronisasi"
"Sync status (synced items / total items)": [
"Status sinkronisasi (item tersinkron / total item)"
"Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed.": [
"Target sinkronisasi harus ditingkatkan! Jalankan `%s` untuk melanjutkan."
"Sync Target Upgrade": [
"Sinkronisasi Target Peningkatan"
"Sync to provided target (defaults to sync.target config value)": [
"Sinkronkan ke target yang disediakan (secara bawaan ke nilai konfigurasi sync.target)"
"Sync Version: %s": [
"Versi Sinkronisasi: %s"
"Sync your notes": [
"Sinkronisasi catatan Anda"
"Synchronisation": [
"Synchronisation interval": [
"Interval sinkronisasi"
"Synchronisation is already in progress.": [
"Sinkronisasi sedang berlangsung."
"Synchronisation Status": [
"Status Sinkronisasi"
"Synchronisation target": [
"Target sinkronisasi"
"Synchronisation target: %s (%s)": [
"Target sinkronisasi: %s (%s)"
"Synchronise": [
"Synchronise only over WiFi connection": [
"Sinkronkan hanya melalui koneksi WiFi"
"Synchronises with remote storage.": [
"Menyinkronkan dengan penyimpanan jarak jauh."
"Synchronising...": [
"Sedang menyinkronkan..."
"Synchronizing...": [
"Sedang menyinkronkan..."
"Tabloid": [
"tag1, tag2, ...": [
"label1, label2, ..."
"Tagged: %d.": [
"Diberi label: %d."
"Tags": [
"Take photo": [
"Ambil foto"
"Tasks": [
"Teams": [
"Text editor command": [
"Perintah editor teks"
"Thank you! Your Joplin Cloud account is now setup and ready to use.": [
"Terima kasih! Akun Joplin Cloud Anda sekarang siap digunakan."
"The active profile cannot be deleted. Switch to a different profile and try again.": [
"The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process.": [
"Aplikasi akan ditutup. Silakan luncurkan ulang untuk menyelesaikan prosesnya."
"The application did not close properly. Would you like to start in safe mode?": [
"Aplikasi tidak ditutup dengan tepat. Apakah Anda ingin memulai dalam mode aman?"
"The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.": [
"Aplikasi telah diotorisasi - Anda sekarang dapat menutup tab peramban web ini."
"The application has been authorised!": [
"Aplikasi sudah terotorisasi!"
"The application has been successfully authorised.": [
"Aplikasi telah berhasil diotorisasi."
"The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect.": [
"Aplikasi harus dimulai ulang agar perubahan ini diterapkan."
"The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.": [
"Lampiran tidak akan diawasi ketika Anda beralih ke catatan lain."
"The command \"%s\" is only available in GUI mode": [
"Perintah \"%s\" hanya tersedia dalam mode GUI"
"The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it now](%s)": [
"Kata sandi bawaan admin tidak aman dan belum diubah! [Ubah sekarang](%s)"
"The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it is recommended that you apply it to your data.": [
"Metode enkripsi bawaan telah diubah menjadi yang lebih aman dan Anda disarankan untuk menerapkannya pada data Anda."
"The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your data.": [
"Metode enkripsi bawaan telah diubah, Anda harus mengenkripsi ulang data Anda."
"The default profile cannot be deleted": [
"The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.": [
"Perintah editor (dapat mengandung argumen) yang akan digunakan untuk membuka catatan. Jika tidak ada yang disediakan, ia akan mencoba mendeteksi editor bawaan secara otomatis."
"The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.": [
"Properti faktor menentukan bagaimana item akan tumbuh atau menyusut agar sesuai dengan ruang yang tersedia dalam wadahnya sehubungan dengan item lainnya. Jadi item dengan faktor 2 akan memakan ruang dua kali lebih banyak dari item dengan faktor 1. Mulai ulang aplikasi untuk melihat perubahan."
"The following attachments are being watched for changes:": [
"Lampiran ini sedang diawasi untuk perubahan:"
"The following keys use an out-dated encryption algorithm and it is recommended to upgrade them. The upgraded key will still be able to decrypt and encrypt your data as usual.": [
"Kunci berikut menggunakan algoritma enkripsi yang telah usang dan disarankan untuk meningkatkannya. Kunci yang telah ditingkatkan masih akan dapat mendekripsi dan mengenkripsi data Anda seperti biasa."
"The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s": [
"Aplikasi mobile Joplin saat ini belum mendukung tipe tautan ini: %s"
"The Joplin team has vetted this plugin and it meets our standards for security and performance.": [
"Tim Joplin telah memeriksa plugin ini dan ia memenuhi standar kami untuk keamanan dan performa."
"The keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.": [
"Kunci dengan ID ini digunakan mengenkripsi beberapa item Anda, namun saat ini aplikasi tidak dapat mengakses mereka. Sepertinya, mereka pada akhirnya akan diunduh via sinkronisasi."
"The master key has been upgraded successfully!": [
"Kunci master telah berhasil ditingkatkan!"
"The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.": [
"Kunci master dengan ID ini digunakan mengenkripsi beberapa item Anda, namun saat ini aplikasi tidak dapat mengakses mereka. Sepertinya, mereka pada akhirnya akan diunduh via sinkronisasi."
"The note \"%s\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \"%s\".": [
"Catatan \"%s\" telah berhasil dipulihkan ke buku catatan \"%s\"."
"The notebook could not be saved: %s": [
"Buku catatan tidak bisa disimpan: %s"
"The notes have been imported: %s": [
"Catatan telah berhasil diimpor: %s"
"The possible commands are:": [
"Perintah yang mungkin adalah:"
"The recipient could not be removed from the list. Please try again.\n\nThe error was: \"%s\"": [
"Penerima tidak dapat dihapus dari daftar. Silakan coba lagi.\n\nGalatnya adalah: \"%s\""
"The sync target cannot be changed for the following reason: %s\n\nIf the issue cannot be resolved, you may need to clear your data first by following these instructions:\n\n%s": [
"The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To proceed please click on the link.": [
"Target sinkronisasi harus ditingkatkan sebelum Joplin dapat sinkronisasi. Operasinya akan berjalan beberapa menit dan aplikasi perlu dimulai ulang. Untuk melanjutkan, silakan klik tautannya."
"The sync target needs to be upgraded. Press this banner to proceed.": [
"Target sinkronisasi harus ditingkatkan. Tekan tanda ini untuk memproses."
"The tag \"%s\" already exists. Please choose a different name.": [
"Label \"%s\" sudah ada. Silakan pilih nama yang berbeda."
"The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).": [
"Target untuk disinkronkan. Setiap target sinkronisasi dapat memiliki parameter tambahan yang dinamai `sync.NUM.NAME` (semua didokumentasikan di bawah)."
"The Web Clipper needs your authorisation to access your data.": [
"Web Clipper membutuhkan otorisasi Anda untuk mengakses data Anda."
"The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.": [
"Layanan Web Clipper diaktifkan dan disetel menjadi mulai otomatis."
"The web clipper service is not enabled.": [
"Layanan web clipper tidak diaktifkan."
"The WebDAV implementation of %s is incompatible with Joplin, and as such is no longer supported. Please use a different sync method.": [
"Theme": [
"There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.": [
"Saat ini belum ada catatan. Buat catatan dengan mengeklik tombol (+)."
"There are unsaved changes.": [
"There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \"New notebook\".": [
"Tidak ada buku catatan saat ini. Buat buku catatan dengan mengeklik \"Buku catatan baru\"."
"There is no data to export.": [
"Tidak ada data untuk diekspor."
"There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\n\n%s": [
"Terjadi konflik (%s) saat mengunduh lampiran di bawah:\n\n%s"
"There was an error downloading this attachment:": [
"Terjadi galat saat mengunduh lampiran ini:"
"There was an error setting up your Joplin Cloud account. Please verify your email and password and try again. Error was:\n\n%s": [
"Terjadi galat saat menyiapkan akun Joplin Cloud Anda. Silakan verifikasi email dan kata sandi Anda dan coba lagi. Galat tersebut:\n\n%s"
"These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).": [
"Item ini akan tetap berada di perangkat tetapi tidak akan diunggah ke target sinkronisasi. Untuk menemukan item ini, lakukan pencarian dengan judul atau ID (yang ditampilkan dalam tanda kurung di atas)."
"These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with the WYSIWYG editor.": [
"Plugin ini meningkatkan penyaji Markdown dengan fitur tambahan. Harap dicatat bahwa, sementara fitur-fitur ini mungkin berguna, mereka bukan Markdown standar, dengan demikian sebagian besar dari mereka hanya akan berfungsi di Joplin. Selain itu, beberapa *tidak kompatibel* dengan editor WYSIWYG. Jika Anda membuka catatan yang menggunakan salah satu plugin ini di editor itu, Anda akan kehilangan format plugin. Di bawah ini ditunjukkan plugin mana yang kompatibel atau tidak dengan editor WYSIWYG."
"This allows another user to share a notebook with you, and you can then both collaborate on it. It does not however allow you to share a notebook with someone else, unless you have the feature \"%s\".": [
"This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet": [
"Lampiran ini belum diunduh atau belum didekripsi"
"This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet.": [
"Lampiran ini belum diunduh atau belum didekripsi."
"This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to access Joplin.": [
"Token otorisasi ini hanya diperlukan untuk mengizinkan aplikasi pihak ketiga untuk mengakses Joplin."
"This drawing may have unsaved changes.": [
"This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be restored afterwards.": [
"Ini adalah perkakas lanjutan untuk menampilkan lampiran yang terhubung dengan catatan Anda. Harap berhati-hati saat menghapus salah satunya karena mereka tidak dapat dipulihkan setelahnya."
"This note does not have geolocation information.": [
"Catatan ini tidak memiliki informasi gelokasi."
"This note has been modified:": [
"Catatan ini telah diubah:"
"This note has no content. Click on \"%s\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.": [
"Catatan ini tidak memiliki konten. Klik \"%s\" untuk beralih ke editor dan mengubah catatan."
"This note has no history": [
"Catatan ini tidak memiliki riwayat"
"This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to be aware of them before using it.": [
"Editor Rich Text ini punya beberapa keterbatasan dan Anda disarankan untuk tahu keterbatasannya sebelum menggunakan editor ini."
"This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.": [
"Layanan ini mengizinkan ekstensi peramban web untuk berkomunikasi dengan Joplin. Saat mengaktifkannya, mungkin firewall Anda akan meminta Anda untuk memberi izin kepada Joplin untuk mendengarkan port tertentu."
"This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus reducing the number of conflicts.": [
"Ini akan mengizinkan Joplin berjalan di latar belakang. Disarankan untuk mengaktifkan pengaturan ini agar catatan Anda terus disinkronkan, sehingga mengurangi jumlah konflik."
"This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?": [
"Ini akan membuka layar baru. Simpan perubahan Anda saat ini?"
"This will remove the notebook from your collection and you will no longer have access to its content. Do you wish to continue?": [
"Ini akan menghapus buku catatan tersebut dari koleksi Anda dan Anda tidak akan memiliki akses lagi ke kontennya. Lanjutkan?"
"Time format": [
"Format waktu"
"title": [
"Title": [
"To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:": [
"Untuk mengizinkan Joplin menyinkronkan dengan Dropbox, silakan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:"
"To continue, please enter your master password below.": [
"Untuk melanjutkan, silakan masukkan kata sandi master."
"To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.": [
"Untuk menghapus sebuah label, hapus label dari catatan terkait."
"To delete: %d": [
"Untuk dihapus: %d"
"To enter command line mode, press \":\"": [
"Untuk masuk mode CLI, tekan \":\""
"To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE": [
"Untuk keluar dari mode CLI, tekan ESCAPE"
"To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \"%s\" in the menu \"%s\" > \"%s\"": [
"Untuk mengurutkan catatan secara manual, tata pengurutan harus diganti menjadi \"%s\" dalam menu \"%s\" > \"%s\""
"To maximise/minimise the console, press \"tc\".": [
"Untuk memperbesar/memperkecil layar konsol, tekan \"tc\"."
"To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.": [
"Untuk berpindah dari suatu panel ke panel lainnya, tekan Tab atau Shift+Tab."
"To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`": [
"Untuk mencoba kembali dekripsi item ini, jalankan perintah `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`"
"To switch the profile, the app is going to close and you will need to restart it.": [
"To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions": [
"Agar dapat bekerja dengan benar, aplikasi membutuhkan perizinan berikut. Silakan aktifkan mereka di pengaturan ponsel Anda, di Aplikasi > Joplin > Perizinan"
"to-do": [
"Toggle comment": [
"Lihat/sembunyikan komentar"
"Toggle development tools": [
"Lihat/sembunyikan perkakas pengembang"
"Toggle editor layout": [
"Lihat/sembunyikan tata letak editor"
"Toggle editors": [
"Lihat/sembunyikan editor"
"Toggle external editing": [
"Lihat/sembunyikan eksternal"
"Toggle note list": [
"Lihat/sembunyikan daftar catatan"
"Toggle own sort order": [
"Lihat/sembunyikan urutan sortir pribadi"
"Toggle safe mode": [
"Lihat/sembunyikan ke mode aman"
"Toggle sidebar": [
"Lihat/sembunyikan bilah samping"
"Toggle sort order field": [
"Lihat/sembunyikan bidang urutan sortir"
"Token has been copied to the clipboard!": [
"Token telah disalin ke papan klip!"
"Tools": [
"Total: %d/%d": [
"Total: %d/%d"
"Try again": [
"Coba lagi"
"Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.": [
"Ketik `help [command]` untuk informasi lanjutan tentang sebuah perintah (command); atau ketik `help all` untuk informasi penggunaan secara lengkap."
"Type `joplin help` for usage information.": [
"Ketik `joplin help` untuk informasi penggunaan."
"Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for commands.": [
"Ketik judul catatan atau bagian di isinya untuk temukan catatan yang dicari. Atau ketik # diikuti dengan nama label, atau @ diikuti dengan nama buku catatan. Atau ketik : untuk mencari perintah."
"Type new tags or select from list": [
"Ketik label baru atau pilih dari daftar"
"Type: %s.": [
"Tipe: %s."
"Unable to edit resource of type %s": [
"Unable to export or share data. Reason: %s": [
"Unable to share log data. Reason: %s": [
"Uncompleted to-dos on top": [
"Tugas belum selesai berada di atas"
"Undo": [
"Uninstall and reinstall the application. Make sure you create a backup first by exporting all your notes as JEX from the desktop application.": [
"Unknown flag: %s": [
"Tanda tidak diketahui: %s"
"Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version": [
"Tipe item tidak dikenal diunduh - silakan tingkatkan Joplin ke versi terbaru"
"Unpublish note": [
"Batalkan penerbitan catatan"
"Unshare": [
"Berhenti berbagi"
"Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its content.": [
"Batalkan berbagi buku catatan ini? Penerima tidak akan lagi memiliki akses ke kontennya."
"Unsupported image type: %s": [
"Tipe gambar tidak didukung: %s"
"Unsupported link or message: %s": [
"Tautan atau pesan tidak didukung: %s"
"Untitled": [
"Tanpa Judul"
"Update": [
"Update profile": [
"Perbarui profil"
"Update total sizes": [
"Perbarui ukuran total"
"Updated": [
"updated date": [
"tanggal diperbarui"
"Updated local items: %d.": [
"Item lokal yang diperbarui: %d."
"Updated remote items: %d.": [
"Item jarak jauh yang diperbarui: %d."
"Updated: ": [
"Diperbarui: "
"Updated: %d.": [
"Diperbarui: %d."
"Updated: %s": [
"Diperbarui: %s"
"Updating...": [
"Upgrade": [
"Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.": [
"Tingkatkan target sinkronisasi ke versi terakhir."
"URL": [
"Usage: %s": [
"Penggunaan: %s"
"Use biometrics to secure access to the app": [
"Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE": [
"Gunakan format daftar yang panjang. Formatnya adalah ID, NOTE_COUNT (jumlah catatan, untuk buku catatan), DATE (tanggal), TODO_CHECKED (tugas selesai, untuk tugas), TITLE (judul)"
"Use spell checker": [
"Gunakan pemeriksa ejaan"
"Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).": [
"Gunakan tombol tanda panah dan tombol page up/down pada keyboard untuk menggulir daftar dan area teks (termasuk konsol ini)."
"Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \"Escape\" to exit.": [
"Gunakan tanda panah untuk memindahkan item tata letak. Tekan \"Escape\" untuk keluar."
"Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It may take a long time depending on the number of notes.": [
"Gunakan ini untuk membangun ulang indeks pencarian jika ada masalah dengan pencarian. Ini mungkin butuh waktu lama tergantung pada jumlah catatan."
"Use your biometrics to secure access to your application. You can always set it up later in Settings.": [
"Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic proportional (variable width) font is used.": [
"Digunakan pada sebagian besar teks di editor markdown. Jika tidak ditemukan, fonta generik proporsional (dengan lebar variabel) digunakan."
"Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) font is used.": [
"Digunakan di mana font lebar tetap diperlukan untuk meletakkan teks dengan jelas (misalnya tabel, kotak centang, kode). Jika tidak ditemukan, fonta generik monospace (lebar tetap) digunakan."
"User deletions": [
"Hapusan pengguna"
"Users": [
"Valid": [
"Verify your identity": [
"View": [
"View on map": [
"Lihat di peta"
"View them now": [
"Lihat sekarang"
"Viewer": [
"Vim": [
"Voice typing language files (URL)": [
"Voice typing...": [
"Warning": [
"Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s).": [
"Peringatan: tidak semua sumber daya ditampilkan karena alasan performa (batas: %s)."
"Web Clipper": [
"Web Clipper"
"WebDAV": [
"WebDAV password": [
"Kata sandi WebDAV"
"WebDAV URL": [
"WebDAV username": [
"Nama pengguna WebDAV"
"Website and documentation": [
"Situs web dan dokumentasi"
"Welcome to Joplin!\n\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\n\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.": [
"Selamat datang di Joplin!\n\nKetik `:help shortcuts` untuk menampilkan daftar pintasan kibor, atau hanya `:help` untuk menampilkan informasi penggunaan.\n\nSebagai contoh, untuk membuat buku catatan tekan `mb`; untuk membuat catatan tekan `mn`."
"Welcome!": [
"When creating a new note:": [
"Ketika membuat catatan baru:"
"When creating a new to-do:": [
"Ketika membuat tugas baru:"
"When enabled, the application will scan your attachments and extract the text from it. This will allow you to search for text in these attachments.": [
"Window unresponsive.": [
"Words": [
"y": [
"Y": [
"yes": [
"Yes": [
"You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?": [
"Anda akan melampirkan gambar besar (%dx%d piksel). Apakah Anda ingin mengubah ukurannya hingga %d piksel sebelum melampirkannya?"
"You currently have no notebooks.": [
"Saat ini tidak ada buku catatan."
"You do not have any installed plugin.": [
"Anda tidak punya plugin yang terpasang."
"You may also type `status` for more information.": [
"Anda juga dapat mengetik `status` untuk informasi lebih lanjut."
"You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method.": [
"Anda dapat menggunakan perkakas di bawah ini untuk mengenkripsi ulang data, misalnya jika Anda tahu bahwa beberapa catatan Anda dienkripsi dengan metode enkripsi yang telah usang."
"Your choice: ": [
"Pilihan Anda: "
"Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again.": [
"Data Anda akan dienkripsi ulang dan disinkronkan lagi."
"Your password is needed to decrypt some of your data.": [
"Kata sandi Anda dibutuhkan untuk mendekripsi beberapa data Anda."
"Your password is needed to decrypt some of your data. Type `:e2ee decrypt` to set it.": [
"Kata sandi Anda dibutuhkan untuk mendekripsi beberapa data Anda. Ketik `:e2ee decrypt` untuk mengaturnya."
"Your permission to use your camera is required.": [
"Izin Anda untuk menggunakan kamera dibutuhkan."
"Your version: %s": [
"Versi Anda: %s"
"Zoom In": [
"Zoom Out": [
} |